Thom's blog

Hypocrites and Viagra?

viagra imagesIn the wake of a melting down middle class working flying a plane into an IRS building, a recent CNN polls shows Eighty-six percent of people questioned say that the system of government is broken.

Celebrate Guns on MLK Day?

gun imagesEighteen Democratic senators have signed onto a letter urging Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) to pass the public option through reconciliation.

Is a Revolution Coming?

revolution magesWellPoint VP Brad Fluegel appeared on Faux Business News to talk about the 39% rate hikes in California. Faux hosts Charles Payne and and Stu Varney were not interested with how increasing rates would affect customers and struggling families in California.

The Choice....Medicare Part E or a 39% rate Hike?

healthcare imagesDoes the  39 percent rate hike in Anthen Blue Cross's health insurance price for many Californians predict future costs in healthcare?  Wellpoint, which owns Anthen Blue Cross, says no, and blames the economy plus they say only a few policies are affected.


newspapersA new survey commissioned by the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, Democracy for America, and Credo Action finds that a majority of Minnesotans — 56 percent — are embarrassed by Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN).

Politicians are now Terrified of Large and Wealthy Corporations

money imagesPaul Krugman just wrote an article, "How is it possible, at this late date, for Obama to be this clueless?" President Barack Obama said he doesn't "begrudge" the $17 million bonus awarded to JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Your citizen activism is needed now more than ever....

corporate personhood imagesSupreme Court Justice Sam Alito may not want to have heard about it at the State Of The Union address, but a new  bipartisan poll, by Democratic pollster Stan Greenberg and Republican strategist Mark McKinnons, shows that m

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