Thom's blog
USA: The world's newest 3rd world nation

And the newest third-world country is….America! That’s right. America looks a lot more like a third-world nation than the wealthiest country in the world.
The American Military Junta

America is now officially being ruled by a military Junta. That’s right.
Does hard work really pay off anymore?

For most of our lives, we've been taught that hard work pays off, but most of the super-rich didn't make their money by working hard. According to a new analysis by Paul Buchheit of, those at the top make most of their money by betting against the American people.
Let's take back our land from Big Oil!

What do you do with the land that's been destroyed by the fossil fuel industry? Well, turn it in to a solar farm of course! The Maywood Solar Farm in Indiana is 43 acres, and it's made up of 36,000 solar panels. And, it sits on the site of a former coal tar refinery plant, which was designated as a Superfund site by the EPA.
Bundy’s Friends Have Become the Kochs’ "Useful Idiots"

If you want to understand the modern American right, just head on out to Bunkerville, Nevada and visit the Bundy Ranch. The mainstream media may have backed off talking about them ever since The New York Times published Cliven Bundy’s racist rant, but, believe it or not, militia groups are still hanging around the Bundy Ranch and they’re really starting to annoy eve
Activism Started with Tim Carpenter - Now It's Your Turn

The Progressive movement in America has lost one of its greatest fighters. Each night when I close “The Big Picture,” I tell you that democracy begins with you, and encourage you to get out there and get active. Tim Carpenter was the living embodiment of those words.
How George W. Bush screwed this generation of college students...

Every kid in America could have a free public college education right now if George W. Bush hadn’t been such a war monger. In early 2001, prior to the war in Afghanistan, the Taliban government in Afghanistan issued an edict to ban opium cultivation in that nation, saying it was a violation of Islam.
Why don't bosses want us talking about our pay?

Earlier this month, Senate Republicans unanimously blocked the Paycheck Fairness Act and upheld a boss's right to punish workers for talking about unfair pay practices. And, the corporate masters are happy that their “pay secrecy” rules are still in place. The Paycheck Fairness Act would have protected workers from discussing salaries, and make it easier for them to challenge wage discrimination in court.
Poverty is killing us.

According to a new study from the Brookings Institute, wealthy Americans are living considerably longer lives than Americans who are struggling with poverty. The report points out that the by the age of 55, the average American man in the top10 percent of the income bracket can expect to live another 35 years or so. But, by the age of 55, the average man in the bottom 10 percent of the country's income bracket only has around 24 years left to live.
The Flat-Earth Society Has Arisen Again

Ever heard of geocentrism? It’s the belief that the Earth is at the center of the universe and that the sun - and everything else in creation - revolves around the Earth. It’s considered pretty stupid right now, given that Galileo, Copernicus and Kepler debunked it over 500 years ago. Nevertheless, stupid ideas can take on a new life if some idiot puts enough money behind them.