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  • We’re Being Robbed Every Time We Fly   9 years 43 weeks ago

    Please President Obama, reinstate the Anti Trust Acts! Break up the Airlines. Break up the banks. No company should be "to big to fail". Competition in the 60's was such tan I could fly from my home in New Jersey to Boston for $25.00. I could fly from Newark to Washington, DC for $25.00. A Boeing 707 cost about $7Million. Jet engines became less expensive in fuel costs.

    It is now estimated that for a family of four to live in reasonable "middle" class they must have an after tax, state, Federal and local, of about $135K. The more affluent requires about $240K. In the UK.S. today only 1 in 8 families can meet the lower income values. The median income in Illinois is $57K (and change) and we have to pay taxes on most of the necessities of life, reducing the disposable incomes to almost poverty level.

  • Where's our bailout?   9 years 43 weeks ago

    Pal, DAM -- I think Thom's main debt jubilee has the best chance of happening, although be it a very small chance. That is, we should have a student debt jubilee. The moral hazard for that would be people wanting to go to college.

    It seems to me you guys are wimps (me too). Economists main concern is that inflation is too small and will become deflation. Deflation will lead us into depression. Robert Reich points out in his book aftershock we need an inflation rate around 4%. He is speaking of the measured CPI. That rate will feel like 10% to us wimps. The reason we need a higher inflation, per Bob R, is that it will put into our minds that we may not want to put off buying something because its price will increase. The forces of the market place are not meant to feel good.

    Providing a bunch of money to the supply side of the equation does not cause inflation. As Thom always says demand is what causes inflation. If that demand is kept below the productivity rate, the inflation should be tolerable except to us wimps.

  • Where's our bailout?   9 years 43 weeks ago

    If mine eyes would ever see

    The likes of a credit debt jubilee,

    No one my friend would ever be

    More shocked or surprised then you or me.

    I think on that we both can agree.

  • America's Farm­Grown Terrorism...   9 years 43 weeks ago

    Palindromedary ~ You're welcome! I think you'll find that there are a lot of cool weight loss/management tools on that site.

    You are very right about the American nightmare. We do make many bad choices. However, they are not our original ideas. We get spoon fed these ideas from our Capitalistic for profit corporate marketing system. I know first hand about the dangers of secondhand smoke. I'm not at all very fond of the tobacco industry. Although the greater problem of mass smoking is greatly reduced it still exists. It's just one example of how much damage an unregulated marketing media can do to the society that it pretends to serve all in the name of profit. And, it is a very good example at that.

  • We’re Being Robbed Every Time We Fly   9 years 43 weeks ago

    More airlines means lower Prices. Thom are you saying capitalism works?

    Maybe We should try that with schools. More options means lower prices. Our education system costs are going through the roof.

  • America's Farm­Grown Terrorism...   9 years 43 weeks ago

    chuckle8 ~ You know the calories in a frozen pizza because they are stated on the box. If it is in a restaurant, like Round Table or Domino's Pizza, you can do a simple web search like, "calories in Round Table pizza" and find out how many calories are in each slice of a large size or in a personal size pizza. You can extrapolate from that for any other similar type of pizza and then just multiply that by the number of slices you eat. Below are links to charts for Round Table and Dominos Pizza.

    As far as meats go you can go by the weight of the whole when you buy it and then cut it evenly and divide by how many pieces you have; or, simply invest in a food scale. As far as lbs are concerned, simply remember that 16 oz = 1lb. Once you figure out how many ounces are in your meat, use this table to figure out how many calories for your particular cut.

    You can likewise find accurate caloric information for just about any other food from doing simple web searches. However, in order to become proficient at it you have to sit down and do it for yourself. That is the only way you can really learn and benefit from the internet. You have to learn how to use it yourself. No one can do that for you.

  • Where's our bailout?   9 years 43 weeks ago

    Well, whatever will be, will be. The future is not ours to see! Debt jubilee will most likely never happen anyway.

  • America's Farm­Grown Terrorism...   9 years 43 weeks ago

    DAnneMarc:Thanks for that calorie counter tool!

