
Gary Johnson Is Not Just A Harmless Idiot.

Thom talks about Gary Johnson's connections with the Koch Brothers and his background as the Governor of New Mexico.

Stamp Money Out of Politics... (w/Guest: Ben Cohen)

Thom speaks with Ben Cohen, co-founder of Ben & Jerry's and Head Stamper at Stamp Stampede, about what he is doing to help get money out of politics and how we can help.

What Donald Trump Learned From Roy Cohn... (w/Guest: Jamie Weinstein)

Thom speaks with Jamie Weinstein, host of The Jamie Weinstein Show, about what Donald Trump learned from former-McCarthy advisor, Roy Cohn.

If Trump Brings Up Bill's Affair, Will It Backfire?

Thom discusses the news that Donald Trump plans to bring up Bill Clinton's alleged affairs and asks whether that plan with backfire on the Republican nominee...

This Is Why President Obama Doesn't Say That...

Thom plays clips of President Obama responding to a Gold Start mother, Tina Houchins, about why he doesn't use the term "Islamic Terrorism"...

Was The New Jersey Train Accident A Result Of Lawmakers Raiding Funds?

Thom reads from an article on about how funding meant for transit was raided by New Jersey lawmakers.

We Need A President Who Doesn't Double Down On Hate! (w/Guest: Adam Hodge)

Thom speaks with Adam Hodge, Director of Communications at the DNC, about Donald Trump restating his hurtful comments toward a former Miss Universe and about why we need Hillary Clinton to be our next Commander-in-Chief.

How Long Would It Take Trump To Make America The Next WW2 Germany?

Thom talks about a recent book review in the New York Times that profiled a biography about Adolf Hitler and compares the dictator's personality with the current Republican nominee.

What Would Happen If Trump Actually Became President??

Thom talks about how Donald Trump treated Miss Universe contestants and reads from a book review about Adolf Hitler that seems very similar to the Republican nominee.

How Libertarianism Could Lead To More Disastrous Train Crashes...

Thom talks about the horrible train accident in New Jersey, the Gary Johnson town hall on MSNBC, and why Johnson's philosophies won't protect us from another tragedy.

Does Calling Out A Racist Make You A Bully??? (w/Guest: Gayle Trotter)

Thom speaks with Gayle Trotter, Republican strategist and attorney, about Donald Trump's cruel comments to a former Miss Universe contestant.

Why Should Each Of Us Think Like A Commoner? (w/Guest: David Bollier)

Thom speaks with Davi Bollier, author of "Think Like A Commoner", about how our country should value the land and resources that we all share together.

What Is The Progressive Case For Endorsing Hillary? (w/Guest: Rep. Raul Grijalva)

Thom speaks with Congressman Raul Grijalva (D-AZ, 3rd District) about why progressives should stand with Hillary Clinton.

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