today - Capitol invasion - Election - Rose Garden - First Trump mention - 2020 - earliest case - Trump takes office - notes - sources

Focusing on China in the early days, then USA & British responses, with some previous pandemics and mass death events for comparison

date event/quote
541-544 - Plague of Justinian - Yersinia pestis - over 25 million deaths
1346-1353 - Black Death - Yersinia pestis - up to 50 million Europeans (60% of Europe’s population)
1348 - Black Death reaches Florence (description)
16-Dec-1631 - Mount Vesuvius in Italy erupts, burying many villages under lava flows and killing around 3,000 people
1775–1783 - Revolutionary War: 4,435 American deaths
1812-1815 - War of 1812: 2,200–3,721 Americans killed in action
1817-now - Cholera - Vibrio cholerae - total number of deaths not known
- Mexican-American War: 13,238 Americans
12-Apr-1861 - American Civil War: 620,000 American deaths
- Spanish–American War: 2,446 American deaths (mostly from disease)
1860s-1959 - The Modern Plague - Yersinia pestis - 10 million deaths in 20 years
15-Apr-1912 - Sinking of the Titanic, 1,503 died
28-Jul-1914 - World War I: 116,516 American deaths
??-Feb-1918 - Spanish Flu: 675,000 American deaths
01-Sep-1939 - World War II: 405,399 American deaths, about 50 million deaths worldwide within a year
06-Aug-1945 - Attack on Pearl Harbor: 2,403 Americans died
06-Aug-1945 - Atomic bombing of Hiroshima: 90 - 146,000 deaths
09-Aug-1945 - Atomic bombing of Nagasaki: 39,000 – 80,000 deaths (total of both 129,000 – 226,000 deaths)
25-Jun-1950 - Korean War: 405,399 American deaths
01-Nov-1955 - Vietnam War: 58,220 American deaths
??-???-1957 - Asian flu: 116,000 American deaths, 1.1 million deaths worldwide

- How the U.S. Fought the 1957 Flu Pandemic
13-Jul-1968 - Hong Kong flu: 100,000 American deaths, 1 million deaths worldwide
16-Dec-1976 - A swine flu vaccination program was halted following reports of Guillain-Barre syndrome, paralysis
1981-now - AIDS/HIV - over 35 million people dead worldwide by 2018
21-Oct-1997 - Richard Preston’s novel "The Cobra Event" was published - it inspired Bill Clinton to set up the Strategic National Stockpile
??-Mar-1998 - Table Top exercise simulating an attack with a genetically engineered virus -- a mix of the smallpox and Marburg viruses. Shortcomings were found.
10-Apr-1998 - Clinton questioned seven scientists and Cabinet members about what a White House statement described as ''opportunities and the national security challenges posed by genetic engineering and biotechnology.
21-May-1998 - Clinton Calls for Germ War Antidotes
21-Oct-1998 - Clinton signs a law authorizing a roughly $51 million budget "for pharmaceutical and vaccine stockpiling activities at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention"
23-Nov-1998 - Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act signed into law This Act constitutes the statutory authority for most Federal disaster response activities especially as they pertain to FEMA and FEMA programs.
08-Nov-1999 - Author Richard Preston: "Viruses are moving into the human species because there are more of us all the time. From a virus’ point of view, we look like a free lunch that’s getting bigger... Now wire the bombs together. People travel rapidly by air plane, carrying diseases with them as they fly. The human species has become a biological Internet with fast connections. The bionet will will get faster in the next century — that is, more people will travel by air more often, increasing the speed at which diseases move. If a tropical megacity gets hit with a new virus, New York City and Los Angeles will see it days or weeks later."
14-Mar-2000 - Billl Clinton: "The effort to decipher the human genome...will be the scientific breakthrough of the century - perhaps of all time. We have a profound responsibility to ensure that the life-saving benefits of any cutting-edge research are available to all human beings"

- President Clinton announced & Britain's Prime Minister Tony Blair agree on a statement of principle to ensure that discoveries from the human genome are used to advance human health.
22-Jun-2001 - Dark Winter war game (biological attack)
23-Jun-2001 - Dark Winter war game (biological attack)
11-Sep-2001 - 9/11: 2,977 American deaths
12-Sep-2001 - War on Terror: 7,024 American deaths
07-Oct-2001 - War in Afghanistan: 2,452 American deaths (excluding contractors) (retrieved 20 Dec 2020)
16-Nov-2002 - SARS: 774 deaths worldwide
20-Mar-2003 - Iraq War: 4,507 Americans killed
21-Apr-2003 - China Admits Underreporting Its SARS Cases
14-Sep-2005 - George W. Bush announced the International Partnership on Avian and Pandemic Influenza at the United Nations
01-Nov-2005 - George W Bush announces the National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza
01-May-2006 - Implementation Plan for the National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza
12-Sep-2006 - Department of Defense Implementation Plan for the National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza (download)
??-???-2006 - The Pentagon held an exercise for a flu pandemic

- Reusability of Facemasks During an Influenza Pandemic: Facing the Flu - Committee on the Development of Reusable Facemasks for Use During an Influenza Pandemic
30-Jan-2007 - Phase 1 of UK exercise Winter Willow
16-Feb-2007 - Start of Phase 2 of UK exercise Winter Willow
??-Feb-2007 - Interim Pre-pandemic Planning Guidance: Community Strategy for Pandemic Influenza Mitigation in the United States
30-Aug-2007 - UK 'Exercise Winter Willow - Lessons Identified' published
??-Sep-2008 - Likely start of H1N1 swine flu pandemic: 12,469 American deaths
20-Jan-2009 - Barack Obama becomes president
??-Jan-2009 - H1N1 flu pandemic: 12,469 American deaths
14-Apr-2009 - First U.S. case of H1N1 confirmed (swine flu). it killed between 151,700 and 575,400 over the first year
17-Apr-2009 - the Center of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in the USA, reported a new Influenza A H1N1 strain (swine flu)
26-Apr-2009 - Obama’s acting director of health and human services declared H1N1 a public health emergency (swine flu) (9 days after first cases announced)
11-Jun-2009 - H1N1 was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (swine flu)
01-Oct-2009 - PREDICT, a program run by the United States Agency for International Development, that is designed to identify and prevent pandemics related to animal-born viruses, is launched
23-Oct-2009 - Obama declares H1N1 emergency (swine flu)
19-Sep-2011 - What Will the Next Influenza Pandemic Look Like? "What is clear is that it is when, not if"
23-Sep-2012 - MERS: 866 deaths worldwide
13-Feb-2014 - Launch of Global Health Security Agenda
01-Aug-2014 - Trump tweet: "Ebola patient will be brought to the U.S. in a few days - now I know for sure that our leaders are incompetent. KEEP THEM OUT OF HERE!"
02-Aug-2014 - Trump tweet: "The U.S. cannot allow EBOLA infected people back. People that go to far away places to help out are great-but must suffer the consequences!"
08-Aug-2014 - Public Health Emergency of International Concern was declared for ebola
20-Sep-2014 - Trump tweet: "Why are we sending thousands of ill-trained soldiers into Ebola infested areas of Africa! Bring the plague back to U.S.? Obama is so stupid."
30-Sep-2014 - First ebola case idenitified in the US
01-Oct-2014 - Trump Tweet: "How dumb is our president to send thousands of poorly trained and ill-equipped soldiers over to West Africa to fight Ebola. Stop all flights"
05-Oct-2014 - Trump Tweet: "President Obama - close down the flights from Ebola infected areas right now, before it is too late! What the hell is wrong with you?"
15-Oct-2014 - Trump Tweet: "President Obama has a personal responsibility to visit & embrace all people in the US who contract Ebola!"
23-Oct-2014 - Trump Tweet: "Tremendous pressure on President Obama to institute a travel ban on Ebola stricken West Africa. At some point this stubborn dope will fold!"
24-Oct-2014 - Trump Tweet: "If this doctor, who so recklessly flew into New York from West Africa,has Ebola,then Obama should apologize to the American people & resign!"
05-Nov-2014 - Trump Tweet: "One year ago I started calling President Obama INCOMPETENT and people thought it was too tough. Tonight everyone is using that word!"
10-Nov-2014 - Trump Tweet: ""@FuctChecker: We need less #isis and #ebola and #obama and more @realDonaldTrump" True!
02-Dec-2014 - Obama: "There may and likely will come a time in which we have both an airborne disease that is deadly. And in order for us to deal with that effectively, we have to put in place an infrastructure -- not just here at home, but globally -- that allows us to see it quickly, isolate it quickly, respond to it quickly, so that if and when a new strain of flu like the Spanish flu crops up five years from now or a decade from now, we’ve made the investment and we’re further along to be able to catch it"
03-Apr-2015 - Bill Gates: "If anything kills over 10 million people in the next few decades, it’s most likely to be a highly infectious virus rather than a war. Not missiles, but microbes." ("The next outbreak? We’re not ready")
22-Oct-2015 - Plague in humans 'twice as old' but didn't begin as flea-borne, ancient DNA reveals (early Bronze Age)
09-Nov-2015 - A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence
03-Dec-2015 - Trump Tweet: "I consider my health, stamina and strength one of my greatest assets.The world has watched me for many years and can so testify-great genes!"
10-Dec-2015 - Obama administration orders detailed plans for a new machine designed to churn out millions of protective respirator masks at high speed during a pandemic (Halyard Health) (Trump received the plans but did not order any)
06-May-2016 - Guidelines on ventilation, thermal comfort and indoor air quality in schools (UK)
ll-Jul-2016 - NSC Lessons Learned Study On Ebola
04-Oct-2016 - Obama administration’s nursing home regulations aimed at improving infection control
18-Oct-2016 - UK begins 3 day "Exercise Cygnus" pandemic influenza exercise. The government has still (as of 10 October 2020) not released the results
20-Dec-2016 - How a Pandemic Might Play Out Under Trump
??-Dec-2016 NSC issues 69 page pandemic playbook: "Playbook for Early Response to High-Consequence Emerging Infectious Disease Threats and Biological Incidents" (Trump didn't use)
06-Jan-2017 - USNORTHCOM Branch Plan 3560 Pandemic Influenza and Infectious Disease Response. "The most likely and significant threat is a novel respiratory disease, particularly a novel influenza disease." "Competition for, and scarcity of resources will include…non-pharmaceutical MCM [medical countermeasures] (e.g., ventilators, devices, personal protective equipment such as face masks and gloves), medical equipment, and logistical support. This will have a significant impact on the availability of the global workforce." "Even the most industrialized countries will have insufficient hospital beds, specialized equipment such as mechanical ventilators, and pharmaceuticals readily available to adequately treat their populations during clinically severe pandemic"
13-Jan-2017 - The Obama administration’s transition team conducted tabletop disaster response activities with Trump's top aides, including a pandemic (most of them were later fired or moved on) (Documents) (Attendees) Trump administration attendees include: Steven Mnuchin, Rep. Mike Pompeo, Wilbur Ross, Betsy DeVos, Dr. Ben Carson, Elaine Chao, Stephen Miller, Marc Short, Reince Priebus (resigned), Rex Tillerson (fired), Gen. James Mattis (fired), Rep. Ryan Zinke (resigned), Sen. Jeff Sessions (resigned), Sen. Dan Coats (fired), Andrew Puzder (not confirmed), Dr. Tom Price (resigned), Gov. Rick Perry (resigned), Dr. David Shulkin (fired), Gen. John Kelly (resigned), Rep. Mick Mulvaney, Linda McMahon (resigned), Sean Spicer (fired), Joe Hagin (resigned), Joshua Pitcock (resigned), Tom Bossert (fired), KT McFarland (resigned), Gen. Michael Flynn (awaiting criminal sentencing), Gary Cohn (resigned), Katie Walsh (resigned), and Rick Dearborn (resigned).
20-Jan-2017 - Trump takes office
17-Feb-2017 - Jeremy Konyndyk tweet: "I ran int'l disaster response under Obama, incl the Ebola reponse. Trump is undermining every crisis mgmt tool USG has in its arsenal"
01-Mar-2017 - Jeremy Konyndyk: "Donald Trump, Master of Disaster? Trust me: The president is not ready to handle a global crisis."
04-May-2017 - The World Is Not Ready for the Next Pandemic
11-May-2017 - Worldwide Threat Assessment of the US Intelligence Community : "Threats such as avian influenza and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) have pandemic potential. The World Bank has estimated that a severe global influenza pandemic could cost the equivalent of 4.8 percent of global GDP, or more than $3 trillion, during the course of an outbreak"
23-May-2017 - Trump's fiscal year 2018 (FY18) budget proposal - Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response $136 million cut, The National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases $65 million, CDC Center for Global Health would lose $76 million. Trump budget seeks huge cuts to science and medical research, disease prevention
24-May-2017 - Rep. Tom Cole R-OK: "Cutting the Centers for Disease Control, I think, leaves you very vulnerable and the American people very vulnerable... Sometime in the president’s term, you will have a pandemic. You will have a Zika, you will have an Ebola"
01-Jun-2017 - Personal Protective Equipment Supply Chain: Lessons Learned from Recent Public Health Emergency Responses (100 million respirators and masks that had been dispersed during the 2009 flu pandemic were never replaced)
??-Jul-2017 - Report on UK Exercise cygnus produced
02-Oct-2017 - Trump administration contracted with Applied Research Associates of Albuquerque to create a prototype of a "next-generation respirator" (reusable N95 mask) "It’s still in progress. It looks promising."
14-Dec-2017 - CDC gets list of forbidden words: Fetus, transgender, diversity (also "evidence-based" and "science-based.") (HHS denies it)
21-Dec-2017 - Infection lapses are rampant in nursing homes but punishment is rare
27-Jan-2018 - The flu can kill tens of millions of people. In 1918, that’s exactly what it did.
01-Feb-2018 - CDC to cut by 80 percent efforts to prevent global disease outbreak
09-Feb-2018 - Trump signs bill that cuts $1.35 billion in funding for Prevention and Public Health Fund at the CDC
12-Feb-2018 - Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (WHO): "A devastating epidemic can start in any country at any time, and kill millions of people, because we are not prepared, because we’re still vulnerable... We do not know where or when the next global pandemic will occur, but we do know that it will take a terrible toll, both on human life, and on the global economy. It may even cause political instability."
13-Feb-2018 - DNI: Novel strain of a virulent microbe that is easily transmissible between humans continues to be a major threat

- Worldwide Threat Assessment Of The US Intelligence Community: "The increase in frequency and diversity of reported disease outbreaks—such as dengue and Zika—probably will continue through 2018, including the potential for a severe global health emergency that could lead to major economic and societal disruptions, strain governmental and international resources, and increase calls on the United States for support. A novel strain of a virulent microbe that is easily transmissible between humans continues to be a major threat, with pathogens such as H5N1 and H7N9 influenza and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus having pandemic potential if they were to acquire efficient human-to-human transmissibility."
23-Mar-2018 - Middle school simulated disease exercise
09-Apr-2018 - John Bolton replaces H.R. McMaster as National Security Adviser.
10-Apr-2018 - National Security Advisor John Bolton fires Homeland Security adviser Tom Bossert
27-Apr-2018 - Bill Gates: "the next threat may not be a flu at all. More than likely, it will be an unknown pathogen that we see for the first time during an outbreak, as was the case with SARS, MERS, and other recently-discovered infectious diseases"
05-May-2018 - Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security day-long pandemic tabletop exercise, 'Clade X'
07-May-2018 - White House proposes cutting global health budget, including $252 million for health security preparedness in funds remaining from the 2014-2015 Ebola epidemic

- Luciana Borio, NSC director of medical and biodefense preparedness: "The threat of pandemic flu is the number one health security concern. Are we ready to respond? I fear the answer is no."

- Experts review 1918 pandemic, warn flu is global threat
08-May-2018 - Pandemic flu is #1 health security concern: WH official (Luciana Borio)

- Rear Adm. Timothy Ziemer leaves, global health security team disbanded, leaving "no single official at the highest levels of the administration who focuses only on global health security."

- New Ebola outbreak hits Africa as 2 cases confirmed in Congo
08-May-2018 - Rear Adm. Timothy Ziemer left his position on the National Security Council as the director in charge of global health security and biothreats
08-May-2018 - Global Health Security and Biodefense unit, responsible for pandemic preparedness, disbanded (headed by head Timothy Ziemer)
08-May-2018 - John Bolton abolishes the position of director in charge of global health security and biothreats on the National Security Council as the director in charge of global health security and biothreats
10-May-2018 - Stephen Schwartz tweet: "When the next pandemic occurs (and make no mistake, it will) and the federal government is unable to respond in a coordinated and effective fashion to protect the lives of US citizens and others, this decision by John Bolton and Donald Trump will be why" (re Ziemer's leaving)
15-May-2018 - Two members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee write to John Bolton "to express deep concerns with several recent actions the White House has taken to downgrade the importance of global health security... We fear these recent decisions will leave the United States vulnerable to pandemics and commit us to a strategy of triage should one occur"
17-May-2018 - CDC Pandemic Conference
18-May-2018 - Sen. Sherrod Brown to Trump: "In our globalized world, where diseases are never more than a plane ride away, we must do all we can to prepare for the next, inevitable outbreak and keep Americans safe from disease. I urge you to act swiftly in reaffirming your commitment to global health security by taking immediate action to designate senior level NSC personnel to focus on global health security, supporting adequate and appropriate funding for global health security initiatives, and leading the way in preparing for the next pandemic threat."
30-May-2018 - Letter from State AGs saying that nursing home regulatory changes would "not only threaten the mental and physical security of some of the most vulnerable residents of our states" but short circuit their states' ability to criminally prosecute bad actors in the industry.
05-Jun-2018 - White House walks back proposal to cut Ebola funds
14-Jun-2018 - The Next Plague Is Coming. Is America Ready?
05-Sep-2018 - HHS Secretary Alex Azar reallocates $266 million of funds from the CDC to the Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) program in the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR)
18-Sep-2018 - Presidential Memorandum on the Support for National Biodefense and a National Biodefense Strategy
??-Sep-2018 - Federal government spent millions detailed plans for a new machine designed to churn out millions of protective respirator masks at high speed during a pandemic, but does not order any
29-Jan-2019 - The Intelligence Community’s Worldwide Threat Assessment warns: "We assess that the United States and the world will remain vulnerable to the next flu pandemic or large-scale outbreak of a contagious disease that could lead to massive rates of death and disability, severely affect the world economy, strain international resources, and increase calls on the United States for support."

- Joe Biden: Trump is worst possible leader to deal with coronavirus outbreak
22-Mar-2019 - Azar announces plan to merge the National Vaccine Program Office into Office of Infectious Disease and HIV/AIDS Policy
16-Apr-2019 - Joe Lieberman & Tom Ridge: "Measles outbreak drains resources we may need for a future epidemic or bioterrorist attack"
17-Apr-2019 - Alex Azar: "The thing that people ask what keeps you most up at night in the biodefense world, pandemic flu, of course. I think everyone in this room probably shares that concern"
18-Jul-2019 - Trump Administration Is Relaxing Oversight of Nursing Homes. "Medicare and Medicaid Programs; Requirements for Long-Term Care Facilities: Regulatory Provisions To Promote Efficiency, and Transparency"
22-Jul-2019 - Trump tweeted heartlessly about Ebola in 2014. He's ill-equipped to handle 2019 outbreak.
25-Jul-2019 - FEMA Report Warned of Pandemic Vulnerability Months before COVID-19. "2019 National Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment"
??-Jul-2019 - Trump administration removes Dr. Linda Quick, the medical epidemiologist embedded in China’s disease control agency "If someone had been there, public health officials and governments across the world could have moved much faster" (she left as her post was to be discontinued as of September)
16-Aug-2019 - Trump’s Plan to Slash Foreign Aid Puts Humanitarian Programs in Jeopardy
31-Aug-2019 - Contract to maintain over 2100 ventilators in the federal government’s emergency supply lapses
13-Sep-2019 - Earliest estimated date for virus, using network analysis of coronavirus genomes
19-Sep-2019 - President Trump issues executive order to improve flu vaccine, Executive Order on Modernizing Influenza Vaccines in the United States to Promote National Security and Public Health
30-Sep-2019 - funding for PREDICT, a program run by the United States Agency for International Development, that is designed to identify and prevent pandemics related to animal-born viruses, runs out
??-Sep-2019 - Mitigating the Impact of Pandemic Influenza through Vaccine Innovation - report by The Council of Economic Advisers that warned a pandemic disease could kill a half million Americans and devastate the economy.

- The President’s Council of Economic Advisors: "The United States is unprepared to deliver a sufficient number of vaccine doses quickly enough to stop the rapid initial spread of a pandemic virus"

- The President’s Council of Economic Advisors: "Pandemic influenza is a low-probability but high-cost problem that should not be ignored. The current influenza vaccine manufacturing infrastructure in the U.S. is dependent on egg-based production that is too slow to produce adequate doses of vaccines for unexpected pandemic outbreaks and may impair vaccine efficacy. This could lead to tremendous, avoidable costs"

- Analysis of hospital parking lot occupancy and search engine queries shows that something unusual, possibly COVID-19, was going on in Wuhan in fall
01-Oct-2019 - Operation Contagion simulation (draft report) (Crimson Contagion)

"The current medical countermeasure supply chain and production capacity cannot meet the demands imposed by nations during a global influenza pandemic"

18-Oct-2019 - Start of 2019 Military World Games, Wuhan
24-Oct-2019 - None of these 195 countries — the U.S. included — is fully prepared for a pandemic, report says (2019 Global Health Security Index)
25-Oct-2019 - Biden tweet: "We are not prepared for a pandemic. Trump has rolled back progress President Obama and I made to strengthen global health security. We need leadership that builds public trust, focuses on real threats, and mobilizes the world to stop outbreaks before they reach our shores."
27-Oct-2019 - End of 2019 Military World Games, Wuhan
12-Nov-2019 - Two cases of Pneumonic Plague reported in Beijing (not coronavirus)
16-Nov-2019 - third case of pneumonic plague in Beijing

- Trump asked Walter Reed doctors to sign nondisclosure agreements in 2019 (surprise visit)

17-Nov-2019 - Wuhan first case (but not reported til later and not the first reported)
20-Nov-2019 - Ending the Cycle of Crisis and Complacency in U.S. Global Health Security "Health security is national security. Strong, coherent, senior-level leadership at the NSC is essential to guarantee effective oversight of global health security and biodefense policy and spending, speed and rigor in decision making, and reliable White House engagement and coordination when dangerous pandemics inevitably strike."
22-Nov-2019 - phylogenetic analysis of SARS-CoV-2 samples estimates that the novel strain may have originated between 22 and 27 November
27-Nov-2019 - Trump at golf course
28-Nov-2019 -
29-Nov-2019 - Trump at golf course
30-Nov-2019 - Trump played golf
??-Nov-2019 - Intelligence report warned of coronavirus crisis as early as November: Sources (late November) (NCMI denies it), US intelligence agencies started tracking coronavirus outbreak in China as early as November (Doesn't add up?)

- US alerted Israel, NATO to disease outbreak in China in November — TV report
01-Dec-2019 - Trump at golf course

- First case in China falls ill (published 24 Jan) (They had no contact with the Wuhan market, nor did a third of the earliest cases)
02-Dec-2019 -
03-Dec-2019 -
04-Dec-2019 - Robert Kadlec: Flu Season: U.S. Public Health: Preparedness and Response Written Testimony House Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations) (warns that the US will struggle to get medical supplies as they are manufactured abroad)
08-Dec-2019 - Earliest symptoms in Wuhan (per WHO on 12 January 2020) - superceded by 1 Jan case.
12-Dec-2019 - Wuhan first reported case (3 earlier cases found later)
13-Dec-2019 - Coronavirus likely in US as early as December 2019: Study
15-Dec-2019 - A British man who fell ill on Dec 15 2019 and died on Jan 30 2020 appears to have been the UK’s earliest recorded #COVIDー19 death. He had never travelled abroad.
18-Dec-2019 - Trump impeached in House
21-Dec-2019 - First Chinese cluster

- Trump at golf course
22-Dec-2019 - Trump at golf course
23-Dec-2019 - Trump at golf course
24-Dec-2019 - Trump at golf course
25-Dec-2019 - Lu Xiaohong, the head of gastroenterology at City Hospital No. 5, told China Youth Daily that she had heard by Dec. 25 that the disease was spreading among medical workers
26-Dec-2019 - Trump played golf

- Chinese lab technicians found a new coronavirus
27-Dec-2019 - Hubei doctor Zhang Jixian told authorities that the disease was caused by a new coronavirus

- Trump at golf course

- Chinese lab executives briefed Wuhan Health Officials - "pneumonia of unclear cause". 27 cases.

- Wuhan health commission sent an "urgent notice" to all hospitals

- Possible first French case (no China travel history)

Probable first Washington case
28-Dec-2019 - Trump at golf course
29-Dec-2019 - Trump played golf
30-Dec-2019 - Ophthalmologist Li Wenliang and others warned of SARS on the internet (the report issued that day of it being SARS was erroneous).

- An “urgent notice” from the Wuhan health commission warning of “successive cases of unknown pneumonia” was also leaked and posted online on 30 December. The statement ordered hospitals to “strengthen responsible leadership” and ensure that no one “disclose information to the public without authorisation.”

- Hong Kong decides to isosolate any suspected cases from Wuhan.

- Trump played golf
31-Dec-2019 - Wuhan pneumonia reported to WHO.

- Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan tighten inbound screening

- Trump at golf course

- Trump: We're going to have a great year, I predict
??-Dec-2019 - The Pentagon first learned about the new coronavirus in December from open source reports emanating from China

- Doctors and nurses in Wuhan told Chinese media there were plenty of signs that the coronavirus could be transmitted between people as early as late December

- Health officials in Taipei said they alerted the WHO at the end of December about the risk of human-to-human transmission of the new virus but said its concerns were not passed on to other countries

- Alberta, Canada acted on stories of a virus in Wuhan and ordered a lot more PPE

- COVID-19 may have been in LA as early as last December, study suggests
01-Jan-2020 - Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market closed

- Trump at International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, FL

- Wuhan Public Security Bureau detains 8 for spreading rumors of a SARS-like illness

- COVID-19 was present in northern Italy as early as 1 January.
02-Jan-2020 - Trump at International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, FL

- punishment of eight doctors for "rumor-mongering," broadcast on Chinese national television

- 41 admitted hospital patients in Wuhan had been identified as having laboratory-confirmed 2019-nCoV infection

- Early case of either human to human transmission or transmission from food.
03-Jan-2020 - Whistleblower Li Wenliang is warned by the police

- Alex Azar: We were alerted by some discussions that Dr. Redfield, the director of the CDC, had with Chinese colleagues on January 3rd (c. 1:02:50)

- American airstrike killed Maj. Gen. Qassim Suleimani of Iran

- Trump Miami Florida rally

- Targeted zone strike kills Iran's mahor general Qasem Soleimani

- "influenza, avian influenza, adenovirus infection and other common respiratory diseases have been excluded," the Wuhan health commission said
04-Jan-2020 - Trump at International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, FL

- China says it briefed the US as early as 4 January
05-Jan-2020 - Influenza, avian influenza, adenovirus, and coronaviruses SARS and MERS ruled out

- 'We Alerted The World' To Coronavirus On Jan. 5, WHO Says In Response To U.S.

- Trump at International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, FL

- Iran ends nuclear deal

- Authorities say mysterious respiratory illness in China not SARS

- The laboratory at the Shanghai Public Health Clinical Centre which published the genome sequence on open platforms on 7 January finished sequencing the genome and reported its discovery to the National Health Commission.
06-Jan-2020 - CDC issued a travel notice for travelers to Wuhan

- Redfield offered China help
07-Jan-2020 - China confirms it is novel

- Chinese President Xi Jinping issued requirements for the prevention and control of the new coronavirus

- US CDC established a 2019-nCoV Incident Management Structure

- The Chinese Institute of Virology which isolated the genetic sequence and the viral strain gave the new coronavirus its identity and began referring to it by the technical shorthand 2019-nCoV

- The mayor of Wuhan, Zhou Xianwang delivered his annual report without mentioning the virus
08-Jan-2020 - Chinese scientists announce the discovery of new virus

- CDC first alerted clinicians to be on the look-out for patients with respiratory symptoms and a history of travel to Wuhan, China
09-Jan-2020 - First Wuhan death

- China announced they sequenced the gene, epidemiological information lacking

- Trump, Pence at Toledo Ohio rally

- National capacities review tool for a novel coronavirus
10-Jan-2020 - Chinese scientists post gene sequencing data

- Li Wenliang taken ill

- Public Health England (PHE) said the risk to the UK is very low and the threat to travelers to Wuhan is low

- A Berlin Biotech Company Got a Head Start on Coronavirus Tests
11-Jan-2020 - WHO first informed of possible Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market link

- Chinese researchers reveal draft genome of virus implicated in Wuhan pneumonia outbreak

- National Institutes of Health started working on a vaccine

- China reports 1st death from new type of coronavirus
12-Jan-2020 - WHO reports that China shared the genetic sequence for use in developing specific diagnostic kits

- The laboratory at the Shanghai Public Health Clinical Centre which published the genome sequence on open platforms yesterday was ordered to close for “rectification”.
13-Jan-2020 - First case outside China, in Thailand, from Wuhan

- CDC says the genetic sequence has been published on the NIH genetic sequence database, GenBank

- PHE: The risk to the UK population is very low and the risk to travellers to Wuhan is low,
14-Jan-2020 - Maria Van Kerkhove of WHO said that there had been limited human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus, mainly small clusters in families, adding that "it is very clear right now that we have no sustained human-to-human transmission" (but see Taiwan says WHO failed to act on coronavirus transmission warning

- top Chinese officials secretly determined they likely were facing a pandemic from a new coronavirus

- Trump, Pence Milwaukee rally

- Wuhan Health Commission: "So far no infection found among medical staff, no proof of human-to-human transmission." (Despite Dr. Li Wenliang having caught it)

- WHO: "W.H.O. needs the support of its international members to accomplish anything — it has no authority over any territory, it cannot go anywhere uninvited, and it relies on member countries for its funding. All it can offer is expertise and coordination"
??-Jan-2020 - By mid-January, Robert Kadlec, an Air Force officer and physician who serves as assistant secretary for preparedness and response at HHS, had instructed subordinates to draw up contingency plans for enforcing the Defense Production Act

- Third week of January, U.S. diplomats in Wuhan were being brought home on chartered planes
15-Jan-2020 - First Japanese case, from Wuhan

- First travel-related case in US arrived in Washington from Wuhan

- the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in Beijing initiated the highest-level emergency response internally, level one, but on TV, We have reached the latest understanding that the risk of sustained human-to-human transmission is low

- 9 Million gowns made by Chinese manufacturer recalled due to lack of sterilization
16-Jan-2020 - German researchers develop first diagnostic test

- Articles of impeachment sent to Senate, initiating trial
17-Jan-2020 - US screens for symptoms at airports in San Francisco, New York and Los Angeles

- WHO publishes technical guidelines for German test

- ICL Report 1: 17 January 2020 - Estimating the potential total number of novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) cases in Wuhan City, China
18-Jan-2020 - Azar warned Trump who was at Mar-a-Lago - or tried to

- Azar first able to speak to Trump

- Trump at International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, FL

- Wuhan Health Commission announces 4 more cases, downplaying the risk of human-to-human transmission

- Wuhan community hosts 10,000 family banquets and 40,000 families create 13,986 dishes

- Deadly Mystery Virus Reported in 2 New Chinese Cities and South Korea
19-Jan-2020 - First US case goes to doc

- Trump at golf course

- Trump at International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, FL

- Trump addressed the American Farm Bureau Federation in Austin, TX
20-Jan-2020 - Dr. Anthony Fauci: "The NIH is in the process of taking the first steps towards the development of a vaccine".

- First South Korean case, First confirmed case in South Korea. How Korea trounced U.S. in race to test people for coronavirus

- China confirms human-to-human transmission (but see 2 Jan)

- Three different strains identified

- First US case confirmed

- Chinese President Xi Jinping commented publicly for the first time on the virus

- China made it a notifiable disease

- China didn’t warn public of likely pandemic for 6 key days

- Harvard epidemiologist Eric Feigl-Ding warned about the infectiousness of the novel coronavirus

- C.D.C. developed its own test

- China’s famous epidemiologist, Zhong Nanshan, said on national television that Local officials had covered up the seriousness of the outbreak, the contagion spread quickly between people, doctors were dying and everyone should avoid Wuhan

- A passenger embarked on the Diamond Princess who was later diagnosed with COVID. 567 out of 2,666 passengers and 145 out of 1,045 crew became infected and 14 passengers died.

- PHE: There are no confirmed cases of this new infection in the UK.
21-Jan-2020 - 1st American case, Washington State, traveled from China, confirmed by CDC

- Taiwan confirms first case of infection from new coronavirus

- China warns against cover-up as number of cases jumps

- China's Wuhan Institute filed to patent the use of Gilead's remdesivir for the treatment of novel coronavirus

- Trump at Davos

- As Wuhan Virus Spreads, Taiwan Has No Say at WHO

- Virus has spread among Chinese health workers
22-Jan-2020 - Trump at Davos

- Trump: "We have it totally under control. It's one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It's going to be just fine" (his first remarks on the subject). Does he trust China? "I do. I do. I have a great relationship with President Xi"

- WHO delays decision on emergency declaration

- Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) warns HHS Secretary Azar not to trust Chinese authorities

- Jeremy Farrar, the director of the Wellcome Trust: "It is clear some people are being affected and are infectious while experiencing only very mild symptoms or possibly without experiencing symptoms at all (asymptomatic)"

- Wuhan closes airport and train stations for departures

- New data shows current rapid spread and an increase in the rate of transmission

- UK begins enhanced monitoring from all direct flights from Wuhan to the UK

- ICL Report 2: 22 January 2020 - Estimating the potential total number of novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) cases in Wuhan City, China
23-Jan-2020 - WHO emergency committee decides it is not yet a public health emergency of international concern.

- WHO assesses the risk of this event to be very high in China, high at the regional level and high at the global level.

- Davos

- Beijing cancels large Lunar New Year events. Partial Wuhan, Huanggang and Ezhou Huanggang lockdown.

- A bat virus with 96% similarity had been sequenced in a Yunnan cave in 2013

- 2020 Hubei lockdowns

- Wuhan suspended all public transport and all outbound trains and flights from 10 a.m.

- Trump addressed the Republican National Committee Winter Meeting at the Trump National Doral Miami

- WHO estimates R0 of 1.4 to 2.5
24-Jan-2020 - France's and EU's first 3 confirmed cases

- Study: people can be symptom-free for several days while the coronavirus is incubating, increasing the risk of contagious infection without forewarning signs

- Davos

- Trump's first virus tweet: "China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!" (Some of his advisors told him otherwise)

- U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman, Sen. Jim Risch, R-Idaho tweet: Today I was briefed by leading global health experts about the outbreak of a novel coronavirus in China. We learned that the risk of transmission within the U.S. is low at present (retweeted by Trump on 27th)

. Afterwards Four senators sold stocks before coronavirus threat crashed market - Sens. Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga.), James Inhofe (R-Okla.), Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Richard Burr (R-N.C.). Sen. Kelly Loeffler sold at least $18 million more in stocks before the coronavirus crash than previously reported

- Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention posts details of test on the World Health Organization website

- First mentions in the Lancet: Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China and A familial cluster of pneumonia associated with the 2019 novel coronavirus indicating person-to-person transmission: a study of a family cluster

- Second US infection, in Chicago, returned from Wuhan

- Boris Johnson skipped first COBRA meeting

- COVID_19 may be more deadly than Spanish Flu

- The laboratory at the Shanghai Public Health Clinical Centre which published the genome sequence on open platforms obtained the required credentials to conduct research on the coronavirus.