    Yes, the American Dream has become a nightmare! But, I'd bet it'll get much worse! But, at least, many fewer people smoke less than before during the "More doctors recommend smoking Camels" propaganda days. Thank goodness for that anyway! But, there are people who can't put food on the table for their children who have no problem going out and buying a couple of cartons of cigarettes that they smoke in a week subjecting their children to all of that hazardous second hand smoke.

  • We’re Being Robbed Every Time We Fly   9 years 43 weeks ago

    Very good point Dave Gardner!! I mean GrowthBusters. People should just stay home and not waste so much fuel...especially flying...wastes a lot of fuel and pollutes the atmosphere.

    By the way, It looks like British Airways is changing its flight will not longer fly over Sierra Leon and one other African country (Chad?) due to conflict zones.

  • We’re Being Robbed Every Time We Fly   9 years 43 weeks ago

    I'm a little bit shocked to see you, Thom Hartman, wanting more people flying at lower cost. Much of the cost of flying is currently externalized (as in CLIMATE CHANGE). Do you really think we can have our cake and eat it, too? Unfortunately, we can't have 7.2 billion Earthlings jetting off on family vacations. Flying needs to become a very infrequent occurrence (I'm pretty sure peak oil is going to make the price of flying skyrocket very soon, which will take care of that). Wish it weren't true, but that's the price of the binge.

    Dave Gardner
    Director of the documentary
    GrowthBusters: Hooked on Growth

  • America's Farm­Grown Terrorism...   9 years 43 weeks ago

    DAM -- How do you know the size of pizza? How do you know it is a 8 ounce steak when it is 2 pounds of steak to divided amongst the 4 of you?

  • America's Farm­Grown Terrorism...   9 years 43 weeks ago

    Palindromedary ~ Basically I agree with everything you've said. I'd like to add that there are also free online calculators to help people assess what their ideal caloric intake is. It takes into account such factors as sex, age, height, weight, and lifestyle. These calculators also recommend the caloric bracket for optimal healthy weight loss. Here is a link to just such a calculator that provides caloric recommendations--and time frames for achieving goals--to anyone interested in losing weight.

    People do make dumb decisions and tend to get into the habit of repeating them. I feel that this is a phenomenon that is more attributed toward ignorance than stupidity. Society bombards people with marketing messages geared toward stimulating consumption rather than thinking. The secret to breaking this bad effect is through knowledge and education rather than scorn and ridicule.

    People honestly would no more prefer to be fat then to be in debt. You are also right that one thing tends to lead to another. Someone in hock up to their eye brows is far too busy trying to make enough money to avoid losing everything than to pay close attention to what they eat. To them eating is an inconvenience that doesn't make any money. Therefore they seek out the fastest and cheapest solution to the problem. They are not interested in any information that might spoil that convenience.

    Yet what are people to do? They must have a place to live. When I was a kid my father made about $12k/year; which, was good money at the time. Our rent was $56/mo, and you could buy a really nice house in a nice area for about $20k. When he retired 15 years ago he was making about $86k/year. However, that house that was $20k when I was a kid was now $450k. He had a really good job with a union; but, his wages only went up by a factor of 7X; whereas, that house went up by a factor of 22X.

    Back then it was possible to rent and save for 5-7 years and be able to buy a house outright with cash. Even if you couldn't wait and took out a loan you could pay it off in a few years. However, few people did that because it made no sense to pay more just for a minor convenience of not having to wait another year or two. That is no longer possible. Now, unless you make something like $264k/year you need credit to buy even a modest home. And that is long term credit over the period of several decades. Essentially, to live today, you have to become the indentured servant of a bank.

    The problem with credit is you cannot see the future. Just like with a poor diet based on misinformation, you just don't know what the consequences of your choices will be until it is too late. You don't know if you will still have your job, or if the company will still be in business, or if the house will still be worth the same. You don't even know if you will live long enough to ever actually own the home. If any of these "unexpected consequences" pop up you could stand to lose everything you've worked for most of your life. No wonder people put their diets at the bottom of their priority list.

