The Thom Hartmann Program - Weekly Planner

The Thom Hartmann Program - Weekly Planner - Dec 10 - 14 2007

The Thom Hartmann Program
Your Radio Support Group for "We the People"
Weekdays Noon-3p ET "live"
Air America Radio

Week of Dec 10 - 14, 2007 Radio Guest Highlights for the Week

Guest: Dan Gainor Topic: Thom and Dan will debate if we're already in a recession.
Guest: Ajamu Baraka Topic: It's International Human Rights Day - Ajamu is here on examples of persistent racism in the US.
Guest: Troy Dunn Topic: Thom challenges Troy on his book Young Bucks: How to Raise a Millionaire!
Guest: Dr. John G. West Topic: Darwin Day in America: How Our Politics and Culture Have Been Dehumanized in The Name of Science
Guest: Anthony Romero Topic: Anthony is here is urging Senators to say no to a bill that aims to grant immunity to telecom companies that provided the phone records of Americans to the government without a warrant.
Guest: Sam Kazman Topic: Thom and Sam will disagree on - Should the selling of junk food in schools be outlawed?
"Everything You Know is Wrong" Guest: Barry Cooper Topic: This former decorated cop says "marijuana should be legal!"
Guest: Richard E. Ralston Topic: Thom is challenging Richard who says we're moving to a "Mandatory Health Insurance" and that means that being uninsured would no longer be a misfortune or a choice -- but a crime.
Guest: Naomi Klein Topic: Guns Beat Green: The Market Has Spoken
Guest: Christy Harvey Topic: News Below the Radar
"Anything Goes! " Friday
Guest: Senator Bernie Sanders "Brunch with Bernie" is taking your calls as he does every Friday at noon

If you have any questions - you can contact Louise

Affiliates: You can access headshots of Thom for your website in the marketing folder on the FTP affiliate website. Logos and all kinds of things can be found on the site- if you need help navigating through it, feel free to contact our Production Manager: Catherine Sardina 212-871-8168

Thom's Travel & Events Coming Up…
Dec 14 - Minneapolis MN - 7pm et - University of Minnesota Bookstore at Coffman Memorial Union
Jan. 7 & 8 - Manchester, NH - The Thom Hartmann Program will be "Live" from the NH Primary Radio Row
Jan. 11th & 12th - Portland, OR - Re-Booting Democracy Conference - Thom is giving a talk -
February 7 & 8 - CPAC - The American Conservative Union is the nation's oldest and largest grassroots conservative lobbying organization - Washington DC - The Omni Shoreham Hotel, 2500 Calvert Street, NW Washington, DC 20008 (800) 843-6664 - Thom will again be the only progressive host on the conservative radio row
February 20 - Cambridge, MA - Cambridge Forum - 7:30 PM - 3 Church Street - Cambridge, MA 02138 (617) 495-2727
February 28 & 29 - Air America Cruise - Holland America's Mexican Riviera

Thom's Blog Is On the Move

Hello All

Thom's blog in this space and moving to a new home.

Please follow us across to - this will be the only place going forward to read Thom's blog posts and articles.

From Screwed:
"The powers that be are running roughshod over the powers that OUGHT to be. Hartmann tells us what went wrong — and what you and I can do to help set American right again."
Jim Hightower, National Radio Commentator, Writer, Public Speaker, and author of the bestselling Thieves in High Places
From Cracking the Code:
"In Cracking the Code, Thom Hartmann, America’s most popular, informed, and articulate progressive talk show host and political analyst, tells us what makes humans vulnerable to unscrupulous propagandists and what we can do about it. It is essential reading for all Americans who are fed up with right-wing extremists manipulating our minds and politics to promote agendas contrary to our core values and interests."
David C. Korten, author of The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community and When Corporations Rule the World and board chair of YES! magazine
From The Thom Hartmann Reader:
"Thom is a national treasure. Read him, embrace him, learn from him, and follow him as we all work for social change."
Robert Greenwald, political activist and founder and president of Brave New Films