- UK Secretary of State for Health & Social Care Matt Hancock tweet: "I have chaired a meeting of COBR on the response to Wuhan coronavirus. Official advice is that risk to the UK remains low, but we remain vigilant and are taking all necessary precautions to protect the public.

The Chief Medical Officer will make a further statement later today.

25-Jan-2020 - Australia first 4 cases

- Malaysia first 4 cases

- Canada first case

- U.S. announced plans to charter a jet to evacuate US citizens out of Wuhan

- Dr. Rick Bright, Director of HHS’s Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), warns of a critical need to procure surgical masks

- ICL Report 3: 25 January 2020 - Transmissibility of 2019-nCoV
26-Jan-2020 - The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CCDC) has started developing vaccines

- China mandated screening at at airports, railway stations, bus stations and ports

- China tours suspended

- China coronavirus 'spreads before symptoms show'

- Fauci: Coronavirus 'isn't something the American public need to worry about'

- State Department orders US employees in Wuhan to evacuate due to coronavirus
27-Jan-2020 - Canada's first case confirmed (from Wuhan)

- Chief of staff Mulvaney holds intervention for Trump to pay attention to the virus (he is fired a month later)

- WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus in Beijing

- First transmission by an asymptomatic case, in Germany

- USCDC travel advisory for whole of Hubei Province

- US State Department raises travel advisory for China to Level 3

- USCDC raises its travel health notice for China to Warning - Level 3, Avoid All Nonessential Travel

- The President’s Coronavirus Task Force begins daily meetings without FDA's Stephen Hahn

- South Korea encouraged private companies to start developing testing kits

- South Korean health officials summoned representatives from more than 20 medical companies

- False: Financier George Soros owns the lab in Wuhan, China, where the COVID-19 coronavirus disease was "developed."

- Joe Grogan, the head of the White House Domestic Policy Council, argued that the administration needed to take the virus seriously

- Joe Biden: Trump is worst possible leader to deal with coronavirus outbreak. "To be blunt, I am concerned that the Trump administration’s shortsighted policies have left us unprepared for a dangerous epidemic that will come sooner or later."

- Coronavirus: 110 people in 26 states 'under investigation' for disease; 5 U.S. cases so far
- Gabriel Leung, Dean of the University of Hong Kong medical school, gave a dire projection for the virus, saying draconian measures were needed.

- Britons in Wuhan will be offered help to leave, Hancock tells MPs
28-Jan-2020 - Xi and the WHO DG meet in Beijing and agree to send a team of international experts, including US CDC to China to investigate

- Whistleblower Li Wenliang cleared

- A UK-Chinese medical research paper reports a statistical model finding that "estimates suggest the actual number of infected cases could be much higher than the reported"

- WHO advises against the application of any restrictions of international traffic based on the information currently available on this event

- Air Canada halts all direct flights to China following the federal government's advisory

- UK warns against non-essential travel to China

- USCDC boosting staffing at 20 US airports with quarantine facilities

- Dr. Carter Mecher, a senior medical adviser at the VA: Any way you cut it, this is going to be bad... The projected size of the outbreak already seems hard to believe

- Trump Wildwood NJ rally

- Article: Act Now to Prevent an American Epidemic by Luciana Borio and Scott Gottlieb

- Alex Azar Coronavirus Press Briefing: the HHS has been monitoring the virus since December

- Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) urges a targeted travel ban on China

- National security adviser Robert C. O’Brien tells Trump, "This will be the biggest national security threat you face in your presidency. This is going to be the roughest thing you face."

- Deputy national security adviser Matthew Pottinger told Trump that after reaching contacts in China, it was evident that the world faced a health emergency on par with the flu pandemic of 1918.
29-Jan-2020 - WH announces new task force

- Canada issues a travel advisory to avoid non-essential travel to China

- Canada says it will evacuate Canadians from affected areas of China

- Trump tweet: Just received a briefing on the Coronavirus in China from all of our GREAT agencies...

- Peter Navarro memo: The lack of immune protection or an existing cure or vaccine would leave Americans defenseless in the case of a full-blown coronavirus outbreak on U.S. soil... This lack of protection elevates the risk of the coronavirus evolving into a full-blown pandemic, imperiling the lives of millions of Americans. He wants to impose an immediate travel ban on China. (Trump denies seeing it)

- Early Transmission Dynamics in Wuhan, China, of Novel Coronavirus–Infected Pneumonia

- U.S. workers without protective gear assisted coronavirus evacuees (whistteblower)

- Australian researchers grow virus in cell culture

- Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) meets Trump about the virus

- Singapore screens temperature at all land, air, and sea checkpoints and stations for all passengers coming from China, plus quarantine for returning Singapore citizens and no entry for visitors coming from Mainland China.

- HHS Secretary Alex Azar told President Trump the coronavirus epidemic was under control
30-Jan-2020 - US first confirmed case of person-to-person transmission

- WHO declares a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC)

- Italy confirms its first two cases, close all air traffic to and from China

- US State Department raises travel advisory to "Level 4: Do Not Travel to China." Consider departing, American diplomatic staff and their families. Expect travel restrictions any time

- State of Washington declares a Level 1 Emergency and activates its Emergency Response Center

- The US National Library of Medicine begins collection of website and social media reporting of the virus outbreak as part of its Global Health Events archiving

- Trump tweet: Working closely with China and others on Coronavirus outbreak. Only 5 people in U.S., all in good recovery

- Trump: We think we have it very well under control. We have very little problem in this country at this moment — five — and those people are all recuperating successfully. But we’re working very closely with China and other countries, and we think it’s going to have a very good ending for us … that I can assure you

- HHS secretary, Alex M. Azar II, directly warned Mr. Trump of the possibility of a pandemic. Trump calls Azar warning of the possibility of a pandemic 'alarmist'

- Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross: I think it will help to accelerate the return of jobs to North America

- Trump, Pence Des Moines Iowa rally

- Trump spoke at Dana Incorporated to celebrate the signing of the USMCA, Warren, MI

- Wilbur Ross says coronavirus ‘will help to accelerate the return of jobs to North America’

- Study: Transmission of 2019-nCoV Infection from an Asymptomatic Contact in Germany. Fauci: "There’s no doubt after reading this paper that asymptomatic transmission is occurring... This study lays the question to rest"

- WHO tweet: ""As I have said repeatedly since my return from Beijing, the Flag of China government is to be congratulated for the extraordinary measures it has taken to contain the #2019nCoV outbreak, despite the severe social & economic impact those measures are having on the Chinese people"-@DrTedros"

- WHO tweet: ""We would have seen many more cases outside #China by now – and probably deaths – if it were not for the government’s efforts, and the progress they have made to protect their own people and the people of the world"-@DrTedros #2019nCoV"

- WHO tweet: ""The speed with which #China detected the outbreak, isolated the virus, sequenced the genome and shared it with WHO and the world are very impressive. So is Flag of China’s commitment to transparency and to supporting other countries"-@DrTedros #2019nCoV"

- Early in January a Hong Kong epidemiologist tells Deputy national security advisor Matthew Pottinger that a new virus is spreading far more quickly than the Chinese government admits.

- Ronald Klain: Coronavirus Is Coming—And Trump Isn’t Ready

- Coronavirus: Britons to be quarantined in Wirral after arriving from Wuhan
31-Jan-2020 - The United Kingdom and Russia confirmed their first coronavirus infections (UK cases from abroad)

- China warns the public that coronavirus patients can become reinfected

- Trump will deny entry to foreign nationals who have traveled in China in the last 14 days

- Italy becomes the first EU country to declare a state of emergency

- US declares a Public Health Emergency due to the coronavirus, closing its borders to all foreign nationals "who pose a threat of transmitting the virus from entering the country and would quarantine U.S. citizens returning from Hubei province in China" starting Sunday, February 2 at 5 p.m. Evacuees from Wuhan to be quarantined

- Trump at Mar-a-Lago

- Brexit - UK withdrawal from the European Union

- Proclamation on Suspension of Entry as Immigrants and Nonimmigrants of Persons who Pose a Risk of Transmitting 2019 Novel Coronavirus (aliens who were in China in past 14 days, with exceptions, effective at 5:00 p.m. eastern standard time on February 2, 2020)

- Joe Biden: "America needs a president they can trust, especially at times of a crisis. You know, we have right now a crisis with the coronavirus, emanating from China. A national emergency, you know, worldwide alerts. The American people need to have a president who they can trust what he says about it, that he is going to act rationally about it. In moments like this, this is where the credibility of a president is most needed, as he explains what we should and should not do. This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria, xenophobia – hysterical xenophobia – and fearmongering to lead the way instead of science."

??-Jan-2020 - U.S. intelligence reports from January and February warned about a likely pandemic (At least a dozen times - but did he read his briefings?)

- U.S. manufacturers shipped millions of dollars’ worth of face masks and other protective medical equipment to China

- In late January, when only six people in the United States had been diagnosed with the illness, the Pentagon was releasing its first coronavirus-related guidance to service members and personnel

- In early January, deputy national security advisor Matthew Pottinger is warned of a serious outbreak in China by an epidemiologist friend in Hong Kong

- FDA chief Stephen Hahn asks HHS if he can start contacting companies about possible shortages of personal protective equipment and other equipment. HHS tells him no. "Azar told associates such calls would alarm the industry and make the administration look unprepared."

- ‘Late January, We Knew’: Ex-Pence Aide Says White House Knew Virus Severity Early

- Donald and Melania Trump received Covid vaccine at the White House in January (not made public until 1 March)
01-Feb-2020 - Spain confirmed its first case, in the Canaries

- China exempted duties and tariffs on epidemic-related goods from US

- Apple Inc. temporarily closed all Apple Stores in mainland China

- India banned the export of N95 masks with immediate effect

- Trump played golf at Mar-a-Lago: Getting a little exercise this morning!

- Hedge fund billionaire Paul Singer reportedly warned his employees of coronavirus more than a month before US officials started to prepare

- Paul Singer Warned Employees on Feb. 1 to Prepare for Quarantine

- Biden tweet: "We are in the midst of a crisis with the coronavirus. We need to lead the way with science — not Donald Trump’s record of hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering. He is the worst possible person to lead our country through a global health emergency."
02-Feb-2020 - First death outside China, in the Philippines

- Trump: We pretty much shut it down coming in from China. It’s going to be fine.

- A pharma company was given control of Wuhan Red Cross warehouse management after complaints

- Huoshenshan Hospital was completed after 8 days

- Wuhan orders quarantine of all suspected patients and close contacts

- China asks the EU to facilitate the sale of medical supplies "through commercial channels"

- A new mask factory starts production in China, only 7 days after being proposed

- Trump played golf at Mar-a-Lago, hosted superbowl-themed party, disrespected national anthem

- Virus threatens U.S. companies’ supply of Chinese-made parts and materials

- Ban on aliens who were in China in past 14 days becomes effective at 5:00 p.m. eastern standard time. Exemptions allow tens of thousands to enter the United States
03-Feb-2020 - US enforces coronavirus travel restrictions. China says it's an overreaction

- US army warning

- WHO has developed a dashboard for Novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) (now here)

- In Wuhan, the People's Liberation Army Ground Force takes over medical supplies delivery

- World Dream cruise ship quarantined

- CDC plans to distribute testing kits to speed up the diagnosis

- Shanghai Public Health Clinical Centre publishes its findings in Nature

- Letter from representatives and senators to Robert Redfield of CDC about rapid diagnostic tests

- "None of us were able to predict" coronavirus would mutate or variants would emerge - Dido Harding, head of the National Institute for Health Protection
04-Feb-2020 - Japan says 10 people on the Diamond Princess cruise ship moored in Yokohama Bay have it. Ship is quarantined

- Grassley Receives Classified Briefing on Coronavirus (statement)

- Belgium reports first case

- UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab: We now advise British Nationals in China to leave the country if they can, to minimise their risk of exposure to the virus

- State of the Union

- Trump: "We are coordinating with the Chinese government and working closely together on the coronavirus outbreak in China"

- Article: "It’s time for a ‘no regrets’ approach to coronavirus" by Jeremy Konyndyk

- Even Without Symptoms, Wuhan Coronavirus May Spread, Experts Fear

- Senator Richard M. Burr, R-N and the rest of the Intelligence Committee are briefed by Intel. He, Dianne Feinstein, D-CA, James M. Inhofe, R-OK, Kelly Loeffler, R-GA, and David Perdue, R-GA sell stocks

- Coronavirus: China admits 'shortcomings and deficiencies'

- South Korea announces quarantine guidelines.

- Pompeo tweet: "Proud of our rapid facilitation of the delivery of donated life-saving personal protection equipment and medical and humanitarian relief supplies to the people affected by the #coronavirus in #China. Grateful to the generous U.S. organizations donating to the relief efforts."

- Coronavirus: UK tells all Britons to leave China 'if they can'
05-Feb-2020 - Impeachment: Senate acquits Trump

- China changes diagnostic criteria

- The first shelter hospital in China is put into use

- Wuhan applies for a patent for Gilead's Redesivir

- Azar requests a supplemental of over $4bn

- Chris Murphy (D-Conn) tweet: Just left the Administration briefing on Coronavirus. Bottom line: they aren't taking this seriously enough. Notably, no request for ANY emergency funding, which is a big mistake. Local health systems need supplies, training, screening staff etc. And they need it now

- Shipping of CDC 2019 Novel Coronavirus Diagnostic Test Kits Begins. They are tainted.
06-Feb-2020 - China to halve the tariff on US$75 billion goods imported from America

- US HSS asked Pentagon to provide military installations near 11 major airports for quarantine

- WHO said it was shipping 250,000 test kits to labs around the world, CDC began sending 90, and they proved ineffective

- First US case dies (not the first case reported) (California)
07-Feb-2020 - Li Wenliang, the Wuhan doctor who sounded the alarm in December and was punished, dies. Online protests censored. whistleblower ophthalmologist Li Wenliang died

- Trump tweet: he [Xi] will be successful, especially as the weather starts to warm & the virus hopefully becomes weaker, and then gone

- White House asks scientists to investigate origins of coronavirus

- WHO warns of global shortage of face masks and protective suits

- Dr. Rick Bright, program leader at BARDA, insists that the federal government increase N95 production for healthcare workers and first responders. HHS responds that there is "no indication of supply chain shortage or of issues with masks."

- U.S. announces aid for China, other countries impacted by coronavirus (up to $100 million). State Department announced that nearly 17.8 tons of donated medical supplies had been shipped to the Chinese people, including masks, gowns, gauze, respirators, and other vital materials

- Pompeo: The United States Announces Assistance To Combat the Novel Coronavirus

- Federal Reserve Bank: the virus is a potential threat to the growth of the US economy

- The United States Announces Assistance To Combat the Novel Coronavirus (to China) (Mike Pompeo)

- Trump spoke at the North Carolina Opportunity Now Summit, Charlotte, NC

- Trump: "China is working very hard.... and I think they are doing a very professional job."

- Trump: "It goes through air, Bob. That’s always tougher than the touch. You know, the touch, you don’t have to touch things. Right? But the air, you just breathe the air and that’s how it’s passed. And so, that’s a very tricky one. That’s a very delicate one. It’s also more deadly than your – you know, your, even your strenuous flus. You know, people don’t realize, we lose 25,000, 30,000 people a year here. Who would ever think that, right? ... This is deadly stuff"

- Azar: "The travel restrictions that we put in place in consultation with the president were very measured and incremental. These were the uniform recommendations of the career public health officials here at HHS."

- UK raised the risk to the public from low to moderate
08-Feb-2020 - First foreigner in Wuhan, an American, dies

- Aerosol was confirmed as a medium of transmission for the first time
09-Feb-2020 - WHO advance team on coronavirus on way to China

- Peter Navarro to Chief of Staff, Mick Mulvaney and President Trump’s National Security Advisor, Robert O’Brien: We face a significant probability of a serious pandemic coronavirus event in the US that may extend well into 2021... I cannot stress how important it is to leave this meeting with a firm decision to immediately advance all three recommendations" (emphasis in original). Inaction at this point risks losing our Remdesivir drug supply, our N-95 production capabilities, and any head start we may have on a vaccine for next year.
10-Feb-2020 - Xi visits Wuhan. WHO experts arrive

- Trump, Pence attend Manchester NH rally

- Trump: You know in April, supposedly, it dies with the hotter weather. And that's a beautiful date to look forward to (Manchester, New Hampshire rally)

"Looks like by April, you know, in theory, when it gets a little warmer, it miraculously goes away"

- Trump: a lot of people think that goes away in April with the heat — as the heat comes in. Typically, that will go away in April. We’re in great shape though.

- Chinese Communist Party general secretary Xi Jinping wore a mask

- Trump Proposes 16% Cut To CDC As Global Number Of Coronavirus Infections And Deaths Rise

- Trump at Dover Air Force Base to pay respects to two American troops killed in an insider attack in Afghanistan

- Deaths in China surpass toll from SARS

- Contact tracing begins in Singapore

- HHS: "In 2019, FDA approved the Trilogy Evo Ventilator, a nextgeneration portable ventilator developed by Philips with BARDA support. This game-changing device
considered a pipedream just a few years ago, is now available at affordable prices to improve stockpiling and deployment to meet a surge in demand to manage patients of all ages requiring respiratory support in the hospital or at home during a pandemic
" (but it was not delivered, and The White House Paid Up to $500 Million Too Much for Phillips Ventilators, Congressional Investigators Say)

- Coronavirus: NHS staff get power to keep patients in isolation as UK declares “serious threat” (UK, 8 cases)

- Public Health England has announced it is rolling out its novel coronavirus diagnostic test to 12 laboratories in England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland over the next few weeks, bringing the total number of facilities with testing capability to 13

- ICL Report 4: 10 February 2020 - Severity of 2019 novel coronavirus (nCoV)

11-Feb-2020 - The WHO names the illness Covid-19. the virus itself is named SARS-CoV-2

- Shenzhen University has developed a new 22 minute coronavirus antibody detection kit

- Fox's Maria Bartiromo: China 'knew that they had' coronavirus before sending delegation to White House (biological weapon?)
12-Feb-2020 - President Xi ordered tax cut to invigorate the economy

- Vaccine for new coronavirus 'COVID-19' could be ready in 18 months: WHO

- CDC: Coronavirus Test Kits Flawed

- Burr receives an update briefing

- Trump tweet: "Sleepy Joe Biden was in charge of the H1N1 Swine Flu epidemic which killed thousands of people. The response was one of the worst on record. Our response is one of the best, with fast action of border closings & a 78% Approval Rating, the highest on record. His was lowest!" (77% trusted the U.S. government to handle a coronavirus outbreak, he had 41 percent approval around then)
13-Feb-2020 - Shanghai mayor and Wuhan Communist Party chief replaced

- China extends order to shut down all non-essential companies, including manufacturing plants, in Hubei Province until at least 24:00 20 February 2020

- Azar unveiled surveillance system to hunt for COVID-19 cases

- Trump visited RNC at Rosslyn, Virginia

- Burr and others sell/buy stocks
14-Feb-2020 - First European death in France, a Chinese tourist

- First Egypt case, first in Africa

- Trump: There’s a theory that, in April, when it gets warm — historically, that has been able to kill the virus. So we don’t know yet; we’re not sure yet. But that’s around the corner.

- Trump: We have a very small number of people in the country, right now, with it. It’s like around 12. Many of them are getting better. Some are fully recovered already. So we’re in very good shape.

- WHO Operations Support and Logistics (OSL) started the dispatch of laboratory COVID-19 testing kits for 56 countries

- A new 15-minute test kit was developed by a team led by Zhong Nanshan

- Memo: U.S. Government Response to the 2019 Novel Coronavirus. Trump cancelled the meeting where he was to be briefed on it (26 Feb, after Messonnier went public)

- Trump to Mar-a-Lago

- CDC Media Telebriefing. CDC to collaborate with public health labs are in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Chicago and New York City
15-Feb-2020 - US evacuate Americans from the cruise ship Diamond Princess

- Trump played golf at International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, FL

- Trump attended a fundraiser at the home of Nelson Peltz in Palm Beach

- First reported death outside Asia, in France (Chinese tourist)

- ICL Report 5: 15 February 2020 - Phylogenetic analysis of SARS-CoV-2
16-Feb-2020 - In China animal testing of a vaccine began

- Trump attended the Daytona 500 at Daytona International Speedway, Florida

- WHO sent team to China
17-Feb-2020 - From today, WHO reporting all confirmed cases - laboratory-confirmed and clinically diagnosed

- WHO has dispatched 37 shipments of testing kits to 34 countries and 3 regional offices

- First case in Africa detected (Egypt)

- Coronavirus-infected Americans flown home against CDC’s advice
18-Feb-2020 - Xi tells Boris they "are achieving visible progress"

- Trump met with the members of the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee and LA 2028 organizers and held a fundraiser in Beverley Hills, Ca.

- Trump spent the night at the Trump International Hotel Las Vegas
19-Feb-2020 - WHO preliminary estimates:

- - incubation period (the time between infection and symptom onset): median 5-6 days (ranging from 0-14 days)

- confirmed fatality ratio (CFR, the proportion of cases that die): 2.3% in China (based on laboratory-confirmed cases as of 11 February), lower elsewhere

- Infection Fatality Ratio (IFR) estimates range from 0.3% to 1% (based on estimates of all cases)

- serial interval (the time between symptom onset of a primary and secondary case): estimates range from 4.4 to 7.5 days

- Diamond Princess cruise ship passengers who tested negative start to disembark despite warnings of risk of carrying

- Trump: I think it’s going to work out fine. I think when we get into April, in the warmer weather, that has a very negative effect on that and that type of a virus. So let’s see what happens, but I think it’s going to work out fine.

- First cases, two deaths in Iran

- Trump participated in a roundtable at a Golf Club and held a fundraiser at Larry Ellison's private home, Rancho Mirage, Ca.

- Trump delivered remarks to Rural Stakeholders on California Water Accessibility at the JACO Hangar in Meadows Field Airport, Bakersfield, Ca.

- Trump held a Keep America Great Rally at the Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum, Phoenix, AZ

- Trump spent the night at the Trump International Hotel Las Vegas
20-Feb-2020 - First two deaths on the Diamond Princess

- Trump delivered delivered the Commencement Address at the Hope for Prisoners Graduation Ceremony at the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department

- Trump, Pence attend Colorado Springs rally

21-Feb-2020 - CDC changes how it counts cases; separates the repatriated from those identified locally

- Lebanon and Israel reported first cases

- Trump, Pence attend Las Vegas rally

- HHS's Dr. Robert Kadlec convened the White House coronavirus task force to discuss when to lock down

- Study: Presumed Asymptomatic Carrier Transmission of COVID-19

- Possible first case in the UK

- ICL Report 6: 21 February 2020 - Relative sensitivity of international surveillance
22-Feb-2020 - A Chinese study found that the new coronavirus in the Wuhan seafood market was introduced from elsewhere

- CDC blocked FDA official from premises

- Two thirds of COVID-19 cases exported from mainland China may be undetected (UK)
23-Feb-2020 - Trump: We have it very much under control in this country

- Peter Navarro memo: increasing probability of a full-blown COVID-19 pandemic that could infect as many as 100 million Americans, with a loss of life of as many as 1.2 million souls (Trump denies seeing it)

- Dr. Robert Kadlec: Is this true?! If so we have a huge whole on our screening and quarantine effort (of asymptomatic spread) (in Red Dawn email chain)

- Trump leaves for India
24-Feb-2020 - Trump tweet: The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. We are in contact with everyone and all relevant countries. CDC & World Health have been working hard and very smart. Stock Market starting to look very good to me!

- Afghanistan, Bahrain, Iraq, and Oman) reported first cases

- The WHO-China joint mission concluded

- U.S. Stocks Plunge as Coronavirus Crisis Spreads

- White House unveils $2.5B emergency coronavirus plan (£1.25B new)

- APHL and Partners Urge Emergency Funding to Bolster Novel Coronavirus Response (laboratories)

- Namaste Trump rally in India

- WHO says outbreak isn’t a pandemic

- HHS's Dr. Kadlec gives President Trump a plan titled "Four Steps to Mitigation."

- Top White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow advised investors to take advantage of one-day slumps and "buy low." (the DOW continued falling)

- Nancy Pelosi traveled to Chinatown, three weeks before six Bay Area counties implemented shelter-in-place restrictions.

- Acting Deputy Secretary Ken Cuccinelli tweet: "Has the Johns Hopkins map of the coronavirus stopped working for other people, or just me?"

- Rush Limbaugh: "Folks, this coronavirus thing, I want to try to put this in perspective for you. It looks like the coronavirus is being weaponized as yet another element to bring down Donald Trump. Now, I want to tell you the truth about the coronavirus. (interruption) You think I’m wrong about this? You think I’m missing it by saying that’s… (interruption) Yeah, I’m dead right on this. The coronavirus is the common cold, folks. The Drive-By Media hype of this thing as a pandemic, as the Andromeda strain, as, “Oh, my God, if you get it, you’re dead.” Do you know what the — I think the survival rate is 98%. Ninety-eight percent of people get the coronavirus survive. It’s a respiratory system virus. It probably is a ChiCom laboratory experiment that is in the process of being weaponized...

It’s really being hyped as a deadly Andromeda Strain or Ebola pandemic that, “Oh, my God, is going to wipe out the nation. It’s going to wipe out the population of the world.”

The stock market’s down like 900 points right now. The survival rate of this is 98%! You have to read very deeply to find that number, that 2% of the people get the coronavirus die. That’s less than the flu, folks. That is a far lower death statistic than any form of influenza, which is an annual thing that everybody gets shots for. There’s nothing unusual about the coronavirus. In fact, coronavirus is not something new. There are all kinds of viruses that have that name. Now, do not misunderstand. I’m not trying to get you to let your guard down...

I believe the way it’s being weaponized is by virtue of the media, and I think that it is an effort to bring down Trump, and one of the ways it’s being used to do this is to scare the investors, to scare people in business. It’s to scare people into not buying Treasury bills at auctions. It’s to scare people into leaving, cashing out of the stock market — and sure enough, as the show began today, the stock market — the Dow Jones Industrial Average — was down about 900 points, supposedly because of the latest news about the spread of the coronavirus.

25-Feb-2020 - NIH announces antiviral drug remdesivir clinical trial in Omaha, starting with a Diamond Princess evacuee.

- Italy locks down some Lombardy towns and villages

- CDC Says to Prepare for Coronavirus Spread in U.S. with the ‘Expectation That This Could Be Bad’

- Trump: So I think that’s a problem that’s going to go away. But we lost almost 1,000 points yesterday on the market, and that’s something. You know, things like that happen where — and you have it in your business all the time — it had nothing to do with you; it’s an outside source that nobody would have ever predicted. If you go back six months or three months ago, nobody would have ever predicted.’... Now they have studied it, they know very much...In fact, we are very close to a vaccine

- Trump: People are getting better, they're all getting better

- Trump: You may ask about the coronavirus, which is very well under control in our country. We have very few people with it, and the people that have it are … getting better. They’re all getting better. … As far as what we’re doing with the new virus, I think that we’re doing a great job

- Algeria, Austria, Croatia, and Switzerland) reported first cases

- Nancy Messonnier, CDC: Ultimately, we will see community spread in this country... It’s not a question of if but rather a question of when and how many people in this country will have severe illness... Now is the time for hospitals, schools and everyday people to begin preparing as well (audio) (transcript)

- CDC warns Americans of 'significant disruption' from coronavirus

- Larry Kudlow: This virus won’t last forever. We have contained it We have contained this. I won’t say airtight, but it’s pretty close to airtight... I don’t think it’s going to be an economic tragedy at all

- Trump leaves India

- Time to use the p-word? Coronavirus enters dangerous new phase

- National Center for Medical Intelligence raised its warning that the coronavirus would become a pandemic within 30 days from WATCHCON 2 — a probable crisis — to WATCHCON 1 — an imminent one

- Azar: "This disease, as Dr. Schuchat said, is contained"

- Kayleigh McEnany: "We will not see diseases like the coronavirus come here. We will not see terrorism come here. Isn’t that refreshing when contrasting it with the awful presidency of President Obama?"

- Biden: "What we did with Ebola -- I was part of making sure that pandemic did not get to the United States, saved millions of lives. And what we did, we set up, I helped set up that office in the presidency, in the president's office, on -- on diseases that are pandemic diseases.

We increased the budget of the CDC. We increased the NIH budget. We should -- and our president today -- and he's wiped all that out. We did it. We stopped it.

And the second thing I'd point out to you is that what I would do immediately is restore the funding. He cut the funding for CDC. He tried to cut the funding for NIH. He cut the funding for the entire effort.

And here's the deal. I would be on the phone with China and making it clear, we are going to need to be in your country; you have to be open; you have to be clear; we have to know what's going on; we have to be there with you, and insist on it and insist, insist, insist."

- Trump tweet: "CDC and my Administration are doing a GREAT job of handling Coronavirus, including the very early closing of our borders to certain areas of the world. It was opposed by the Dems, “too soon”, but turned out to be the correct decision. No matter how well we do, however, the....."

- Trump tweet: "....Democrats talking point is that we are doing badly. If the virus disappeared tomorrow, they would say we did a really poor, and even incompetent, job. Not fair, but it is what it is. So far, by the way, we have not had one death. Let’s keep it that way!"

- Trump: "If you go back six months or three months ago, nobody would have ever predicted. But let’s see, I think it’s going to be under control. And I think I can speak for our country, for — our country is under control.”"

- Trump: "China is working very, very hard. I have spoken to President Xi, and they’re working very hard. And if you know anything about him, I think he’ll be in pretty good shape. They’re — they’ve had a rough patch, and I think right now they have it — it looks like they’re getting it under control more and more. They’re getting it more and more under control.”"

- Mardi Gras Carnival season in New Orleans ends. La. Gov. John Bel Edwards: "there was not a single suggestion by anyone, a doctor, a scientist, a political figure, that we needed to cancel Mardi Gras". It may have fuelled New Orleans' outbreak
26-Feb-2020 - First possible US case of "community spread", in California

- Trump puts Pence in charge instead of Azar "Pence’s handling of the Indiana HIV outbreak is a case study in mismanagement of a public health crisis."

- Trump: So we’re at the low level. As they get better, we take them off the list, so that we’re going to be pretty soon at only five people. And we could be at just one or two people over the next short period of time. So we’ve had very good luck

- Trump: And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done

- Trump: I think every aspect of our society should be prepared. I don’t think it’s going to come to that, especially with the fact that we’re going down, not up. We’re going very substantially down, not up

- Trump: We’re ready for it. We’re really prepared. … We hope it doesn’t spread. There’s a chance that it won’t spread too, and there’s a chance that it will, and then it’s a question of at what level.

- Dr. Nancy Messonnier (CDC): it’s not so much a question of if this will happen anymore, but rather more a question of exactly when this will happen – and how many people in this country will have severe illness (transcript) (trump had not been told)

- Dr. Nancy Messonnier (CDC): On a larger scale, communities may need to modify, postpone, or cancel mass gatherings

- Brazil (first in Latin America), Denmark, Estonia, Georgia, Greece, Norway, Pakistan, Romania, and North Macedonia reported first cases

- Trump: "This is a flu. This is like a flu" (It's a lot worse)

- Trump: "We're going very substantially down, not up"

- Trump: "And the flu is higher than that. The flu is much higher than that" (0.1%)

- Trump arrives back from India

- Trump: "Because of all we've done, the risk to the American people remains very low ... When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero. That's a pretty good job we've done."

- Commerce Department promoted the sale of U.S. medical supplies to China amid the covid-19 outbreak

- Brazil reports first case in South America

- Trump: "The Johns Hopkins, I guess — is a highly respected, great place — they did a study, comprehensive: ‘The Countries Best and Worst Prepared for an Epidemic.’ And the United States is now — we’re rated number one. We’re rated number one for being prepared." (Oct 2019 study)

- Defense Secretary Esper Warns Commanders Not to Surprise Trump on Coronavirus (DoD denies it) (Esper appears to confirm it, yet denies it)

- Trump tweet: "Low Ratings Fake News MSDNC (Comcast) & @CNN are doing everything possible to make the Caronavirus look as bad as possible, including panicking markets, if possible. Likewise their incompetent Do Nothing Democrat comrades are all talk, no action. USA in great shape!"

- Fauci: "So although this is the fastest we have ever gone from a sequence of a virus to a trial, it still would not be any applicable to the epidemic unless we really wait about a year to a year and a half." (vaccine)

- Trump tweet: "Low Ratings Fake News MSDNC (Comcast) & @CNN are doing everything possible to make the Caronavirus look as bad as possible, including panicking markets, if possible. Likewise their incompetent Do Nothing Democrat comrades are all talk, no action. USA in great shape!"

- Biden: "I didn't catch the whole news conference, but what I saw was there was a slight difference between Dr. Fauci, who is a really first-rate guy, and the president's assertion, don't worry, it's all done.

As a matter of fact, while this was going on, there was a virus that occurred in the United States that was spread in the United States, not from someone coming from outside the United States. And so it is a concern and I think it's important that we understand that you have to have a president in charge...

But we need to invest immediately. We should have done it from the beginning, the moment the virus appeared. But we're getting late, but we've got good scientists. And I just hope the president gets on the same page as the scientists.


- CDC: "There are currently 12 states or localities around the U.S. That can test samples as well as we are testing at CDC 400 samples were tested overnight. There is no current backlog or delay for testing at CDC. Commercial labs will also be coming online soon with their own tests. "

- South Korea began drive-through testing

Trump: " Well, I don’t think it’s inevitable. It probably will. It possibly will. It could be at a very small level or it could be at a larger level. Whatever happens, we’re totally prepared. We have the best people in the world. You see that from the study. We have the best prepared people, the best people in the world.

Congress is willing to give us much more than we’re even asking for. That’s nice for a change. But we are totally ready, willing, and able. It’s a term that we use. It’s “ready, willing, and able.” And we have — we have — it’s going to be very well under control.

Now, it may get bigger, it may get a little bigger. It may not get bigger at all. We’ll see what happens. But regardless of what happens, we are totally prepared.


- Coronavirus Task Force Press Conference:

Q Your budgets have consistently called for enormous cuts to the CDC, the NIH, and the WHO. You’ve talked a lot today about how these professionals are excellent, have been critical and necessary. Does this experience at all give you pause about those consistent cuts?

Trump: No, because we — we can get money and we can increase staff. We know all the people. We know all the good people. It’s a question I asked the doctors before. Some of the people we cut, they haven’t been used for many, many years. And if — if we have a need, we can get them very quickly.

And rather than spending the money — and I’m a business person — I don’t like having thousands of people around when you don’t need them. When we need them, we can get them back very quickly. For instance, we’re bringing some people in tomorrow that are already in this, you know, great government that we have, and very specifically for this.

