Thom's blog
Trump Ramps Up War Rhetoric

As he escalates his war of words with North Korea even further, is Donald Trump trying to pull off a 21st century version of Richard Nixon's Vietnam madman routine?
Or is he just plain crazy?
Demand Grows to Strip Trump of Nuclear Authority

As he continues with his talk about fire and fury and the total destruction of North Korea, is it time to take the power to use nuclear weapons away from Donald Trump?
Donald Trump isn't backing down from his threat to rain fire and fury down on North Korea.
Some Countries Have Figured Out How to do Prisons Right, Why Can't We?

When it comes to crime and punishment, America really is exceptional -- we have the highest incarceration rate in the entire world.
Why is our criminal justice system so uniquely repressive?
Donald Trump has now been president for 200 days.
Is Trump the #1 Threat To World Security?

Tensions with North Korea are now kicking into overdrive.
Donald Trump is now threatening North Korea with virtual annihilation after the country took a big step forward in its nuclear program.
Is the President of the United States now the number one threat to world security?
Trump Ignores Terrorist Attack in Minneapolis. Why?

Donald Trump still hasn't said a word about Saturday's terrorist attack in Minneapolis Minnesota.
Is that because the terrorist targeted Muslims and in Trump's world, Muslims don't count as much as white Christians?
Can Democracy Survive Trump's Lies?

How can democracy survive when the President endlessly lies while attacking anyone who pursues the truth?
Last week the media got hold of a transcript of Donald Trump's phone call with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto.
Why Are We Looking for A New Oligarch To Run America?

Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller has reportedly empanelled a Grand Jury in the Trump Russia investigation.
If this is the kind of scandal we get with an oligarch in the White House, why would anyone want another plutocrat -- like Mark Zuckerberg -- to take his place?
Silicon Valley has given us the personal computer, the iPhone, and the gig economy.
Undemocratic Collusion Between the White House and the Country's Most Powerful Oligarchs

Bloomberg is reporting that the Koch Brothers are now running PR for the Trump administration's plan to cut billionaires' taxes.
Is Impeachment Finally On The Table?

As Donald Trump moves to cut his ties with the institutional Republican Party - is impeachment finally on the table?
We might finally have reached the point in Donald Trump's presidency where impeachment is more than just a liberal pipe dream - and a real life possibility.
A Reality Show Presidency?

From the backstabbing to the petty drama, the Trump presidency is starting to feel an awful lot like a reality show.
Was that the plan all along?