Thom's blog
Is It Time To Invoke The 25th Amendment And Remove Trump From Office?

After spending a year-and-a-half calling for Hillary Clinton to be sent to jail for disclosing classified information, Donald Trump now appears to be guilty of doing just that.
Is time to invoke the 25th Amendment and remove him from office?
Check the "Tapes" - Trump May Have Committed Obstruction of Justice

Everybody knows that Donald Trump can't keep his mouth shut.
But has gift for gab now opened the door to impeachment?.
The Donald Trump-James Comey story just keeps getting weirder.
Welcome to Trump's 'Propaganda Factory'

Since election day, Donald Trump has explained his popular vote loss to Hillary Clinton by claiming that millions of people committed voter fraud and cast their ballots illegally.
This is a lie, but it's what the Nazis called a "big lie" - a lie you repeat enough times that people start believing it's true.
Justice Department Uses Segregation Era Court Ruling To Defend Donald Trump's Muslim Ban

The Justice Department has turned to segregation era court rulings to defend Donald Trump's Muslim ban.
Seriously - I'm not kidding.
They've really stooped that low.
Protestor Convicted for Laughing?

Just one guffaw - that's all it took for Desiree Fairooz to go from a children's librarian and activist to someone facing serious jail time.
I'm not kidding here.
Back in January, Fairooz was arrested and removed from a Senate hearing after laughing at someone who said Jeff Sessions would treat all Americans equally.
Kids Are TrumpCare's Latest Victims

If signed into law, the so-called "healthcare reform" bill that passed the House last week would cause tens of millions of Americans to lose their health insurance - literally kill thousands of people - and leave thousands more in debt.
Is Neoliberalism On It's Deathbed Around the World?

In the American media, the 2017 French presidential election has been portrayed as a rehash of the 2016 US presidential election, with far-right populist Marine Le Pen playing the role of Donald Trump and her opponent - centrist Emmanuel Macron - standing in for Hillary Clinton.
Republicans' Vicious and Immoral Health Care Bill Is Just Part of a Sinister Long Game

While Democrats are jubilant that the GOP passed a terrible healthcare/tax-cut bill through the House, which they think will cause voters to reject the GOP in 2018, it's a very, very premature celebration.
Our Constitution Vs. the Deep State Run by Intelligence Agencies and the Pentagon — Only One Will Survive

It is virtually impossible to read a newspaper or a blog analyzing the politics of America in 2017 without thinking "disaster." Since Donald Trump became president not just the United States, but the world, has become unstable and liberal democracies in general are under assault by antidemocratic authoritarian forces.
Trump Wants a 'Good Shutdown' in September. Seriously?

Teddy Roosevelt walked softly and carried a big stick.
Donald Trump, on the other hand, is doing the exact opposite - he's walking loudly and carrying a soft stick.
So when he threatens to kill the filibuster and shut down the government, should any of us really take him seriously?