We can build up very, very quickly. And we’ve already done that. I mean, we really have built up. We have a great staff. And using Mike, I’m doing that because he’s in the administration and he’s very good at doing what he does, and doing as it relates to this.

- Australia activates emergency response plan amid rising concerns of coronavirus pandemic

- Azar refuses to say a coronavirus vaccine would be affordable to all

- U.S. workers without protective gear assisted coronavirus evacuees, HHS whistleblower says

- Trump: "Now, it may get bigger, it may get a little bigger. It may not get bigger at all. We’ll see what happens. But regardless of what happens, we are totally prepared... You don’t want to see panic because there’s no reason to be panicked about it... We’re very ready for it."

27-Feb-2020 - Trump: "It’s going to disappear. One day — it’s like a miracle — it will disappear. And from our shores, we — you know, it could get worse before it gets better. It could maybe go away. We’ll see what happens. Nobody really knows."

- Trump tweet: "Only a very small number in U.S., & China numbers look to be going down. All countries working well together!"

- GOP Senator Burr knew catastrophe was coming. He exclusively warned a wealthy slice of constituents. "There's one thing that I can tell you about this: It is much more aggressive in its transmission than anything that we have seen in recent history... It is probably more akin to the 1918 pandemic"

- Belarus, Lithuania, Netherlands, New Zealand, and Nigeria reported first cases

- Dow falls 1,191 points -- the most in history

- Azar: "the immediate risk to the American public remains low ... It will look and feel to the American people more like a severe flu season in terms of the interventions and approaches you will see"

- Trump tweet: "Congratulations and thank you to our great Vice President & all of the many professionals doing such a fine job at CDC & all other agencies on the Coronavirus situation. Only a very small number in U.S., & China numbers look to be going down. All countries working well together!"

- Johns Hopkins University: "No country is fully prepared for epidemics or pandemics, and every country has important gaps to address.", the United States also ranked 19th in overall risk environment and vulnerability to biological threats

- Defense Department Expects Coronavirus Will 'Likely' Become Global Pandemic in 30 Days

- Trump called Azar and complained that Messonnier was scaring the stock markets. Trump threatens to fire her

- Vice President Pence Announces Ambassador Debbie Birx to Serve as the White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator

- Trump tweet: "Do Nothing Democrats were busy wasting their time on the Impeachment Hoax, & anything they could do to make the Republican Party look bad, while I was busy calling early boarder & flight closings, putting us way ahead in our battle with the Coronavirus. Dems called it very wrong!" (since deleted)

- Trump tweet: "“Anti-Trump Network @CNN doing whatever it can to stoke a national Coronavirus panic. The far left Network pretty much ignoring anyone who they interview who doesn’t blame President Trump.” @trish_regan @FoxNews Media refuses to discuss the great job our professionals are doing!"

- CPAC attendees include 6 of the Corona Virus Task Force: Mike Pence, Mick Mulvaney, Ken Cuccinelli, Larry Kudlow, Alex Azar and Robert O’Brien.

- Pence: "While the risk to the American public remains low, as the president said yesterday, we’re ready. We’re ready for anything"

- Larry Kudlow: "This will turn out to be a low-risk proposition, not a high-risk proposition. The numbers so far are very low. We’re in good shape. It just goes to show you what a country with freedom can do even with public health. That’s what makes us different. We have the finest public health system in the world."

- Mike Pence: "We continue to prepare for whatever may come, but the reality is that because of the actions that President Trump took … literally, you know, ending travel, closing our borders to people coming in from China, establishing a quarantine process, setting up a task force... I mean if the president hadn’t taken those unprecedented steps we’d be in a very different place today."

- Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS): "Instead of using this press conference as an opportunity to lead and inform the American people at a critical time, the President attacked his political opponents and sounded ignorant and even incoherent about the nature of the threat we face. To be clear, the President’s management of the Federal government’s response to the coronavirus is not only inadequate, it is downright dangerous.

“Instead of listening to public health and medical experts, the President has been downplaying the potential impact of the virus for over a month. The Trump Administration has simply not been proactive enough given the severity of this crisis and Administration officials continue to give contradictory messages to Congress and the public. Putting Vice President Pence, someone with no public health expertise, in charge of the response will not instill confidence with the American people and raises questions about the Administration’s ability to coordinate an effective response to a complex public health threat.

“The President appears more concerned with his reelection and the stock market than the outbreak. This should be concerning to all. We cannot allow his incompetence to undermine the health and well-being of the American people.

28-Feb-2020 - WHO increased the assessment of the risk of spread and risk of impact of COVID-19 to very high at the global level

- First UK death

- Trump: We’re ordering a lot of supplies. We’re ordering a lot of — a lot of elements that, frankly, we wouldn’t be ordering unless it was something like this. But we’re ordering a lot of different elements of medical

- Acting White House chief of staff Mulvaney: The reason you’re seeing so much attention to it today is that they think this is going to be the thing that brings down the president, That’s what this is all about it (downplayed the threat). The dangerous bet Trump and Mulvaney are placing on coronavirus

- Mick Mulvaney: "This is not Ebola. It’s not SARS, it’s not MERS. It’s not a death sentence, it’s not the same as the Ebola crisis."

- Trump: I think it's really going well. We did something very fortunate: we closed up to certain areas of the world very, very early -- far earlier than we were supposed to. I took a lot of heat for doing it. It turned out to be the right move, and we only have 15 people and they are getting better, and hopefully they're all better soon.

- Mexico and San Marino reported first cases

- Coronavirus passed on within UK for first time as 20th case confirmed

- SARS-CoV-2 detected for the first time in tears and conjunctival secretions (pink eye) of a patient.

- Azerbaijan, Monaco reported first cases

- Trump: The Democrat policy of open borders is a direct threat to the health and well-being of all Americans. Now you see it with the coronavirus, you see it. You see it with the coronavirus.

- Trump: They tried the impeachment hoax... And this is their new hoax (He didn't say the virus itself was a hoax)

- Trump attends North Charleston SC rally

- Dr. Anthony Fauci praised the travel restrictions from China as helping stem the #coronavirus spread, but said the "U.S. cannot be completely immune" to #COVID19

- Trump: "The Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus. This is their new hoax,"

- WHO: China has mounted "perhaps the most ambitious, agile and aggressive disease containment effort in history"

- Dr. Carter Mecher (VA): "we have a relatively narrow window and we are flying blind" (in Red Dawn email chain)

- Joe Biden: "Folks, we can beat this virus. We can keep it from being a pandemic. But it takes a lot of work."

- Joe Biden: "I want to talk a moment about the coronavirus. And I just want to say a few things to set the record straight. Barack and I, as president and vice president, we took on the virus that was threatening all of Africa and the rest of the world, and we set up a mechanism that worked. But I want to take a moment to say, it’s not a time to panic about coronavirus, but coronavirus is a serious public health challenge." at campaign rally in South Carolina. Trump Campaign Manipulates Biden Clip to Defend Trump Over Woodward Coronavirus Revelations — Here’s What He Really Said

- Dr. Nancy Messonnier (CDC): It’s possible this [California case] could be the first instance of community spread – meaning the illness was acquired through an unknown exposure in the community. It’s also possible, however, that a thorough investigation may show that the patient had exposure through contact to a returned traveler who was infected.

- Trump tweet: "So, the Coronavirus, which started in China and spread to various countries throughout the world, but very slowly in the U.S. because President Trump closed our border, and ended flights, VERY EARLY, is now being blamed, by the Do Nothing Democrats, to be the fault of “Trump”."

- Rush Limbaugh quoted: "Western Journal: Numbers Show Coronavirus Appears Far Less Deadly Than Flu, But Gov’t, Media Keep Promoting Panic – C. Douglas Golden"

- Trump Jr. says Dems, left-wing media have reached a 'new level of sickness' by politicizing coronavirus

- Trump: "They’re doing everything they can to instill fear in people, and I think it’s ridiculous... And some of the Democrats are doing it the way it should be done, but some of them are trying to gain political favor by saying a lot of untruths... We haven’t lost anybody yet, and hopefully we can keep that intact... There’ve been no deaths in the United States at all. A lot of that’s attributable to the fact that we closed the border very early. Otherwise it could be a very different story... Some people are giving us credit for that and some people aren’t... But the only ones who aren’t, they don’t mean it. It’s political. It’s politics."

- CDC update on testing

- Pence's office placed in charge of coronavirus messaging

- Mick Mulvaney: "They think this will bring down the president; that’s what this is all about"

- Trump: "They’re [CNN, etc.] doing everything they can to instill fear in people, and I think it’s ridiculous... And some of the Democrats are doing it the way it should be done, but some of them are trying to gain political favor by saying a lot of untruths."

- "2nd US case of person who got virus from community, in California"
29-Feb-2020 - First US death, in Washington State, Gov. Jay Inslee declares a state of emergency

- Trump: Everything is really under control (at CPAC, National Harbor, MD)

- Trump: We've taken the most aggressive actions to confront the coronavirus. They are the most aggressive taken by any country and we’re the number-one travel destination anywhere in the world, yet we have far fewer cases of the disease than even countries with much less travel or a much smaller population

- Ecuador, Ireland, Qatar reported first cases

- NASA images show coronavirus shutdown has cleared China pollution

- Trump Warns Not to Travel to Italy, South Korea, and Iran will face new restrictions

- Dr. Fauci: If this virus acts like other viruses, which I have no reason to believe it won’t, once you’ve gotten infected and recovered, you’re not going to get infected with the same virus.

- Trump: On Monday, I’ll be meeting with the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world, actually. They’ll be coming to the White House, and we’re talking about a vaccine and developing, very quickly — and they’ve already started working on it — developing, very rapidly, a vaccine for the virus, to combat the virus.

- Fauci: "There’s no need to change anything that you’re doing on a day by day basis. Right now the risk is still low, but this could change."

- Trump: "And I’ve gotten to know these [healthcare] professionals. They’re incredible. And everything is under control. I mean, they’re very, very cool. They’ve done it, and they’ve done it well. Everything is really under control."

- Update: FDA Issues New Policy to Help Expedite Availability of Diagnostics

- CDC brings in private labs for testing
??-Feb-2020 - U.S. manufacturers shipped millions of dollars’ worth of face masks and other protective medical equipment to China

- At the end of February, the Pentagon had already canceled several military exercises, restricted movement overseas and ordered all ships that had visited Pacific countries to self-quarantine.

- Early Feb: Mnuchin resists calls by Fauci, Matthew Pottinger for stronger action

- Joe Grogan and others worried that there weren’t enough tests to determine the rate of infection

- The coronavirus began to circulate in the New York area by mid-February, travelers brought in the virus mainly from Europe, not Asia

- Late February: the CDC opts not to use the WHO’s Covid-19 diagnostic test, quoting a study that was soon retracted

- CD says it will allow labs to create and use their own in-house tests immediately
01-Mar-2020 - Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis declares a public health emergency

- Azar: In terms of testing kits, we've already tested over 3,600 people for the virus (apparently he meant tests - only 500 people)

- Dr. Mecher says that the United States should have pulled all the triggers for nonpharmaceutical interventions by now

- If the country had begun locking down cities and limiting social contact on March 1, two weeks earlier than most people started staying home, the vast majority of the nation’s deaths — about 83 percent. Under that scenario, about 54,000 fewer people would have died by early May.

- Trump tweet: "People are disgusted and embarrassed by the Fake News Media, as headed by the @nytimes, @washingtonpost, @comcast & MSDNC, @ABC, @CBSNews and more. They no longer believe what they see and read, and for good reason. Fake News is, indeed, THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!"

- A federal judge on Sunday ruled that Ken Cuccinelli, the acting director of United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, was unlawfully appointed (He's on the Coronavirus task force)

- Trump trade adviser Peter Navarro warned then-president on virus supply shortage, then pursued controversial deals (Eastman Kodak, Phlow, AirBoss)
02-Mar-2020 - Trump: You take a solid flu vaccine, you don't think that would have an impact, or much of an impact, on corona? Dr Fauci: No.

- British scientists warned up to four-fifths of Britons could be infected and one in a hundred might die (i.e. 500,000 deaths in nearly 70 million)

- Trump: how many people die a year from the flu?' And, in this country, I think last year was 36- or 37,000 people. And I'm saying, 'Wow, nobody knew that information'

- Dr. Fauci: A year to a year and a half (when asked by Trump how long until a vaccine)

- Trump: they're going to have vaccines, I think relatively soon

- Trump attends Charlotte NC rally

- FDA emergency use authorization allowing industrial masks to be sold for healthcare use

- WHO raises alert to ‘very high’

- Trump: "We’re moving aggressively to accelerate the process of developing a vaccine. … A lot of good things are happening and they’re happening very fast. I said, ‘Do me a favor, speed it up, speed it up.’ And they will — they’re working really hard and quick." Fauci: "A year to a year and a half."

- Judd Legum tweet: "BREAKING: The CDC has stopped disclosing the number of Americans tested for coronavirus. On the left is how the website looked last night. On the right is what it looks like now, with the testing info removed.The lack of testing is a scandal. This is the coverup."

- White House places cap on Chinese state media employees in US following expulsion of WSJ reporters

- Donald Trump Meeting with Pharmaceutical Companies to Accelerate Coronavirus Vaccine (Remarks)

- Pence tweet: "Today, we are honored to welcome Ambassador Debbie Birx, a world-renowned global health official and physician, to the White House Coronavirus Taskforce." (annoucement)

- Trump: "A lot of things are happening. A lot of very exciting things are happening, and they’re happening very rapidly"
03-Mar-2020 - Fed Reserve cuts interest rates by 0.5%, first emergency cut, and biggest, since 2008

- Boris Johnson shook hands with COVID-19 patients

- WHO: Globally, about 3.4% of reported #COVID19 cases have died. By comparison, seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than 1% of those infected

- WHO DG: coronavirus causes more severe disease than seasonal influenza. While many people globally have built up immunity to seasonal flu strains, COVID-19 is a new virus to which no one has immunity. That means more people are susceptible to infection, and some will suffer severe disease.

- Trump: We’re moving at a maximum speed to develop the therapies, not only the vaccines, but the therapies. Therapies is sort of another word for cure

- Trump visited the Vaccine Research Center and the Viral Pathogenesis Laboratory at the National Institutes of Health< Bethesda MD

- a commercial officer in the U.S. embassy in Beijing alerted colleagues to the "new service" promoting American medical supply exports to China (China and Hong Kong COVID Procurement Service)

- Pence: "We’re going to put all inspection resources, at the state level, focused on infectious disease, looking at nursing homes being a focal point of vulnerability and a vulnerable population" (but they are relaxing Obama-era rules)

- Pence: "Today we will issue new guidance from the CDC that will make it clear that any American can be tested, no restrictions, subject to doctor’s orders"

- Possible first death in the UK
04-Mar-2020 - Iran to release 54,000 from prisons, deploy health workers. Deadliest ourbreak outside China. 23 members of parliament tested positive.

- CDC ended restriction of testing to people in hospital or with close contact

- Trump: [W]e have a very small number of people in this country [infected]. We have a big country. The biggest impact we had was when we took the 40-plus people [from a cruise ship]... We brought them back. We immediately quarantined them. But you add that to the numbers. But if you don’t add that to the numbers, we’re talking about very small numbers in the United States

- Trump: "Well, I think the 3.4% is really a false number... Now, this is just my hunch but based on a lot of conversation with a lot of people who do this, because a lot of people will have this and it's very mild. They'll get better very rapidly. They don't even see a doctor." (WHO's death rate)

- Trump: "Some people will have this at a very light level and won’t even go to a doctor or hospital, and they’ll get better. There are many people like that"

- Pence: "It's safe to fly in America and it's safe to fly internationally apart from the travel advisories that are available to the public"

- Trump: "I think we went as high as 100,000 people died in 1990, if you can believe that" (from flu. It was more like 26,582)

- Trump: "the borders are automatically shut down" (with China, but it excepted American citizens and permanent residents and their families)

- Trump: "And they didn't do anything about it" (of Obama, H1N1 - swine flu - not true)

- Trump tweet: "Gallup just gave us the highest rating ever for the way we are handling the CoronaVirus situation" - (not true)

- China and Hong Kong COVID Procurement Service shut down

- Trump: "Now, this is just my hunch, and — but based on a lot of conversations with a lot of people that do this, because a lot of people will have this, and it's very mild. They will get better very rapidly. They don't even see a doctor. Personally, I would say, the number is way under 1%"

- China study suggests children are as likely to be infected as adults (study)

- HHS to Procure N95 Respirators to Support Healthcare Workers in COVID-19 Outbreaks

- Trump: "If we have thousands of people that get better just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work – some of them go to work, but they get better"

- HHS clarifies US has about 1% of face masks needed for ‘full-blown’ coronavirus pandemic

- Trump: "I just want to add, if I might — and to go a little bit further — the Obama administration made a decision on testing that turned out to be very detrimental to what we’re doing. And we undid that decision a few days ago so that the testing can take place in a much more accurate and rapid fashion. That was a decision we disagreed with. I don’t think we would have made it, but for some reason it was made. But we’ve undone that decision." (not true)

- Redfield: "So in the past, we used to be able to have laboratories that could develop what we call “laboratory developed tests” and then be able to apply them for clinical purposes. And in the previous administration, that became regulated so that, now, for someone to do that, they had to formally file with the FDA. And what the president’s decision did was allow that regulatory relief now and that those university labs and those other labs in this country now can be fully engaged in developing laboratory diagnostics for the clinical arena so the men and women in this nation can get access to — and the doctors — to get to know the extent of [the virus] in the patients that they’re caring for. It’s, really, very important. It’s what’s changed the availability of testing overnight."

- Trump: "If we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better, just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work, some of them go to work, but they get better"
05-Mar-2020 - Trump tweet: With approximately 100,000 CoronaVirus cases worldwide, and 3,280 deaths, the United States, because of quick action on closing our borders, has, as of now, only 129 cases (40 Americans brought in) and 11 deaths.

- First UK death

- States, health insurers address coronavirus costs

- Pence: We don't have enough tests today to meet what we anticipate will be the demand going forward - at 3M

- Trump: We got hit with the virus really three weeks ago (it was 21 January - 6 weeks)

- Congress passed $8.3B bill to fight coronavirus outbreak (trump asked for $2.5 billion)

- Trump participated in a Fox News Town Hall at the Scranton Cultural Center, Pa.

- Pence visits the Minnesota headquarters of 3M

- World Bank pledges US$12 billion for coronavirus response

- LabCorp Launches Test for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

- Quest Diagnostics to Launch Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Test (from Monday, March 9)

- Trump tweet: "I NEVER said people that are feeling sick should go to work. This is just more Fake News and disinformation put out by the Democrats, in particular MSDNC. Comcast covers the CoronaVirus situation horribly, only looking to do harm to the incredible & successful effort being made!"

- Trump tweet: "Gallup just gave us the highest rating ever for the way we are handling the CoronaVirus situation. The April 2009-10 Swine Flu, where nearly 13,000 people died in the U.S., was poorly handled. Ask MSDNC & lightweight Washington failure @RonaldKlain, who the President was then?" (not true)

- Pence: There's no barrier... Make no mistake about it, we're making steady progress (about testing)
06-Mar-2020 - Trump: I said, ‘Calm. You have to be calm. It’ll go away.’

- TRUMP: Do I want to bring all those people off? People would like me to do it... I would rather have them stay on, personally... I don't need to have the numbers double because of one ship that wasn't our fault (Diamond Princess)

- Trump signs $8 billion supplemental bill - OMB had said $2.5bn, Azar had asked for $4bn

- Trump: "anybody who wants a test will get a test". "I like this stuff. I really get it". "People here are surprised that I understand it. Every one of these doctors said, ‘How do you know so much about this?’" (CDC HQ tour, Atlanta) (but see April 12 re test)

- Trump: But it’s an unforeseen problem. What a problem. Came out of nowhere... So we’re signing the $8.3 billion. I asked for 2.5 and I got 8.3, and I’ll take it.

- Kudlow: frankly, so far it looks relatively contained.

- Azar: There is no testing kit shortage, nor has there ever been. Up to 4 million tests available in the United States by the end of next week

- Trump: I hear the numbers are getting much better in Italy (not true)

- Trump visited Nashville and Cookeville to survey areas damaged in the March 2020 Tennessee tornado outbreak

- Trump traveled to Mar-a-Lago

- Trump: "I just think this is something, Peter, that you can never really think is going to happen"

- Dr. Abdu Sharkawy: "I'm a doctor and an Infectious Diseases Specialist. I've been at this for more than 20 years seeing sick patients on a daily basis. I have worked in inner city hospitals and in the poorest slums of Africa. HIV-AIDS, Hepatitis,TB, SARS, Measles, Shingles, Whooping cough, Diphtheria...there is little I haven't been exposed to in my profession. And with notable exception of SARS, very little has left me feeling vulnerable, overwhelmed or downright scared.

I am not scared of Covid-19. I am concerned about the implications of a novel infectious agent that has spread the world over and continues to find new footholds in different soil. I am rightly concerned for the welfare of those who are elderly, in frail health or disenfranchised who stand to suffer mostly, and disproportionately, at the hands of this new scourge...

- Trump: "I hear the numbers are getting much better in Italy." (not true)

- Trump: "Anybody that wants a test can get a test. That’s what the bottom line is" (Not true)

- Trump: "I think we’re doing a really good job in this country at keeping it down. We’ve really been very vigilant, and we’ve done a tremendous job at keeping to down."

07-Mar-2020 - Democrats work the weekend to craft relief bill.

- Trump: No, I'm not concerned at all. No, we’ve done a great job with it

- Trump: It came out of China, and we heard about it. And made a good move: We closed it down; we stopped it. Otherwise — the head of CDC said last night that you would have thousands of more problems if we didn't shut it down very early. That was a very early shutdown, which is something we got right.

- Trump visited the CDC headquarters in Atlanta, Ga. (after first canceling the visit)

- Trump played golf at International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, FL

- Brazil President Bolsonaro at Mar-a-Lago (Several people there tested positive afterwards)

- Grand Princess cruise ship still not allowed to dock
08-Mar-2020 - Italy resticts travel in Lombardy and 14 other provinces, affecting more than 10 million in the north

- Trump played golf at International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, FL

- Surgeon General Jerome Adams: But speaking of being at risk, the president, he sleeps less than I do and he’s healthier than what I am

- Trump: We have a perfectly coordinated and fine tuned plan at the White House.

- White House social media director Dan Scavino tweets picture of Trump fiddling: "My next piece is called... nothing can stop what's coming." Trump retweets it, saying: Who knows what this means, but it sounds good to me!

- If the United States had begun imposing social distancing measures one week earlier than it did in March, about 36,000 fewer people would have died in the coronavirus outbreak
09-Mar-2020 - The whole of Italy is locked down

- Trump tweet: So last year 37,000 Americans died from the common Flu. It averages between 27,000 and 70,000 per year. Nothing is shut down, life & the economy go on. At this moment there are 546 confirmed cases of CoronaVirus, with 22 deaths. Think about that!

- Trump tweet: The Fake News Media and their partner, the Democrat Party, is doing everything within its semi-considerable power (it used to be greater!) to inflame the CoronaVirus situation, far beyond what the facts would warrant. Surgeon General, "The risk is low to the average American."

- Global shares plunge in worst day since financial crisis

- Trump: I like the numbers being where they are. I don't need to have the numbers double because of one ship

- Trump held a fundraiser at the home of Bob Dello Russo, Longwood, Florida.

- Charlie Kirk tweet: Democrats and the mainstream media are trying to incite panic over the Coronavirus (retweeted by Trump)

- Trump tweet: The Fake News Media and their partner, the Democrat Party, is doing everything within its semi-considerable power (it used to be greater!) to inflame the CoronaVirus situation, far beyond what the facts would warrant. Surgeon General, "The risk is low to the average American."

- Quinnipiac poll: 68 percent of Democrats were concerned that they or someone they knew would be infected, but only 35 percent of Republicans

- Global Preparedness Monitoring Board calls on G7 and G20 leaders to support $8bn call to scale-up global response to COVID-19

- Trump: "This blindsided the world, and I think we’ve done very, very well."

- ICL Report 7: 9 March 2020 - Estimating infection prevalence in Wuhan City from repatriation flights

10-Mar-2020 - Trump: "It hit the world. And we're prepared, and we're doing a great job with it. And it will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away"

- Trump: "As you know, it’s about 600 cases, it’s about 26 deaths, within our country. And had we not acted quickly, that number would have been substantially more"

- Trump: It's really working out, and a lot of good things are gonna happen. Just stay calm. It will go away.

- Pence: "By the end of this week, there will be more than 4 million more tests made available in jurisdictions around the country. One million are already in place."" (but see April 12 re test)

- Coronavirus: Why You Must Act Now - Tomas Pueyo crunches the numbers and sounds a warning
11-Mar-2020 - WHO declares a pandemic, the first caused by a coronavirus.

- Trump restricts travel from the Schengen Area of Europe for 30 days to all but US citizens and permanent residents - they'd be screened

- Trump: "To keep new cases from entering our shores, we will be suspending all travel from Europe to the United States for the next 30 days" (but One final viral infusion: Trump’s move to block travel from Europe triggered chaos and a surge of passengers from the outbreak’s center). Members of the Members of the Red Dawn email chain disagree with the approach as do other experts

- Trump: I think we’re going to get through it very well

- Trump: We're having to fix a problem that four weeks ago nobody thought would be a problem

- Dr. Fauci: I can say we will see more cases, and things will get worse than they are right now

- Dr. Fauci: It is ten times more lethal than the seasonal flu.

- ‘We get it, and we’re on it’: Ottawa unveils $1B response fund for coronavirus pandemic ($50 million contribution to the World Health Organization and an additional $275 million to fund coronavirus research in Canada.)

- Trump: "This is the most aggressive and comprehensive effort to confront a foreign virus in modern history. I am confident that by counting and continuing to take these tough measures, we will significantly reduce the threat to our citizens, and we will ultimately and expeditiously defeat this virus" (video)

- Travel Restrictions for DoD Components in Response to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (effective 13th)

- ICL Report 8: 11 March 2020 - Symptom progression of COVID-19
12-Mar-2020 - Dow plunges 10% amid coronavirus fears for its worst day since the 1987 market crash

- Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau self-quarantines for 14 days after his wife tests positive

- Trump: The United States, because of what I did and what the administration did with China, we have 32 deaths at this point. Other countries that are smaller countries have many, many deaths. Thirty-two is a lot. Thirty-two is too many. But when you look at the kind of numbers that you’re seeing coming out of other countries, it’s pretty amazing when you think of it. (Meeting with Prime Minister Varadkar of Ireland at WHite House)

- Trump: It's gonna go away

- Trump cancels rallies, defends coronavirus response amid tanking Dow

- Dr. Fauci: The system does not, is not really geared to what we need right now, to what you are asking for. That is a failing.

- Professor of internal medicine James Lawler: "We are making every misstep leaders initially made in table-tops at the outset of pandemic planning in 2006 . We had systematically addressed all of these and had a plan that would work - and has worked in Hong Kong/Singapore . We have thrown 15 years of institutional learning out the window and are making decisions based on intuition. Pilots can tell you what happens when a crew makes decisions based on intuition rather than what their instruments are telling them. And we continue to push the stick forward ... "

- Admiral Brett Giroir was appointed as the nation’s "testing czar".

- Trump: "You know, we need a little a separation until such time as this goes away. It’s going to go away. It’s going to go way."

- Ohio shuts schools for three weeks

- Dr. Kurt Kloss, part of Kushner's extended family, asks doctors on a Facebook group for ideas on handling the outbreak, and passes them on to Kushner.

- Biden lays out coronavirus plan, takes aim at Trump for 'severe shortcomings'

- Joe Biden: "Labeling Covid-19 a foreign virus does not displace accountability for the misjudgments that have been taken thus far by the Trump administration"

- Pence: "There's no barrier ... Make no mistake about it, we're making steady progress." (to testing - not true)

- HHS made an initial order for $4.8 million of N95 masks from 3M
13-Mar-2020 - Trump declares a national emergency, freeing up $50 billion

- Trump tweet: To this point, and because we have had a very strong border policy, we have had 40 deaths related to CoronaVirus. If we had weak or open borders, that number would be many times higher!

- Trump: "We have 40 people right now. Forty. Compare that with other countries that have many, many times that amount. And one of the reasons we have 40 and others have — and, again, that number is going up, just so you understand. And a number of cases, which are very small, relatively speaking — it's going up. But we've done a great job because we acted quickly. We acted early. And there's nothing we could have done that was better than closing our borders to highly infected areas"

- Trump tweet: For decades the @CDCgov looked at, and studied, its testing system, but did nothing about it. It would always be inadequate and slow for a large scale pandemic, but a pandemic would never happen, they hoped. President Obama made changes that only complicated things further.....

- Trump tweet: Their response to H1N1 Swine Flu was a full scale disaster, with thousands dying, and nothing meaningful done to fix the testing problem, until now. The changes have been made and testing will soon happen on a very large scale basis. All Red Tape has been cut, ready to go!

- Trump: No, I don't take responsibility at all

- Europe has now become the epicenter of the pandemic

- China Spins Tale That the U.S. Army Started the Coronavirus Epidemic via the World Military Games. Foreign Ministry spokesman Lijian Zhao tweet)

- Trump says Google is building a site to help people find coronavirus tests. Google corrects him

- Trump: "I don't know anything about it." (about dissolving the Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense)

- Susan Rice: "The Government Has Failed on Coronavirus, but There Is Still Time"

- More than 100 mayors of America’s largest cities held a conference call to discuss tackling the virus

- Joe Biden tweet: "A wall will not stop the coronavirus.

Banning all travel from Europe — or any other part of the world — will not stop it.

This disease could impact every nation and any person on the planet — and we need a plan to combat it."

14-Mar-2020 - President Trump Tests Negative for Coronavirus, White House Doctor Says

- Bolton tweet: Claims that streamlining NSC structures impaired our nation's bio defense are false. Global health remained a top NSC priority, and its expert team was critical to effectively handling the 2018-19 Africa Ebola crisis. The angry Left just can't stop attacking, even in a crisis.
15-Mar-2020 - Trump: "Relax, we’re doing great... It all will pass"

Dr. Fauci: "The worst is ahead for us"

- US citizens returning from overseas say they are waiting hours for coronavirus screening at airports

- Trump is said to have tried to buy the entire output from German firm CureVac which is working on a coronavirus vaccine
16-Mar-2020 - Canada to bar entry to travellers who are not citizens, permanent residents or Americans

- Trump refers to COVID-19 as the "Chinese virus"

- Trump: my administration is recommending that all Americans, including the young and healthy, work to engage in schooling from home when possible, avoid gathering in groups of more than 10 people, avoid discretionary travel and avoid eating and drinking at bars, restaurants and public food courts.

- Trump: I’d rate it a 10. I think we’ve done a great job.

- Trump: But people are talking about July, August, something like that. So it could be right in that period of time where it, I say, wash — it washes through

- Department of Defense suspends domestic travel for military and civilian personnel until May as coronavirus outbreak grows in US

- Trump to Governors on Ventilators: ‘Try Getting It Yourselves’

- 'This is a very bad one': Trump issues new guidelines to stem coronavirus spread

- Trump tweet: "Just had a very good tele-conference with Nation’s Governors. Went very well. Cuomo of New York has to “do more”."

- Report 9: Impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) to reduce COVID-19 mortality and healthcare demand (UK)

- Coronavirus: PM says everyone should avoid office, pubs and travelling (UK)

- ICL Report 9: 16 March 2020 - Impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) to reduce COVID-19 mortality and healthcare demand
17-Mar-2020 - Trump Fires Back at Complaints He’s Stigmatizing China Over Coronavirus

- Trump Now Claims He Always Knew the Coronavirus Would Be a Pandemic

- Trump: This is a pandemic. I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic

- Dr. Deborah Birx: It doesn't help to put out a test where 50% or 47% are false positives (inaccurate about a Chinese test, but WHO used a German one)

- Trump: No, I’ve always viewed it as very serious. There was no difference yesterday from days before. I feel the tone is similar, but some people said it wasn’t.

- UK coronavirus death toll of 20,000 'a good outcome', says chief scientific adviser Sir Patrick Vallance (Britain and Ireland were at first excluded from the list before being added on March 17).

- First vaccine clinical trials begin in the United States

- Trump announces that the CDC will suspend entry into the United States from persons from Mexico and Canada

- ‘Go Big’ on Coronavirus Stimulus, Trump Says, Pitching Checks for Americans (asks for $1 trillion, gets 2).
18-Mar-2020 - Trump signs relief package for free testing and paid emergency leave.

- WHO official warns against calling it 'Chinese virus,' says 'there is no blame in this'

- Trump signs the Defense Production Act 'in case we need it'

- Trump: I view it as, in a sense, a wartime president

- Trump: Nobody ever thought of numbers like this

- Trump tweet: I always treated the Chinese Virus very seriously, and have done a very good job from the beginning, including my very early decision to close the "borders" from China - against the wishes of almost all. Many lives were saved. The Fake News new narrative is disgraceful & false!

- Executive Order on Prioritizing and Allocating Health and Medical Resources to Respond to the Spread of Covid-19
19-Mar-2020 - China reports no new locally transmitted coronavirus cases for the first time

- Trump: Nobody knew there would be a pandemic or epidemic of this proportion. Nobody has ever seen anything like this before.

- Trump touts chloroquine

- White supremacists encouraging their members to spread coronavirus to cops, Jews, FBI says

- NHS guidance said "unless required to be in hospital, patients must not remain in an NHS bed" (so could go to a nursing home)

- The CDC says healthcare workers who can't get a mask should use a bandana or scarf as a 'last resort' as supplies run short

- Trump: "Governors are supposed to be doing a lot of this work, and they are doing a lot of this work... The Federal government is not supposed to be out there buying vast amounts of items and then shipping. You know, we’re not a shipping clerk."

- Trump: "Now it’s turning out it’s not just old people, Bob. Just today and yesterday, some startling facts came out. It’s not just old- older.... Young people too, plenty of young people."

- Trump: "I wanted to always play it down. I still like playing it down, because I don’t want to create a panic.

- Trump: "Well, he’s a very good guy. He’s done it before. He’s a sharp guy. I think he’s 79 years old. (about Fauci)

- Trump: "Honestly there’s not a lot of time for that, Bob. This is a busy White House. (about discussing COVID with Fauci)

- Trump: "We had a choice to make. Close everything up and save potentially millions of lives – you know, hundreds of thousands of lives – or don’t do anything and watch - and look at body bags every day being taken out of apartment buildings... I told me that."
20-Mar-2020 - Trump: I say that you’re a terrible reporter, when asked, "What do you say to Americans who are scared?" by NBC News’ Peter Alexander.

- U.S. Army tweet: Lt. Gen. Todd Semonite, Chief of the @USACEHQ, provides a 'simple' solution to the complicated problem of building temporary medical facilities to assist states with responding to #COVID19. This clip is from a press conference by Army senior leader on March 20, 2020.

