Thom's blog
April 3 2009

April 2 2009

Call in “On Air” (866) 987-THOM
April 1 2009

March 31 2009

March 30th 2009

The Real Criminals are Neither Lynndie England nor the AIG Traders

Whenever a politician or commentator bloviates about the brokers at AIG who are getting bonuses, we should all be remembering Lynndie England and Charles Granger. AIG brokers are to the financial meltdown what England was to the Iraq war.
On the Program March 27 2009

To listen to the show “Live” for free - you have to sign in as a member on this “home page”
“Brunch With Bernie” U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders
On the Program March 26 2009

To listen to the show “Live” for free or to watch Thom “live” in video - you have to sign in as a member on this “home page”
Hour 1: The Best of the rest of the News
Hour 2: Monsanto and the battle for a safe food supply - Thom speaks with Dr. Andrew Bosworth, author of " The Future of Food, Pills and Sex"
On the Program March 25 2009

Thom travels to Germany, Carl Wolfson and Christine Alexander, Thom's co-hosts at KPOJ fill in...they'll be joined by special guests author Ken Davis, Dr. Marjorie Cohn and more
On the Program March 24 2009

Call in “On Air” (866) 987-THOM