Thom's blog

Will Trump Be The First Person Prosecuted Under The Logan Act?

Can the President be convicted of high crimes and misdemeanors while sitting in office? If Mueller finds something, will Republicans call for impeachment?

GOP has Become Fear and Hate President Eisenhower Warned Of

There are some folks who say, well, this is all brand new, right? This Republican tax scam and all this kind of stuff.

Net Neutrality RIP: Essential Parts of America's DNA - Independence and Privacy - Are About to Be Destroyed

It's a way bigger deal than the way the internet works.

Without network neutrality - the ability of individual citizens to get and share the information they want with a modicum of privacy and anonymity - the American Revolution wouldn't have happened. Maybe that's why the Trump administration wants to kill net neutrality now.

Why The Founding Fathers Would Impeach Trump Now!

What happens when billionaires install their government at the highest levels of the United States? This is THE question that nobody seems to be asking and frankly nobody's answering.

Republican Tax Scam Is Either Evil Or Dumb, Maybe Both!

Interesting article in the Washington Post by James Hohmann, Breanne Deppisch and Joanie Greve: "Tension over adding 'triggers' to the tax bil

How The Loss Of Net Neutrality and Citizens United Work Together To Create Fascism

Net neutrality protests are going to be happening.

Are Republicans Trying to Bring Back the Poll Tax?

"Too poor to vote: how Alabama's 'new poll tax' bars thousands of people from voting" - a caller awakened me to this story in The Guardian from Wednesday October 4th and it's pretty shocking.

Is Our Government Any Different from a Fascist Government Now?

I think that we need to start using language that actually reflects reality. The definition of fascism, as Benito Mussolini invented the word, comes from the Latin word fasces which was the old symbol of the Roman Empire.

So you think You'll Get a Tax Break, or tax cut? Really?

A letter was sent out recently by the American Medical Association, the American Hospital Association, the American Academy of Family Physicians.

You're not hearing Breitbart News or Common Dreams - right or left - organizations or news sites with a point of view other than that they are committed to healing people.

Where is Donald Trump's Worldview Leading Us?

I want to step back a little from the constant strum of the latest Trump scandal to the most recent outrage, the Trump constantly popping into the news literally every day. I don't remember this during the Obama administration or any other presidency frankly of my lifetime.

Every day they look for some way to get in the news even if it's negative.

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