- Trump: " It may work, it may not work. I feel good about it. That’s all it is. Just a feeling. You know, I’m a smart guy. I feel good about it." (about hydroxychloroquine) (but
Hydroxychloroquine: Trump's Covid-19 'cure' increases deaths, global study finds

- DHSS and DoD airlift 500,000 swab and sample kits for COVID-19 diagnostic tests from Copan Diagnostics, a private company in Italy

- Staff member in Vice President Mike Pence's office tests positive for coronavirus

- Trump: "I invoked the Defense Production Act, and last night, we put it into gear. We moved the National Response Coordination Center to the highest level of activist [sic]. I mean, if you — if you take a look at what we did, the level of activation has been increased to a grade one level, which is the highest level." (he didn;t actually use it)

- ICL Report 10: 20 March 2020 - Public response to UK Government recommendations on COVID-19: population survey, 17-18 March 2020
21-Mar-2020 - Despite federal guidelines, Trump suggests 'sanitizing' and reusing medical masks

- Trump tweet: "HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE & AZITHROMYCIN, taken together, have a real chance to be one of the biggest game changers in the history of medicine..."

- HHS made a second, $$173 million, order for N95 masks from 3M
22-Mar-2020 - Coronavirus stimulus bill fails in key Senate procedural vote. "Democratic leaders warned that the bill did too much to bail out companies and not enough to help workers."

- Defense Production Act not being used to instruct companies to make needed equipment
23-Mar-2020 - UN Sec-Gen calls for an immediate global ceasefire to fight "the common enemy"

- Trump: "America will again, and soon, be open for business — very soon — a lot sooner than three or four months that somebody was suggesting. A lot sooner. We cannot let the cure be worse than the problem itself. We're not going to let the cure be worse than the problem ... Parts of our country are very lightly affected."

- UK stringent lockdown. PM's statement: "From this evening I must give the British people a very simple instruction - you must stay at home."
24-Mar-2020 - Japan and IOC postpone Olympics to 2021
- Trump wants America ‘opened up and raring to go’ by Easter

- Trump: "I think Easter Sunday — you'll have packed churches all over our country." (12 April)

- Trump: "I'd love to have it open by Easter, I would love to have it open by Easter, I will tell you that right now. I would love to have that" at a Fox News town hall

- Trump: "We've never closed down the country for the flu. So you say to yourself, 'What is this all about?"

- Hubei eases lockdown

- HHS Provides $100 Million to Help U.S. Healthcare Systems Prepare For COVID-19 Patients

- Trump tweet: "This is the way the @nytimes finished a story on me. “You can see the contrast between the steady, assured, informed and strong leadership that VP Biden (Sleepy Joe) has shown, and the bungling, chaotic and dishonest start-stop approach that Mr. (not Pres.) Trump has shown...."

- Trump tweet: " since the beginning of this crisis.” They meant the opposite? Forgot to mention that I closed our Country to China (and Europe) very early, long before it was considered acceptable to do so. Sleepy Joe said I was “xenophobic”, but I saved thousands of lives! Fake News!"

- John Berman tweet: "BREAKING: @FEMA_Pete tells @NewDay that administration will actually use Defense Production Act for 1st time (DPA)...for test kits." (Trump says not)

- Trump Tweet: "The Defense Production Act is in full force, but haven’t had to use it because no one has said NO! Millions of masks coming as back up to States."

- ICL Report 11: 24 March 2020 - Evidence of initial success for China exiting COVID-19 social distancing policy after achieving containment
25-Mar-2020 - WH and Senate agree $2.2 trillion stimulus (CARES Act)

- Britain's Prince Charles tests positive for Covid-19 coronavirus

- Trump: We’re the ones that gave the great response, and we’re the ones that kept China out of here. And if I didn’t do it, you’d have thousands and thousands of people died — who would’ve died — that are now living and happy.

- Trump tweet: "The LameStream Media is the dominant force in trying to get me to keep our Country closed as long as possible in the hope that it will be detrimental to my election success. The real people want to get back to work ASAP. We will be stronger than ever before!"

- G-7 Failed to Agree on Joint Statement after U.S. Insisted on Using ‘Wuhan Virus’ (Pompeo)

- The military has suspended all travel, deployments, exercises for the entire force

- 100 scientific organizations call to end Trump’s ban on fetal-tissue research

- UK coronavirus home testing to be made available to millions
26-Mar-2020 - World leaders vow to coordinate virus response in video call

- Trump: We took over an empty shelf. We took over a very depleted place, in a lot of ways. As you know, the testing is going very, very well. And that was obsolete and broken, and we fixed it and it’s been going really good. And I think, very importantly, the stockpile — we’re really filling it up, and we fill it up rapidly, but we get it out. Sometimes we have it sent directly to the states instead.

- Trump: when this is over, we’re going to be fully stockpiled, which they would have never been, except for a circumstance — this was — this was something that nobody has ever thought could happen to this country. I’m not even blaming — look, we inherited a broken situation, but I don’t totally blame the people that were before me and this administration. Nobody would have ever thought a thing like this could have happened.

- Trump: when I first got involved, I was being told numbers that were much, much higher than the number that seems to be. And remember that people that have it — many people have it. I just spoke to two people. They had it. They never went to a doctor. They had it — absolutely had it — but they never went to a doctor. They never went to anything. They didn’t even report it. You have thousands and — hundreds of thousands of cases like that. So you have to add that to the caseload also.

And the people that actually die, that percentage is — is a much lower percentage than I ever thought.

- "They have to go back to work; our country has to go back. Our country is based on that, and I think it's going to happen pretty quickly."

- The COVID-19 pandemic could have infected 90% of the world’s population and killed 40.6 million people if no mitigation measures had been put in place according to Imperial College London

- There are still not enough tests or PPE

- ICL Report 12: 26 March 2020 - The global impact of COVID-19 and strategies for mitigation and suppression

27-Mar-2020 - US House passes the CARES Act (the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act (S.3548) - $2 trillion)

- Trump signs the stimulus package into law

- Coronavirus: Prime Minister Boris Johnson tests positive

- Abbott ID NOW™ COVID-19 test, used by White House, given FDA Emergency Use Authorization (prone to false negatives)

- Trump signs $2 trillion coronavirus bill into law - extends liability waiver for masks

- Hospital Experiences Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Results of a National Pulse Survey March 23–27, 2020 - DHHS Principal IG finds that that hospitals are facing severe shortages. Trump calls it 'Another Fake Dossier!'

- Nurses resort to wearing trash bags - one dies

- Trump signs an order telling GM to make ventilators. GM were not told, and said it did not change their plans

- Trump: "I have a feeling that a lot of the numbers that are being said in some areas are just bigger than they’re going to be... I don’t believe you need 40,000 or 30,000 ventilators. You go into major hospitals sometimes, and they’ll have two ventilators. And now, all of a sudden, they’re saying, ‘Can we order 30,000 ventilators?’"

- CIA warns its employees against taking hydroxychloroquine: "There are potentially significant side effects, including sudden cardiac death..."

- Trump: "We have done a job the likes of which nobody’s seen"

- Letter to Azar, etc. urging government to release race, ethnicity data on covid-19 cases - Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Rep. Ayanna Pressley, Rep. Robin L. Kelly, Sen. Kamala D. Harris, Sen. Cory A. Booker

- Trump tweet: "General Motors MUST immediately open their stupidly abandoned Lordstown plant in Ohio, or some other plant, and START MAKING VENTILATORS, NOW!!!!!! FORD, GET GOING ON VENTILATORS, FAST!!!!!! @GeneralMotors @Ford"

- Trump: "All I want them to do — very simple — I want them to be appreciative. I don’t want them to say things that aren’t true. I want them to be appreciative. We’ve done a great job." (the governors of Washington and Michigan)

- Trump uses wartime act but GM says it’s already moving fast

- Trump says the federal government will make 100,000 ventilators within 100 days and claims he could export them after he invoked Defense Production Act on GM

- Society of Radiographers letter to Secretary of State for Health Matt Hancock about chronic shortage of PPE and tests (UK)

28-Mar-2020 - The FDA has approved emergency use of a new coronavirus test that delivers positive results in 5 minutes and negative results in 13

- Trump saw off hospital ship USNS Comfort, which was heading to New York City to aid virus response, Norfolk Va.
29-Mar-2020 - Trump: We can expect that by June 1, we will be well on our way to recovery... We think by June 1. A lot of great things will be happening.

- President Trump Sees off Navy Hospital Ship Comfort in Norfolk

- Trump: "So you're talking about 2.2. million deaths — 2.2 million people from this. And so if we can hold that down, as we're saying, to 100,000 — that's a horrible number — maybe even less, but to 100,000, so we have between 100,000 and 200,000. We all, together, have done a very good job. But 2.2 — up to 2.2 million deaths, and maybe even beyond that. I'm feeling very good about what we did last week."

- Rear Adm. John Polowczyk: Today, I, as leader of FEMA’s supply chain task force, am blind to where all the product is". It’s Bedlam in the Mask Market, as Profiteers Out-Hustle Good Samaritans
30-Mar-2020 - Hungary passes law that will let Orbán rule by decree

- FDA authorizes widespread use of unproven drugs to treat coronavirus, saying possible benefit outweighs risk (hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine)

- Ford, GE plan to produce 50,000 ventilators in 100 days

- Trump: "New York is really in trouble, but I think it's going to end up being fine. We're loading it up, we're stocking it up ... And then by a little short of June, maybe June 1, we think the — you know, it's a terrible thing to say, but we think the deaths will be at a very low number. It'll be brought down to a very low number from right now, from where it's getting to reach its peak"

- Internet confused why Trump invited My Pillow owner to public health briefing: ‘Tell me this is a prank’

- Trump announces social distancing guidelines extended to April 30

- Trump: "you know it is going away, and it will go away. And we’re going to have a great victory."

- Report 13: Estimating the number of infections and the impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions on COVID-19 in 11 European countries (incl. UK - lockdown would reduce the number of dead from 510,000 to less than 20,000)

- ICL Report 13: 30 March 2020 - Estimating the number of infections and the impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions on COVID-19 in 11 European countries
31-Mar-2020 - Botswana, Burundi, and Sierra Leone report first cases

- Russian Plane With Coronavirus Medical Gear Lands in U.S. After Trump-Putin Call

- Trump tweet: 30 DAYS TO SLOW THE SPREAD #COVIDー19 (the president's coronavirus guidelines for America)

- White House Projects 100,000 to 240,000 U.S. Deaths From Coronavirus

- Trump plans to intervene on allowing Holland America cruise ships to dock in Florida (MS Zaandam and MS Rotterdam)

- Trump: It’s absolutely critical for the American people to follow the guidelines for the next 30 days... It’s a matter of life and death.

- Trump: I’m a cheerleader for our country and I want it to do a great job so the number can be kept — and I’ve always said it: I want as few a number of people to die as possible

- Trump: "I want every American to be prepared for the hard days that lie ahead... We're going to go through a very tough two weeks, and then hopefully, as the experts are predicting ... we're going to start seeing some real light at the end of the tunnel... It's a matter of life and death, frankly"

- Trump: "This could be a hell of a bad two weeks. This is gonna be a very bad two — or maybe even three — weeks. This is going to be three weeks like we haven't seen before"

- Trump: "But it's not the flu. It's vicious. When you send a friend to the hospital and you call up to find out, how is he doing, it happened to me. Where he goes to the hospital, he says goodbye, sort of a tough guy, little older, little heavier than he'd like to be, frankly. And you call up the next day, 'how's he doing?' And he's in a coma? This is not the flu."

- Trump: "I knew everything. I knew it could be horrible, and I knew it could be maybe good."

- Nearly 80% of US intensive-care patients have underlying conditions

- SLO County ordered 100 ventilators weeks ago to save lives. Now shipment is delayed

- 'On our own now': U.S. strategic stockpile empty of medical supplies

- 1 million Chinese-made diagnostic tests for COVID-19 arrived in DC. They did not go through proper channels and were unusable

- Trump: "It’s going to go away, hopefully at the end of the month. And, if not, hopefully it will be soon after that."

- Head of China’s National Health Commission declares that Wuhan is no longer a COVID-19 battleground
??-Mar-2020 - White House commits about one-third of the nationional emergency stockpile of medical equipment to Kushner’s plan for drive-through testing sites. He originally promised thousands of testing sites, but managed only 78

- Early March: FDA's Dr. Steven Hahn relaxes rules regulating whether hospitals and labs can create their own tests

- Mid-March: Federal agencies start placing bulk orders for N95 masks, ventilators, etc.

- W/c 16 March: FEMA Administrator Peter Gaynor says that the White House did not invite him to join the joint Coronavirus Task Force until now

- End March: Over 10 million Americans applied for unemployment benefits in March as economy collapsed
01-Apr-2020 - Pence: I don’t believe the president has ever belittled the threat of the coronavirus

- FDA says there's a shortage of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine due to Trump surge

- U.S. postpones immigration hearings for migrants in Mexico

- Evacuation of coronavirus-stricken aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt under way

- COP26 postponed

- CDC test one of the best when it came to detecting low levels of the virus in samples
02-Apr-2020 - 6.6 million US workers file for their first week of unemployment benefits w/e March 28, a record

- World total cases exceed 1 million

- Malawi reports first case

- Cuomo: New York Has Only Six Days Of Ventilators Left In Stockpile

- Trump invokes Defense Production Act for ventilator equipment and N95 masks

- UK: "negative [coronavirus] tests are not required prior to transfers/admissions into the care home" (so could go to a nursing home)

- As virus takes hold, resistance to stay-at-home orders remains widespread — exposing political and social rifts (A Blanket National Quarantine Is Likely Not Legal)

- Trump tweets: "Massive amounts of medical supplies, even hospitals and medical centers, are being delivered directly to states and hospitals by the Federal Government. Some have insatiable appetites & are never satisfied (politics?). Remember, we are a backup for them. The complainers should..." "....have been stocked up and ready long before this crisis hit. Other states are thrilled with the job we have done. Sending many Ventilators today, with thousands being built. 51 large cargo planes coming in with medical supplies. Prefer sending directly to hospitals."

- Memorandum on Order Under the Defense Production Act Regarding the Purchase of Ventilators

- Jared Kushner: the notion of the federal stockpile was it’s supposed to be our stockpile; it’s not supposed to be state stockpiles that they then use

- Strategic National Stockpile is the nation’s largest supply of life-saving pharmaceuticals and medical supplies for use in a public health emergency severe enough to cause local supplies to run out.

- Trump Passes the Buck to States on Giving Nurses and Doctors What They Need
03-Apr-2020 - Trump: nobody could ever have assumed that something like this happened

- Trump administration now recommending Americans wear "non-medical cloth" face coverings

- The Falkland Islands reports its first case

- China Donates 1,000 Ventilators to New York

- New York Is Going to Start Seizing Unused Ventilators and Giving Them to Desperate Hospitals

- CDC begins blood tests to find undetected coronavirus cases

- US 'wants 3M to end mask exports to Canada and Latin America'

- Barr Expands Early Release of Inmates at Prisons Seeing More Coronavirus Cases

- Trump: "I said it’s going away and it is going away."

- Trump: "The original test — the ones we inherited, Jim, as an example, they were — they were broken. They were obsolete. They were not good tests. And that’s what we got stuck with. We’ve developed some incredible tests. " (not true as the virus did not exist then)

- Illinois adjusts on the fly to meet medical supply needs in a coronavirus ‘Wild West’

- New England Patriots team plane with 1.2 million N95 masks arrives from China to help ease shortages

- Feds Take All Of County’s 35,000 Mask Order Targeted For Health Care Workers

- Professor Jonathan Van Tam : "'We do not recommend face masks for general wearing'"

- Fox host Laura Ingraham paid Trump a visit in the Oval Office to talk up hydroxychloroquine

- The Strategic National Stockpile's role is to supplement state and local supplies during public health emergencies. Many states have products stockpiled, as well. The supplies, medicines, and devices for life-saving care contained in the stockpile can be used as a short-term stopgap buffer when the immediate supply of adequate amounts of these materials may not be immediately available.

- Biden campaign says he backs Trump's China travel ban. "Joe Biden supports travel bans that are guided by medical experts, advocated by public health officials, and backed by a full strategy. Science supported this ban, therefore he did too."

- Trump tweet: "We hit 3M hard today after seeing what they were doing with their Masks. “P Act” all the way. Big surprise to many in government as to what they were doing - will have a big price to pay!" (HHS placed one order March 12 and another on March 21 with 3M, which had ramped up production weeks earlier, for deliveries from the end of April)

- ICL Report 14: 03 April 2020 - Online Community Involvement in COVID-19 Research & Outbreak Response: Early Insights from a UK Perspective
04-Apr-2020 - Trump administration edits national stockpile website

- Trump tells Americans to take unproven malaria drug to prevent Covid-19 (hydroxychloroquine)

- Pressed by Trump, U.S. pushed unproven coronavirus treatment guidance

- US accused of 'modern piracy' after diversion of masks meant for Europe

- Federal Government Outbids Kentucky For Medical Equipment Amid Shortage

- Trump: "They won’t need that many" (ventilators)

- Coronavirus UK death toll: why what we think we know is wrong (underestimate)
05-Apr-2020 - A tiger at Bronx Zoo in New York City has tested positive

- Boris Johnson admitted to hospital with coronavirus

- Coronavirus: Queen tells UK 'we will succeed' in fight

- Ignoring Expert Opinion, Trump Again Promotes Use of Hydroxychloroquine

- Trump (73) interview with Bob Woodward (77) where Trump explains that older people and those with "a condition" would be in "big trouble" if they test positive for COVID-19.:

Trump: "It moves rapidly, Bob. It moves rapidly and viciously. If you're the wrong person and if it gets you, your life is pretty much over if you're in the wrong group."

Woodward: "Well, that's our age group, isn't it sir?"

Trump: "It's -- well, hopefully we're much younger than that, Bob. You look younger. But, but it's our age group. You know? Older, especially 80. Well, you're not anywhere near that."

Trump: "It moves rapidly, Bob. It moves rapidly and viciously. If you’re the wrong person and if it gets you, your life is pretty much over if you’re in the wrong group. You know what I mean. It’s a tough deal."

Woodward: "Is there any way to tell what that group is yet?"
06-Apr-2020 - Larry Kudlow: No one could have predicted the exponential rise of this

- Boris Johnson Moved to Intensive Care; Foreign Minister Deputized

- Canada says US blocked delivery of three million masks

- New England Patriots plane flying 1.2 million N95 face masks to Boston from China

- Heritage Foundation launches National Coronavirus Recovery Commission

- COVID-19 is now the leading cause of death in the United States

- U.S. government is urged to release race, ethnicity data on covid-19 cases

- Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law and medical professionals letter to Azar to express grave concern regarding the impact of COVID-19 on communities of color
07-Apr-2020 - Trump: a total of 110,000 ventilators coming over a short period of time... I don't think we'll need them, but we'll have them for the future, and we'll also be able to help other countries who are desperate for ventilators (60,000 devices would not be received until 29 June)

- CDC removes unusual guidance to doctors about drug favored by Trump

- Trump administration to keep critical medical supplies in U.S. - Pompeo

- Trump: "The WHO... receives vast amounts of money from the United States. … They’ve been wrong about a lot of things. And they had a lot of information early and ...they seem to be very China-centric. And we have to look into that... because they ... called it wrong... They really — they missed the call. They could have called it months earlier. They would have known, and they should have known. And they probably did know, so we’ll be looking into that very carefully. And we’re going to put a hold on money spent to the WHO. We’re going to put a very powerful hold on it, and we’re going to see. It’s a great thing if it works, but when they call every shot wrong, that’s no good."

- Trump: "I didn’t see them, but I heard he wrote some memos talking about pandemic. I didn’t see them. I didn’t look for them either" (about Peter Navarro memos Jan 29 and Feb 23)

- "'It's very sad': Fauci warns blacks disproportionately affected by coronavirus"

- Black Americans Face Alarming Rates of Coronavirus Infection in Some States

- The coronavirus is infecting and killing black Americans at an alarmingly high rate

- Tucker Carlson: "As awful as this epidemic has been and will be, at least so far, it hasn't been the disaster that we feared"

- Tucker Carlson: Coronavirus crisis "may have passed. We’ll see but it looks like it may have"

- Brit Hume: "the disease turned out not to be quite as dangerous as we thought"

- UK Tracking-app data suggest loss of smell is a key COVID-19 symptom

- Hospitals say feds are seizing masks and other coronavirus supplies without a word

- Trump removes IG Glenn Fine from the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee (he was appointed by Clinton)

- Trump tweet: "Why didn’t the I.G., who spent 8 years with the Obama Administration (Did she Report on the failed H1N1 Swine Flu debacle where 17,000 people died?), want to talk to the Admirals, Generals, V.P. & others in charge, before doing her report. Another Fake Dossier!" (HHS's Christi Grimm's report)

- Trump: " Which I’m right about. It did go — it will go away.... Well, the cases really didn’t build up for a while. But you have to understand, I’m a cheerleader for this country. I don’t want to create havoc and shock and everything else, but ultimately, when I was saying that, I’m also closing it down. I obviously was concerned about it because I closed down our country to China, which was heavily infected." (about having said it was going to go away within a couple of days)

- Trump: "The WHO, that’s the World Health Organization, receives vast amounts of money from the United States. And we pay for a majority — biggest portion of their money. And they actually criticized and disagreed with my travel ban at the time I did it. And they were wrong. They’ve been wrong about a lot of things. And they had a lot of information early and they didn’t want to — they’re very — they seem to be very China-centric. And we have to look into that. So we’re going to look into it."
08-Apr-2020 - Mnuchin says the government won’t run out of money for small businesses

- CBP to seize exports of coronavirus masks, gloves, PPE, to ensure US doesn't need them

- People of Wuhan allowed to leave after lockdown (first time since 23 January)

- Rush Limbaugh: If you disagree with Fauci, if you disagree with Birx, if you disagree with any of the so-called experts advising us to do what — you are are going to be tagged a racist

- WHO Secretary-General Antonio Guterres: "The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most dangerous challenges this world has faced in our lifetime. It is above all a human crisis with severe health and socio-economic consequences... It is my belief that the World Health Organization must be supported, as it is absolutely critical to the world’s efforts to win the war against COVID-19."

- WHO Secretary-General Antonio Guterres: "The goal of all countries should be to save their people. Don’t politicize this virus... No need to use COVID to score political points. You have many other ways to prove yourselves"

- White House Announces New Guidance For How Critical Employees Can Return To Work

- One of Jared Kushner’s coronavirus response group volunteers files a complaint that it is falling short. Behind the scenes, Kushner takes charge of coronavirus response

- ‘Just madness’: Governors mull consortium to end chaos over medical supplies. In Desperation, New York State Pays Up to 15 Times the Normal Prices for Medical Equipment

- AG Bill Barr: Media On A "Jihad" To Discredit Trump And Hydroxychloroquine

- Rush Limbaugh slams news coverage of coronavirus racial disparity: "This is how they stop criticism"

09-Apr-2020 - Today marks 100 days since WHO was notified of the first cases of "pneumonia with unknown cause" in China

- Coronavirus: Boris Johnson out of intensive care but remains in hospital

- More Than 16 Million Americans Have Lost Their Jobs In The Past Three Weeks

- Fed to Buy Junk Bonds, Lend to States in Fresh Virus Support

- UK launches massive coronavirus diagnostic network

- U.S. federal stockpile of medical protective gear is almost empty as coronavirus spreads

- U.N. Security Council meets over coronavirus as it struggles to act
10-Apr-2020 - South Korea reports recovered coronavirus patients testing positive again

- Obama to mayors on coronavirus: The biggest mistake leaders 'can make in these situations is to misinform'

- Yemen confirms its first case

- German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas calls the US' handling of the coronavirus pandemic "too slow"

- Trump Orders U.S. Government to Help Italy in Coronavirus Fight

- Trump tweet: Democrats are blocking a 251 Billion Dollar funding boost for Small Businesses which will help them keep their employees. It should be for only that reason, with no additions. We should have a big Infrastructure Phase Four with Payroll Tax Cuts & more. Big Economic Bounceback!

- South Korea goes to the polls, coronavirus pandemic or not, including coronavirus patients

-Trump Admin Says Employers Don’t Have to Record Coronavirus Cases Among Workers (text)

- It's a full year without a Senate-confirmed secretary of homeland security, not even a nominee

- Trump: "Now one of the biggest problems the world has is the germ has gotten so brilliant that the antibiotic can’t keep up with it." (Antibiotics cannot kill viruses)

- President Trump says coronavirus death toll in US should be substantially under 100,000

- Trump Tweet: "The Invisible Enemy will soon be in full retreat!"
11-Apr-2020 - Pentagon awarding contract to boost N95 mask production capacity by 39 million

- IRS says first wave of coronavirus stimulus payments have been deposited

- Judd Deere, a White House spokesman: While the media and Democrats refused to seriously acknowledge this virus in January and February, President Trump took bold action to protect Americans and unleash the full power of the federal government to curb the spread of the virus, expand testing capacities and expedite vaccine development even when we had no true idea the level of transmission or asymptomatic spread

- Trump leaves trail of unmet promises in coronavirus response

- Trump administration has many task forces — but still no plan for beating covid-19

- Trump’s Deregulatory Agenda Has 'Exacerbated' COVID-19 Pandemic, report: "Weakening Our Defenses"
12-Apr-2020 - Coronavirus: Fauci says US 'could have saved lives' with earlier action

- Fauci: "As soon as it became clear that there was community spread, which means that it isn't just a travel-related case, that there are cases that are in the community under the radar screen, then it became clear that we were in real trouble"

- UK pledges $250 million to WHO, other charities to help slow spread of coronavirus

- White House still has no road map for restarting the economy

- White House spokesman Judd Deere: "[Trump] took bold action to protect Americans and unleash the full power of the federal government to curb the spread of the virus, expand testing capacities, and expedite vaccine development when we had no true idea the level of transmission or asymptomatic spread. The President remains completely focused on the health and safety of the American people and it is because of his bold leadership that we will emerge from this challenge healthy, stronger, and with a prosperous and growing economy"

- CDC still warns that it may "be difficult to find a place to get tested."

- FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn says the U.S. has done more than 2 million tests, and needs to do more and there are testing shortages

- Fauci: "Obviously you could logically say that if you had a process that was ongoing and started mitigation earlier, you could have saved lives. Obviously no one is going to deny that... If we had, right from the very beginning shut everything down, it may have been different. But there was a lot of push back for shutting everything down back then."
13-Apr-2020 - Trump retweets call to fire Anthony Fauci after the coronavirus expert says earlier measures ‘could have saved lives’

- Trump: I have the ultimate authority (on reopening)

- Trump tweet: For the purpose of creating conflict and confusion, some in the Fake News Media are saying that it is the Governors decision to open up the states, not that of the President of the United States & the Federal Government. Let it be fully understood that this is incorrect....

- Trump tweet: ....It is the decision of the President, and for many good reasons. With that being said, the Administration and I are working closely with the Governors, and this will continue. A decision by me, in conjunction with the Governors and input from others, will be made shortly!

- Trump friend Stanley Chera dies from coronavirus complications

- A Month After Emergency Declaration, Trump's Promises Largely Unfulfilled

- States still baffled over how to get coronavirus supplies from Trump

- Governors Announce 6-State Working Group To Plan Post-COVID-19 Reopening (Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island)

- California, Oregon & Washington Announce Western States Pact (Western States Pact)

- Trump: "When somebody is the president of the United States, the authority is total, and that’s the way it’s gonna be" (over governors on lockdowns) (false)

- Trump: "Everything we did was right"

- Trump: "[the coronavirus] is a killer if it gets you. If you’re the wrong person, you don’t have a chance... So this rips you apart... It is the plague."

- Implementing a National Return to Work Plan - U.S. Chamber of Commerce

- Recorded conversation between Trump and Bob Woodward:

Woodward: "You're risking getting it, of course. The way you move around and have those briefings and deal with people. Are you worried about that?"

Trump: "No, I'm not. I don't know why I'm not. I'm not."

Woodward: "Why?"

Trump: "I don't know, I'm just not."

Woodward: "You’ve said it, this is a monster –"

Trump: "This rips you apart."

Woodward: "– this is a scourge."
14-Apr-2020 - Washington, Oregon, California governors create 'Western States Pact' to coordinate reopening, also East Coast New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and Rhode Island

- US to halt funding to WHO, says Trump.

Trump Administration Officials Warned Against Halting Funding to WHO, Leaked Memo Shows

- Dr. Fauci: We have to have something in place that is efficient and that we can rely on, and we’re not there yet (critical testing and tracing procedures needed to begin reopening the nation’s economy)

- Freedomworks: It's Time to Reopen America

- Justice Department defends Mississippi drive-in church service: "The United States has a substantial interest in the preservation of its citizens’ fundamental right to the free exercise of religion, expressly protected by the First Amendment. … There is no pandemic exception … to the fundamental liberties the Constitution safeguards. … The facts alleged in the complaint strongly suggest that the city’s actions target religious conduct. If proven, these facts establish a free exercise violation unless the city demonstrates that its actions are neutral and apply generally to nonreligious and religious institutions or satisfies the demanding strict scrutiny standard."

- DoD travel ban amid coronavirus pandemic extended to June 30

- Freedomworks: An Economic Recovery Starts by Lifting Small Businesses Back Up

15-Apr-2020 - Trump and his allies have made a dark calculation — ‘reopening’ at any price is his only path to re-election

- Trump: "The WHO failed to investigate credible reports from sources in Wuhan that conflicted directly with the Chinese government’s official accounts. There was credible information to suspect human-to-human transmission in December 2019, which should have spurred the WHO to investigate, and investigate immediately. Through the middle of January, it parroted and publicly endorsed the idea that there was not human-to-human transmission happening despite reports and clear evidence to the contrary. … The WHO pushed China’s misinformation about the virus, saying it was not communicable" (not true)
- 'We Alerted The World' To Coronavirus On Jan. 5, WHO Says In Response To U.S.

- Think This Pandemic Is Bad? We Have Another Crisis Coming

- New poll: Nearly half of frequent Fox viewers say COVID-19 death toll is inflated (Daily Kos/Civiqs)

- Trump: "It is clear that our aggressive strategy is working... The battle continues but the data suggests that nationwide we have passed the peak on new cases"

- UK: all those being discharged from hospital will be tested (including to a nursing home)

- Infections pass two million

- White House snubs Azar, installs Trump loyalist Michael Caputo as HHS spokesperson
16-Apr-2020 - Trump: "And I was angry, because it should have been told to us. It should have been told to us early. It should have been told to us a lot sooner. People knew it was happening and people didn’t want to talk about it. I don’t know why, but we’re going to get to the bottom of it"

- G7 virtual summit

- President Trump announces his Guidelines for Opening Up American Again.

- Moderna Announces Award from U.S. Government Agency BARDA for up to $483 Million to Accelerate Development of mRNA Vaccine (mRNA-1273) Against Novel Coronavirus
17-Apr-2020 - Trump tweet: "LIBERATE VIRGINIA, and save your great 2nd Amendment. It is under siege!"

- Trump tweet: "LIBERATE MICHIGAN!"

- Trump tweet: "LIBERATE MINNESOTA!"

- Trump administration cuts funding for coronavirus researcher, jeopardizing possible COVID-19 cure

- Trump: "The Obama administration gave them a grant of $3.7 million. I’ve been hearing about that. We’ve instructed that if any grants are going to that area, we are looking at it literally about an hour ago and also early in the morning," Trump said.... We will end the grant very quickly"

- ICL Report 15: 17 April 2020 - Strengthening hospital capacity for the COVID-19 pandemic
18-Apr-2020 - WHO: Right now, we have no evidence that the use of a serological test can show that an individual has immunity or is protected from reinfection (antibody tests)

- ‘Reopen NH’ rally

- Kushner: "There were three phases. There’s the panic phase, the pain phase and then the comeback phase. I do believe that last night symbolized kind of the beginning of the comeback phase. That doesn’t mean there’s not still a lot of pain and there won’t be pain for a while, but that basically was, we’ve now put out rules to get back to work. Trump’s now back in charge. It’s not the doctors. They’ve kind of – we have, like, a negotiated settlement."

- Kushner: "It was almost like Trump getting the country back from the doctors. Right? In the sense that what he now did was, you know, he's going to own the open-up."

- Kushner: "The states have to own the testing. The federal government should not own the testing. And the federal government should not own kind of the rules. It’s got to be up to the governors, because that’s the way the federalist system works. But the president also is very smart politically with the way he did that fight with the governors to basically say, no, no, no, no, I own the opening. Because again, the opening is going to be very popular. People want this country open. But if it opens in the wrong way, the question will be, did the governors follow the guidelines we set out or not?"
19-Apr-2020 - Trump: "I’ve seen the people. I’ve seen interviews of the people. These are great people." (of right-wing protesters he encouraged to rally against state coronavirus restrictions)
20-Apr-2020 - Trump: I haven't left the White House in months (he held a rally 2 March)

- Trump Plans to Suspend Immigration to U.S.

- Trump tweet: "In light of the attack from the Invisible Enemy, as well as the need to protect the jobs of our GREAT American Citizens, I will be signing an Executive Order to temporarily suspend immigration into the United States!"

- Trump: "But we’re going toward 50 or 60,000 people. That’s at the lower — as you know, the low number was supposed to be 100,000 people. We could end up at 50 to 60. Okay?"

- Florida medical examiners were releasing coronavirus death data. The state made them stop
21-Apr-2020 - CDC director warns second wave of coronavirus is likely to be even more devastating (Robert Redfield)

- New U.S. Treatment Guidelines for Covid-19 Don’t See Much Progress

- Dr. Redfield: "There’s a possibility that the assault of the virus on our nation next winter will actually be even more difficult than the one we just went through... We’re going to have the flu epidemic and the coronavirus epidemic at the same time"

- Director of U.S. agency key to vaccine development leaves role suddenly amid coronavirus pandemic (Rick Bright, BARDA)

- the Rockefeller Foundation released a detailed testing plan

- Anti-malarial drug Trump touted is linked to higher rates of death in VA coronavirus patients, study says

- Freedomwoks: #ReopenAmerica Rally Planning Guide
22-Apr-2020 - Proclamation Suspending Entry of Immigrants Who Present Risk to the U.S. Labor Market During the Economic Recovery Following the COVID-19 Outbreak (60-day ban on immigrants seeking to live and work in America permanently)

- Dr Fauci: "we will have coronavirus in the fall. I am convinced of that,"

- Trump: "It’s not going to be what we’ve gone through, in any way, shape or form. If it comes back, though, it won’t be coming back in the form that it was. It will be coming back in smaller doses that we can contain. ... You could have some embers of corona ... (but) we will not go through what we went through for the last two months."

- Vaccine Chief Says He Was Removed After Questioning Drug Trump Promoted (Dr. Rick Bright)

- Australia wants international probe into coronavirus origins, prompting backlash from China
23-Apr-2020 - Mike Pence says coronavirus pandemic will be 'largely' behind us by Memorial Day

- Trump: "So supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way, and I think you said you’re going to test that too. It sounds interesting... And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that. So, that, you’re going to have to use medical doctors with. But it sounds — it sounds interesting to me. So we’ll see. But the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute, that’s — that’s pretty powerful."

