Thom's blog
Thom's blog - Monday November 1st, 2010

In our "you need to know this" news, with the midterm elections tomorrow, the first ever corporate funded campaign season is finally winding down – at least temporarily. And now, many Americans are looking ahead to prevent another onslaught of spending from unknown and foreign sources influencing our future elections.
Welcome to third world America, Germany's cheap labor depot...

Just how bad has it gotten for workers in our country? Imagine foreign nations outsourcing jobs to the US for, you guessed it, cheap labor. German automaker BMW announced they are opening a factory in the US and they need laborers. Answering the call, are a crowd of skilled workers with advanced degrees who have now been squeezed out of the American workforce thanks to the Chamber's outsourcing death grip on our economy. BMW is p
Thom's blog - Wednesday October 27th, 2010

You need to know this about the Supreme Court. If you think the radically pro-Chamber of Commerce decision reached in the Citizens United case was an anomaly, you’d be wrong. According to a new study by the Constitutional Accountability Center, since 2006, when Justice Alito joined the bench, the Roberts court has ruled in favor of the Chamber 68% of the time. This is an overwhelming increase compared to the 43% success rate of the Chamber under the previous Burger Court during the 1980’s. And in cases decided by a narrow 5-4 margin, basically down party line
Thom's blog - Tuesday October 26th 2010

You Need to know this! An ugly scene took place outside the Kentucky Senatorial debate Monday night. A man who appears to be supporter of Republican candidate Rand Paul was captured on TV by a local news affiliate literally stomping the head of a member of into the pavement. The MoveOn volunteer, Lauren Valle, went to the hospital and was still there last night, according to another MoveOn member.
Is the Tea Party the New Brownshirts?

You Need to know this! An ugly scene took place outside the Kentucky Senatorial debate Monday night. A man who appears to be supporter of Republican candidate Rand Paul was captured on TV by a local news affiliate literally stomping the head of a member of into the pavement. The MoveOn volunteer, Lauren Valle, went to the hospital and was still there last night, according to another MoveOn member.
The Secret Republican Plot

According to a Center for American Progress report, there seems to be a common goal among all these shadowy PACs that are spending tens of millions of dollars in our elections this year -- they want to protect polluters' profits!
Get ready for President Palin

Remember when I told you that the tens to hundreds of millions of dollars that billionaires and transnational outsourcing corporations are spending in this election was really just practice for 2012? I even suggested that these big funders let some whackos in to play, people with room-temperature IQs who will parrot a line regardless of how ridiculous it is, like Sharon Angle, Joe Miller, Rand Paul, and Christine O'Donnon, just to see how much money i
The Republican merit badge for hypocrisy...

Congratulations to GOP State Legislator Calvin Hill of Georgia who won his Republican merit badge for hypocrisy. Last Year, Hill led a movement in the state to prevent public universities from teaching sexual health and gay history classes claiming, “Our public colleges are not the place for our young adults and future leaders to experiment and experience these types of sexually explicit behavior.” Has Mr. Hill ever been to a college?! Well, according to the Atlanta Journal Constitution, even though Mr.
Time to wake up - A World Wildlife Fund Report

Evidence is mounting that humans are having a profound effect on the health of our planet. A World Wildlife Fund report points out that the world's population - particularly in the industrialized West - is using more resources than our planet can sustain -- 1 ½ times more. And it's getting worse; consumption has doubled in the last 40 years leading to declining animal populations around the globe and a 60% decline in the tr
The Republican Party has lurched so far to the right that Dwight Eisenhower would not be elected!

After being exposed as a Nazi enthusiast, Ohio GOP Congressional hopeful Rich Iott quickly became a national pariah, although the only member of his own party willing to publicly disown him was Eric Cantor, and he only did it when repeatedly pressed by Debbie Wasserman-Schultz on national TV. Now it appears Cantor may have been the one out of line when he denounced “SS Soldier Iott”: the congressional wannabee has gotten thousan