    Just like with health, there are many contributing factors with debt that can make or break the success of the venture. For instance, the above calculator also relies on physical activity as well as caloric intake. All I'm saying about food additives is that it makes sense to suspect them of causing the same effect in every part of the food chain that they cause in the original host. Of course this warrants further study. Also, if it is shown that indeed this suspicion is accurate, I don't mean to imply that this is the only cause of our obesity epidemic. This problem is simply to complicated to blame on any one cause. However, it certainly may be a very serious and unnecessary contributing factor; and, for that reason, if it is, it needs to be revealed. As with credit debt, obesity is just too big of a problem (pardon the pun) to allow any contributing factor to go unscrutinized and unaddressed.

  • Where's our bailout?   9 years 43 weeks ago

    Palindromedary ~ I don't believe a debt jubilee will cause any noticeable inflation because we already have inflation caused by the national debt. All a debt jubilee would do is to consolidate all American debt and thus drive the interest rate down for us all and save money in the long run. However, as long as we have a national debt and print money out of no where to pay off that debt we will have inflation. There is no avoiding it. Even as we speak money printing presses are generating inflation ever higher regardless of what we do.

    Certainly, a national debt jubilee would drive up the taxes of everyone, including you and I; and, that would suck big time. However, driving our taxes up anyway just to pay off the gambling expenses of banksters sucks big time even more. Inflation is going to happen no matter what we do. If given the choice on how to use my higher taxes I can assure you I'd rather see them go to pay off the individual necessity debt of my fellow citizens than the corporate financial debt of a bunch of rich Wall Street gambling addicts. You can pay now or pay later my friend. In the end we all pay. So I say, let's pay the people who need it the most first while the dollar is still worth some value.

  • America's Farm­Grown Terrorism...   9 years 43 weeks ago

    DAnneMarc: Well we don't really know that additives in our food may be causing us to be fat. That is speculation. But we do know that too much food and not enough exercise will cause us to be fat. Using the computer, or diet book, can tell you how much calories one should take in. Of course different people have different needs to lose or maintain a given weight. Some people are taller and bigger boned than others. And there are many other factors as well.

    Too much of the wrong kinds of sugars in the soft drinks or other drinks sweetened with sugar...will make people fat. I think the dumbest thing that mayors or other politicians are doing is to tax sodas for the purpose of stopping people from becoming obese. Perhaps they should, instead, tax sugar. People add lots of sugar to their ice tea or coffee, etc. They are still going to get fat from drinking lots of coffee or tea if they add lots of sugar.

    It's like many people that get themselves into debt that they can't get out of...people get fat and can't get unfat if they keep doing the same dumb things over and over again. Many of these people just have no good sense or willpower. Others are just too dumb to know any better.

  • Where's our bailout?   9 years 43 weeks ago

    DAnneMarc: I can see the logic of giving the people what the banksters got. And it certainly would be fair (for some people). And the result could be, like you said, making it harder for people who wouldn't qualify for credit get it should be. But, it wouldn't be fair to those of us who never got ourselves into debt. No one will include us in with any kind of compensation.

    And then, there would be a lot of ticked off people who would complain that they cannot get credit anymore. I wonder on which side the liberals would side on that issue? But, we don't know, for sure, that the lending jackals will, all of a sudden, make lending harder for some people. Even after they got bailed out and had a lot of money that they were supposed to lend to businesses, they didn't do it. So, they just might tighten up lending but then that will hurt commerce and the people.

    By bailing out the people who have dug themselves in to a credit trap, Moral Hazard will have been extended to everyone...except the ones who never got into debt to begin with. And both banksters and people with debt will continue to believe that they will be bailed out in the future.

    Only the people that end up having to pay all the taxes, the fool frugal savers and workers and retired people on fixed incomes mostly, will get stuck with the bill. You don't really think that the debt jubilee will leave the creditors without compensation, do you? They will just get compensation from the government who have the Fed print more money which will cause inflation (but in fact, they don't even have to print it). And prices on everything will skyrocket. Prices have shot up quite a bit since the bankster bailouts, TARP, in early 2008/2009.

