Thom's blog
Get. Money. Out.

Last week, the United States Senate actually considered a constitutional amendment on campaign finance. Last Monday, the Senate advanced Tom Udall's proposed amendment, which would allow Congress to regulate money in politics. Seventy-nine senators voted to allow debate on the measure.
What will it take to go green?

In the wake of the 2011 earthquake and tsunami that devastated the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan, that nation embraced more solar and wind and took a hard look at nuclear power. Apparently, it's going to take a similar disaster in our nation to get the United States to make the switch to green energy.
The invisible diseases of 9/11

We have money for wars but not for heroes. Today is 9/11, the anniversary of one of the darkest days in American history. On that fateful day, nearly 3,000 people lost their lives at the World Trade Center, on the hijacked planes, and at the Pentagon. But 9/11 is still claiming lives, some thirteen years later.
Why We Need to Prosecute Our Torturers

Just when you thought Republicans couldn’t sink any lower, they ask Dick Cheney, the guy who screwed up Iraq, for advice on how to fix Iraq. Seriously, I’m not kidding.
Corporations screw everybody...

Corporate executives don’t give a damn about their workers, and it’s all because of Reagan. A new analysis released by the Economic Policy Institute shows just how much of a “screw the workers” mentality today’s corporate executives have. According to EPI, in 2013, the share of corporate income that ended up in the pockets of the men and women who make corporate executives so filthy rich hit its lowest point since 1950.
Time to get rid of racist policing in America

It’s time to get rid of America’s racist policing double-standards. Earlier this summer, Kalamazoo, Michigan police officers were called to respond to reports of man, possibly drunk, acting belligerently and waving around a rifle.
Low Pay is Not O.K.

Yesterday, fast-food workers in more than 150 cities went on strike to demand a living wage and the right to unionize. For the first time, home health workers also joined the protests to fight for higher pay. According to organizers, almost 500 people were arrested around the country for civil disobedience like blocking intersections.
Economic terrorism by paid goons...

Mr. President, it’s not easy to join a union in America. At a labor-themed speech in Wisconsin on Monday, President Obama told a crowd of union-members that if he were looking for a job, he’d join a union.
Let's make Big Oil pay in advance!

When Big Oil is forced to pay for their disasters, the environment has a much better chance to recover. Twenty-seven square miles of wetlands along the Texas coastline have been preserved using funds from the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon catastrophe. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation recently purchased the 17,000 acre Powderhorn Ranch using about $38 million dollars from BP's fines and other conservation group funding.
The GOP war on workers has killed again...

It’s time to stop the conservative's war on working people in America.
Since the birth of our nation, conservatives have always been wary of average working-class Americans having too much political or economic power. John Adams, the second President of the United States and a Federalist (precursor to today’s Republicans), was very wary of the working class, which he referred to as “the rabble.”