- Trump’s Suggestion That Disinfectants Could Be Used to Treat Coronavirus Prompts Aggressive Pushback

Dr. Fauci: "We absolutely need to significantly ramp up, not only the number of tests but the capacity to actually perform them... I am not overly confident right now at all, that we have what it takes to do that"

- Trump: "I don't agree with him on that, no, I think we're doing a great job on testing" (re Dr. Fauci, testing)

- Dr. Rick Bright released a statement blaming political motives for his abrupt reassignment

- Trump’s Temporary Halt to Immigration Is Part of Broader Plan, Stephen Miller Says

- ICL Report 16: 23 April 2020 - Role of Testing in COVID-19 control

24-Apr-2020 - 5 million masks intended for the VA were diverted to the national stockpile

- United Nations launches global drive to develop coronavirus vaccine but US and China stay away

- Trump cuts U.S. research on bat-human virus transmission over China ties

- Fauci: Why was it canceled? It was canceled because the NIH was told to cancel it

- Trump says he was being sarcastic about injecting disinfectant. Fact checkers disagree.

- In National Survey of Frontline Nurses, 92 percent Say Federal Government Is Not Doing Enough to Protect Healthcare Staff; 82 Percent Say They Do Not Have Enough Protective Equipment

- FDA warns about hydroxychloroquine dangers, citing serious heart issues, including death

25-Apr-2020 - Trump: "What is the purpose of having White House News Conferences when the Lamestream Media asks nothing but hostile questions, & then refuses to report the truth or facts accurately,"
26-Apr-2020 - Trump tweet: haven’t left the White House in many months (except to launch Hospital Ship Comfort)

-Trump called PPE shortages 'fake news.' Health care workers say they're still a real problem
27-Apr-2020 - Trump says he 'can't imagine why' there was a spike in calls to emergency hotlines in several states after he 'sarcastically' mused about injecting disinfectant to cure the coronavirus. Q: Do you yeah take any responsibility if someone were to die? Trump: No, I don’t. No, I can’t imagine — I can’t imagine that

- Trump: "So, yeah, we’ve lost a lot of people. But if you look at what original projections were — 2.2 million — we’re probably heading to 60,000, 70,000. It’s far too many. One person is too many for this"

- Bill Barr: "Balancing Public Safety with the Preservation of Civil Rights": "be on the lookout for state and local directives that could be violating the constitutional rights and civil liberties of individual citizens."

- "Trump announces a testing plan which bears no resemblance to that produced by Jared Kushber's team, leaving it up to states"

- Trump: "We want to get our country open, and the testing is not going to be a problem at all. In fact, it’s going to be one of the greatest assets that we have"
28-Apr-2020 - Executive Order on Delegating Authority Under the DPA with Respect to Food Supply Chain Resources During the National Emergency Caused by the Outbreak of COVID-19 (meat and poultry)

- Solicitor of Labor Kate O'Scannlain and OSHA principal deputy secretary Loren Sweatt: "Where a meat, pork, or poultry processing employer operating pursuant to the president's invocation of the DPA has demonstrated good faith attempts to comply with the Joint Meat Processing Guidance and is sued for alleged workplace exposures, the Department of Labor will consider a request to participate in that litigation in support of the employer's compliance program."

- Joint Statement from DHS and VA on Continued Collaboration Throughout COVID-19 Pandemic (FEMA denies seizing supplies intended for VA)

- Trump: "I think what happens is it's going to go away."

- US hit 1 million cases
29-Apr-2020 - Trump says federal social distancing guidelines will be 'fading out'

- Kushner: "I think that we've achieved all the different milestones that are needed. So the government, federal government, rose to the challenge and this is a great success story. I think that's really what needs to be told."

- Kushner: "I think you’ll see by June that a lot of the country should be back to normal, and the hope is that by July the country’s really rocking again"

- Trump’s ‘Operation Warp Speed’ Aims to Rush Coronavirus Vaccine

- Trump: "It’s going to go. It’s going to leave. It’s going to be gone. It’s going to be eradicated"

- BEA: An In-Depth Look at COVID-19’s Early Effects on Consumer Spending and GDP

- ‘It’s gonna leave’: Trump answers question how COVID-19 will disappear without a vaccine by saying it just will

- ICL Report 17: 29 April 2020 - Clinical characteristics and predictors of outcomes of hospitalised patients with COVID-19 in a London NHS Trust: a retrospective cohort study
30-Apr-2020 - Director of National Intelligence: "The Intelligence Community also concurs with the wide scientific consensus that the COVID-19 virus was not man-made or genetically modified"

- Trump: "The last administration left us nothing. We started off with bad, broken tests, and obsolete tests"

- Michigan judge sides with governor in lawsuit over coronavirus shelter-in-place order

- White House Buries CDC Report on COVID-19

- 'Swastikas and nooses': governor slams 'racism' of Michigan lockdown protest
??-Apr-2020 - Trump: "USDA let poultry plants put workers close together even as they got sick from coronavirus

- Early April: FEMA: "FEMA and Customs Border Patrol (CBP) are working together to prevent fraud when PPE and medical supplies enter the United States from overseas. PPE being distributed internally within the United States is not being seized or re-routed by FEMA. Reports of FEMA seizing or re-routing supplies are FALSE"

- Early April: Jared Kushner's testing plan failed to materialise. allegedly because only blue states were being affected
01-May-2020 - Trump’s federal "Stay at Home" guidelines had quietly expired last night

- We’ve ensured a ventilator for every patient who needs one. The testing and the masks and all of the things, we’ve solved every problem. We solved it quickly.

-Trump touted reopening. Privately, his team sounded alarms

- Trump at Camp David

- Trump tweet: "The Governor of Michigan should give a little, and put out the fire. These are very good people, but they are angry. They want their lives back again, safely! See them, talk to them, make a deal" (Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, armed protesters)

- Trump replaces HHS watchdog who found ‘severe shortages’ at hospitals combating coronavirus (Christi A. Grimm's report)

- Trump Seeks to Pin Virus Blame on China, Yet Reprisal Is Uncertain

- ICL Report 18: 1 May 2020 - The potential public health impact of COVID-19 on malaria in Africa

- ICL Report 19: 1 May 2020 - The Potential Impact of the COVID-19 Epidemic on HIV, TB and Malaria in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
02-May-2020 - CDC forecasts about 200,000 new cases each day by the end of May, 3,000 daily deaths on June 1

- ‘It’s not a pandemic’: Boston protesters chant ‘it’s a hoax’ and ‘Make America Great Again’
03-May-2020 - Trump says he believes there will be a coronavirus vaccine ‘by the end of the year’

- Trump at a Fox News town hall at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington

- Trump: "I like the states opening. They will be opening"

- Trump: "We’re going to lose anywhere from 75, 80 to 100,000 people"

- Scott Gottlieb, Trump’s former commissioner of food and drugs: "while mitigation didn't fail, I think it's fair to say that it didn't work as well as we expected. We expected that we would start seeing more significant declines in new cases and deaths around the nation at this point. And we're just not seeing that"

- Secretary of State Mike Pompeo: "Look, the best experts so far seem to think it was man-made. I have no reason to disbelieve that at this point"
04-May-2020 - IHME predicts more than 134,000 American deaths by early August

- Trump tweet: "Interesting? By Congress not wanting the special 5 minute testing apparatus, they are saying that they are not "essential". In any event, we have great testing capacity, and have performed 6.5 million tests, which is more than every country in the world, combined!" (not true)

- World Leaders Pledge $8 Billion To Fight COVID-19; U.S. Skips Meeting

- Plandemic released (anti-Fauci conspiracies)

- ICL Report 20: 4 May 2020 - Using mobility to estimate the transmission intensity of COVID-19 in Italy: A subnational analysis with future scenarios
05-May-2020 - Trump visits Arizona mask factory — but does not wear mask — on trip aimed at showing revival underway despite coronavirus threat

- Trump: "Everybody traveling has been tested. Literally, they have been tested in the last hour"

- Mike Pence: "I believe we can be in a very different place in late May or early June. We’re going to start to look at the Memorial Day window to transition back to having our agencies manage our response in a more traditional manner."

- White House Council of Economic Advisers model shows deaths dropping to zero by mid May

- Treasury Department announced that it would begin distributing $4.8 billion in aid allocated for Native American tribes in the stimulus package, releasing a stalled tranche of funds that the tribes had sued Steven Mnuchin, the Treasury secretary, to obtain

- 15 Children Are Hospitalized With Mysterious Illness Possibly Tied to Covid-19

- Over 3.6 million cases and over 257,000 deaths worldwide. In the U.S., over 1.2 million confirmed cases and more than 71,000 Americans dead

- Trump dismisses new COVID-19 death forecast: 'It's time to go back to work' (134,000 deaths by August)

- Republicans Nearly Three Times More Likely Than Democrats To Refuse Coronavirus Vaccine: Poll

- Rick Bright's full whistleblower complaint

- A top Florida coronavirus researcher said she was fired as the state reopened because she refused to 'manually change data'

- Trump: "Those projections are with no mitigation. We are doing mitigation" (about yesterday's IHME prediction - not true)

- Trump: ‘We Have The Best Testing In The World . . . I Don’t Think You Need That Much Testing’
06-May-2020 - Trump and some top aides question accuracy of virus death toll

- Epidemiologist Gregg Gonsalves tweet: How many people will die this summer, before Election Day? What proportion of the deaths will be among African-Americans, Latinos, other people of color? This is getting awfully close to genocide by default. What else do you call mass death by public policy?

- Trump: "If we did very little testing, [America] wouldn't have the most cases. So, in a way, by doing all of this testing, we make ourselves look bad."

- When will it be that Americans across the country will be able to get tested every day as they go back to work?? Trump: "Very soon. I mean, really very soon."
07-May-2020 - Trump administration buries detailed CDC advice on reopening "never see the light of day" (document)

- One of Trump's personal valets has tested positive for coronavirus

- Trump: "Now, Germany — we’re very close to Germany. We have a very good relationship with Germany. Germany has done very good. They have a very low mortality rate like we do. We have a low mortality rate also." (not true)
08-May-2020 - The COVID Pandemic Could Lead to 75,000 Additional Deaths from Alcohol and Drug Misuse and Suicide

- Pence's press secretary tests positive for coronavirus, Trump says (Katie Miller, wife of Stephen Miller)

- Trump: if I didn't we would have lost two million, two and a half million, maybe more than that people, and we'll be at 100,000, 110,000, higher -- the lower level of what was projected if we did the shutdown, but still you're talking about -- I say two Yankee stadiums of people (about closing the country)

- Trump visit to Pennsylvania factory that produces PPE materials was scuttled after plant officials expressed concerns about health risks

- 'This is going to go away without a vaccine': Donald Trump

- Even if a successful coronavirus vaccine is developed, billions could struggle to access it because of a global shortage of glass vials

- Trump: "I feel about vaccines like I feel about tests. This is going to go away without a vaccine, it’s gonna go away, and we’re not going to see it again"

- Kushner: "But I think that the difference between a really good outcome and a really bad outcome, you know, rests on two things. Number one is competent execution by us on the medical front and on the economic front, which I think we have the right teams in place to do. And then number two is the psychology of the market. Right? So if you basically say this is coming back in the fall, don’t gear up, then people won’t rehire, people will stay unemployed. And if you’re planning for the worst-case scenario, that will become a self-fulfilling prophecy. One of the things that the president’s great at is he’s a cheerleader. He’s trying to make people feel good about the outcome."

- ICL Report 21: 8 May 2020 - Estimating COVID-19 cases and reproduction number in Brazil
09-May-2020 - Unmasked in Iowa: CEOs Who Came to Meet Pence in Masks Were Asked to Remove Them
10-May-2020 - Obama says US response a 'chaotic disaster'

- Up to 43m Americans could lose health insurance amid pandemic, report says

- Trump Tweet: We are getting great marks for the handling of the CoronaVirus pandemic, especially the very early BAN of people from China, the infectious source, entering the USA. Compare that to the Obama/Sleepy Joe disaster known as H1N1 Swine Flu. Poor marks, bad polls - didn’t have a clue!
11-May-2020 - Trump Tweet: .@CBS and their show, @60Minutes, are doing everything within their power, which is far less today than it was in the past, to defend China and the horrible Virus pandemic that was inflicted on the USA and the rest of the World. I guess they want to do business in China!

- Mitch McConnell: "I don’t think we have yet felt the urgency of acting immediately. That time could develop, but I don’t think it has yet" (re fifth coronavirus relief bill)

- Trump: "We have met the moment and we have prevailed"

- West Wing staff directed to wear masks at all times while working in the West Wing

- Trump Labor Dept. Pushes States to Help Employers Report Workers Who Stay Home
12-May-2020 - Ronald Klain, ex-Ebola czar tweet: We literally left them a 69-page Pandemic Playbook.... that they ignored

And an office called the Pandemic Preparedness Office... that they abolished.

And a global monitoring system called PREDICT .. that they cut by 75%

- Fauci: School In The Fall? Not So Fast... (senate hearing)

- IHME predicts around 147,040 American deaths by early August

- ICL Report 22: 12 May 2020 - Equity in response to the COVID-19 pandemic: an assessment of the direct and indirect impacts on disadvantaged and vulnerable populations in low- and lower middle-income countries
13-May-2020 - 'This virus may never go away,' WHO says

- US report predicts broad risk of COVID-19 at wildfire camps

- Trump: "I was surprised by his answer, actually, because you know, it's just - to me it's not an acceptable answer, especially when it comes to schools" (about Dr. Fauci's testimony)

- WHO warns it could take up to 5 years before the coronavirus pandemic is under control
14-May-2020 - Rick Bright's full House opening statement

- FDA probes accuracy issue with Abbott's rapid virus test (test used at WHite House can produce false negatives)

- Trump: "We have more cases than anybody in the world. But why? Because we do more testing. When you test, you have a case. When you test, you find something is wrong with people. If we didn’t do any testing, we would have very few cases. They don’t want to write that. It’s common sense. So we test much more many, many times." (at Owens & Minor distribution plant, Allentown)
15-May-2020 - CDC Director Dr. Robert R. Redfield tweet: "CDC tracks 12 different forecasting models of possible #COVID19 deaths in the US. As of May 11, all forecast an increase in deaths in the coming weeks and a cumulative total exceeding 100,000 by June 1. See national & state forecasts: "

- Coronavirus: Trump says US reopening, 'vaccine or no vaccine' (Operation Warp Speed)

- Remarks by President Trump on Vaccine Development

- Trump: "A key feature of our reopening plan is the largest and most ambitious testing system in the world, by far. America is now conducting close to 350,000 tests per day — an unthinkable number just a short while ago — more than anybody in the world, by far, suggesting many states now have excess testing capacity to monitor for new outbreaks. Florida, many other states have so much testing, they — the testers are waiting for people to show up. It’s great."

- Trump: "Today I want to update you on the next stage of this momentous medical initiative. It’s called Operation Warp Speed. That means big and it means fast. A massive scientific, industrial, and logistical endeavor unlike anything our country has seen since the Manhattan Project. You really could say that nobody has seen anything like we’re doing, whether it’s ventilators or testing. Nobody has seen anything like we’re doing now, within our country, since the Second World War. Incredible."

- House passes $3 trillion coronavirus relief bill dubbed HEROES Act

- Trump Administration Axes Coronavirus Research

- Trump: "It’ll go away at some point, it’ll go away. It may flare up and it may not flare up, we’ll have to see what happens, but if it does flare up we’re going to put out the fire and we’ll put it out quickly and efficiently"
16-May-2020 - Obama: "More than anything, this pandemic has fully, finally torn back the curtain on the idea that so many of the folks in charge know what they’re doing. A lot of them aren’t even pretending to be in charge."

- Article: "Reviving the US CDC" - The Lancet (replace Trump)

- Eric Trump: "And guess what, after November 3rd, coronavirus will magically all of the sudden go away and disappear and everybody will be able to reopen" (theory: democrats push lockdown so Trump can't hold campaign rallies)

- HHS Assistant Secretary Michael Caputo: "I know the President wants us to enumerate the economic cost of not reopening. We need solid estimates to be able to say something like: 50,000 more cancer deaths! 40,000 more heart attacks! 25,000 more suicides! 155,000 more trauma deaths! 240,000 hospitals will close! 400,000 heath [sic] care workers jobless! 170,000 more high school dropouts! Etc"
17-May-2020 - Australia wins international support for independent coronavirus inquiry

- Dr. Paul Alexander came up with a model that projected two to four times the number of deaths forecasted by CDC and others.
18-May-2020 - Trump Reveals He's Been Taking Hydroxychloroquine

- Full text of Trump’s letter to WHO chief

- Trump to the WHO: I'll Permanently Pull U.S. Funds From the Organization Unless...

- Trump taking unproven drug hydroxychloroquine

- Memo from Trump's physician confirming hydroxochloroquine use

- China’s Xi backs WHO-led review of covid-19 outbreak (pledged $2 billion in aid) Trump declined an invitation to speak
19-May-2020 - The Lancet corrects Trump's letter to WHO and Dr. Tedros
- Member states back WHO after renewed Donald Trump attack

- CDC was finally able to publish the recommendations on reopening report with changes required by the White House, including the elimination of guidance for houses of worship.

- Trump: "If you look at the one survey, the only bad survey, they were giving it to people that were in very bad shape. They were very old, almost dead... It was a Trump enemy statement" (an unpublished study that used Veterans Affairs data and found no benefit to using hydroxychloroquine)

- Trump calls high number of coronavirus cases in the USA a 'badge of honor,' attributes it to testing
20-May-2020 - 61.6% of reported infections and 55.0% of reported deaths as of May 3, 2020 could have been avoided if the same control measures had been implemented just one week earlier. One week earlier than most Americans began to stay in, 36,000 lives could have been saved. March 1 — two weeks earlier — roughly 54,000 lives could have been saved.

- Trump says he'd do 'nothing' differently as report shows 54,000 could still be alive. Trump: "If you take New York and New Jersey — which were very hard hit — we were very, very low. And in terms of morbidity and in terms of — if you look at the death, relatively speaking, we’re at the lowest level along with Germany"
21-May-2020 - Trump: "I tested very positively in another sense so — this morning. Yeah. I tested positively toward negative, right. So, I tested perfectly this morning."

- Maskless Trump Tours Michigan Ford Plant

- ICL Report 23: 21 May 2020 - State-level tracking of COVID-19 in the United States
22-May-2020 - Donald Trump orders governors to allow places of worship to reopen

- Hydroxychloroquine: Trump's Covid-19 'cure' increases deaths, global study finds but scientists question study

- Rolling to Remember Ceremony at White House

- RETRACTED: Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine with or without a macrolide for treatment of COVID-19: a multinational registry analysis

- Remdesivir for the Treatment of Covid-19 — Preliminary Report
23-May-2020 - Pence: "China let the world down and the World Health Organization was their willing partner in withholding from the United States and the wider world vital information about the coronavirus that would have made it possible to stand up a national response sooner. Make no mistake about it that China will be held accountable for what the world has gone through because of their lack of transparency."

- Trump plays golfs at his Virginia golf club
24-May-2020 - FDA commissioner Dr. Stephen M. Hahn tweet: "With the country starting to open up this holiday weekend, I again remind everyone that the coronavirus is not yet contained. It is up to every individual to protect themselves and their community. Social distancing, hand washing and wearing masks protect us all."

- U.S. bans travel from Brazil as coronavirus also surges in Mexico

- Trump plays golf

- Administration leaves testing responsibility to states in report to Congress
25-May-2020 - Trump Visits Baltimore, Dismissing Mayor’s Concerns About Virus

- UN virus therapy trial pauses hydroxychloroquine testing

- Trump visits Arlington National Cemetery and Fort McHenry on Memorial Day

- Biden Marks Memorial Day at Veterans Park Near Delaware Home (first in-person appearance since March)

- Murder of George Floyd. The resulting protests may lead to another wave

- WHO halts trials of hydroxychloroquine over safety fears

- Trump on Twitter mocks Biden for wearing a mask in public
26-May-2020 - Trump tweet: "For all of the political hacks out there, if I hadn’t done my job well, & early, we would have lost 1 1/2 to 2 Million People, as opposed to the 100,000 plus that looks like will be the number. That’s 15 to 20 times more than we will lose. I shut down entry from China very early!"

- Trump tweet: "... One person lost to this invisible virus is too much, it should have been stopped at its source, China, but I acted very quickly, and made the right decisions. Many of the current political complainers thought, at the time, that I was moving far to fast, like Crazy Nancy!"
27-May-2020 - Coronavirus: From 'We've shut it down' to 100,000 US dead

- Trump to Florida for SpaceX launch - which was cancelled at last minute
28-May-2020 - UK suffers highest death rate from coronavirus
29-May-2020 - Coronavirus cases increased for meatpackers after Trump ordered them to work from 4,913 (approximately 3%) workers, and 20 deaths April 9–27 to at least 20,033

- Trump Administration Ignores CDC Scientists on COVID-19 Temperature Screenings

- Trump going ahead with pulling the US back from the World Health Organization: "China has total control over the World Health Organization... The world is now suffering as a result of the malfeasance of the Chinese government... China's cover-up of the Wuhan virus allowed the disease to spread all over the world, instigating a global pandemic that has cost more than 100,000 American lives and over a million lives worldwide." (consequences)

- US - China Relations: Trump Announces End Of Special Status For Hong Kong

- ICL Report 24: 29 May 2020 - Anonymised and aggregated crowd level mobility data from mobile phones suggests that initial compliance with COVID-19 social distancing interventions was high and geographically consistent across the UK
- ICL Report 25: 29 May 2020 - Response to COVID-19 in South Korea and implications for lifting stringent interventions
30-May-2020 - Trump postpones G-7, plans to invite Russia, other nations

- Trump delivers remarks at Kennedy Space Center
31-May-2020 - U.S. sends Brazil 2 million doses of hydroxychloroquine, drug touted by Trump

- Mark Meadows threw a 70-person indoor wedding for his daughter, flouting coronavirus restrictions.
01-Jun-2020 - Trump walks to church for photo-op
02-Jun-2020 - President Trump Signs A New Executive Order Amid Growing COVID-19 Pressures on Religious Communities Globally

- Trump visits Catholic shrine for photo-op

- HHS Provides an Additional $250 Million to Help U.S. Health Care Systems Respond to COVID-19
03-Jun-2020 - Trump says GOP forced to find new state to host convention as North Carolina stands by coronavirus measures

- Hydroxychloroquine, a drug promoted by Trump, failed to prevent healthy people from getting covid-19 in trial

- Boris Johnson declares himself 'very proud' of coronavirus response
04-Jun-2020 - Authors retract major COVID-19 paper on effects of hydroxychloroquine (because independent peer reviewers could not access the data used for the analysis and the data was questioned)

- Blood type might influence COVID-19 risk

- UMass forecasters expect COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. to reach 127,000 by June 27

- Select Subcommittee Hearing on the Coronavirus Crisis and Racial Health Disparities
05-Jun-2020 - WHO advises public to wear face masks when unable to distance

- Letter: Using Tear Gas On Protesters May Worsen Coronavirus Spread

- Coronavirus: Malaria drug hydroxychloroquine 'does not save lives' (statement)

- As Trump touts increased production, coronavirus swabs made during his Maine factory tour will be tossed in the trash

- Trump says U.S. has 2 million coronavirus vaccine doses 'ready to go'

- Surfaces could pose only a modest risk for household spread
06-Jun-2020 -
07-Jun-2020 - UK daily deaths drop to pre-lockdown level

- Rick Scott: "We have got to get this vaccine done. Unfortunately we have evidence that communist China is trying to sabotage us or slow it down" (video)
08-Jun-2020 - Asymptomatic spread of coronavirus is ‘very rare,’ WHO says

- Lockdowns are a powerful tool against the pandemic

- It's official: U.S. economy entered recession in February

- New Zealand lifts all Covid restrictions, declaring the nation virus-free

- Coronavirus came to UK 'on at least 1,300 separate occasions' (mostly from Europe)

- ICL Report 26: 8 June 2020 - Reduction in mobility and COVID-19 transmission
09-Jun-2020 - WHO Walks Back Statement on Asymptomatic Spread of Coronavirus
10-Jun-2020 - Enforcing UK lockdown one week earlier 'could have saved 20,000 lives'

- U.S. coronavirus cases now over 2 million: Reuters tally

- EU says China behind 'huge wave' of Covid-19 disinformation
11-Jun-2020 - Trump campaign asks supporters to waive COVID-19 liability to attend Tulsa rally

- India lifts export ban on Trump-touted drug hydroxychloroquine
- OSDH : "Oklahoma has begun experiencing over the past two weeks an increase in the number of cases and hospitalizations due to COVID-19... The threat of COVID still exists and we anticipate it to grow."

- US hit 2 million cases
12-Jun-2020 - CDC predicts 130,000 US coronavirus deaths by July 4, with more new cases as states reopen
13-Jun-2020 - US COVID-19 Survivor Receives $1.1 Mn Hospital Bill

- AstraZeneca agrees to supply Europe with 400 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine
14-Jun-2020 - Lancet editor attacks UK government for 'catastrophic' handling of Covid-19 pandemic
15-Jun-2020 - FDA Pulls Authorization of Trump-Touted Drugs for Virus (Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine)

- Economic fallout from a pandemic hitting UK was never modelled, senior civil servants admit

- Trump: "If we stop testing right now, we’d have very few cases, if any"

- Trump tweet: "Our testing is so much bigger and more advanced than any other country (we have done a great job on this!) that it shows more cases. Without testing, or weak testing, we would be showing almost no cases. Testing is a double edged sword - Makes us look bad, but good to have!!!"

- Mike Pence: "Oklahoma has really been in the forefront of our efforts to slow the spread. And in a very real sense, they’ve flattened the curve. ... The number of cases in Oklahoma — it’s declined precipitously" (not true)

- ICL Report 27: 15 June 2020 - Adapting hospital capacity to meet changing demands during the COVID-19 pandemic
16-Jun-2020 - Dexamethasone is first life-saving coronavirus drug

- Trump: "I always say, even without it, it goes away. But if we had the vaccine — and we will — if we had therapeutic, or cure — one thing sort of blends into the other — it will be a fantastic day. And I think that’s going to happen, and it’s going to happen very soon."
17-Jun-2020 - Pandemics result from destruction of nature, say UN and WHO

- Trump: "We’re very close to a vaccine and we’re very close to therapeutics, really good therapeutics. But even without that, I don’t even like to talk about that, because it’s fading away, it’s going to fade away, but having a vaccine would be really nice and that’s going to happen"

- Trump: "Very few people are coming through on our border. We have a tremendous border. Tijuana is one of the most infected places on Earth and we have a wall between there and San Diego. It's like a beautiful and very powerful wall and California is very happy that they have it because they would numbers like you wouldn't believe right now."
18-Jun-2020 - UK virus-tracing app switches to Apple-Google model

- ICL Report 28: 18 June 2020 - Excess non-COVID-19 deaths in England and Wales between 29th February and 5th June 2020
19-Jun-2020 - Three meat factories in England and Wales close over coronavirus

- UK's Covid-19 alert level is lowered from 4 to 3

- Office for National Statistics (ONS) (UK) tweet thread: "Using #COVID19 death registrations from 2 March to 15 May 2020 and 2011 Census records, we’ve shown that some ethnic groups have a higher mortality rate involving COVID-19 compared with the White ethnic group"
20-Jun-2020 - NIH Halts Hydroxychloroquine Study

- 6 Trump campaign staffers test positive for COVID-19 ahead of Tulsa rally

- Workers removed thousands of social distancing stickers before Trump’s Tulsa rally

- Trump holds rally in Tulsa (Herman Cain attends, catches COVID and dies)

- Trump: "It has more names than any disease in history. I can name kung flu. I can name 19 different versions of names"

- Trump: "When you do testing to that extent, you are gonna find more people, you’re gonna find more cases. So I said to my people slow the testing down please. They test and they test. We have tests that people don’t know what’s going on." (White House says he was joking, he says not)
21-Jun-2020 - Trump administration sitting on more than $14 billion Congress allocated to boost testing and tracing capacity
22-Jun-2020 -
23-Jun-2020 - US urged to prepare for 'tremendous burden' of Covid-19 and flu at same time

- 'I don't kid': Trump says he wasn't joking about telling officials to slow down COVID-19 testing

- Fauci: Trump Never Directed Testing Slowdown — ‘We’ll Be Doing More Testing, Not Less’

- Trump: "Nobody has cut regulation like we’ve cut regulation. Not even close. And it’s one of the reasons we did so well before the plague and we’re doing so well after the plague. It’s going away."

- Feds About To Bail On Supporting COVID Testing Sites In Texas And Other States (ends June 30)

- Trump holds rally in Phoenix, AZ
24-Jun-2020 - US Sets New Daily Cases Total in COVID-19 Resurgence

- Trump administration to end funding for 13 drive-thru COVID-19 testing sites

- 'Grave concerns': COVID-19's surge in Sunbelt states shows the virus, not testing, to blame
25-Jun-2020 - Trump tweet: "The number of ChinaVirus cases goes up, because of GREAT TESTING, while the number of deaths (mortality rate), goes way down. The Fake News doesn’t like telling you that!"

- As virus cases rise, Trump urges Supreme Court to overturn ACA

- Donald Trump WON'T quarantine for 14 days when he goes to his New Jersey golf club this weekend after trip to Arizona because 'he isn't a civilian' White House says
26-Jun-2020 - The US reported more than 40,000 coronavirus cases in a single day for the first time

- Fauci Warns Of 'Serious Problem' As Texas, Florida Halt Reopening

- Trump Tweet: "I was going to go to Bedminster, New Jersey, this weekend, but wanted to stay in Washington, D.C. to make sure LAW & ORDER is enforced. The arsonists, anarchists, looters, and agitators have been largely stopped..."

- Pence: We're in a much stronger place. The truth is we did slow the spread, we flattened the curve
27-Jun-2020 - Trump plays golf in Virginia
28-Jun-2020 - World hits over 10 million cases and 500,000 deaths

- Trump plays golf with Lyndsey Graham in Virginia
29-Jun-2020 - Flu virus with 'pandemic potential' found in China (carried by pigs, G4 EA H1N1)

- "Not even close to being over": WHO chief says pandemic is "speeding up" despite some progress

- Remdesivir: Gilead reveals price tag for Covid-19 drug

- CDC expert says US has 'way too much virus' to contain as other countries have: "We’re not in the situation of New Zealand or Singapore or Korea where a new case is rapidly identified and all the contacts are traced and people are isolated who are sick and people who are exposed are quarantined and they can keep things under control"

- Herman Cain tests positive after attending Trump Tulsa rally
30-Jun-2020 - EU to allow in visitors from 15 'safe' countries (not U.S.)

- Mitch Smith: "we’ve tied more cases to a single restaurant in East Lansing, Mich., in the last week than we have to every protest in the country.""

- Dr. Anthony Fauci says U.S. coronavirus outbreak is ‘going to be very disturbing,’ could top 100,000 new cases a day... Clearly we are not in total control

- Fauci: "I would not be surprised if we go up to 100,000 a day if this does not turn around."
01-Jul-2020 - Herman Cain hospitalized after attending Trump Tulsa rally

- Trump claims 'all for masks,' even for himself, despite never wearing one in public

- Trump: "I think we're going to be very good with the coronavirus. I think that at some point that's going to sort of just disappear, I hope... I think we're going to have a vaccine very soon too"

- New coronavirus cases rose above 50,000 — a single day record

- ICL Report 29: 01 July 2020 - The impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on all-cause attendances to emergency departments in two large London hospitals: an observational study
02-Jul-2020 - Fauci: "What we've seen over the last several days is a spike in cases that is way beyond the worst spikes that we have seen. We've got to get that under control, or we risk an even greater outbreak in the United States."

- US reports world's biggest daily increase in cases with 55,000

- CDC director: Keeping schools closed poses greater health threat to children than reopening (Robert Redfield)

- ICL Report 30: 2 July 2020 - The COVID-19 epidemic trends and control measures in mainland China
03-Jul-2020 - France's ex-PM faces probe into Covid-19 response

- U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams: "Every single person has to make up their own mind... I would say to people is if you do go out to a gathering or in public, please wear a face covering"

- "Mount Rushmore: Trump to host 4 July event despite virus concerns"
04-Jul-2020 - White House chief of staff Mark Meadows: "he’s put forth unbelievable resources to make sure that we address the Covid-19 virus. I’m confident that we’ll have a vaccine by this fall"

- Trump: "We were doing better than any country had done in history ... and then we got hit with this terrible plague from China and now we’re getting closer to fighting our way out of it"

- Trump: "Now we have tested almost 40m people. By so doing, we show cases, 99% of which are totally harmless" (false)

- Trump science adviser Paul Alexander: "There is no other way, we need to establish herd, and it only comes about allowing the non-high risk groups expose themselves to the virus. PERIOD... Infants, kids, teens, young people, young adults, middle aged with no conditions etc. have zero to little risk….so we use them to develop herd…we want them infected..."<

- Trump science adviser Paul Alexander: "So the bottom line is if it is more infectiouness [sic] now, the issue is who cares?... If it is causing more cases in young, my word is who cares…as long as we make sensible decisions, and protect the elderely [sic] and nursing homes, we must go on with life... who cares if we test more and get more positive tests."/td>
05-Jul-2020 - FDA head rejects Trump’s false claim that 99% of COVID-19 cases are ‘harmless’: ‘This is a serious problem'
06-Jul-2020 - Fauci: "The average age of people getting infected now is a decade and a half younger than it was a few months ago particularly when New York and New Orleans and Chicago were getting hit very badly"

- the federal Student and Exchange Visitor Program announced that visas would not be issued to students enrolled in schools that are fully online this fall

- It is Time to Address Airborne Transmission of COVID-19
07-Jul-2020 - Trump Health Secretary Says US Healthcare Workers 'Don't Get Infected' With Covid-19 (94,000 Have Contracted the Virus) (Alex Azar)

- Trump Announces Formal Withdrawal From WHO as Covid-19 Cases Climb (effective July 6, 2021)

- The WHO Says Airborne Coronavirus Transmission Isn't a Big Risk. Scientists Are Pushing Back
08-Jul-2020 - Trump threatens to 'cut off funding' for schools that don't reopen amid pandemic

- US hit 3 million cases

- The Chinese embassy in Kazakhstan warned Chinese citizens that the country had an "unknown pneumonia" outbreak more deadly than COVID-19.
09-Jul-2020 - Fauci: "As a country, when you compare us to other countries, I don’t think you can say we’re doing great. I mean, we’re just not."

- Fauci: "AI think we can get it under control. But keeping it under control is going to be the real problem. Because this virus is not like other viruses that we’ve experienced, like the original SARS from 2002. That was a coronavirus. It caused an outbreak, a pandemic — there were 8,000 cases and 800 deaths. So in magnitude alone, you see how different it is from what we’re doing now. But it was not really very well and efficiently transmissible, whereas this virus, to our dismay, is spectacularly efficient in transmitting from person to person. So that makes me skeptical whether we would get permanent, sustained control of this without having a vaccine."

- Trump: "Dr. Fauci is a nice man, but he's made a lot of mistakes"

- Fauci: "What worries me is the slope of the curve. It still looks like it’s exponential."

- Fauci: "You have a random virus jump species from an animal to a human that is spectacularly efficient in spreading from human to human, and has a high degree, relatively speaking, of morbidity and mortality. We are living in the perfect storm right now."

