
Will Access To Healthcare Decide 2024 Election?

As the 2024 election looms, access to healthcare emerges as a critical battleground. Will the far-right's agenda spell disaster for millions, or can healthcare access be preserved for all? With the stakes higher than ever, will voters prioritize their health at the ballot box?

Trump's Day of Reckoning: The Countdown to His First Felony Trial

As Trump's first felony trial approaches, the spotlight intensifies on his legal troubles. With mounting scrutiny and the weight of potential convictions, will this trial mark a turning point for the former president? Could this legal battle be the beginning of the end for Trump's political ambitions, or will he emerge unscathed once again?

Is Trump the GOP's Messiah or Just a Madman?

A shocking majority of the GOP don’t just want Trump to be President… they believe that the 45th president is… holy? What the hell…?!

Why Trump’s Biggest Opponents All Have THIS in Common?

With the exception of Jack Smith, all of the people brave enough to step up & hold Trump to account by prosecuting him are Black. Bragg, James, Thompson, and Willis could have kept their heads down and ignored Trump’s crimes — just as hundreds of white prosecutors across the nation continue to do. These incredibly brave Black prosecutors are standing up and have become a shining beacon of righteousness & decency for the world to see. True defenders of democracy. Why is this?

Will Mass Layoffs Wipe Out The Working Class & The American Dream? w/ Les Leopold

Are mass layoffs and corporate greed the silent killers of the American Dream? As CEOs prioritize profits over people, are working-class families bearing the brunt of this ruthless behavior? With job insecurity on the rise, how can we stop this cycle of devastation and rebuild a future that prioritizes the well-being of workers over corporate greed?

America’s Most Rightwing Court Could Dismantle Your Healthcare

Is America's most conservative court set to dismantle your healthcare, plunging millions into uncertainty? With healthcare access hanging in the balance, what does the future hold for affordable coverage and pre-existing conditions? Could this pivotal decision reshape the landscape of healthcare, leaving many without essential services?

He Compared Economies Under Biden & Trump…. Shocking Results Aren’t Even Close w/ Michael Tomasky

Who is better at managing the economy, Republicans or Democrats? New Republic Editor Michael Tomasky actually did the research comparing the economies of both parties and both candidates, but we’re not sure you’ll believe what we found.

Will Biden’s Trap Catch Trump Stealing the 2024 Election?

Can President Biden really stop Donald Trump from stealing the 2024 election?

Is This The Biggest Source Of Disinformation in America? w/ Sabrina Haake

The really dangerous disinformation is coming from inside our own country… The source? A faux news company that peddles in disinformation. Sabrina Haake joins Thom Hartmann to discuss

How Far? Too Far! Why Jared Kushner May Finally Be Investigated…

Kushner can’t hide forever. Thom Hartmann explains why investigators may be on the trail. Matching orange jumpsuits anyone?

This Law Could Ban Birth Control & It’s Already On the Books

Can a century old law actually ban ALL forms of birth control? The far right (including Sen. Josh Hawley’s wife) presented arguments to SCOTUS in their latest attack on reproductive rights. Keep a close eye on this case! It could give the GOP everything it needs to ban reproductive healthcare.

Trump Should Be In Hiding But American “Justice” Doesn’t Go After The Rich

In America today, if you can afford at least $50 million in lawyers fees, you can get away with rape, massive financial fraud over decades, ripping off people who just wanted to go to college, stealing from children’s Cancer charities, and leading a treasonous insurrection against your own country without ever spending a night in jail.

Will America’s Injustice System Ever Take Its Knee Off Your Neck? w/ Debbie Hines

A former prosecutor is on a quest to reform America’s justice system. Debbie Hines joins Thom Hartmann to ask if Black lives can survive white justice.

Did Conservative Parents Mess Up & Open Public Schools to… SATAN?!

Satanists are at it again and this time the Christian right accidentally opened the door & let them into your kid’s schools. You can't have it both ways. Either every religion gets to speak or no religion speaks....

If You Trust Mainstream News…Watch This!

This story could prove that mainstream news outlets care more about profit than they do about their country. Say it ain’t so…!

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