Thom's blog
Thom's blog - Wednesday December 8th, 2010

You need to know this. There’s a full revolt taking place within the Democratic party following President Obama’s tax cut deal with Republicans. House Democrats caucused last night to discuss the plan and count votes for it. Let’s just say it didn’t go too well and another meeting is scheduled for today. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi admitted last night that there was a lot of “unease” within her Party regarding a vote on the compromise deal. She needs to convince at least 39 Democrats to support it. And among Progressives – that won’t be easy.
Thom's blog - Tuesday December 7th, 2010

You need to know this. Julian Assange was arrested today in London. The wikileaks founder turned himself in to London authorities this morning in relation to a sex crimes investigation in Sweden. Assange is accused of having consensual – but unprotected sex in that country – which is illegal. His accuser is a woman who works for an anti-Castro group funded by the CIA. Unclear what happens next – Assange is likely to challenge extradition to Sweden which means he will stay in custody in the UK or be released on bail pending another hearing. Ye
This is President Obama’s parting shot to House Democrats...

The tax cut debate may be nearing an end…and it looks like progressives are going to get screwed. Over the weekend – Vice President Joe Biden met with top Democrats in the House of Representatives to discuss a way forward on a tax cut compromise with the Republicans. While much of the focus has been on the Senate - and whether or not they can secure 60 votes to pass tax cuts legislation – the real test will be getting enough progr
Thom's blog - Monday December 6th, 2010

You need to know this. After Amazon kicked Wikileaks off their servers last week – thanks in large part to pressure from US Senator Joe Lieberman – the website received another blow over the weekend. PayPal is no longer offering its services – which could affect the whistleblower website’s ability to raise funds through donations. Unclear if PayPal’s decision was motivated under pressure from the US government as well. One thing that is clear – there seems to be an overt campaign to suppress free speech. Students at Columbia University’s school of Inter
Thom's blog - Friday December 3rd, 2010

You need to know this about the tax cuts debate. The House yesterday passed legislation to extend the Bush tax cuts for ALL Americans on their first $250,000 of income per year. In response – Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is planning on holding two similar votes tomorrow – extending tax cuts for everyone on their first quarter-million in income, but no tax cuts above that. However – all of this – may be for naught. News is emerging from the White House that a deal has been made to extend the Bush tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires in return for an
Something must change or President Obama will be a one-term president

You need to know this about the tax cuts debate. The House yesterday passed legislation to extend the Bush tax cuts for ALL Americans on their first $250,000 of income per year. In response – Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is planning on holding two similar votes tomorrow – extending tax cuts for everyone on their first quarter-million in income, but no tax cuts above that. However – all of this – may be for naught. New
Secret low-interest lending program by the Fed?

You need to know this. Forget about the $700 billion dollars in federal aid known as TARP that went to the banksters back in 2008. That was just the tip of the iceberg. According to new secret documents released yesterday by the Federal Reserve – between 2007 and this year – the Fed pumped more than 3 trillion dollars into the hands of banks and businesses to stave off financial collapse. 3 trillion dollars!
Thom's blog - Thursday December 2nd, 2010

You need to know this. Forget about the $700 billion dollars in federal aid known as TARP that went to the banksters back in 2008. That was just the tip of the iceberg. According to new secret documents released yesterday by the Federal Reserve – between 2007 and this year – the Fed pumped more than 3 trillion dollars into the hands of banks and businesses to stave off financial collapse. 3 trillion dollars!
China eats our lunch..and everyone elses too!

Looks like America could be screwed in the 21st century. Energy Secretary Steven Chu warned today that China is throttling the US when it comes to new energy innovation. As far as world markets go – the Chinese are responsible for manufacturing more than 20% of high tech exports – the US – less than 15%. Of the 50 new nuclear reactors being built around the world – China has built 30 – the US – 2. And when it comes to clean