- After Push From Experts, World Health Organization Says It's Possible COVID-19 Spreads by Air
10-Jul-2020 - Health expert Zeke Emanuel says 250,000 Americans could die of COVID by end of year

- Fauci says he hasn't briefed Trump in at least two months

- US bets on untested company to deliver COVID-19 vaccine

- WHO's Ryan says eradication of new coronavirus is unlikely

- UK plan to shun EU vaccine scheme ‘unforgivable’, say critics

- Trump Administration To Hospitals: Don’t Send Covid-19 Coronavirus Data To CDC (effective Jul 15)
11-Jul-2020 - Trump golf at Sterling, Virginia

- Donald Trump wears mask in public for first time during Covid-19 pandemic

- Trump delays Saturday rally in New Hampshire because of non-forecast 'big storm'
12-Jul-2020 - Trump golf at Sterling, Virginia

- White House seeks to discredit Fauci as coronavirus surges
13-Jul-2020 - WHO chief Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus: "no return to the old normal for the foreseeable future... There are no short cuts out of this pandemic."

- WHO warns that coronavirus crisis may get 'worse and worse and worse'

- Fauci sidelined as Trump's White House steps up briefing campaign

- Trump aides seek to discredit Fauci over coronavirus crisis as cases surge

- Coronavirus: France's health workers given pay rises worth €8bn

- Trump retweets Chuck Woolery: "There is so much evidence, yes scientific evidence, that schools should open this fall. It's worldwide and it's overwhelming. BUT NO."

- Trump retweets Chuck Woolery: "The most outrageous lies are the ones about Covid 19. Everyone is lying. The CDC, Media, Democrats, our Doctors, not all but most ,that we are told to trust. I think it's all about the election and keeping the economy from coming back, which is about the election. I'm sick of it."
14-Jul-2020 - Trump administration's delayed use of 1950s law leads to critical supplies shortages

- COVID-19 could be controlled in 1-2 months if people wear masks: CDC Director Robert Redfield

- UK experts fear up to 120,000 Covid-19 deaths this winter

- Trump: "[Biden] opposed my very strict travel ban on Chinese nationals to stop the spread of the China virus. He was totally against it. “Xenophobic,” he called me. “Xenophobic.” A month later, he admitted I was right." (430,000 People Have Traveled From China to U.S. Since Coronavirus Surfaced)

- Trump: "We would’ve had thousands of people additionally die if we let people come in from heavily-infected China. But we stopped it; we did a travel ban in January. Nancy Pelosi was dancing on the streets of Chinatown in San Francisco a month later, and even later than that, and others too. They all thought what I did was a terrible mistake. …"

- Trump: "And I was a crowd of one, because even experts didn’t want to do it. They thought it was a mistake. … And we saved tens of thousands of lives, but we actually saved millions of lives by closing — by closing up, we saved millions, potentially millions of lives. Could be — a number that we’re actually working on — but it could be 2- to 3 million lives. …. But if we had listened to Joe Biden, hundreds of thousands of additional lives would have been lost. "
15-Jul-2020 - Trump Administration To Hospitals: Don’t Send Covid-19 Coronavirus Data To CDC (announced on July 10, it caused chaos)

- Trump administration recommends the National Guard as an option to help hospitals report coronavirus data

- Anthony Fauci has been wrong about everything I have interacted with him on: Peter Navarro

- Fauci: ‘Bizarre’ White House Behavior Only Hurts the President

- Oxford vaccine ‘could give double protection against Covid-19’
16-Jul-2020 - White House press secretary: 'The science should not stand in the way of' schools fully reopening (Kayleigh McEnany)

- CDC says importation and community transmission of Sars-CoV-2 had already occurred in NYC by the time the European restrictions were implemented

- Education Secretary Betsy DeVos: "More and more studies show that kids are actually stoppers of the disease and they don’t get it and transmit it themselves, so we should be in a posture of — the default should be getting back to school kids in person, in the classroom." (not true)
17-Jul-2020 - Boris Johnson unveils plan to return England 'to normality' by Christmas
18-Jul-2020 - Trump administration pushing to block new money for testing, tracing and CDC in upcoming coronavirus relief bill
19-Jul-2020 - Trump Minimizes Spike in Virus Cases, Calls Fauci ‘Alarmist’

- Record China flooding impacts PPE supply chain to US (Wuhan)

- Trump: "I'll be right eventually. I will be right eventually. You know I said, "It's going to disappear." I'll say it again." (Chris Wallace Interview)

- Dr. Paul Alexander wrote to then-FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn about a study purporting to show benefits of hydroxychloroquine, explaining “I want to help the administration,” and complaining, “we are being fought by the other side and media which is horrendous.”
20-Jul-2020 - Coronavirus: Protein treatment trial 'a breakthrough' (interferon beta by Synairgen)

- Coronavirus hospital data goes live on new HHS system
21-Jul-2020 - Trump: "It will probably unfortunately get worse before it gets better... We're asking everybody that when you are not able to socially distance, wear a mask, get a mask. Whether you like the mask or not, they have an impact, they'll have an effect and we need everything we can get" (at first COVID-19 briefing in weeks) (with lies)- Fauci was not invited

- Wellcome Trust director Prof Sir Jeremy Farrar: "Things will not be done by Christmas. This infection is not going away, it's now a human endemic infection. Even, actually, if we have a vaccine or very good treatments, humanity will still be living with this virus for very many, many years.... decades to come"

- CDC: U.S. COVID-19 case count 6 to 24 times higher than reported

- Coronavirus mass testing had to be ‘abandoned due to lack of capacity’, Chris Whitty says

- Staring down defeat, Trump attempts a coronavirus reset

- Trump: "Well, the virus will disappear. It will disappear."
22-Jul-2020 - The U.S. announces a nearly $2 billion contract for 600 million doses of a coronavirus vaccine.

- Study: Steroids cut death risk by 75% for COVID-19 patients with severe inflammation

- Trump: "They do say that they [children] don’t transmit very easily, and a lot of people are saying they don’t transmit... They don’t bring it home with them. They don’t catch it easily; they don’t bring it home easily."(not true)

- Trump (about testing): "If, instead of 50, we did 25, we would have half the number of cases. So, I personally think it's overrated."

- Trump: "I say it's going to disappear. They say, oh, that's terrible. I said, well, it's true. I mean, it's going to disappear" (person, woman, man, camera, TV interview)
23-Jul-2020 - Trump calls off Florida segment of GOP National Convention

- New study shows limitations, risks of hydroxychloroquine for treating COVID-19

- US hit 4 million cases

- Sen. Ted Cruz: "If it ends up that Biden wins in November—I hope he doesn't, I don't think he will—but if he does, I guarantee you the week after the election, suddenly all those Democratic governors, all of those Democratic mayors will say, “Everything is magically better, go back to work, go back to school.” Suddenly the problems are solved. You won’t to have to wait for Biden to be sworn in."
24-Jul-2020 - US coronavirus: Covid-19 vaccine likely won't be 'widely available' until several months into 2021, Fauci says

- Trump science adviser Paul Alexander: "[I]t may be that it will be best if we open up and flood the zone and let the kids and young folk get infected [in order to get]... natural immunity...natural exposure"

- Trump science adviser Paul Alexander: "There is a rise in cases due to testing and also simultaneously due to the relaxing of restrictions, less social distancing... We always knew as you relax and open up, cases will rise.""
25-Jul-2020 - Florida passes New York as US state with the second-highest number of coronavirus cases

- Trump plays golf at Bedminster
26-Jul-2020 - US ‘failures’ are holding back search for coronavirus drugs

- Britain wins rare praise for leading race to test life-saving Covid drugs
27-Jul-2020 - Human trial for coronavirus vaccine launched by Moderna enters Phase 3 (The Untold Story of Moderna’s Race for a COVID-19 Vaccine)

- Fauci: "It’s certainly conceivable that if we have a real blast or rash of infection in those sites in which we do have active enrollment, then we might get an answer earlier than November. I doubt that but we are leaving open that it is a possibility... Likely November, but it is possible it could be earlier." (of vaccine stage 3 trial)

- Trump retweeted a tweet that said "Dr. Lee Vliet: Dr. Fauci has misled the American public on many issues, but in particular, on dismissing #hydroxychloroquine and calling Remdesivir the new gold standard"

- Trump science adviser Paul Alexander: "we essentially took off the battlefield the most potent weapon we had...younger healthy people, children, teens, young people who we needed to fastly [sic] infect themselves, spread it around, develop immunity, and help stop the spread."
28-Jul-2020 - Twitter penalizes Donald Trump Jr. for posting hydroxychloroquine misinformation amid coronavirus pandemic

- Kodak’s stock triples as company announces pandemic plan to start making pharmaceutical ingredients

- Russian Intelligence Agencies Push Disinformation on Pandemic

- Trump: " You can look at large portions of our country, it's -- it's corona-free... and I think you'll see it rapidly head down very soon."

- Trump doubles down on defense of hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19

- Fauci responds to Trump tweet: 'I have not been misleading the American public under any circumstances'

- ‘Nobody Likes Me,’ Trump Complains, Renewing Defense of Dubious Science

- Trump: "They are dying, that's true. And you have — it is what it is. But that doesn't mean we aren't doing everything we can. It's under control as much as you can control it. This is a horrible plague" (Jonathan Swan interview)

- Trump: "You know there are those that say you can test too much" (Jonathan Swan interview)

- Trump: "Logistically, we’re using our military, our great military — a group of people; their whole life is based around logistics and bringing things to and from locations — and they’ll be able to take care of this locationally and bringing it where it has to go very, very quickly. They’re all mobilized. It’s been fully set up.

A very, very talented general is in charge. And when we have that vaccine, it will be discharged and taken care of. It’ll be a very — a very rapid process all over the country.

" (Jonathan Swan interview) (Not only does the military not have a plan for distributing vaccines, they haven’t even been asked to come up with such a plan.)
29-Jul-2020 - Trump dismisses virus aid for cities, lashes out at GOP

- Fauci: Hydroxychloroquine 'Is Not Effective' In Treating COVID-19

- Study: 65% of early COVID-19 cases globally linked to Italy, China, Iran travel

- Dr. Fauci: Wear goggles or eye shields to prevent spread of COVID-19; flu vaccine a must

- FDA could authorize COVID-19 treatment with convalescent plasma as early as next week: WSJ

- Association of American Medical Colleges: "We need a covid-19 reset. So we developed a comprehensive plan to do just that."

- Fed officials expect that the coronavirus will 'weigh heavily' on the economy, minutes show
30-Jul-2020 - UK: Virus isolation period extended from seven to 10 days

- Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security: "Unlike many countries in the world, the United States is not currently on course to get control of this epidemic. It’s time to reset"

- Trump tweet: "With Universal Mail-In Voting (not Absentee Voting, which is good), 2020 will be the most INACCURATE & FRAUDULENT Election in history. It will be a great embarrassment to the USA. Delay the Election until people can properly, securely and safely vote???"

- Herman Cain dies after attending Trump Tulsa rally without a mask

- Trump calls on Covid-19 survivors to donate blood plasma

- UK scientists to immunize hundreds with coronavirus vaccine

- Trump: "Young people are almost immune to this disease"

- WHO Director-General: "Although older people are at a higher risk of severe disease, younger people are at risk too... We have said it before and we’ll say it again, young people are not invincible."

- Trump Admin Sidelines CDC To Give Pentagon ‘Unprecedented’ Role In Vaccine Distribution
31-Jul-2020 - Trump planning for U.S. rollout of coronavirus vaccine falling short, officials warn

- Asked why the US coronavirus outbreak is so much worse than it has been in Europe, Dr. Fauci explains that state shutdown orders didn't go far enough and were rescinded too soon

- CDC director says his agency was not involved in decision to divert COVID-19 hospital data to HHS

- U.S. House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus hearing on testing: At Hearing, White House Task Force Members Confirm Failed U.S. Response Made Coronavirus Crisis Worse (video)

- U.S. pledges $2.1 billion for up to 600 million doses of Sanofi, GlaxoSmithKline vaccine. Trump's Vaccine Chief Picks His Own Former Employer—Where He Still Holds Millions Worth of Stock—for $2.1 Billion Deal

- Diverting COVID-19 Information from the CDC to DHHS: Another Strike Against Science - A Statement from Past and Present CDC HICPAC Members (hospitals "scambling")

- The White House Paid Up to $500 Million Too Much for Phillips Ventilators, Congressional Investigators Say
01-Aug-2020 - Shielding ends for two million in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland

- Donald Trump claims Anthony Fauci 'wrong' about cause of Covid-19 surge
02-Aug-2020 - Birx Warns ‘Extraordinarily Widespread’ Pandemic Has Entered ‘New Phase’ in U.S.

- Trump: "An encouraging sign, very encouraging, I have to add, that the virus is receding"
03-Aug-2020 - WHO chief: There may never be 'silver bullet' for coronavirus

- Judge voids Trump administration restrictions on coronavirus sick leave

- Trump blasts Birx after she warns coronavirus pandemic is 'extraordinarily widespread'

- Sewage testing for Covid-19 begins in England

- U.S. needs to get daily cases down to 10,000 before fall, Fauci says

- Trump: "They are dying. That’s true. And it is what it is. But that doesn’t mean we aren’t doing everything we can. It’s under control as much as you can control it. This is a horrible plague that beset us." (filmed July 28)

- Trump: "We have tested more people than any other country, than all of Europe put together times two. We have tested more people than anybody ever thought of" (filmed July 28)

- Trump: "And there are those that say you can test too much." (filmed July 28)

- Trump: "Jonathan, we didn’t even have a test. When I took over, we didn’t even have a test." (filmed July 28)

- Jonathan Swan: "Oh, you’re doing death as a proportion of cases. I’m talking about death as a proportion of population. That’s where the U.S. is really bad, much worse than South Korea, Germany, et cetera." Trump: "You can’t do that." (filmed July 28)
04-Aug-2020 - China's ambassador to US slams Trump for COVID-19 blame

- Public Citizen, Scientists: Gilead and Federal Scientists Have Neglected a Potentially Promising COVID-19 Antiviral Drug

- Sean Hannity: And I think we're over this, you know, sometime in the fall, my guess. I feel pretty certain, very optimistic, about that.
05-Aug-2020 - CDC expects 2020 outbreak of life-threatening AFM in children
U.S. to pay $1 billion for 100 million doses of Johnson & Johnson's COVID-19 vaccine candidate

- Trump says schools should reopen because children are 'virtually immune'

- Trump: "My view is the schools should open. This thing is going away. It will go away like things go away, and my view is that schools should be open."

- Facebook, Twitter Delete Trump Post Claiming Kids Are ‘Virtually Immune’ From COVID-19

- Trump Says Surging Virus 'Will Go Away Like Things Go Away'

- Trump: "It's going away. It'll go away, things go away, absolutely -- no question in my mind it will go away. Hopefully sooner rather than later."
06-Aug-2020 - World Health Organization asks the U.S. to reconsider withdrawing from international group

- Trump says it’s possible U.S. could have coronavirus vaccine before 2020 election

- WHO says the late-stage coronavirus trials don’t mean a vaccine is ‘nearly there’

- Fauci: "We may need to go through a season of it and then by next season, if we have a vaccine, it won't be a pandemic, it won't be immobilizing the world, it won't be destroying the economy"

- Model projects nearly 300,000 Americans could die from Covid-19 by December

- Fauci: We can get case levels down by Election Day

- Two Decades of Pandemic War Games Failed to Account for Donald Trump

- Executive Order on Ensuring Essential Medicines, Medical Countermeasures, and Critical Inputs Are Made in the United States. President Donald J. Trump is Ensuring that Essential Medical Supplies are Produced in the United States
07-Aug-2020 - Trump at Bedminster golf course

- Trump: "If Democrats continue to hold this critical relief hostage I will act under my authority as President to get Americans the relief they need"

- Foreign Policy Magazine’s Covid-19 Global Response Index ranks the US among the six worst-performing countries in the world, along with Turkey, Iran, Mexico and Indonesia.
08-Aug-2020 - Trump at Bedminster golf course

- Trump signs executive actions on coronavirus economic relief

- Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. Doctor: Biker rally a potential 'super spreader' event (Sturgis) How the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally may have spread coronavirus across the Upper Midwest
09-Aug-2020 - Trump at Bedminster golf course

- United States surpasses 5 million positive COVID-19 cases
10-Aug-2020 - Trump hoping for a vaccine by Election Day — but doctors say that’s impossible

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear said Monday that they believe President Trump’s executive actions on coronavirus relief are "unworkable."

- Grief from Covid-19 death: Toll on bereaved family members runs deep, study says
11-Aug-2020 - Putin hails new Sputnik moment as Russia is first to approve a COVID-19 vaccine (Fauci says he has serious doubts it is safe, effective)

- Trump tries to make the case the US is doing better than Europe

- Trump calls on colleges to allow football because student athletes will "be able to fight it off"

- NIH chief says politically motivated approval of coronavirus vaccine 'cannot happen'

- Trump: "My administration also stands ready to deploy CDC teams to support schools that are opening and schools that need help in safety and in order to safely reopen" (It was news to the CDC)

- President Donald J. Trump Is Using Every Available Resource to Deliver a Safe and Effective Vaccine to the American People
12-Aug-2020 - New White House recommendations encourages mask use in schools, but doesn't require it

- Trump says the government is sending 125 million coronavirus masks to schools across the U.S.

- While our economy is performing significantly better than Europe, which people have to understand very strongly, it's performing better than any market anywhere in the world, actually. At the same time, Europe is experiencing 40% higher excess mortality than the United States," Trump said during his opening remarks. "And I will say that that a significant number.

- Facebook Will Now Tell You Where That Viral Covid-19 Story Came From

- CDC director warns America is in for the ‘worst fall…we’ve ever had’

- U.S. was ‘unprepared’ for ‘greatest public health crisis’ in a century, CDC director says
13-Aug-2020 - CDC study sheds new light on mental health crisis linked to coronavirus pandemic

- Fauci: "If you're really shut down, children may not get their vaccinations. People don't go to hospitals when they get chest pain... There's a lot of different things that could go wrong, beyond the economy... There's projections that if you stay shut down, the number of deaths unrelated to Covid will go up... The number of suicides, overdoses, family issues, such as child abuse and things like that, they all go up."

- Trump coronavirus adviser claims "young people are not at serious risk" from coronavirus (Dr. Scott Atlas)

- CDC’s ensemble forecast now projects nearly 189,00 US coronavirus deaths by September 5

- Fauci: "We're starting to see more and more people who apparently recover from the actual viral part of it, and then weeks later, they feel weak, they feel tired, they feel sluggish, they feel short of breath. It's a chronic projection forward of symptoms, even though the virus is gone, and we think that's probably an immunological effect... It's very disturbing, because if this is true for a lot of people, then just recovering from this may not be OK."

- Don't expect to have a vaccine by October, NIH director says

- US is doing the "appropriate amount of testing" to reduce Covid-19 spread, HHS official says

- Senate will adjourn Thursday despite no deal on stimulus bill, McConnell says

- Coronavirus task force member says testing capacity and testing needs are 2 different things

- Fauci: "You can't run away from the numbers. You can't run away from the numbers of people who’ve died, the number of people getting hospitalized, the surges we’re seeing... How long we're going to have to be doing this depends totally on us. If we keep running away from the reality of the need to do it, it could linger on and linger on."

- Covid Tracking Project says hospitalization data has been "erratic" since switch to HHS

- Biden and Harris receive first joint health briefing from experts on Covid-19

- Rushing reopening could have devastating consequences, Dr. Fauci says

- Trump: "every single thing he [Biden] said to do, every single thing, we did, and we did 'em well" (not true)

- Early results suggest Chinese vaccine is safe and induces immune response, but more research is needed (study)

- Fauci says attempt to get coronavirus herd immunity would result in 'enormous' death toll

- Trump: "Sleepy Joe rejects the scientific approach in favor of locking all Americans in their basements for months on end"
14-Aug-2020 - CDC: "On August 3, 2020, CDC updated its isolation guidance based on the latest science about COVID-19 showing that people can continue to test positive for up to 3 months after diagnosis and not be infectious to others. Contrary to media reporting today, this science does not imply a person is immune to reinfection with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, in the 3 months following infection"

- Testing czar Admiral Brett Giroir: "there is no physical way to do 5 million tests per day in this country"

- Chad Wolf (DHS) tweet: "We continue to work with our Canadian and Mexican partners to slow the spread of #COVID19. Accordingly, we have agreed to extend the limitation of non-essential travel at our shared land ports of entry through September 21"

- Vaccine trial investigator says results unlikely to come before end of the year

- NIAID: "Should there be a need for human challenge studies to fully assess candidate vaccines or therapeutics for SARS-CoV-2, NIAID has begun investigations of the technical and ethical considerations of conducting human challenge studies"

- Aiming for Covid-19 herd immunity in the US would lead to massive death tolls, Anthony Fauci warns

- Romney: No way to spin US COVID-19 deaths in a positive light
15-Aug-2020 - Quick and affordable saliva-based COVID-19 test developed by Yale scientists receives FDA Emergency Use Authorization

- Trump disagrees with CDC director's warning that fall could be worst in history for public health
16-Aug-2020 - Trump tweet: ""If carefully done, according to the guidelines, there is no reason why you shouldn’t be able to do that (vote at polling place)." Doctor Anthony Fauci"

- Kushner: Children have a six times higher chance to die from the flu than from the coronavirus. So based on the data I’ve seen, I don’t believe that’s a risk

- Gottlieb warns of comparisons between COVID-19 and flu after Kushner rema
17-Aug-2020 - The US has had the worst response to Covid-19 of any major country, expert says (Dr. Ashish Jha, director of the Harvard Global Institute of Health)

- Birx says she wishes America's shutdown looked like Italy's

- Defense Department contract awarded to scale up Covid-19 convalescent plasma treatment

- Jared Kushner Says 170,000 U.S. Coronavirus Deaths Is A Success Story

- Covid-19 Data Will Once Again Be Collected by CDC, in Policy Reversal (Birx)

- Trump holds rally in Mankato, MN

- Trump holds rally in Oshkosh, WI

- First US virus cases in mink found at 2 Utah farms
18-Aug-2020 - WHO Blasts 'Vaccine Nationalism' in Last-Ditch Push Against Hoarding

- Fauci: "I don't think you'll ever see a mandating of vaccine, particularly for the general public"

- "The other thing that's a problem — still not completely fixed, but fixed in many areas of the country, but not all — is the delay between the time you do the test and you get the result back"

- Jacinda Ardern: "I don't think there's any comparison between New Zealand's current cluster and the tens of thousands of cases that are being seen daily in the United States"

- Trump holds rally in Yuma, AZ
19-Aug-2020 - Fauci Calls Russia's Claim of Effective COVID-19 Vaccine 'Bogus'

- Local Officials in China Hid Coronavirus Dangers From Beijing, U.S. Agencies Find

- Operation Warp Speed chief Moncef Slaoui predicts Covid-19 vaccine by next spring, early summer

- Dr. Paul Alexander urged Commissioner Hahn to quickly issue an emergency use authorization (EUA) for convalescent plasma and to disregard objections from National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director Francis Collins and Dr. Anthony Fauci
20-Aug-2020 - Coronavirus deaths should begin to drop soon, CDC director Dr. Robert Redfield says

- Up to 60 million Americans may have been infected with coronavirus, CDC director Dr. Robert Redfield says

- Trump Administration Declares Teachers Essential Workers, Says Can Stay In Class If Exposed To Covid-19

- Trump: "But the biggest headwind -- and that's during the pandemic, which I hope is nearing the final turn."

- Trump: "We are doing well. We're doing well. We got hit by this China plague. But other than that. I mean, we were rocking. And now we're going to be rocking again very, very soon."

- Trump holds rally in Old Forge, PA
21-Aug-2020 - US coronavirus deaths could top 6,000 a day by December in worst-case scenario, expert predicts (Dr. Chris Murray)

- CDC updates school guidelines during the Covid-19 pandemic

- Teachers don't need formal essential worker designation, CDC director Dr. Robert Redfield says

- Pence: We have many companies — several companies — that are in phase 3 clinical trials for a vaccine that I believe we'll have before the end of this year

- CDC Chief Says COVID Deaths Will Fall Next Week

- Early CDC models forecast up to 2.4 million US Covid-19 deaths by October, director says
22-Aug-2020 - Coronavirus pandemic could be over within two years - WHO head (Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus)

- Coronavirus will be with us forever, Sage scientist warns (Sir Mark Walport)

- Trump tweet: "The deep state, or whoever, over at the FDA is making it very difficult for drug companies to get people in order to test the vaccines and therapeutics. Obviously, they are hoping to delay the answer until after November 3rd. Must focus on speed, and saving lives! @SteveFDA"
23-Aug-2020 - Missing school is worse than virus for children - Whitty (UK's chief medical adviser)

- Trump Announces FDA Emergency Use Authorization for Coronavirus Plasma Treatment

- Poll: 57% Of Republicans Find Coronavirus Death Toll, Now Over 176,000, ‘Acceptable’

- Trump claims 'political reasons' held up convalescent plasma emergency authorization (by FDA)
24-Aug-2020 - Scientists say Hong Kong man got coronavirus a second time (there are now 3 known cases)

- CDC quietly changes coronavirus testing guidelines to say some people without symptoms but who have been in close contact with someone with COVID-19 may not need to get screened for the virus

- CDC drops 14-day self-quarantine recommendation for international and out-of-state travelers
25-Aug-2020 - Updated CDC guidance removes advice to stay home for 14 days after travel

- Covid-19: MPs launch legal action against government over failure to disclose details of PPE contracts (UK)
26-Aug-2020 - CDC was pressured 'from the top down' to change coronavirus testing guidance, official says

- Fauci says he 'has some concern' about change to COVID-19 testing guidelines

- Multiple states report COVID-19 cases linked to Sturgis rally

-- Former CDC director says emergency use authorization for convalescent plasma was "politically driven" (Dr. Thomas Frieden)
27-Aug-2020 - CDC director clarifies change in coronavirus testing guidelines after backlash

- Deadly reality of COVID-19 pandemic clashes with RNC rhetoric

- Trump Administration Weakened CDC Guidance to Hide Positive Tests While Promoting Reopening. HHS Senior Advisor Paul Alexander wrote that the change to the guidance followed “extensive debate amongst the White House Task Force members.”

- White House announces deal to provide 150 million rapid coronavirus tests

- C.D.C.’s ‘Clarification’ on Coronavirus Testing Offers More Confusion

- States Say They Won’t Follow CDC’s Controversial New Coronavirus Testing Guidelines

- Senior Chinese diplomat Wang Yi casts doubt on coronavirus originating in China

- First presumed U.S. case of coronavirus reinfection, in Nevada

- CDC forecast now projects more than 200,000 US coronavirus deaths by September 19
28-Aug-2020 - FDA extends emergency use authorization of remdesivir to all hospitalized Covid-19 patients

- Operation Warp Speed officials can't see coronavirus vaccine data early, official says

- Operation Warp Speed to continue if Trump loses election, White House official says

- British government says it is "safe to return to work" despite surging cases

- Trump holds rally in Londonderry, NH
29-Aug-2020 - In Lake Charles, Louisiana, Trump calls people over for autographs without masks, distancing.
30-Aug-2020 - Twitter removes QAnon supporter's false claim about coronavirus death statistics which Trump had re-tweeted

- U.S. Will Revive Global Virus-Hunting Effort Ended Last Year ("Predict" -> "Stop Spillover")

- More than 25 million have now been infected by coronavirus
31-Aug-2020 - the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis released a trove of task force reports dated between June 23 and August 9 that highlight the extent to which Trump's public proclamations about the Covid-19 crisis have diverged from the findings of experts operating in the White House.

- New Trump pandemic adviser pushes controversial ‘herd immunity’ strategy, worrying public health officials (Scott Atlas)

- Experts call for independent commission separate from FDA to review Covid-19 vaccines

- Trump & Co. Gleefully Twist CDC COVID Stat To Artificially Lessen Death Count

- At least 260 coronavirus cases in 12 states are associated with Sturgis

- US hit 6 million cases
01-Sep-2020 - White House says U.S. won't join global COVID-19 vaccine initiative

- Fauci Squashes Trump’s Distortion Of CDC’s COVID-19 Death Toll Data

- Convalescent plasma not recommended to treat COVID-19, NIH says (no solid evidence for or against)

- Trump inspects property damage in Kenosha, Wis., in wake of the shooting of Jacob Blake, delivers remarks

- Trump said that the U.S. was “rounding the final turn”
02-Sep-2020 - Dr. Fauci dismissed herd immunity for COVID-19, said US tactic should be to prevent as many infections as possible

- CDC Tells States: Be Ready to Distribute Vaccines on Nov. 1

- Covid-19 vaccine "unlikely" by October, despite CDC distribution guidance, NIH director says (Dr. Francis Collins)

- Coronavirus deaths are really coronavirus deaths, CDC affirms

- NIH continues to boost national COVID-19 testing capacity

- Nearly 570,000 health care workers across the Americas have had Covid-19, PAHO says

- Trump delivered remarks at Wilmington International Airport, commemorated the 75th Anniversary of the end of World War II at the battleship USS North Carolina, designated Wilmington as the first American World War II Heritage City
03-Sep-2020 - COVID-19 vaccine could come in late October; White House says no pressure on timing

- Stock market bloodbath: Dow and Nasdaq plummet in the worst day since June

- Coronavirus: UK announces £500 million funding for COVID-19 population testing trials

- Trump mocks Biden for wearing mask: 'Did you ever see a man that likes a mask as much as him?'

- Trump holds rally in Latrobe, PA
04-Sep-2020 - Trump: "We’re rounding the curve. We’re coming up with vaccines. I think the vaccines are going to be announced very soon, and I think you’re going to see great companies announcing these vaccines"

- Trump puts pressure on FDA for coronavirus silver bullet ahead of Election Day

- WHO does not expect widespread coronavirus vaccines until mid-2021

- US adds 1.4 million jobs in August, but is still down 11.5 million jobs since Covid hit

- New Zealand reports first Covid-19 death in more than three months

- US surgeon general tells states to be ready for COVID-19 vaccine by November 'just in case' (Dr. Jerome Adams)

- Experts warn U.S. covid-19 deaths could more than double by year’s end
05-Sep-2020 - UK records its highest Covid-19 daily case number since May

- Trump played golf at Trump National D.C
06-Sep-2020 - Coronavirus rising in 22 U.S. states

- Trump played golf at Trump National D.C

- UK records 2,988 new coronavirus cases, highest since May

- Kamala Harris Says She Would Trust Scientists ― Not Trump ― On Coronavirus Vaccine
07-Sep-2020 - Trump tries and fails to get reporter to remove mask at news conference

- Trump: "So, we're going to have a vaccine very soon. Maybe even before a very special date. You know what date I'm talking about"

- Trump tweet: "Starting to get VERY high marks in our handling of the Coronavirus (China Virus), especially when compared to other countries and areas of the world. Now the Vaccines (Plus) are coming, and fast!"

- UK looking at options to reduce 14 day quarantine period
08-Sep-2020 - AstraZeneca pauses coronavirus vaccine trial after unexplained illness in volunteer

- More than half a million US children have been diagnosed with Covid-19

- Fauci says vaccine unlikely to be ready by Election Day

- Nine vaccine makers sign safety pledge in race for Covid-19 vaccine

- Trump visits Jupiter, Florida to discuss Everglades restoration

- Trump holds rally at Smith Reynolds Airport, Winston-Salem, NC
09-Sep-2020 - USAID shuts down its coronavirus task force

- Sturgis Motorcycle Rally was 'superspreading event' that cost public health $12.2 billion: analysis

- Federal Government Adjusts COVID-19 Entry Strategy for International Air Passengers (ends screening from September 14, 2020)

- Substantial underestimation of SARS-CoV-2 infection in the United States

- The Time to Prepare for COVID-19 Vaccine Transport is Now

- Trump: "And Biden was going around for many, many weeks after that saying, it's not even going to be a problem... And they were all going around, no problem, no problem, everybody, practically everybody. Nobody had any idea it would be as violent as it turned out to be... He didn't think it was going to be a problem until months later. He was way late." (Not true)
10-Sep-2020 - Covid vaccine: '8,000 jumbo jets needed' to deliver doses around world

- Pandemic Rollbacks: Slashing Safeguards During the Coronavirus

- UK's Boris Johnson will lower limits on social gatherings to control coronavirus spread

- Trump's Covid-19 testing czar says he has "never been told to slow down testing (Adm. Brett Giroir)

- Trump holds rally at Avflight Saginaw, Freeland, MI

- Trump: "I really do believe we’re rounding the corner"

- Trump: "If you look at Nancy Pelosi, you look at Cuomo, you look at de Blasio, you look at Biden, months later, they said there’s no problem"

- Trump Campaign Manipulates Biden Clip to Defend Trump Over Woodward Coronavirus Revelations — Here’s What He Really Said
11-Sep-2020 - Fauci: "I’m sorry, but I have to disagree with that because if you look at the thing that you just mentioned, the statistics, Andrea, they’re disturbing... We’re plateauing at around 40,000 cases a day and the deaths are around 1,000." (about "rounding the corner")

- Trump, Biden pay their respects at the Flight 93 National Memorial, Stonycreek Township, Somerset County, PA

- Dr. Paul Alexander claimed a forthcoming CDC report on coronavirus deaths in young people was “very duplicitous to damage the administration.”
12-Sep-2020 - AstraZeneca, Oxford resume COVID-19 vaccine trial in UK after brief pause

- Trump holds rally in Minden, NV, but Trump rally planned at Reno airport canceled

- Trump: "Sleepy Joe Biden, who surrendered, you know where he is now, he’s in his damn basement again."

- Trump spends night at Trump International Hotel Las Vegas.
13-Sep-2020 - WHO reports highest single-day increase in Covid-19 infections since pandemic began

- Trump ignores science at dangerous indoor rally (Nevada)

- Trump holds rally at Xtreme Manufacturing, Henderson, NV - first indoor rally

- Michael Caputo says a positive HHS COVID ad campaign was "demanded of me by the president of the United States. Personally."
14-Sep-2020 - Enhanced screening of passengers on inbound international flights for COVID-19, ends

- Democrats launch probe into Trump officials' Covid-report tampering

- It's not just COVIS-19: Trump on climate change, surveying California wildfires: "It'll start getting cooler, you just watch... I don't think science knows actually... I think this is more of a management situation"

- Trump visits areas affected by California wildfires, spoke at Ceremony Recognizing the California National Guard (Sacramento McClellan Park)

- Trump: "I’m On Stage, And It’s Very Far Away" (at rally)

- Trump holds a "Latinos for Trump Roundtable" at the Arizona Grand Resort, Phoenix

- Paper: Unusual Features of the SARS-CoV-2 Genome Suggesting Sophisticated Laboratory Modification Rather Than Natural Evolution and Delineation of Its Probable Synthetic Route - Criticized by JHU, linked to Steve Bannon
15-Sep-2020 - Trump: "Well I didn’t downplay it, I actually in many ways, I up-played it in terms of action. My action was very strong because what I did with China, I put a ban on. With Europe, I put a ban on. And we would have lost thousands of more people had I not put the ban on," Trump said. "So that was called action, not with the mouth but in actual fact. We did a very very good job when we put that ban on, whether you call it talent or luck, it was very important so we saved a lot of lives when we did that."