    I believe a debt jubilee will just increase prices of everything for everyone.

  • America's Farm­Grown Terrorism...   9 years 43 weeks ago

    I'm not a doctor either; but, the best tool for losing weight is staring you in the face right now--your computer. Simply type in your browser -- "Calories in X" and you will see exactly the calorie content of whatever you want to put into your body. X here can refer to "a piece of pizza," "an "8 oz steak," "a cup of cooked white rice," " a tablespoon of yellow mustard," or anything else. If your goal is to lose weight, keep your total daily caloric content at 1500 calories. If you simply want to maintain weight, keep it around 2000 calories. If you exercise you can also figure out the caloric usage of say, "Calories used walking in one hour," and figure that into your diet.

    However, the point made above that weight gain in humans may also be attributed to additives given to our food to help them gain weight is a very disturbing and provocative suggestion because it makes perfect sense. It would certainly help to explain the growing obesity epidemic in this country and why such health problems just aren't seen in non industrialized countries. It would also be well worth the effort to try organic/free range alternatives for a period of time to determine if there is indeed a difference in efforts for weight loss. If anyone tries that, their results would be most appreciated if they post them.

  • We’re Being Robbed Every Time We Fly   9 years 43 weeks ago

    Drive instead! Better yet...ride your bike across America. And an alternative is just to stay home and see the world through Google Earth! I'm just glad I no longer have to fly! It was really getting very sucky! And since MH17, I would never trust the airlines or our government ever again. I believe that MH17, as well as other airliners, were being used as a shield to sneak in Ukraine war jets into the conflict area. And I believe that powerful entities like the US encouraged Kiev to do this (change the flight path from over the Sea of Azov--200 miles south of the conflict zone---to over the conflict started on the 14th of July and continued on the 15th, 16th, and 17th when MH17 was shot down according to where they show the flight paths each day for each airliner. note: The new MH17 flights, since the crash on July 17th, now fly over the southern area of the Black Sea..about 500 miles from the conflict area in Ukraine. It doesn't even fly over the UKraine at all anymore).

  • America's Farm­Grown Terrorism...   9 years 43 weeks ago

    I am not a doctor or health specialist but...about the only way to lose weight is to greatly cut back on calories* and increase exercise. Don't waste your money on special hyped-up diet programs..or diet may lose some weight but you'll lose way more money.

    * (ie: the food you eat...specifically...the amount of food you eat. You can eat skinless chicken but unless you follow that with eating small amounts of skinless chicken and very small amounts of all of the other things you eat with that skinless chicken losing weight will not be very forthcoming. If you go to a restaurant..only eat a small portion of the amount served and then box the rest to take home.)

    Everyone is different (some people may have health issues where dieting is not a good idea) and some people lose weight easier than others. I lost 40 pounds 16.5% of my weight) just by reducing how much food I eat, over time (about 4-6 months), and I didn't ever exercise...not even walking very much. I realize that exercising would have been much better for me..and the weight would probably have come off faster.

    I never eat beef or pork or any "red" meat...I haven't eaten any since the Mad Cow Disease stories came out many years ago...over 10 years ago. And from the scare stories I've been reading (like Thom's message) and the stories about "what's in your filet of fish" on RT, I may just have to go strictly vegan. But even veggies are not always safe either. Some people can no longer even grow their own because of the water crisis in certain areas.

  • Where's our bailout?   9 years 43 weeks ago

    C8, I'm not comfortable giving investment advice. I suggest you talk with a financial advisor, accountant or tax attorney before trying to reduce your tax liability.

  • America's Farm­Grown Terrorism...   9 years 43 weeks ago

    But, how do you really know that it really is "organic" with no chemicals? I read, somewhere, that a certain amount of chemicals are allowed and still able to be called "organic". Remember the horse meat that being put into certain namebrand hamburgers? Just how "regulated" do you think "organic" is? I think most of it relies upon a certain amount of "faith" and "belief" and not empirical proofs.

  • Where's our bailout?   9 years 43 weeks ago
    Quote Palindromedary:I pay cash for almost everything and if I do use the credit card I always pay it off at the end of the month. And the way it will hurt all of those of us who have stayed out of debt is that it will drive the prices of everything sky high.

