Thom's blog
Confirmed: Good Science IS Good Business.

Many of us have known for years that good climate science is good business. And, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development has finally confirmed that obvious point.
Victory in the Atlantic!

Grassroots efforts have paid off for the Atlantic coast. The Obama Administration has reversed course on offshore drilling in that region.
Back in 2008, Congress lifted the ban on offshore drilling in the Atlantic, and just a short time later, the Obama Administration announced that they would open up that region to offshore drilling.
What Happens When Neither Political Party Answers to the Bottom 90%?

As Donald Trump leads a full-scale war against the Republican establishment and elites, particularly through his attack on both their military and their trade policies, the Democratic Party is also in a predicament of its own.
Businesses Exploit The Poor For a Buck.

If you really want to help the poor, you have to go after the businesses that exploit them.
According to a recent article over at Alternet, there are several billion-dollar industries whose sole purpose appears to be exploiting low-income families for profit. And, without some big changes to our United States Congress, scamming poor people for money will remain a lucrative business model.
Why Neither Party Can Survive the Downfall of the Working Class

Senator Marco Rubio dropped out of the Republican race on Tuesday after losing his home state of Florida to Republican frontrunner Donald Trump.
Go West, Young Man: Bernie’s Path to Victory and Political Revolution

So last night was pretty tough for Bernie Sanders.
Hillary Clinton won 4 of the 5 primary contests at play in Super Tuesday Number 3, and leads in a fifth contest in Missouri that’s still too close to call. She also added to her already significant lead in delegates.
How To Reduce Gun-Related Deaths In America By Over 80%

In a Pittsburgh suburb called Wilkinsburg two gunmen ambushed a backyard party one Wednesday evening recently, killing five people and injuring three more in the attack.
The shooters are still on the loose, and the attack marked the 62nd mass shooting in 2016 according to
A Key Component of American Fascism is Already in Place

Thanks to Donald Trump’s increasingly hostile and race-baiting rhetoric, the topic of fascism -- what it is and what causes it -- is once again on the minds of many Americans.
Generation Y - the hidden wealth divide.

Young Americans are now poorer than retired people. That's the stunning take away from a new study by The Guardian Newspaper, and they say that the problem not unique to the United States.
Dear Hillary… Fire Robby Mook and John Podesta

Wednesday's debate was the first debate after a surprising loss for Hillary Clinton in Michigan, and the former Secretary of State was particularly critical of Sanders on the debate stage in Miami.