Thom's blog
Banksters Took Down Jefferson County, Alabama

Yesterday – Jefferson County, Alabama filed bankruptcy – and became the latest victim of the high crimes on Wall Street. The decision made by Jefferson county to file bankruptcy represents the largest-ever municipal bankruptcy in American history. In a twisted scheme of corruption and financial manipulation – mega banks JP Morgan Chase and Goldman Sachs allegedly paid off elected officials to invest in junk bonds to help
Want more evidence conservatives are TRYING to crash the economy?

Want more evidence conservatives are TRYING to crash the economy – consider this. The Republican-controlled House of Representative will once again vote on – and likely pass - a so-called "balanced budget amendment" in the next week. The BBA as they call it – will immediately cut trillions of dollars out of the budget – and then make it nearly impossible to ever raise taxes again. And – it will crash our economy.&nb
Occupy New York & Occupy DC Marching Together...

Occupy Wall Street and Occupy DC might soon be combing forces.
A group of patriots who’ve been camped out in Manhattan’s Zuccotti Park will depart the Big Apple today and begin the 240-mile march to the nation’s capital – hoping to arrive in Washington, DC by November 23rd – the deadline for the Gang of 12 Supercommittee.
It's Election Day - Win some – lose some...

It’s Election Day – and there are several important issues up for vote around the nation. At the top of the list is the fate of SB-5 in Ohio – the law passed by state Republicans to strip public sector workers of their rights to collectively bargain. According to polling – the harsh anti-union law is headed for repeal today – as majority of Ohioans are against the war on labor and think Governor Kasich overstepped his man
I Swear...I Didn't “Tear down this Reagan statue”

Bring it down!
Occupy Wall Street is bringing down the big banks..

According to the Credit Union National Association – or CUNA – more than 650,000 people have moved their money into local credit unions across the nation in just the last 4 weeks – coinciding with the rise of Occupy Wall Street – and Bank of America’s decision to set up a $5 debit card fee…a decision the bank has since backed down from.
Revolt against a system that only benefits the top 1 percent...

Tens of thousands of people flooded the streets of Oakland yesterday to participate in Occupy Oakland’s call for a general strike. Banks, businesses and schools across the city shutdown – with about one-fifth of the city’s teachers skipping school to participate in the strike – the first of its kind in a major city in 65 years. As evening fell, roughly ten thousand patriots marched to the Port of Oakland. The peacef
Things are getting very interesting in Oakland

Correction: The Oakland Longshoreman have not agree to participate in the national strike but do support the goals of Occupy Oakland.
'In God We Trust' instead of Jobs....

Republicans are continuing to ignore the jobs crisis. There are no votes on the schedule in the House of Representatives to pass any portion of President Obama’s American Jobs Act – or any other legislation to put Americans back to work. Instead – House leadership is demanding a vote to ensure that “In God We Trust” remains the official national motto. Even though nobody is trying to change the national motto – Repu
Occupy the Courts - we now have a corporate judiciary!

The best courts that money can buy. According to a new report released by several voting rights groups – corporate special interests organizations are spending huge amounts of money to influence state supreme court elections.