Thom's blog
How Corporate America and the Republicans in Congress Blew It

The Republican Path to the Dark Side

"Fear," a great Jedi master named Yoda once said, “leads to anger,” which leads to hate, which leads to suffering, which, of course, leads to the Dark Side.
And while Yoda’s warning was directed at the long ago problems of a galaxy, far, far away, we’d do well to take it in stride right now in America in 2015.
The Media Is Ignoring the Most Important Issue of Our Time

If you feel like you haven't seen much, or any news, about Bernie Sanders and the democratic primary race, it's not just in your head.
Over the weekend, the Tyndall Report revealed that mainstream nightly news shows, through the entirety of this year of 2015, have spent only 10 minutes of total coverage on Bernie Sanders, as opposed to 234 minutes of total coverage of Donald Trump.
Reclaim America's Moral High Ground by Prosecuting Bush & His Cronies

For almost a decade and a half, the people behind the Bush administration's shameful treatment of terrorism suspects have avoided punishment for their crimes.
But that may be about to change.
The courts have had their say and have ruled that former Bush administration officials can, in fact, be sued for how they conducted the War on Terror.
Free Speech TV needs your help!

Dear Friend,
I’m writing you today because the network on which my show airs, Free Speech TV, needs your help.
Bernie introduces a bold new plan for Climate Action!

Vermont Senator and democratic presidential contender Bernie Sanders announced his energy and climate plan for the United States early Monday.
The plan - called "People Before Polluters" calls for a revenue-neutral carbon tax - a path to 100 percent renewable energy and an end to fossil fuel lobbying and tax breaks.
#You Ain’t No Muslim Bro...the Best Way to Fight ISIS

Muslims all over the world are fighting extremism, and if we really want to stop ISIS, we need to work with them, not against them.
This is not, of course, what Republicans think.
In the wake of the San Bernardino shooting, they’ve ramped up their usual fearmongering about Muslims and Islam, a religion practiced by 1.6 billion people with a rich 1,500 year history of scholarship, art, and culture.
The Racial Bias Hidden in our Credit Reports.

Every day, Americans are approved or denied for jobs, loans, and apartment leases based on the information contained in their credit reports. While this is a problem that needs to be address in every community, it has had a particularly devastating effect on minority communities.
Cities criminalize homelessness - and now the homeless are fighting back!

Cities around our nation have criminalized homelessness, but now, the homeless are fighting back.
According to a recent article over at The Think Progress Blog, four homeless men in Manteca, California have filed a suit against the city, saying that the anti-homeless ordinances violate their constitutional rights.
Climate denial in text books??

California school children are being taught with misleading textbooks. According to a recent article in the Guardian Newspaper, the science books used by sixth-graders in that state express doubt about whether climate change is real.