Thom Hartmann has authored numerous books which are listed below. Several have been translated into other languages.

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The Hidden History of American Democracy
Rediscovering Humanity’s Thom Hartmann has authored numerous books which are listed below. Several have been translated into other languages.

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The Hidden History of Neoliberalism
How Reaganism Gutted America and How to Restore Its Greatness

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The Hidden History of American Healthcare
Why Sickness Bankrupts You and Makes Others Insanely Rich

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The Hidden History of Big Brother in America
How the Death of Privacy and the Rise of Surveillance Threaten Us and Our Democracy

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Amazon | Kindle

The Hidden History of Monopolies
How Big Business Destroyed the American Dream

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Amazon | Kindle

The Hidden History of the Supreme Court and the Betrayal of America

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The Hidden History of American Oligarchy
Reclaiming Our Democracy from the Ruling Class

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Amazon | Kindle

The Hidden History of Big Brother in America
How the Death of Privacy and the Rise of Surveillance Threaten Us and Our Democracy

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Amazon | Kindle

The Hidden History of Guns and the Second Amendment
Understanding America's Gun-Control Nightmare

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The Hidden History of the War on Voting
Who Stole Your Vote and How to Get It Back

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Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight
The Fate of the World and What We Can Do Before It's Too Late

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The Thom Hartmann Reader
Identify the root cause of so many of our social and environmental ills

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The Prophet's Way
A Guide to Living in the Now

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Unequal Protection
The Rise of Corporate Dominance and the Theft of Human Rights

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Walking Your Blues Away
Practical Bilateral Therapies for Healing the Mind and Optimizing Emotional Well-Being

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Ultimate Sacrifice
John and Robert Kennedy, the plan for the coup in Cuba, and the murder of JFK

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The Undeclared War Against the Middle Class -- And What We Can Do About It

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Rebooting the American Dream
11 Ways to Rebuild Our Country

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The Crisis of Western Culture

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We the People
A Call to Take Back America

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Cracking the Code
How to Win Hearts, Change Minds, and Restore America's Original Vision

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What Would Jefferson Do?

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The Last Hours of Humanity
Warming the World to Extinction

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The Crash of 2016
The Plot to Destroy America--and What We Can Do to Stop It

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Amazon | Kindle

Legacy of Secrecy
The Long Shadow of the JFK Assassination

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Amazon | Kindle

The American Revolution of 1800
How Jefferson Rescued Democracy from Tyranny and Faction#and What This Means Today

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From the Ashes
A Spiritual Response to the Attack on America

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Air America: The Playbook
What a Bunch of Left Wing Media Types have to Teach you about a World Gone Right

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ADHD: A Hunter in a Farmer's World
Revised and updated

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Healing ADD
Simple exercises that will change your daily life

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Think Fast!
The ADD Experience

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Attention Deficit Disorder
A Different Perception

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Adult ADHD
How to Succeed as a Hunter in a Farmer's World

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Thom Hartmann's Complete Guide to ADHD
Help for Your Family at Home, School and Work

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ADD Success Stories
A Guide to Fulfillment for Families with Attention Deficit Disorder

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Beyond ADD
Hunting for Reasons in the Past and Present

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ADHD and the Edison Gene
A Drug-Free Approach to Managing the Unique Qualities of Your Child

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The Edison Gene
ADHD and the Gift of the Hunter Child

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Living with ADHD
Simple Exercises to Change Your Daily Life (with Richard Bandler)

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Amazon | Kindle

Focus Your Energy
Hunting for Success in Business with Attention Deficit Disorder

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ADHD Secrets of Success
Coaching Yourself to Fulfillment in the Business World

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The ADDed Dimension: Everyday Advice for Adults with ADD

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Death in the Pines
An Oakley Tyler Novel

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Amazon | Kindle

The Greatest Spiritual Secret of the Century

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Amazon | Kindle

The Best of the Desktop Publishing Forum on CompuServe

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ADHS als Chance begreifen: (Nennen wir es das Edion-Gen)
(Deutsche Ausgabe)

Kaufen von​: Amazon

Eine andere Art, die Welt zu sehen. Das Aufmerksamkeits- Defizit- Syndrom
(Deutsche Ausgabe)

Kaufen von​: Amazon

ADD: Veränderungen selbst bewirken. Einfache Übungen, die Ihr tägliches Leben verändern werden
(Deutsche Ausgabe)

