Thom's blog
Florida cops are taking tons of people's property!

The ACLU wants Florida cops to stop seizing people's personal property. In a recent press release, the civil rights group is calling on the Florida Legislature to address that state's out-of-control civil asset forfeiture practices.
Republicans try to derail Paris Climate Summit.

This week, leaders from around the world are meeting in Paris to work out the future of global climate action.
But, while our President is overseas trying to come up with climate solutions, Republicans back in the states are undermining him at every turn. And, their typical obstruction could pose a threat to the entire Paris summit.
Why the Kochs Really Embraced Criminal Justice Reform...

It looks like the Koch brothers have scammed us once again.
When news first came out that Charles and David Koch -- the Koch brothers -- were supporting criminal justice reform efforts in Congress, many of us thought, "Wow, they're actually doing something good for once."
And for good reason, too.
How Stupid Has the Democratic Party Become?

Republicans haven’t taken over red states; Democrats have lost them by not running as real Democrats.
That’s my big takeaway from Alec MacGillis’ fascinating look into the biggest political mystery of our time: why poor white people in red states are not bothering to turn out to vote, leaving the field to Republicans elected by more affluent whites in those states.
More than 20 states take a stand for unions!

New York’s Attorney General Eric Schneiderman believes in the value of public employee unions. That’s why he is leading a coalition of more than 20 states and getting them to add their support for the “fair share” fees that keep those unions operating.
This is what institutional racism looks like.

Despite what you may hear from the Right-wing media, institutional racism is still a very real problem in the United States. And, it creates a vicious cycle that keeps minority families from rising out of poverty.
Imagine 100 million more refugees...

If we don't strengthen our fight against climate change, 100 million more people may be pushed into extreme poverty within the next 15 years.
That's Oxfam International's response to a stunning, new report by the World Bank. That analysis is called “Shock Waves: Managing the Impacts of Climate Change on Poverty,” and it is the first to consider how global warming will be felt at a household level.
You Can Get Away With Murder But You Can't Lie To Rich People...

Earlier today in Charleston West Virginia, a jury heard four hours of closing statements from federal prosecutors and defense attorneys in the Don Blankenship criminal trial.
Don Blankenship is the former CEO of Massey Energy, the company that owned and managed the Upper Big Branch mine in Raleigh County, where 29 miners were killed in April 2010 as the result of safety violations.
Republicans: Please Stop Helping ISIS

After the deadly terrorist attacks in Paris we now have a choice: We can either calmly come up with a rational plan to take on this very, very real threat or we can give ISIS everything it wants.
And Republicans, it appears, have decided they’re going to give ISIS everything it wants.
You see, ISIS, like all terrorist groups, thrives on backlash.
Will SHAFTA undo our Internet victories?

Since the text has been released, the Trans Pacific Partnership has been widely criticized as a disaster for public health, small business, workers' rights, and the environment.