Thom's blog
Today we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King’s legacy and dream of non-violence and inclusion

Congresswoman Giffords’ condition was upgraded over the weekend from critical to serious. Unfortunately – the community that experienced the shooting is still critically wounded. At a town hall event in Tucson on Saturday – one of the victims of the shooting rampage – Eric Fuller was arrested for disorderly conduct and making a threat. The incident occurred after local Tea Party leader Trent Humphries suggested the
Alternet: Progressive Profiles: With New TV Show, Radio Talker Thom Hartmann Brings Substance to Style

We need to retreat from this culture of violence, not reload again...

Since the shooting of Representative Giffords – Members of Congress are now worried about their own security – both in DC and their home districts. In the nation’s Capitol – Congress has access to enhanced security thanks to the Capitol police. Though that’s not good enough for Republican Congressman Louie Gohmert – the guy who’s just about afraid of everything from gays to terror babies. He’s proposing legislation that would allo
Are Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Michael Savage, and the rest of the gang guilty of stochastic terrorism?

President Obama was in Arizona last night to speak at a memorial service for the victims of the Arizona shooting. He - along with a few Members of Congress – also visited Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in the hospital where more positive signs of recovery continue to emerge. Giffords reportedly opened her eyes for the first time. The President focused his speech on the victims of the tragedy – using the death of 9-year
Blood Libel?

More positive news is coming out of a Tucson hospital where Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords is recovering from a gunshot wound to the head. Doctors report that she is able to breathe on her own and now put her chances of survival at 100%. In the coming days – families will begin burying those that died in the shooting rampage. Arizona state lawmakers passed legislation ensuring that protestors – like the lunatics at the Westboro Bap
Could better gun control have prevented the Arizona massacre?

Could better gun control have prevented the Arizona massacre? The President of the Brady Center to prevent gun violence perhaps put it best in an interview yesterday saying, “[Loughner] probably couldn’t have gotten a job at a fast food joint if they checked out any references, but we allow him to buy as many guns as he wants." Loughner legally bought the gun he used to shoot Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and 19 other people at a Spor
Television and Radio CEOs need to make a choice in the coming days – profits or patriotism....

Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords is still in critical condition in a Tuscon hospital after suffering a gunshot wound to the brain. The Congresswoman was the main target in a shooting rampage on Saturday morning as she met with constituents at a local Safeway grocery store. Also victimized – a federal judge – John Roll – who was killed along with 5 others – including a 9-yeald-old girl. 14 people were injured in the
The rich and powerful rarely answer for their crimes....

Based on findings by President Obama’s oil spill commission – BP may get off the hook from some of the most serious charges regarding their role in the Gulf disaster last year. The committee cited systemic errors for blowout of the oil well – placing the blame on multiple parties alongside BP – like Halliburton – the company that was contracted to pour the securing cement around the well – and Transocean – the company that operated the r
Thom's blog - Friday January 7th, 2011

You need to know this. Republicans aren’t off to the best start in their reign as majority in the House of Representatives. To begin with – their promise to cut $100 billion in spending this year has already been whittled down to about $50 billion. Even that number may be hard to achieve, given that the Congressional Budget Office released a report yesterday saying the GOP’s healthcare repeal efforts will add $230 billion to the deficit. Republicans are pushing forward with the budget busting measure anyway.
Thom's blog - Thursday January 6th, 2011

You need to know this. President Obama pledged to start withdrawing troops from Afghanistan in the middle of this year – however the Wall Street Journal is reporting today that an additional 1,400 troops are quietly being deployed later this month to boost combat forces in Southern Afghanistan. There are now nearly 100,000 US troops in Afghanistan. And this new surge makes you wonder if things are as rosy as the President suggested in the war strategy review last month. Or – if things are actually deteriorating like other onlookers such as the Red Cross and a