Thom's blog
May 6-8 2009 Friday

Peter B Collins (Wed & Fri) and Portland KPOJ's Morning Crew "Carl Wolfson with Christine Alexander"(Thu) will be filling in Wed - Fri while Thom is home for his mother's funeral and to be with family.
May 6-8 2009 Thursday

Peter B Collins (Wed & Fri) and Portland KPOJ's Morning Crew "Carl Wolfson with Christine Alexander"(Thu) will be filling in Wed - Fri while Thom is home for his mother's funeral and to be with family.
May 6-8 2009 Wednesday through Friday

Peter B Collins (Wed & Fri) and Portland KPOJ's Morning Crew "Carl Wolfson with Christine Alexander"(Thu) will be filling in Wed - Fri while Thom is home for his mother's funeral and to be with family. Thom will be back Monday.
May 5th 2009 - Tuesday

Topic: "Should the economy go to pot?" Thom spars with Dan Gainor of the Business and Media Institute
Topic: How can republicans continue to defend corporate tax cheating? Thom and Dan Gainor ( debate
May 4th 2009 - Monday

Topic: "What is up with Republicans these days?" Thom mixes it up with conservative activist/columnist/commentator Princella Smith
May 1 2009 Friday

Topic: "Brunch With Bernie" Senator Bernie Sanders
Topic: "News Under the Radar" Christy Harvey of the Center for American Progress joins Thom
April 30th 2009 Thursday

Hour 1 - Should we regulate the hedge fund and financial services industries like the Europeans are doing?