Thom's blog
Lessons From the Shooting?

Republican Congressman Steve Scalise was among the wounded yesterday when a gunman opened fire at a congressional baseball practice in Alexandria, Virginia.
With one of their own now a victim of a mass shooting, will Republicans finally start thinking sensibly about gun control and finally rethink their penchant for violent political rhetoric?
Republicans Are Trying To Repeal Obamacare In Secret

Mitch McConnell and company are trying to destroy Obamacare in secret -- and Senate Democrats look like they're going to roll over and let it happen.
They talk an awful lot about "Resistance" - but are Senate Democrats doing enough to stop Republicans from repealing Obamacare?
Will The "Pay Trump Bribes Here" Lawsuit Succeed?

The Attorneys General of Washington, DC and Maryland are suing Donald Trump for violating the constitution's anti-corruption provisions.
They announced the case at a joint press conference yesterday - with DC Attorney General Karl Racine explaining exactly what's at stake:
The GOP Just Laid the Foundation for the Next Financial Crisis?

Have Republicans just laid the foundations for the next big financial crisis?
The country has just barely emerged from the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.
So why are Republicans trying to help Wall Street crash the economy - again?
Is Trump's "Obstruction of Justice" Enough For Impeachment?

After weeks of wall-to-wall media coverage - was Comey Day worth the hype?
It was a big day in Washington yesterday as former FBI Director James Comey testified in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee about the ongoing Russia investigation.
Is It OK For a US President to Demand Personal Loyalty?

Former FBI director James Comey has exposed Donald Trump for what he really is: a wannabe mob boss masquerading as a president.
Do Republicans really think attacking the Mayor of London is OK?

Donald Trump has doubled down on his Twitter feud with the Mayor of London - more or less accusing him of bowing down to terrorists.
After a terrorist attack like the one that occurred Saturday night in London, world leaders usually respond by making public declarations of solidarity.
But not Donald Trump.
What Does Trump Believe About Climate Change?

Did Donald Trump pull the US out of the Paris Climate Deal because the French President was mean to him, or because he thinks global warming is one big hoax?
The American people deserve an answer.
Trump Says Drop Dead To Planet

It's official. After days of speculation, Donald Trump announced yesterday that he would pull the US out of the Paris Climate Deal.
Why is this so-called nationalist president trying to surrender America's climate leadership role to China?
How Many Ways Can Trump Do Serious Harm To The Planet?

As Donald Trump gets ready to renegotiate NAFTA, is he making good on is populist campaign rhetoric - or preparing a massive corporate giveaway?
The big news in Washington, DC today is that Donald Trump is going to pull the US out of the Paris Climate Deal. So is the United States now a rogue state?