- Trump: "It’s probably gonna go away now a lot faster because of the vaccine... It would go away without the vaccine... Over a period of time... You’ll develop like a herd mentality." (A herd immunity strategy without a vaccine would lead to nearly 3 million deaths)

- Trump participated in an ABC Town Hall at the National Constitution Center, Philadelphia, PA

- Chinese virologist: China's government 'intentionally' released COVID-19 - on Tucker Carlson (see 14-Sep-2020), flagged by Facebook

- Trump: "I was so far ahead of my closing – and I’ll give you an example. When I closed at the end of January, Joe Biden was talking about, in March, about, it’s totally over exaggerated. Nancy Pelosi was standing in the streets of Chinatown in San Francisco late – a month – more than a month after that -- saying this thing’s totally exaggerated."

- ICL Report 31: 15 September 2020 - Estimating under-ascertainment of COVID-19 mortality: an analysis of novel data sources to provide insight into COVID-19 dynamics in Damascus, Syria
16-Sep-2020 - CDC director Robert Redfield: "We have clear scientific evidence (masks) work, I might even go so far as to say that this face mask is more guaranteed to protect me against COVID than when I take a COVID vaccine, because the immunogenicity may be 70 percent And if I don’t get an immune response, the vaccine’s not going to protect me, this face mask will."

- CDC director Robert Redfield: "If you’re asking me when is it going to be generally available to the American public so we can begin to take advantage of vaccine to get back to our regular life, I think we’re probably looking at late second quarter, third quarter 2021"

- Trump: "No I think he made a mistake when he [Redfield] said that. That’s incorrect information. "I believe he was confused. I think he just misunderstood the question, probably."

- Attorney General William Barr: "You know, putting a national lockdown, stay at home orders, is like house arrest. Other than slavery, which was a different kind of restraint, this is the greatest intrusion on civil liberties in American history"

- White House Staff Members Reportedly Test Positive For COVID Less Than 48 Hours After President Donald Trump Visited Sacramento
17-Sep-2020 - Trump holds rally at Central Wisconsin Aviation, Mosinee, WI

- Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams: "We don't need to wait until we get a vaccine or some miracle drug to get this virus under control. We can do it right now. The tools to stop this virus are already in our communities."

- Fauci: "If you have a vaccine that is highly effective and not enough people get vaccinated, you're not going to realize the full, important effect of having a vaccine."

- CMS Announces New Guidance for Safe Visitation in Nursing Homes During COVID-19 Public Health Emergency

- CNN Presidential Town Hall With Joe Biden, including questions on the virus

- Head of Test and Trace Baroness Harding admits there is "significantly more demand than there is capacity today" for tests.

- UK Test and Trace chief Dido Harding: "I don’t think anybody was expecting to see the really sizable increase in demand we’ve seen"

- ICL Report 32: 17 September 2020 - Age groups that sustain resurging COVID-19 epidemics in the United States
18-Sep-2020 - Trump holds rally in Bemidji, MN. Nine people who attended tested positive, plus 2 associated with a counter-protest nearby. Minnesota traces outbreak of 20 Covid-19 cases to September Trump rally events

- Dr. Scott Atlas: "there's no sound science that shows that you should have all populations wear a mask in all circumstances."

- Updated CDC guidance acknowledges coronavirus can spread through the air (later retracted)

- CDC Confirms That COVID Is Airborne

- Boris Johnson met with Rupert Murdoch, News Corp
19-Sep-2020 - Trump holds rally in Fayetteville, NC

- U.S. Covid-19 death toll surpasses 200,000
20-Sep-2020 - Trump played golf at Trump National D.C.

- Trump: "When I banned travel from China in January, Biden called it hysterical, xenophobic. If we had listened to him, hundreds of thousands of people would have died."
21-Sep-2020 - Trump holds rally in Toledo Express Airport, Swanton, OH

- Trump: "We now know the disease. We didn't know it, now we know it. It affects elderly people, elderly people with heart problems and other problems. If they have other problems, that's what it really affects. That's it. You know in some states thousands of people, nobody young below the age of 18, like, nobody, they have a strong immune system. Who knows? You take your hat off to the young because they have a hell of an immune system, but it affects virtually nobody. It's an amazing thing."

- CDC Says New COVID-19 Guidelines That Said Virus Can Travel More Than 6 Feet In Air Were Accidentally Updated

- Trump: "We’re rounding the corner. With or without a vaccine. They hate when I say that but that’s the way it is. We’ve done a phenomenal job. Not just a good job a phenomenal job. Other that public relations but that’s because I have fake news. On public relations I give myself a D on the job itself we take an A+."

- The UK has "in a bad sense, recently turned a corner" in the coronavirus pandemic, UK chief medical adviser Chris Whitty said

- 156 countries are teaming up for a Covid-19 vaccine. But not the US or China. (COVAX)

- Trump’s coronavirus vaccine czar says U.S. could immunize ‘most susceptible’ Americans by December (Dr. Moncef Slaoui)

- Trump delivered remarks on "Fighting for the American Worker" at Wright Bros Aero, Dayton, OH.

- Sage scientists called, unsuccessfully, for short lockdown (UK)

- Johnson Met with Lockdown-Sceptics
22-Sep-2020 - Trump holds rally in Moon Township, PA

- Fauci: "We are entering into a risk period and we’ve got to act accordingly as we enter into that risk period"

- FDA poised to announce tougher standards for a covid-19 vaccine that make it unlikely one will be cleared by Election Day

- Trump: "It affects virtually nobody. It's an amazing thing."

- Fauci calls 200,000 pandemic death toll 'sobering, and in some respects, stunning'

- China’s UN ambassador calls the US coronavirus response "a complete failure"

- Trump: "Well, I think it’s a shame. I think if we didn’t do it properly and do it right, you’d have two and a half million deaths. If you take a look at alternatives, you could have two and a half million deaths or something thereabouts. You could have a number that would be substantially more." (about 200,000 deaths)
23-Sep-2020 - FDA considering authorization rules that could push coronavirus vaccine past Election Day

- Trump claims White House can overrule FDA's attempt to toughen guidelines for Covid-19 vaccine

- "Political motivations" won’t interfere in approval of Covid-19 vaccine, Fauci says

- Trump attacks FDA plan for tougher standards on emergency vaccine approval as a ‘political move’

- Roundtable discussion on “Protecting Consumers from Social Media Abuses” at the White House

- Trump’s Vaccine Czar Refuses to Give Up Stock in Drug Company Involved in His Government Role (Moncef Slaoui)

- WHO Executive Director Winnie Byanyima: "We can beat COVID-19 only with facts, science and community solidarity"
24-Sep-2020 - Trump's decision to withdraw from WHO will hurt the US, director-general says

- Fauci: "There's good enough data to say that aerosol transmission does occur"

- Trump Unveils ‘America First’ Health Care Plan in Charlotte, NC

- Trump holds rally at Cecil Airport, Jacksonville, FL

- Trump spent the night at the Trump National Doral Miami.

- A speech Pence in Minneapolis leads to an outbreak
25-Sep-2020 - US surpasses 7 million coronavirus cases

- Redfield voices alarm over influence of Trump's new coronavirus task force adviser (Of Dr. Scott Atlas: "everything he says is false"

- Trump participated in a "Latinos for Trump" Roundtable discussion in Doral, FLA
- Trump delivered remarks on "Black Economic Empowerment: The Platinum Plan" at Cobb Galleria Centre at Atlanta, GA (met Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp, his wife, Marty Kemp, Sen. David Perdue, Sen. Kelly Loeffler, Rep. Doug Collins, Rep. Barry Loudermilk, Rep. Drew Ferguson, Major General John Healy, Major General Thomas Carden, Col. Craig McPike, HUD secretary Ben Carson and former NFL player Herschel Walker)

- Trump holds a roundtable with supporters at his hotel just miles from the White House

- Trump holds rally at Newport News/Williamsburg International Airport, VA with Mike Pence (Picture - no masks) (traveled with White House spokesperson Judd Deere, his aide Hope Hicks, who later tested positive, senior adviser Jason Miller, White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, and deputy chief of staff Dan Scavino)

- At some point, Ronna McDaniel, the chairwoman of the Republican National Committee, who has tested positive, was with Trump

- US hit 7 million cases

- ICL Report 33: 25 September 2020 - Modelling the allocation and impact of a COVID-19 vaccine
Before 26-Sep-2020 - White House security official reported to be gravely ill with COVID-19 (Crede Bailey) (As of December 14, he was recovering but had lost a leg)
26-Sep-2020 - Top Trump officials seen not wearing masks or social distancing at White House Supreme Court announcement in the Rose Garden (Picture - no masks)

- Trump greeted Evangelical Faith Leaders, nominated federal appeals court judge Amy Coney Barrett, who was present, for the Supreme Court. Attorney General William Barr and many senators were there. Those present included Mike Pence, Melania Trump (+ve), Karen Pence, Corey Lewandowski, Kellyanne Conway (+ve), AG Bill Barr, Laura Ingraham, Matt and Mercedes Schlapp, John Jenkins (+ve), Republican senators Josh Hawley (sat next to Tillis), Thom Tillis (+ve), Deb Fischer, Sen. Ben Sasse, Sen. Kelly Loeffler, Mike Lee (+ve), Chris Christie (+ve), Mark Meadows, Sen. Mike Crapo, Sen. Marsha Blackburn. Hope Hicks (+ve) was not there. Chad Gilmartin (+ve) and Karoline Leavitt (+ve) were also there and Pastor Greg Laurie (+ve) of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, California who was at both the Prayer March on the Mall with Mike Pence and Franklin Graham and #SCOTUSNomination event same day. Also, Trish (+ve) and Eugene Scalia.

- Trump holds rally at Avflight Harrisburg, Middletown, PA (Scavino, Stephen Miller (+ve), and Kayleigh McEnany (+ve) flew there with him)

- There was also a private reception for Barrett without masks or social disancing. This included: Trump (+ve), Melania Trump (+ve), Amy Coney Barrett and her family, Pat Cipollone, Mark Meadows, Maureen Scalia (widow of Antonin), Sen. Thom Tillis (+ve), AG William Barr, Sen. Ben Sasse (+ve), Chris Christie (+ve), Sen. Mike Lee (+ve) and his wife, Sharon.

Michael Shear of The New York Times is pretty sure he was infected at the SUpreme COurt announcement. His wife has also tested positive.

- Kayleigh McEnany defends ‘super-spreader event’ despite catching COVID: ‘There’s no way to put a pinpoint on it’
27-Sep-2020 - Trump plays golf at Trump National D.C. (Picture - no masks)

- Trump held a news conference at the White House and hosted a reception of Gold Star families at the White House ()Rudy Giuliani, Chris Christie (+ve) and Kayleigh McEnany (+ve) were there. The WHite House warned the people at the reception of Gold Star families on October 2 that there was a risk of infection. Adm. Charles W. Ray (+ve) was there, as were Mark Esper, who has tested negative, and Army Gen. Mark Milley.
28-Sep-2020 - Trump announces plan to deploy 150 million Covid rapid tests previously touted, in Rose Garden, plus photo op. (Picture - no masks). With Trump for one or other event were Lordstown Motors CEO Steve Burns, Lordstown Motors employees Rich Schmidt and Michael Fabian, Peter Navarro, Sen. Rob Portman, Rep. Mike Turner, Pence, Seema Verma, Betsy DeVos, Alex Azar, Admiral Brett Giroir, Dr. Scott Atlas, president and CEO of Abbott Laboratories Robert Ford, and Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves.

- WHO, partners roll out faster COVID tests for poorer nations

- Trump (+ve), Hope Hicks (+ve), Bill Stepien (+ve), Kellyanne Conway (+ve), Chris Christie (+ve), Jared Kushner, Rudy Giuliani, Jason Miller, Stephen Miller (+ve) attended Debate prep session at White House. Also Mark Meadows, Kayleigh McEnany (+ve) and communications director Alyssa Farah

- Hope Hicks may have been infectious from today

- Was Trump known to be infectious today?
29-Sep-2020 - CDC director overruled on cruise ship ban

- Coronavirus has killed 1 million people worldwide. Experts fear the toll may double before a vaccine is ready. One million dead: How Covid-19 tore us apart

- First presidential debate, in Cleveland, OH. At least 11 COVID cases followed. (With Trump were Dan Scavino, Donald Trump Jr., Lara Trump, Ivanka Trump, Eric Trump, Tiffany Trump, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Robert O’Brien (who tested positive for the virus in July), Bill Stepien (+ve), Hope Hicks (+ve), Rep. Jim Jordan, Nicholas Luna (+ve) and Alice Marie Johnson, a criminal justice reform advocate whose sentence was commuted by Trump. Trump was met by Ohio state Rep. Bernadine Kent, James Whitaker, and senior adviser Bob Paduchik. About 80 people were seated in the audience, including Jill Biden, Melania Trump (+ve), Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump, Tiffany Trump, Lara Trump, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Rep. Jordan, Mark Meadows, Rudy Giuliani, Jared Kushner, Tom Perez, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine, first lady Fran DeWine, and Ohio Lt. Gov. Jon Husted, UFC fighter Colby Covington. Those flying back with Trump included Rudy Giuliani, Eric Trump, Lara Trump and Kimberly Guilfoyle) Also on the plane were: White House Chief of staff Mark Meadows; campaign strategist Jason Miller; policy adviser Stephen Miller (+ve).

- Biden: "We in fact have 5% or 4% of the world's population, 20% of the deaths. 40,000 people a day are contracting COVID. In addition to that, about between 750 and 1000 people, they're dying. When he was presented with that number he said ‘it is what it is’" (debate)

- Trump: "The country would have been left wide open, Millions of people would have died, not 200,000. And one person is too much -- it's China's fault, it should have never happened." (debate)

- Trump: "We got the gowns, we got the masks, we made the ventilators -- you wouldn't have made ventilators -- and now we're weeks away from a vaccine." (debate)

- Trump: "But I'll tell you, Joe, you could never have done the job that we did, you don't have it in your blood. You could have never done that yet. " (debate)

- Seven former FDA commissioners condemn White House influence on agency<

- Trump's Family Didn't Wear Masks During Presidential Debate — Except On Social Media

- Biden: "I know how to do the job. I know how to get the job done." (debate)

- Trump: "Well you didn't do very well in swine flu. H1N1. A disaster. " (debate)

- Biden: "14,000 people died, not 200,000. There was no economic recession. We didn't shut down the economy. This is his economy, it's been shut down." (debate)

- Biden: "By the way, his own CDC director says, we could lose as many as another 200,000 people between now and the end of the year, and he held up he said, if we just wear a mask we can save half those numbers -- just just a mask. And by the way, in terms of the, the whole notion of a vaccine. We prefer a a vaccine, but I don't trust him at all, and neither do you, I know you don't. What we trust is a scientist." (debate)

- Hope Hicks travelled to the debate with Trump aboard Air Force One before testing positive for COVID

- Chris Wallace says Trump showed up too late to the debate to be tested as planned so they had to abide by the "honor system"

- Mike Pence met with Trump in the White House

- Was Donald Trump on steroids at the time of the first debate with Joe Biden?

- Biden Says Trump Has 'Been a Fool' on Masks as President Mocks Him for Wearing 'Biggest Mask I've Ever Seen'

30-Sep-2020 - Trump Throws Hats Into Crowd at Duluth Rally Day Before Positive COVID-19 Diagnosis (picture), an outbreak ensues

- Hope Hicks travelled to a Duluth, Minnesota rally with Trump aboard Marine One. She felt unwell and quarantined aboard Marine One on the way home and later tested positive for COVID. Trump advisor Hope Hicks, who also tested positive for COVID-19, walks to Air Force One with special assistant Nicholas Luna (+ve), senior advisor Jared Kushner and social media director Dan Scavino to travel to Minnesota (picture - no masks) Also aboard were Dan Scavino, Jared Kushner and Stephen Miller (+ve). Trump was met by Minnesota state Sen. Paul Gazelka and his wife Maralee Gazelka; state Rep. Leader Kurt Daudt, Republican senate nominee Jason Lewis, Minnesota National Guard Adjunct General Shawn Manke, Col. James Cleet, and Chief Master Sergeant Mark Legvold.

- Trump fundraiser at the private home of Martin Davis, More than a dozen restaurant workers under quarantine after catering Minnesota Trump fundraiser

- Minnesota Congressman Kurt Daudt met Trump without a mask

- Tillis and Barrett met

- Ronna McDaniel tested positive but did not announce publically until October 2, nore did the RNC attempt to inform donors who attended the Rose Garden on Saturday.
01-Oct-2020 - Study Finds ‘Single Largest Driver’ of Coronavirus Misinformation: Trump

- Mayors Ask Trump to Cancel Rallies in Wisconsin Viral Hot Spots

- Hope Hicks, one of President Trump's closest advisers, tests positive for coronavirus

- Kayleigh McEnany (+ve) held a briefing for reporters at the White House on Thursday, without mentioning her colleague's test and without wearing a mask. She has since said she did not know about the diagnosis.

- House passes $2.2 trillion Democratic coronavirus stimulus bill

- Gilead Sciences resumes control of remdesivir distribution

- Trump took part in a fundraiser and a roundtable in Bedminster, New Jersey, earlier in the day Thursday. Judd Deere and adviser John McEntee flew there with him. Trump is said to have known about Hope Hicks' positive test before traveling. Trump donors from across the country attended fundraiser hours before positive test

- Trump leaves N.J. after a brief stay to raise money for his campaign

- President Trump Discusses First Presidential Debate With Sean Hannity (called in)

- Trump (prerecorded): "the end of the pandemic is in sight"

- Trump interview with Sean Hannity, before getting his positive test result:

HANNITY:" By the way, some news broke earlier this evening. Hope Hicks, who’s worked for you a long time has tested positive for coronavirus."

TRUMP: "Yes."

HANNITY: "Obviously our prayers are with her and by the way everybody that is as you call taking-- gotten this invisible enemy. Do you have any update on her? And where are we with therapeutics? Where are we with the vaccine? Is..."

TRUMP: "So, she did test positive. I just heard about this. She tested positive.

She's a hard worker. A lot of masks. So, she wears masks a lot. But she tested positive. And I just went out with a test. I'll see what -- because we spend a lot of time. And the first lady just went out with a test also.

So, whether we quarantine, or whether we have it, I don't know.

You know, it's very hard. When you're with soldiers, when you're with airmen, when you're with Marines, and I'm with -- and the police officers. I'm with them so much. And when they come over here, it's very hard to say, stay back, stay back. It's a tough kind of a situation.

It's a terrible thing. So, I just went for a test, and we will see what happens. I mean, who knows?

But you know her very well. She's fantastic. And she's done a great job.

But it's very, very hard when you are with people from the military or for law enforcement. And they come over to you, and they want to hug you, and they want to kiss you, because we really have done a good job for them.

And you get close, and things happen.

I was surprised to hear with Hope. But she's a very warm person with them. And she -- she knows there's a risk. But she's young.

And I just -- I just went out for a test. They just do it. It will come back later, I guess, and the first lady also, because we spend a lot of time with Hope and others. So, we will see what happens.


HANNITY: "Where are we with therapeutics and with a vaccine, in your view?"

TRUMP: "... you have to -- you have to treat our -- you have to treat our people great. You can't just say, stay away, stay away. They come up to you. They're such love with what we have done for them. And there's such love.

And you have to treat our people great.

I think the vaccines are coming quickly. I do think it's somewhat political. They'd like to do it. Even the drug companies, they have dealt with these people a long time. I think they'd like to do it after the election, even if it's a couple of days.

But the fact is, the vaccines are coming out. The therapeutics are coming out. And they're coming out really good, Regeneron and others. Other companies are great, Eli Lilly. So, we will have to see.

The survival rate is so much better now than it was. You have seen those numbers, I guess, 95 percent, or something like that, better. So, we will have to see."


TRUMP: "I mean, I'll -- I'll get my test back either tonight or tomorrow morning.

But I spend a lot of time with Hope, and so does the First Lady. And she's tremendous. I was a little surprised. But she's -- she's a very warm person. She has a hard time when soldiers and law enforcement come up -- comes up to her. You know, she wants to treat them great, not say, stay away, I can't get near you.

It's a very, very tough disease."

- Sen. Mike Lee tested positive (announced Friday)

- Biotech Industry Pushes Trump Administration to Release New Vaccine Guidelines: "The public must have full faith in the scientific process and the rigor of F.D.A.’s regulatory oversight if we are to end the pandemic."

- Ivanka Trump visited several Belmont businesses including Holy Angels which then closed for a deep clean, having only just reopened.

- Barron (+ve), tested positive for the coronavirus not long after his parents, but had no symptoms

- Trump: "the end of the pandemic is in sight"

- WHO: "The best time to prevent the next pandemic is now: countries join voices for better emergency preparedness"
02-Oct-2020 - Trump, Melania test positive for coronavirus, president vows to begin quarantine 'immediately'

- Trump’s virus case is mild so far, with cold-like symptoms.

- Late Friday morning, Trump had "a high fever and his oxygen saturation was transiently dipping below 94%" and was given oxygen

- Trump cancelled a planned rally in Florida.

- Vice President Pence and his wife tested negative for the coronavirus Friday morning.

- NJ Governor Phil Murphy Tweet: "We urge everyone who attended yesterday's event in Bedminster to take full precautions, including self-quarantining and getting tested for #COVID19. Find your nearest testing location:"

- RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel Tests Positive for Coronavirus, Week After Trump Meeting (a.m.)

- Mike Pence, wife, test negative for COVID-19 (a.m.)

- Trump experiencing mild symptoms after testing positive for virus (a.m.)

- Trump cancels weekend Wisconsin rallies

- Kamala Harris and her husband test negative (a.m.)

- Joe Biden and his wife have Tested Negative for COVID-19

- Joe Biden rally in Michigan

- 4 attendees of SCOTUS nomination at Rose Garden test positive for COVID-19 (Trump, Melania, Sen. Mike Lee (+ve), University of Notre Dame President Rev. John Jenkins (+ve) but Hope Hicks (+ve) was absent) (image)

- Trump tweets out a video of himself.

- Trump Taken to Walter Reed Hospital He has a low-grade fever, a cough and nasal congestion, etc. Expects to be there several days.

- President Trump Received Experimental Antibody Treatment (Regeneron, zinc, vitamin D and the generic version of the heartburn treatment Pepcid) Also the heartburn drug famotidine, melatonin and a daily aspirin

- Trump's coronavirus diagnosis sparks onslaught of online misinformation
- Three White House Journalists Test Positive for COVID-19 After Trump

- GOP Sen. Thom Tillis tests positive for coronavirus

- Fearing an overwhelming ‘twindemic,’ governments urged flu shots — and triggered shortages (UK)

- Judge Coney Barrett tested negative. She had met several senators, including Mitch McConnell, since the announcement of her selection last Saturday in the Rose Garden.

- Kellyanne Conway tested positive. She was at the Rose garden last Saturday.

- Bill Stephen, Trump’s campaign manager, tests positive for the virus. He was at the debate Tuesday.

- Nancy Pelosi Tests Negative For COVID-19. She had met with Steve Mnuchin who had met Trump. Mnuchin also tested negative.

- New York Times correspondent Michael D. Shear tested positive. Another was at the Rose Garden event on Saturday and rode in the press pool van that followed Trump as he played golf on Sunday, and a third covered a White House briefing on Sunday. Shear visited the White House on Saturday (but not the ceremony) and was part of the press pool that covered Trump’s rally that night in Pennsylvania, and traveled to and from on Air Force One.

- Negative tests: Joe Biden, Jill Biden, Mike Pence, Karen Pence, Kamala Harris, Doug Emhoff, Amy Coney Barrett, Mike Pompeo, Steve Mnuchin, Alex Azar, William Barr, Ivanka Trump, Eric Trump, Tiffany Trump, Jared Kushner, Donald Trump Jr., Mark Meadows, Tom Perez, Sens. Marsha Blackburn, Kelly Loeffler, Ben Sasse, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine, first lady Fran DeWine, Ohio Lt. Gov. Jon Husted, Pete Stauber of Minnesota, Jim Hagedorn of Minnesota, Tom Emmer of Minnesota, Jim Jordan of Ohio
Positive tests: Donald Trump, Melania Trump, Kellyanne Conway, Mike Lee, Thom Tillis, Bill Stepien

- Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) tested positive after he had spoken at the Ozaukee County Republican Party's Oktoberfest Dinner. He believes he was exposed on Sept. 29; he was not at the White House on Saturday for Trump’s Supreme Court announcement.

- Trump Tweet: "Going welI, I think! Thank you to all. LOVE!!! (from hospital)"

- Biden Campaign Reportedly Pulling Down All Negative Ads Against Trump

- Source: Trump got oxygen Friday at White House

- Trump had a mild cough and some nasal congestion and fatigue Thursday afternoon

- Dr. Scott Atlas: "I anticipate a complete, and full, and rapid recovery back to normal after his necessary confinement period"

- Andrew McCabe delaying Senate judiciary panel testimony planned for Tuesday, citing coronavirus risk

- GOP Sen. Ron Johnson Went to Oktoberfest Party While Awaiting COVID-19 Test Results

- Sen. Chuck Grassley won't seek coronavirus test after attending meeting with infected senator

- White House quietly informed a veterans group that there was a COVID-19 risk stemming from a Sept. 27 event honoring the families of fallen U.S. service members

- All but one of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to self-quarantine this week after they met in a secure conference room at the Pentagon, including Coast Guard Adm. Charles Ray (+ve) and Assistant Marine Commandant Gen. Gary Thomas (+ve)

- Thousands of Minks Dead as COVID Outbreak Escalates on Utah Farms

- Belmont Holy Angels close businesses day after surprise visit from Ivanka Trump

- HHS Secretary Alex Azar: "Herd immunity is not the strategy of the U.S. government with regard to coronavirus"
03-Oct-2020 - Hours after President Trump said he and First Lady Melania Trump had tested positive for the coronavirus, some top White House officials were still appearing in public without masks

- Tested negative: Mike Crapo (Idaho), Ben Sasse (Neb.), Marsha Blackburn (Tenn.), Deb Fischer (Neb.), Kelly Loeffler (Ga.)

- Christie tests positive for COVID-19 after helping Trump with debate preparation (no mask then or for the Supreme Court announcement). He later checks himself into hospital as he has asthma.

- Transcript: Presidents Trump's Doctors Provide Saturday Update On His Health: "the president is doing very well.", "Just 72 hours * into the diagnosis now", "Thursday, he had a mild cough and some nasal congestion and fatigue, all of which are now resolving and improving at this time", "About 48 hours ** ago, the president received a special antibody therapy directed against the coronavirus", "Yesterday evening, he received his first dose of IV Remdesivir and our plan is to continue a five day treatment course for Remdesivir", "the president's been fever free for over 24 hours", "He's not on oxygen right now", "Yesterday and today he was not on oxygen"

* later correxted to 'day 3'.

** later corrected to 'day 2'.

- Trump's oxygen levels fell "to about 93%" and he was given oxygen.

- Source: "the president’s vitals over the last 24 hours were very concerning and the next 48 hours will be critical in terms of his care"

- Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer tweet: We now have two members of the Senate Judiciary Committee who have tested positive for COVID, and there may be more. I wish my colleagues well. It is irresponsible and dangerous to move forward with a hearing, and there is absolutely no good reason to do so.

- McConnell moves to delay Senate return after 3 lawmakers test positive for COVID-19 - Senate will not return until Oct. 19

- Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says confirmation hearings for Judge Amy Coney Barrett will still begin Oct. 12

- Mitch McConnell: The Senate will go into pro forma session until October 19th. On that day, we will need all Republican Senators back and healthy to ensure we have a quorum

- Negative tests: Sen. Mike Crapo, William Barr, Sen. Josh Hawley, Mike Pence

- Three unidentified White House reporters who attended the Supreme Court nomination ceremony have also tested positive
04-Oct-2020 - Trump Aide Luna Tests Positive for Virus

- Mike Pence's lack of quarantining concerns experts after Trump's coronavirus diagnosis

- Here are the Cabinet members and others around Trump who have been tested

- White House doctor announced Trump is being treated with dexamethasone (a steroid). Here's what we know about the drug.

- Mike Pence and Karen Pence test negative for Covid-19

- Dr. James P. Phillips, MD, Walter Reed tweet: "Every single person in the vehicle during that completely unnecessary Presidential “drive-by” just now has to be quarantined for 14 days. They might get sick. They may die. For political theater. Commanded by Trump to put their lives at risk for theater. This is insanity."

- Dr. James P. Phillips, MD, Walter Reed tweet: "That Presidential SUV is not only bulletproof, but hermetically sealed against chemical attack. The risk of COVID19 transmission inside is as high as it gets outside of medical procedures. The irresponsibility is astounding. My thoughts are with the Secret Service forced to play."

- Biden again tests negative for COVID-19

- Attorney General Barr to self-quarantine out of caution after White House event (he's had four negative COVID-19 tests since Friday)

- Pelosi: "We're getting our information the way everyone else is, in the media"

- After Biden’s Exposure to Trump, His Team Is Cagey on Health Questions

- Less than half UK population to receive coronavirus vaccine, says task force head

- UK has missed 15,841 cases of COVID between 25 September and 2 October, so did not contact trace

- Great Barrington Declaration: Lobbying against lockdown – Wierzycka, Hudson join SA Nobel winner Levitt, others. 'Dr Johnny Bananas' and 'Dr Person Fakename' among medical signatories on herd immunity open letter
05-Oct-2020 - Fauci says he has not been involved in Trump's care

- Russian scientists behind Sputnik-V call on US to reconsider their vaccine following Trump diagnosis

- Trump campaign adviser says rally protocols won't change after President's coronavirus diagnosis (Jason Miller)

- White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany tests positive for COVID-19

- Two of White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany's staffers test positive (Chad Gilmartin and Karoline Leavitt)

- Some staffers in the West Wing press area sent home to work remotely as a precaution

- Pence, second lady test negative for COVID-19 again before heading to Utah

- Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner tested negative this morning, spokesperson says

- White House Correspondents' Association says no new media members tested positive for Covid-19 today

- N.J. governor: Health officials have contacted 184 people from Trump fundraiser (out of 206)

- Trump's doctor says President has not taken fever-reducing medicine — but dexamethasone can mask fever

- Trump plans to participate in the next debate, his campaign spokesperson says

- Pence And Harris Will Be Separated By Plexiglass During Wednesday’s Debate

- Offices being set up for Trump near medical unit at White House

- Trump's name was on list of negative Covid-19 tests submitted before Tuesday's debate, Cleveland Clinic says (within the 72 hours prior to the end of the debate)

- Trump tweet: "Will be back on the Campaign Trail soon!!! The Fake News only shows the Fake Polls"

- Trump leaves Walter Reed after saying Americans shouldn't be 'afraid' of COVID-19

- Trump Tweet: "I will be leaving the great Walter Reed Medical Center today at 6:30 P.M. Feeling really good! Don’t be afraid of Covid. Don’t let it dominate your life. We have developed, under the Trump Administration, some really great drugs & knowledge. I feel better than I did 20 years ago!"

- Trump removes mask upon arrival at White House

- White House not contact tracing Rose Garden event considered possible 'superspreader': report

- Trump tweet: "“You see it in enthusiasm for the President outside Walter Reed Hospital. You see it in Registrations, from Florida to Pennsylvania & West Virginia, where Republicans are outstripping Democrats by 2 to 1. If the President bounces back onto the campaign trail, he will be an...."

- Trump tweet: "....invincible hero, who not only survived every dirty trick the Democrats threw at him, but the Chinese virus as well. He will show America we no longer have to be afraid.” @MirandaDevine @NYPost Thank you Miranda. Was over until the Plague came in from China. Will win anyway!"

- WATCH: Video of Trump ‘Struggling to Breathe’ Outside White House Goes Viral

- Biden on Trump's tweet: "I hope no one walks away with the message thinking it's not a problem"

- Trump releases new video from White House: "I learned so much about coronavirus. And one thing that’s for certain. Don’t let it dominate you. Don’t be afraid of it. We’re gonna beat it. We have the best medical equipment, best medicines."

- Two Of Kayleigh McEnany’s Closest Aides, Chad Gilmartin and Karoline Leavitt, Test Positive For Coronavirus. Both were at the Rose Garden.

- 10% of global population may have already been infected with coronavirus, WHO says

- Barr changes stance, will now quarantine amid virus outbreak

- White House Blocks New FDA Coronavirus Vaccine Guidelines

- The percentage of Americans who say they would get a Covid-19 vaccine is falling, CNN poll finds (51%) (Fauci would settle for 70% for herd immunity)

- Questions raised after Mike Pence insisted on sitting at VP debate with Kamala Harris

- 2 White House housekeepers test positive for COVID-19 after virus continues to spread (no direct contact with the president or the first family)

- Virginia governor Ralph Northam (D) develops mild covid-19 symptoms, scorns Trump for downplaying disease. His wife also tests positive.
06-Oct-2020 - Jennifer Jacobs tweet: NEWS: One of the president's military aides, Coast Guard aide Jayna McCarron, has coronavirus, sources tell me. And so does one of the president's valets, who is also active duty military, and traveled with the president last week.

- With Trump's return, risks rise in the West Wing

- ‘This place is a cesspool’: White House staffers furious at Trump’s ‘insane’ return from hospital

- White House declines offers from CDC to help with contact tracing

- FDA wants 2 months of safety data for Covid-19 vaccines in trials before considering authorization. This means no emergency use authorization (EUA) before Election Day

- Trump orders halt to stimulus negotiations; stocks tumble. Pelosi: "Clearly, the White House is in complete disarray". US Chamber of Commerce's Neil Bradley: "Washington’s failure to enact additional COVID relief will be felt on Main Streets and at kitchen tables across the United States. It is especially disappointing given that less than a month ago a bipartisan group of Members of Congress outlined a reasonable compromise that would have provided the economy with the support it needs while helping our nation recover from this pandemic. Republican and Democratic leaders should follow their example."

- All US hospitals must now report flu numbers to federal government, HHS says

- Stephen Miller: Over the last 5 days I have been working remotely and self-isolating, testing negative every day through yesterday. Today, I tested positive for COVID-19 and am in quarantine. HIs wife, Katie Miller, who has already had COVID, is a top Pence Staffer traveled to Salt Lake City to help the vice president at the debate

- Assistant press secretary Jalen Drummond test positive

- Top military leaders self-quarantining after Coast Guard Vice Commandant Adm. Charles Ray tested positive. He'd participated in meetings at the Pentagon

- More than 40 senators seek coronavirus tests and congressional doctor tries to trace the spread of the virus

- Facebook, Twitter block Trump post that falsely claims coronavirus is less deadly than flu

- Covid-19: NHS tests threatened by Roche supply chain failing

- Covid hospital cases jump nearly 25% in England

- Whistle-Blowing Scientist Dr. Rick Bright Quits Government With Final Broadside

- White House Covid-19 outbreak "could have been prevented," Fauci says

- Fauci: "Take a look at what happened this week at the White House. That is a reality right there. And every day that goes by more people are popping up that are infected."

- Fauci: "Right now we have 210,000 people who have died and 7.3 million people (who) have been infected. Globally, there are over 1 million people who have died. That is not a hoax. You can’t say that people all over the world and American allies are all lying and calling it a hoax. It’s reality."