    Palindromedary ~ Same here. I don't owe anyone a dime either. I've been very fortunate. However, I don't see how a debt jubilee as Thom describes it would drive up the prices of anything. Of course, if it were a traditional jubilee I could see problems. However, I feel Thom is quite clear in the title of the Blog, "Where's Our Bailout," that he thinks the government should do for the people that which they have done for Wall Street. If there was any credibility to your statement, then the massive bailout that just went to Wall Street--who I might add were truly unconscionably irresponsible with their/our money--would have already driven up the price of everything. As the case is, that never happened. The only consequence of such a jubilee that I can foresee is that in the future credit would be a lot harder to obtain for people who might have serious difficulty paying it back--and that, after all, is exactly the way it should be. That, after all, is exactly the way it has always been.

  • Where's our bailout?   9 years 43 weeks ago
    Quote chuckle8:Debt Jubilee. You guys watch too much science fiction.

    chuckle8 ~ That makes more sense. A tax jubilee just isn't that hard to imagine. After all, that is exactly what we've been having for the last decade and a half. It's old already. Time for a new jubilee!

    A debt jubilee? Well, may The Force be with us!

  • Where's our bailout?   9 years 43 weeks ago

    A "debt jubilee" will only help those who are in debt and not those who stayed out of debt. Since I have no long standing debts, it would only hurt me. I pay cash for almost everything and if I do use the credit card I always pay it off at the end of the month. And the way it will hurt all of those of us who have stayed out of debt is that it will drive the prices of everything sky high. Inflation to the max. Think Germany at the end of WWI. And that won't help anyone. Yes, I know the capitalist pigs have consistently cheated us out of decent wages and health benefits over the years. And I know that a lot of people may not have lived profligate lives. But a lot of people have lived profligate lives...falling for the psychological carrots through advertising and scenes in TV programs and the movies. They are partially not to blame either. But they are also partially to blame for falling for it as well. When they fall for the credit trap and not paying off their credit card balances at the end of the month, they are living way beyond their means. They should know better. But they obviously don't!

  • America's Farm­Grown Terrorism...   9 years 43 weeks ago

    To Magginkatz: If you're concerned about antibiotics in your meat, buy organic. Yes, it's more expensive, but it's more nutritious than plumped up factory farmed meat so you don't need to eat as much and it has no antibiotics. If you can afford a freezer, you can often find a farmer who will sell you freezer ready organic chicken - enough to set you up for months or even a year with good meat at a reasonable price. Do an experiment on yourself and see if you lose some weight. Enjoy your coffee!! Everyone's gotta have a little fun!

  • America's Farm­Grown Terrorism...   9 years 43 weeks ago

    Greenthumb: Thank goodness someone else sees that OVER-population is a BIG problem, has caused most of our current problems, and will stand in the way of solving ALL others. Anthropology and archeology have shown that civilizations that outgrow their environment and food supply, either move or parrish. Since there is no place else to move, I think we'd better begin with population control, while we work on all the other urgent and important issues facing human life on Earth.

    SHFabian: I'm talking about grain farmers. I've lived among them for 20 years, know their families and wives and follies and "make even more money" schemes, which end up always costing the rest of us non-farmers. Grain farmers around here don't go out of business; they retire and quit ONLY if none of their children take over. It's pretty hard to say they are hurting when I see all I have mentioned in my previous post.

    How is it fair that a wife who DOESN'T farm (has another job in town for insurance coverage)--only enters the field to bring dinner--deserves $300,000 in subsidies, just because her name is on a deed. I'd like that paycheck for cooking for my husband and my name is on our deed also. I, Jane Q taxpayer, PAY for that subsidy.

    PS Many also have full-time factory jobs, so health insurance is covered--jobs that could go to someone with kids to feed and clothe who doesn't also have something on the side and then drags his ass into the job all tired--too tired to do the work the company pays him to do. But I guess this is America--screw or get screwed, take all that you can at someone else's expense, I suppose.

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