Hannity Goes after Thom & Laughs off American's Struggling to Survive

If you call out Fox So-Called News enough - like we do on this program - you better be prepared for them to fire back at you - even with a real dud. Last night - Hannity featured a rant I did on my radio program in his new "Liberal Hate Speech" segment. First - Sean - if you're going to attack me and use a portion of my program in the process - at least get the date right. That rant was from November 26th - not the 27th. But more importantly - do you really think that the decline of the middle class in America is a laughing matter? Do you really think that millions of Americans struggling to survive as they live paycheck to paycheck is a joke? If you do - well that's just very, very ugly...

Don't The GOP have Kids that will Live w/Environmental Catastrophe?

Mike Papantonio, Ring of Fire Radio, joins Thom Hartmann. A new report is out revealing that sea levels around the world are rising faster than previously thought. But after appointing a climate change denier to a top committee in Congress - are Republicans still planning to ignore the obvious?

Full Show 11/29/12: Jumping Off the (Fiscal) Cliff

Thom talks with Congressman Alan Grayson on the "fiscal cliff" negotiations and with Attorney and Radio Host Mike Papantonio on the new report on rising sea levels. Thom takes viewer phone calls in "Your Take, My Take Live" segment and in tonight's "Daily Take" Thom details how changes to the FCC could create a media monopoly for Rupert Murdoch.

The GOP has put Santa Claus in Front of the Firing Squad!

Forget about the Grinch who stole Christmas - we have a bigger problem to worry about when it comes to trying to take away all the holiday cheer. I'll tell you who's trying to take out Santa Claus.

AZ Government Joins War on Women...

Sam Bennett, The She Should Run Foundation, join Thom Hartmann. The war on women is still going strong - despite women voting heavily against Republicans nationwide earlier this month. What dirty tactics are Republicans in Arizona using now to influence a woman's right to choose? Voters overwhelmingly rejected radical anti-choice legislation nationwide this election. Why are Conservatives still trying to push it?

Can Minimalists Put an End to "Swipe & Spend"

Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus, co-authors "Minimalism: Live a Meaningful Life" join Thom Hartmann.

Lone Liberal Rumble - Isn't Norquist an Enemy of the State?

Horace Cooper, Conservative commentator & Neil McCabe, Human Events Join Thom Hartmann for the Lone Liberal Rumble.

Lone Liberal Rumble - Welcome to the Benghazi witch hunt

Horace Cooper, Conservative commentator & Neil McCabe, Human Events Join Thom Hartmann Lone Liberal Rumble.

Where were the "3 amigos" when the GOP lied us into war?

Three Amigos never uttered a peep when Colin Powell or Condi Rice or George W. Bush or Dick Cheney were lying to Congress and the American people about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. They don't give a damn about the truth - it's all politics for this bunch. And, hopefully, the Obama Administration has now realized that the new Three Amigos, just like the old Three Amigos, is still just a small-time gang of Republican punks out to take down Democrats and promote wars.

Full Show 11/28/12: Santa Claus and the Democratic Firing Squad

With Joe Lieberman leaving the Senate Thom discusses who will be joining Senators McCain and Graham to form the new three amigos. Tonight's "Lone Liberal Rumble" panel discusses the continued attacks from the right on Susan Rice, why Republican lawmakers care about a pledge they made with Jack Abramoff money launderer Grover Norquist and the latest on the "fiscal cliff" negotiations. In tonight's "Daily Take" Thom explains why Santa Claus is facing a Democratic firing squad.

Crazy Alert! Are those boobs & butts?

Thom Hartmann's crazy alert

Is Goldman Sachs Licking their Chops at Global Takeover?

As economies across the globe all into turmoil - and millions struggle to survive - the banksters at Goldman Sachs are licking their chops. I'll explain how the Wall Street giant may be taking over the planet.

The Good, The Bad and the Very Very Sterquiliously Ugly!

The Good! *Tom Ricks* How dare someone on Fox News and bash the network. At least that's what network execs and production staff were saying yesterday after Ricks - a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist - blasted the network's coverage of the Benghazi consulate attacks. Ricks' interview was supposed to be 4 minutes long - but he was cut off after speaking what can only be described as the truth. Kudos to you Tom for calling out Fox So-Called News and their flow of unfair and unbalanced misinformation

Will Religion Kill Obamacare?

Ethan Rome, Healthcare for America Now, joins Thom Hartmann. Now to the continued battle over Obamacare. This week - the Supreme Court ordered a lower court, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, to re-hear a case challenging the constitutionality of Obamacare. Liberty University filed suit against the law's "employer mandate," arguing that it violates the First Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, since it could lead to employers paying for health insurance that covers birth control. The lawsuit was previously dismissed on technical grounds since the employer mandate hasn't fully gone in effect yet. So, depending on how the Fourth Circuit rules in this case, the Supreme Court could once again determine the fate of tens of millions of Americans who don't have health insurance.

It's the Infrastructure Spending Stupid...

Austin Petersen, Freedomworks, joins Thom Hartmann. America is literally falling apart - as our infrastructure continues to decay after years of neglect. When will Congress wake up and provide the infrastructure funding that is sorely needed for the well being of not only the nation - but of the American economy as well?

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