Kaufen von​: Amazon

Unser ausgebrannter Planet
Von der Weisheit der Erde und der Torheit der Moderne
(Deutsche Ausgabe)

Kaufen von​: Amazon​

Nimm dein Problem und geh los!
(Deutsche Ausgabe)

Kaufen von​:Amazon

Der Weg des Propheten
(Deutsche Ausgabe)

Kaufen von​: Amazon

As Ultimas Horas Da Antiga Luz Do Sol
(Edição Portuguesa)

Comprar de​: Amazon

Das grösste spirituelle Geheimnis des Jahrhunderts
(Deutsche Ausgabe)

Kaufen von​:Amazon

叡知の学校 Tankobon
今世紀最大の精神的秘密 Konseiki saidai no seishin-teki himitsu
(日本語版 ) Nihongohan

から買う Kara kau: Amazon

De Laatste Uren Van Het Oude Zonlicht
(Nederlandse editie)

Kopen van​: Amazon

Caminar para sanar la mente y crear bienestar emocional
(Edición en español)

Comprar desde​: Amazon

TDAH: Un cazador en un mundo de agricultores
(Edición en español)

Comprar desde: Amazon

Eine andere Art, die Welt zu sehen. Das Aufmerksamkeits- Defizit- Syndrom
(German edition)

Kaufen von​: Amazon

ADD: Veränderungen selbst bewirken. Einfache Übungen, die Ihr tägliches Leben verändern werden
(German edition)

Kaufen von​: Amazon

ADHS als Chance begreifen: (Nennen wir es das Edion-Gen)
(Edición en español)

Comprar desde​: Amazon

(中文版 Zhōngwén bǎn)

购买自 Gòumǎi zì​: Amazon

Prorokov Put - Doživljaj Sile Života
(Hrvatsko izdanje)

Kupujte od: Superknjizra


American Indian Cultural Heroes and Teaching Tales - by Kurt Kaltreider
(Foreword by Thom Hartmann)

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Censored 2004: The Top 25 Censored Stories
(Contribution by Thom Hartmann)

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Exploring the Crack in the Cosmic Egg: Split Minds and Meta-Realities - by Joseph Chilton Pearce
(Foreword by Thom Hartmann)

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Amazon | Kindle

The Crack in the Cosmic Egg: New Constructs of Mind and Reality - by Joseph Chilton Pearce
(Foreword by Thom Hartmann)

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Amazon | Kindle

Original Wisdom - by Robert Wolff
Stories of an Ancient Way of Knowing
(Foreword by Thom Hartmann)

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Amazon | Kindle

The Healing Power of Neurofeedback - by Stephen Larsen
The Revolutionary LENS Technique for Restoring Optimal Brain Function
(Foreword by Thom Hartmann)

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Amazon | Kindle

Narrative Medicine - by Lewis Mehl-Madrona
The Use of History and Story in the Healing Process
(Foreword by Thom Hartmann)

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Amazon | Kindle

The Bottom-up Revolution - by Rob Kall
Mastering the Emerging World of Connectivity
(Foreword by Thom Hartmann)

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Voices of Light - by Nancy Lee
Conversations on the New Spirituality Voices of Light
(Foreword by Thom Hartmann)

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Thom's Blog Is On the Move

Hello All

Thom's blog in this space and moving to a new home.

Please follow us across to - this will be the only place going forward to read Thom's blog posts and articles.

From Screwed:
"I think many of us recognize that for all but the wealthiest, life in America is getting increasingly hard. Screwed explores why, showing how this is no accidental process, but rather the product of conscious political choices, choices we can change with enough courage and commitment. Like all of Thom’s great work, it helps show us the way forward."
Paul Loeb, author of Soul of a Citizen and The Impossible Will Take a Little While
From The Thom Hartmann Reader:
"In an age rife with media-inspired confusion and political cowardice, we yearn for a decent, caring, deeply human soul whose grasp of the problems confronting us provides a light by which we can make our way through the quagmire of lies, distortions, pandering, and hollow self-puffery that strips the American Dream of its promise. How lucky we are, then, to have access to the wit, wisdom, and willingness of Thom Hartmann, who shares with us here that very light, grown out of his own life experience."
Mike Farrell, actor, political activist, and author of Just Call Me Mike and Of Mule and Man
From The Thom Hartmann Reader:
"Thom Hartmann seeks out interesting subjects from such disparate outposts of curiosity that you have to wonder whether or not he uncovered them or they selected him."
Leonardo DiCaprio, actor, producer, and environmental activist