- Fauci warns of more coronavirus infections and deaths as fall turns to winter

- The US could see as many as 400,000 Covid-19 deaths by this winter, Fauci predicts

- White House email says 'all contact tracing' is complete

- White House signals stronger coronavirus precautions, but Trump continues to resist

- Trump was not tested every day

- Rep. Carbajal Tests Positive for COVID-19. He says was exposed to the disease by COVID-positive senator Mike Lee (+ve), who was at White House Reception for Judge Barrett. He had initially tested negative for the coronavirus on Monday

- U.S. Rep. Lamborn staffers in D.C. test positive for COVID-19. Colorado congressman attends fundraiser after staffers say he refused to be tested

- Trump tweet: "I am looking forward to the debate on the evening of Thursday, October 15th in Miami. It will be great!"

- Miami mayor to Trump: Don’t come here to debate if you have Covid

- Pence, Harris test negative for COVID-19 ahead of vice presidential debate

- 'It is a slaughter': Public health champion asks CDC director to expose White House, orchestrate his own firing (William Foege)

- More people have died from Covid-19 than in the past 5 flu seasons combined. And coronavirus is much more contagious

- Trump tweet (hidden by Twitter since misleading): "Flu season is coming up! Many people every year, sometimes over 100,000, and despite the Vaccine, die from the Flu. Are we going to close down our Country? No, we have learned to live with it, just like we are learning to live with Covid, in most populations far less lethal!!!"

- 'I had to do it': Trump suggests he got virus as act of political courage: "I knew there's danger to it -- but I had to do it. I stood out front. I led. Nobody that's a leader would not do what I did. And I know there's a risk, there's a danger -- but that's okay... I learned so much about coronavirus. And one thing that's for certain: Don't let it dominate you. Don't be afraid of it. You're gonna beat it... We have the best medical equipment. We have the best medicines, all developed recently... Don't let it dominate. Don't let it take over your lives. Don't let that happen... But don't let it dominate your lives. Get out there. Be careful... Maybe I'm immune -- I don't know." (Trump: 'Maybe I'm Immune' - Paul McCartney Parody)

- Donald Tusk tweet: "Don’t be afraid of COVID. Be afraid of cynical powerful people spreading lies about it. Don’t let them dominate your life."
07-Oct-2020 - Biden campaign to restart negative ads after Trump discharged from hospital

- Trump says COVID-19 diagnosis a 'blessing in disguise'

- Assistant Marine Commandant Gen. Gary Thomas, who was at the Pentagon meeting on Friday, tested positive.

- Pence defends 'outdoor' Sept. 26 Rose Garden event linked to coronavirus spread

- White House coronavirus outbreak may have exposed thousands from Atlanta to Minnesota

- Kamala Harris calls Trump’s virus response the ‘greatest failure of any presidential administration.’ (debate)

- Pence’s Red Eye Raises COVID Concerns

- Billionaires have never been richer despite the pandemic

- Trump: "Within a short period of time, they gave me Regeneron. Some other things too, but I think this was the key ... I feel great. I feel like, perfect... So, I think this was a blessing from god, that I caught it. This was a blessing in disguise. I caught it, I heard about this drug, I said let me take it, it was my suggestion. I said, let me take it, and it was incredible the way it worked, incredible... And I think if I didn't catch it, we'd be looking at that like a number of other drugs. But it really did a fantastic job. I want to get for you what I got. And I'm going to make it free, you're not going to pay for it"

- Trump: "It wasn't your fault that this happened. It was China's fault, and China is going to pay a big price [for] what they've done to this country. This was China's fault. And just remember that"

- Assistant press secretary Harrison Fields tested positive (date not known)

- Trump tweet: "The House & Senate should IMMEDIATELY Approve 25 Billion Dollars for Airline Payroll Support, & 135 Billion Dollars for Paycheck Protection Program for Small Business. Both of these will be fully paid for with unused funds from the Cares Act. Have this money. I will sign now!"

- Trump tweet: "If I am sent a Stand Alone Bill for Stimulus Checks ($1,200), they will go out to our great people IMMEDIATELY. I am ready to sign right now. Are you listening Nancy? @MarkMeadows @senatemajldr @kevinomccarthy @SpeakerPelosi @SenSchumer"
08-Oct-2020 - Covid deaths three times higher than flu and pneumonia in England and Wales this year

- UK Government to pay £2m to settle coronavirus testing case

- NEJM editors condemn Trump's COVID leadership

- Trump says Gold Star families could have given him Covid-19 (probably on Sept. 27)

- McConnell avoids visiting White House over its handling of coronavirus: "I actually haven't been to the White House since August the 6th"

- White House won't say when Trump last tested negative for COVID-19

- Provider of Trump Covid drug is president's golf friend

- Pence tests negative for virus on Thursday

- Rick Bright: "The messaging that President Trump gave to America and the world when he left the hospital about there is no need to be afraid of this virus is probably the most reckless and deadly piece of information I have ever heard"

- UK coronavirus: 17,540 new cases as pubs and restaurants linked with 30% of infections in under-30s

- US could have enough COVID-19 vaccine for every American by March, Azar says

- Jennifer Jacobs tweet: "In new memo, Dr Conley says he anticipates Trump will be able to safely return to public engagements Saturday, day 10 of the president’s coronavirus illness."

- Activists at Amy Coney Barrett super-spreader event launch US bus tour (Penny Nance and Jenny Beth Martin)

- China joins COVAX coronavirus vaccine alliance

- Donald Trump Jr Removes Mask to Pose With Children During Panama City Beach Rally

- Trump: "I’m back, because I am a perfect physical specimen and I’m extremely young. And so I’m lucky in that way."

- Trump: "I don’t think I am contagious at all. Remember this: when you catch it you get better. And then you’re immune."

- Trump: "I didn’t have to go in, frankly; I think it would have gone away by itself."

- Two students and a teacher at school attended by Barrett children test positive for coronavirus

- Council on Foreign Relations: Improving Pandemic Preparedness: Lessons From COVID-19: "The United States testifies to the consequences of a failure in political leadership"

- Trump Administration Has Cut the Number of Federal Personnel Deployed in COVID-19 Fight by 60%
09-Oct-2020 - Vice President Mike Pence Abruptly Cancels Events to Return to DC

- Trump Won’t Travel Over Weekend, Ending Florida Rally Plan

- Fauci says the White House held a coronavirus 'superspreader event' (Sept. 26 White House ceremony for Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett)

- Trump planning to host 1st in-person event since diagnosis at White House on Saturday (Day 10) (Because Trump was treated with steroids early on in his disease course, he could be infections for longer than two weeks)

- Trump to hold rally Monday in Florida despite his COVID-19 case
10-Oct-2020 - Chris Christie released from hospital

- BCG vaccine is given to 1,000 people in Exeter University trial to test claims that it helps fight Covid by stimulating the immune system (Bacillus Calmette–Guérin)

- Trump keeps things brief in first public address since hospitalization

- Second Presidential Debate Between Trump and Biden Officially Cancelled

- Biden visits Erie, Pennsylvania

- Trump has met CDC criteria to end isolation and is cleared to return to an active schedule by his physician
11-Oct-2020 - Trump tweet (hidden by Twitter as it is misleading and potentially harmful): "A total and complete sign off from White House Doctors yesterday. That means I can’t get it (immune), and can’t give it. Very nice to know!!!"

- Poll: Almost 2 in 3 voters say Trump did not take appropriate precautions to reduce the chances of catching the coronavirus, and 6 in 10 say they do not trust the administration to provide complete and accurate information about his health. Just over 6 in 10 say they do not trust what he says about the pandemic

- CNN exclusive: Fauci says he was taken out of context in new Trump campaign ad touting coronavirus response

- Dr. Anthony Fauci says Trump campaign ad takes him 'out of context,' insists he didn't endorse anyone

- Fourth White House journalist with preliminary positive test has tested negative for Covid-19 with PCR test

- Eric Trump may not *get* the whole Covid-19 vaccine thing
12-Oct-2020 - Biden visits Toledo, and Cincinnati, Pence visits Columbus
- Dutch researchers report first death from COVID-19 reinfection

- Professor Chris Whitty says Tier 3 rules 'not sufficient' on their own to limit COVID-19 (UK)

- Trump’s WH physician now says Trump has finally tested “negative” on “consecutive days” but with the controversial Abbot BINAXNOW test that led to the WH leaky outbreak in first place. Memo still suggests some lower viral load.

- Dr Tedros (WHO): "Never in the history of public health has herd immunity been used as a strategy for responding to an outbreak... It’s scientifically and ethically problematic."

- Covid reinfection: Man gets Covid twice and second hit 'more severe'

- Johnson & Johnson Pauses Coronavirus Vaccine Trials due to ‘Unexplained Illness’ in Participant

- Trump mocks virus as he launches potential superspreader sprint to win reelection - rally at Sanford, Florida, with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Ron DeSantis. 'I’ll just give you a big, fat kiss'

- COVID-19 and Excess All-Cause Mortality in the US and 18 Comparison Countries. "The US has experienced more deaths from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) than any other country and has one of the highest cumulative per capita death rates"

- An additional 75,000 Americans may have died in the spring and summer because of COVID-19, a new study found

- White House Embraces Covid-19 ‘Herd Immunity’ Declaration
13-Oct-2020 - Antonin Scalia’s daughter-in-law, Trish Scalia, tests positive for COVID after attending Amy Coney Barrett event: report

- Eli Lilly Covid-19 Antibody Treatment Trial Is Paused Due To 'Potential Safety Concern'

- Testing supply shortages are "disconcerting," Fauci says. "That's really very disconcerting, in October of 2020, when we knew about those shortages in the spring of 2020"

- Facebook says it will ban anti-vaccination ads

- Trump Rally at Johnstown, PA
14-Oct-2020 - New three-tier restrictions come into force in England

- "Herd immunity is another word for mass murder," expert says (William Haseltine)

- New reports show coronavirus immunity can last for months

- Fauci Says Americans Should Consider Canceling Thanksgiving as COVID Cases Soar

- After independent coronavirus test, NBC sets Trump town hall

- Two-week Covid circuit breaker at Christmas could save thousands of lives, scientists say (UK)

- Trump Rally at Des Moines International Airport, IA with Kim Reynolds
15-Oct-2020 - Kamala Harris halts travel after flying with two who tested positive for Covid (communications director Liz Allen and a "non-staff flight crew member")

- Fauci on coronavirus herd immunity: 'That is nonsense and very dangerous'

- Christie (+ve) Says He Was ‘Wrong’ Not to Wear Masks at White House

- As White House Embraces Dangerous 'Herd Immunity' Strategy, Covid-19 Deaths Predicted to Spike 80% in US by February

- Remdesivir has very little effect on Covid-19 mortality, WHO finds

- Trump Rally at Pitt-Greenville Airport, NC (NC doctors call on Trump to cancel)

- Trump says he will NOT force Americans to take coronavirus vaccine as polls show widespread skepticism about jab
16-Oct-2020 - Trump Rally in Ocala, Florida. "The light at the end of the tunnel is near. We are rounding the turn." Trump Has Said U.S. Is ‘Rounding The Turn’ On Coronavirus 28 Of The Last 46 Days

- Donald Trump Says Don't Listen to 'Pessimists' as COVID Infections Set Records in at Least 21 States

- Worst is still to come for US, warns influential Covid-19 modeler

- U.S. surpasses 8 million coronavirus cases

- Trump rally in Macon, Georgia with David Perdue
17-Oct-2020 - Trump Holds Rally in Muskegon, MI. Michigan doctors call on Trump to cancel Muskegon rally, citing rising coronavirus cases

- Living novel coronavirus isolated from packaging of imported frozen food in Qingdao: China CDC

- Twitter removes 'misleading' tweet from top Trump Covid adviser Dr Scott Atlas that said masks don't work, 'Masks work? No'. Birx tells friends she was relieved after Trump adviser Scott Atlas' inaccurate mask tweet was removed
18-Oct-2020 - Trump Mocks Joe Biden: If Elected, 'He'll Listen To The Scientists'

- the number of states in the so-called "red zone"—where new coronavirus cases rose above 100 per 100,000 people and where more than 10% of test results were positive—soared from 18 on September 13 to 31 on October 18

- Trump tweet: "The United States shows more CASES than other countries, which the Lamestream Fake News Media pounces on daily, because it TESTS at such a high (and costly) level. No country in the world tests at this level. The more you TEST, the more CASES you will be reporting. Very simple!"
19-Oct-2020 - Trump Blames 'Fauci And These Idiots' For His Own Coronavirus Ineptitude. “People are tired of Covid... People are saying, 'Whatever. Just leave us alone.' They're tired of it. People are tired of hearing Fauci and these idiots, all these idiots who got it wrong.”

- Fauci calls Trump's attacks on him a "distraction" and responds by quoting "The Godfather"

- Dr. Scott Gottlieb: U.S. about ‘a week away from a rapid acceleration’ of coronavirus cases. "The summer was a backstop, of sorts, to the spring surge, and we have no therapeutic backstop... The fall and winter season is when this coronavirus is going to want to spread."

- Azar: "By the end of March, early April, we believe we will have enough vaccine produced to vaccinate anybody in the United States who wanted to get vaccinated"

- Pence rallies in Hermon, Maine and New Cumberland, Pennsylvania with Short (+ve), Obst (+ve), Bauer (+ve) and Katie Miller, was interviewed by local reporters and Lou Dobbs
20-Oct-2020 - ‘Irresponsible’ Eric Trump Slammed For High-Fiving, Shaking Hands With Maskless Voters

- As Coronavirus Surges, Select Subcommittee Releases White House Reports Contradicting President Trump On Testing, Masks

- Jim Clyburn: "Trump's contempt for science and refusal to lead during this crisis have allowed the coronavirus to surge... Contrary to his empty claims that the country is 'rounding the turn,' more states are now in the 'red zone' than ever before... It is long past time that the administration implement a national plan to contain this crisis, which is still killing hundreds of Americans each day and could get even worse in the months ahead."

- CDC estimates there have been almost 300,000 excess deaths in the U.S. this year

- NIH director Dr. Francis Collins says it is "very unlikely" a Covid-19 vaccine will be authorized before late November

- Pence held a White House Coronavirus Task Force meeting with Jerome Adams, Robert Redfield, Dr. Deborah Birx and Ben Carson, who were tested. Dr. Anthony Fauci attended virtually. He also taped a "60 Minutes" interview with Lesley Stahl
21-Oct-2020 - CDC expands definition of who is a ‘close contact’ of an individual with covid-19

- “130,000 – 210,000 Avoidable Covid-19 Deaths – And Counting – In The U.S.”

- CDC redefines close contact with someone with Covid-19 to include cumulative exposure
- Trump: "
He said ‘No masks, don’t wear masks,’ and then he said ‘Wear a mask.’ He didn’t want me to stop people coming in from China and then he admitted it was a great move, that I made, against him. You know, I overrode him... With all of that I get along with him nice – I like him, he’s – Tony, he’s a nice guy... He’s made bad moves... but he’s been there a long time." (about Fauci). What would he do differently? "Not much."

- Azar: "I am the President's Health secretary. I speak for him and I'm telling you our strategy is reduce cases, reduce hospitalizations, reduce mortality, wash your hands, watch your distance, wear your face covering when you can't watch your distance, and stay out of settings when you can't do those things."

- US Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams Tweet: "The summary: Large numbers of people would need to be infected to achieve herd immunity without a vaccine; this could overwhelm health care systems and lead to many complications/deaths"

- Report details COVID-19 drug shortages—and solutions

- Pence outside adviser Marty Obst (+ve) tested positive, the White House did not release the information

- Pence campaigned in Portsmouth, New Hampshire and Cincinnati, Ohio with Short (+ve), Devin O'Malley, Keith Kellog, Birx, and candidates Matt Mowers and Corky Messner. There was one interview in Ohio. Rep. Bill Johnson and Jane Timken were also present in Ohio.
22-Oct-2020 - Select Subcommittee Threatens Subpoenas After Trump Administration Obstructs Investigation Into Political Interference At CDC

- Coronavirus updates: FDA OKs remdesivir as 1st approved treatment in US (Remdesivir has very little effect on Covid-19 mortality, WHO finds)

- Study: as a potential treatment for patients with moderate Covid-19, convalescent plasma showed limited effectiveness

- UK Chief Scientific Adviser Patrick Vallance: "We may get a few doses this side of Christmas, maybe something could happen, but I think we should more realistically be looking at spring" (vaccine)

- CDC to roll out cell phone-based monitoring system for Covid-19 vaccine recipients

- 'Monumental, lethal screwup': Study explains how many Americans died of COVID-19 because of 'anti-science' Trump

- Utah hospitals could start rationing health care at overwhelmed facilities, hospital association says

- Pence rallies in Waterford Township, Michigan and Fort Wayne, Indiana with Short (+ve) and O'Malley. There were two local interviews in MI. He attended a private Trump Victory event before the rally. Rep. Steve Scalise, R-La., and Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb spoke before him. He gave interview before departing to Indianapolis.
23-Oct-2020 - Sturgeon unveils five-level Covid lockdown rules for Scotland

- Wales's circuit breaker begins

- Mike and Karen Pence vote at the Marion County Clerk's Office. He then participated in a private Trump Victory roundtable in Indianapolis. He then rallied in Swanton, Ohio with Short (+ve) and O'Malley. He gave 2 interviews then left for West Mifflin, Pennsylvania. He gave 2 local interviews and pre-taped an interview with Sean Hannity before returning to D.C.
24-Oct-2020 - Pence chief of staff Marc Short (+ve) and close aide Zach Bauer (+ve) tested positive

- Pence campaigned in Lakeland without Short (+ve), staying on the stage there and in Tallahassee. News of Obst's and Short's positive tests and self-isolation broke as he was on his way back to D.C.
25-Oct-2020 - White House chief of staff: 'We are not going to control the pandemic'

- US hits highest 7-day average of coronavirus cases since the pandemic began. The US is close to having 'exponential spread'.

- Pence and his wife test negative

- Pence flew to Kinston, North Carolina where he spoke at a rally without mentioning his COVID outbreak, and he would nt answer questions about why he was not self-isolating. He returned to D.C.
26-Oct-2020 - Sen. Angus King: "Remember... five or six months ago, the President said, this is war, I’m a wartime president? Yesterday was unconditional surrender."

- At least 5 of Vice President Pence's aides have recently tested positive for coronavirus but he is refusing to quarantine and continuing to travel

- WHO warns giving up on efforts to control Covid-19 would be ‘dangerous’

- Medicare and Medicaid to cover early Covid vaccine
27-Oct-2020 - Pence is not essential personnel and he should be quarantining, says health expert

- White House lists ending Covid-19 pandemic as an accomplishment despite cases spiking to record levels

- Task force warns of 'unrelenting, broad community spread' in the Midwest and West
28-Oct-2020 - CNN's @AlisynCamerota: "Hospitals in WI are near capacity. Does that give you any pause about going there and holding a big rally?"

Trump 2020 Press Sec. Hogan Gidley: “No, it doesn’t … the VP has the best doctors in the world around him."

- Trump: "In California, you have a special mask. You cannot under any circumstances take it off. You have to eat through the mask. It's a very complex mechanism, and they don't realize those germs, they go through it like nothing. They look at you with that contraption and they say that's an easy one, I'm going right through with the food."
29-Oct-2020 - Taiwan just went 200 days without a local coronavirus transmission

- Don Jr. Says COVID Deaths Are ‘Almost Nothing’ on Day 1,000+ Die

- Taiwan just went 200 days without a locally transmitted Covid-19 case. Here's how they did it

- ICL Report 34: 29 October 2020 - COVID-19 Infection Fatality Ratio: Estimates from Seroprevalence
30-Oct-2020 - Trump falsely tells Michigan rally: 'Our doctors get more money if someone dies of Covid' – video

- Trump rallies responsible for 30,000 COVID infections and 700 deaths: Stanford study

- ‘A whole lot of hurt’: Fauci warns of covid-19 surge, offers blunt assessment of Trump’s response
31-Oct-2020 - UK Passes One Million Confirmed Covid-19 Cases

- Boris Johnson announces four-week national Covid lockdown in England

- US sets world record for coronavirus cases in 24 hours
01-Nov-2020 - Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus tweet: "I have been identified as a contact of someone who has tested positive for #COVID19. I am well and without symptoms but will self-quarantine over the coming days, in line with @WHO protocols, and work from home."

- Trump said he might fire Fauci after the election, but “don’t tell anybody”
02-Nov-2020 - Top Trump adviser bluntly contradicts president on covid-19 threat, urging all-out response (Deborah Birx)

- More Americans approve of Fauci’s handling of coronavirus than Trump’s, new poll finds
03-Nov-2020 - Twitter bans David Icke over Covid misinformation (Facebook and Youtube had already banned him)

- Trump cuts guest list at his planned party inside White House from 400 to 250 saying he'll 'maybe' address the nation - as Biden prepares podium in Wilmington

- Mark Meadows (+ve) worked the room at the White House of 150+ aides, donors, allies & family members without a mask. Ben Carson (+ve), Brian Jack (+ve) (White House political director), Healy Baumgardner (+ve) (guest of Rudy Giulliani), Trump megadonors Liz and Dick Uihlein (+ve) (who fought COVID-19 restrictions), Corey Lewandowski (+ve) (a senior adviser to President Trump's reelection campaign), Republican lobbyist Jeff Miller (+ve), Donald Trump Jr. (+ve)
also attended

- Mark Meadows (+ve) visited the Trump campaign headquarters in Arlington without a mask

- Biden getting virtual briefing on coronavirus
04-Nov-2020 - Denmark to cull 15 million mink after coronavirus spillover into humans

- WHO tweet: We are aware of reports from #Denmark of a number of people infected with coronavirus from mink, with some genetic changes in the virus. We are in touch with the Danish authorities to find out more about this event. #COVID19

- Dr. Robert R. Redfield tweet: "Now is the time to develop a testing strategy to maximize our ability to identify the silent epidemic of asymptomatic COVID-19 infections."
05-Nov-2020 - Counties with worst virus surges overwhelmingly voted Trump

- Mink 'good reservoirs' for COVID-19, Denmark shows courage in cull: WHO

- Pelosi announces big expansion of Covid testing for lawmakers

- US records more than 100,000 new coronavirus cases in a single day for the first time

- Steve Bannon: I'd Put Anthony Fauci's Head On A Pike As A 'Warning'
06-Nov-2020 - White House chief of staff Mark Meadows has tested positive for coronavirus. He told people not to disclose his illness. Also Trump campaign aide Nick Trainer (+ve), Cassidy Hutchinson (+ve) and 3 others
07-Nov-2020 - Fox News call the election for Biden

President-elect Biden to announce COVID-19 task force Monday

- Four Seasons Total Landscaping press conference with Rudy Giuliani (+ve). Corey Lewandowski (+ve) was there
08-Nov-2020 - Global coronavirus cases exceed 50 million

- U.S. hit 10 million total #COVID19 cases

- Texas becomes first U.S. state to exceed one million coronavirus cases

- David Bossie: Head of Trump election challenge team tests positive for Covid-19, report says
09-Nov-2020 - Covid vaccine: First 'milestone' vaccine offers 90% protection

- Biden's new COVID-19 panel includes ex-Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, Trump whistleblower Rick Bright

- HUD Secretary Ben Carson (+ve) tests positive for coronavirus. He was at the White House’s largely mask-free election night party

- The coronavirus task force met, the first such meeting since October 20. Pence has not been on a governors' call since September 29

- Pence tweet: "HUGE NEWS: Thanks to the public-private partnership forged by President @realDonaldTrump, @pfizer announced its Coronavirus Vaccine trial is EFFECTIVE, preventing infection in 90% of its volunteers."
10-Nov-2020 - More Americans Are In The Hospital With COVID-19 Than Ever Before - 61,964

- CDC now says masks protect both the wearers and those around them from Covid-19

- Rep. Marl Pocan in quarantine

- NHS test and trace: Dido Harding says scheme failed to predict demand

- UK Test and Trace chief Dido Harding: "
I don’t think anybody was expecting to see the really sizable increase in demand we’ve seen"
11-Nov-2020 - Covid: UK first country in Europe to pass 50,000 deaths

- Another White House official tests positive after attending an election night event - White House political director, Brian Jack tested positive over the weekend. He attended an election night event at the White House.

- Dr. Anthony Fauci Responds To Steve Bannon Calling For His Beheading

- The Challenges Ahead With Monoclonal Antibodies: From Authorization to Access

- Trump aide Corey Lewandowski tests positive for coronavirus after attending White House election ‘superspreader’ party
12-Nov-2020 - Coronavirus could infect rats, mice and ferrets and become a 'revolving door virus' which keeps mutating

- Alaska's sole member in US House Don Young tests positive for COVID-19

- RNC chief of staff Richard Walters tests positive for coronavirus

- "Targeted vaccinations” to begin in December and January, leading to widespread vaccination by April, says HHS secretary Azar

- Jerome Powell: "We’re not going back to the same economy... We’re recovering, but to a different economy and it will be one that is more leveraged to technology, and I worry that it’s going to make it even more difficult than it was for many workers."

- Alito raises religious liberty concerns about Covid restrictions and same-sex marriage ruling The pandemic has “resulted in previously unimaginable restrictions on individual liberty”.

- McConnell rejects Dem demand for big Covid relief package, stands by push for 'highly targeted' bill
13-Nov-2020 - More than 130 Secret Service officers are said to be infected with coronavirus or quarantining in wake of Trump’s campaign travel

- BVMJ editorial: Covid-19: politicisation, “corruption,” and suppression of science

- Trump: "According to some estimates, a national lockdown costs $50 billion a day and hundreds of thousands of jobs every single day.

Ideally, we won’t go to a lockdown. I will not go — this administration will not be going to a lockdown. Hopefully, the — the — whatever happens in the future — who knows which administration it will be? I guess time will tell. But I can tell you, this administration will not go to a lockdown. There won’t be necessity. Lockdowns cost lives, and they cost a lot of problems.

The cure cannot be — you got to remember — cannot be worse than the problem itself, and I’ve said it many times. And when you look at what happens during a lockdown — I just say it very loudly — it’s horrible what happens with drugs, alcohol, depression, loss of jobs, business closures. It’s a terrible thing.

So this administration will not go, under any circumstances — will not go to a lockdown, but we’ll be very vigilant, very careful. We understand the disease. It’s a — it’s a complicated disease, but we understand it very well.

We ask all Americans to remain vigilant, especially as the weather gets colder and it becomes more difficult to go outside and to have outside gatherings."

- Trump: New York will get coronavirus vaccine last because of Cuomo’s comments

- Biden aide says no U.S.-wide COVID lockdown planned as West Coast states advise against travel (Dr. Vivek Murthy, former surgeon general of the United States)

- Biden team seeks Covid-19 back-channels with transition locked out

- Coronavirus pandemic is “national security threat,” Biden Covid-19 board member says (Dr. Celine Gounder)

- Gen. Gustave Perna: "Vaccines will be allocated pro rata by population"

-- 20 million Americans could get a coronavirus vaccine next month, according to the head of Operation Warp Speed

- UK: Covid-19: politicisation, “corruption,” and suppression of science
14-Nov-2020 - Trump tweet: "Congress must now do a Covid Relief Bill. Needs Democrats support. Make it big and focused. Get it done!"

- Rick Scott to quarantine after contact with person who tested positive for COVID-19
15-Nov-2020 - Boris Johnson self-isolating after MP tests positive for Covid-19

- Fauci: "we have to get people to take the vaccine. So, if we get the overwhelming majority of people taking the vaccine, and you have on the one hand an effective vaccine, on the other hand, a high degree of uptake of the vaccine, we could start getting things back to relative normal as we get into the second and third quarter of the year, where people can start thinking about doing things that were too dangerous just months ago."

- Trump advisor Dr. Scott Atlas accused of ‘inciting violence’ after calling for Michigan to ‘rise up’ against Whitmer’s new order (about Michigan restrictions) (the tweet, apparently deleted, said "The only way this stops is if people rise up. You get what you accept. #FreedomMatters #StepUp"

- Whitmer responds to Atlas: I won't 'be bullied into not following reputable scientists'

- U.S. COVID-19 cases cross 11 million as pandemic intensifies

- GOP Rep. Tim Walberg tested positive
16-Nov-2020 - Atlas Urges People To Spend Thanksgiving With Elderly Despite COVID Because They May Die Soon

- Moderna: Covid vaccine shows nearly 95% protection

- Trump tweet: "Another Vaccine just announced. This time by Moderna, 95% effective. For those great “historians”, please remember that these great discoveries, which will end the China Plague, all took place on my watch!"

- Ivanka tweet: "Fact Check: This Moderna /NIH vaccine is literally the one that President @realDonaldTrump partnered with Moderna to create on January 13, 2020... I repeat January 13th, 2020.

Just be happy. This is great news for America and for the world!

- POTUS Donald Trump Jumps To Take Credit As Moderna Announce 94.5% COVID Vaccine Efficacy

- Pence tweet: "On January 13, 2020 @moderna_tx partnered with President @realDonaldTrump & @NIH to develop a vaccine for the American people! Today, Moderna announced their vaccine is 95% EFFECTIVE! Operation Warp Speed is a success because of the strong leadership of this President!"

- Atlas Urges People To Spend Thanksgiving With Elderly Despite COVID Because They May Die Soon

- Donald Trump Jr. tests positive for coronavirus. Also Rep. Cheri Bustos

- Fauci's advice to young health professionals: Prepare for another pandemic

- ICL Report 35: 16 November 2020 - How can we keep schools and universities open? Differentiating closures by economic sector to optimize social and economic activity while containing SARS-CoV-2 transmission
- ICL Report 36: 16 November 2020 - Modelling ICU capacity under different epidemiological scenarios of the COVID-19 pandemic in three western European countries
17-Nov-2020 - Trump administration cancels Covid-19 celebrity ad campaign

- GOP Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa tests positive for Covid-19

- Mike Pence dismissed soaring coronavirus toll as media 'crying wolf'

- Stanford University tweets: "The university has been asked to comment on recent statements made by @ScottWAtlas, a senior fellow at the @HooverInst who is on leave of absence from that position. 1/3

Stanford’s position on managing the pandemic in our community is clear. We support using masks, social distancing, and conducting surveillance and diagnostic testing. We also believe in the importance of strictly following the guidance of local and state health authorities. 2/3

Dr. Atlas has expressed views that are inconsistent with the university’s approach in response to the pandemic. Dr. Atlas’s statements reflect his personal views, not those of the Hoover Institution or the university. 3/3

- Stanford Faculty Statement regarding Scott Atlas

- Joe Biden's COVID-19 Team Can't Get The Data It Needs From The White House

- Sen. Grassley, 87, says he tested positive for coronavirus. Also Rep. Ed Perlmutter (D-CO)

- Florida’s Rick Scott tests positive for coronavirus
18-Nov-2020 - US passes 250,000 deaths from coronavirus

- Head of NHS Test and Trace Dido Harding self-isolating

- Danish minister resigns over mink virus row

- Reps. Dan Newhouse (R-Wash.) and Doug Lamborn (R-Colo.) have tested positive

- Millions of children have missed routine vaccinations during the pandemic, insurance data shows (USA)

- PPE suppliers with political connections got fast-tracked contracts, UK watchdog finds

- Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine 95% effective in final trial
19-Nov-2020 - CDC recommends against Thanksgiving travel amid surge of coronavirus cases

- Top Pentagon official Anthony Tata reportedly tests positive for coronavirus

- Trump's vaccine team will not brief Biden administration

- Andrew Giuliani (+ve), son of Rudy Giuliani (+ve), was with him at a press conference at Republican National Committee headquarters in DC, where Rudy was sweating hair dye.
20-Nov-2020 - Pfizer, BioNTech to submit emergency authorization request to FDA Friday for COVID-19 vaccine

- Rudy Giuliani’s son Andrew tests positive for coronavirus

- Trump lawyers to avoid Michigan lawmaker meeting after COVID exposure

- WHO recommends against the use of remdesivir in COVID-19 patients

- Senator Kelly Loeffler is in isolation after both positive and inconclusive virus test results

- Pfizer/BioNTech file for emergency approval for virus vaccine

- UK health minister Matt Hancock says vaccine could be out by next month
21-Nov-2020 - Trump misses G20 side-summit on pandemic preparedness to play golf, reports say He did speak at the main G20 summit earlier. Vaccinate America first, Trump tells G20

- U.S. surpasses 12 million cases

- Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud: "Although we are optimistic about the progress made in developing vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics tools for Covid-19, we must work to create the conditions for affordable and equitable access to these tools for all peoples. At the same time, we must prepare better for any future pandemic"

- The National Guard has been deployed to El Paso to provide support with the morgue crisis

- FDA authorizes emergency use of the antibody cocktail, REGEN-COV2, given to Trump to treat Covid-19

- Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus: "Fair allocation of vaccines is central to the pandemic endgame, and a faster global recovery"
22-Nov-2020 - Rep. Bryan Steil, R-WI, and Rep. Joe Courtney, D-CT, test positive

- Sen. Loeffler has negative coronavirus test 2 days after positive one

- White House vaccine chief says first Americans could be vaccinated next month
23-Nov-2020 - England's coronavirus lockdown to end on Dec. 2

- COVID-19 cases could nearly double before Biden takes office
Evidence of Long-Distance Droplet Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 by Direct Air Flow in a Restaurant in Korea
24-Nov-2020 - 'Flat-Out Sabotage' Already Underway as Mnuchin Tries to Put $455 Billion in Covid Funds Out of Biden Team's Reach

- Trump advisor Boris Epshteyn tests positive
25-Nov-2020 - Rep. Susie Lee (D-Nev.) tests positive

- Splitting 5 to 4, Supreme Court Backs Religious Challenge to Cuomo’s Virus Shutdown Order

- ICL Report 37: 25 November 2020 - Children’s role in the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review of early surveillance data on susceptibility, severity, and transmissibility
26-Nov-2020 - UN warns of deadlier pandemics

- Trump: "The whole world is suffering this tremendous pandemic, not just us, the world. And you wouldn’t know that listening to the news reports, but the whole world is suffering. And we’re rounding the curve, the vaccines are being delivered literally it’ll start next week and the week after, and it will hit the frontline workers and seniors and doctors, nurses, a lot of people, going to start and we’re going very quickly."
27-Nov-2020 - NHS could receive first deliveries of Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine as soon as 7 December

- CDC Covid-19 vaccine advisers call emergency meeting to discuss distribution

- FAA confirms first 'mass air shipment' of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine from Belgium as US preps for distribution

- ICL Report 38: 27 November 2020 - SARS-CoV-2 setting-specific transmission rates: a systematic review and meta-analysis
28-Nov-2020 - Biden transition adds new members to coronavirus task force (Jane Hopkins, nurse; Jill Jim, executive director at Navajo Nation Department of Health; David Michaels, epidemiologist)

- Nadhim Zahawi appointed as vaccine rollout minister (UK)
29-Nov-2020 - US Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams: "I want to be straight with the American people, it's gonna get worse over the next several weeks. The actions that we take in the next several days will determine how bad it is or whether or not we continue to flatten our curve."

- Birx says she hopes to begin briefing the Biden team on Monday

- Birx: "What's really critical is we've spent the last nine months really developing sophisticated databases that are bringing together information from across the count- across the country, down to the county level. We can see who is being admitted. We can see who's getting sick. We can see where this virus is moving in communities. And I think the one thing that we will bring to the Biden administration in that discussion is to understand how they want to see the data because data isn't helpful if it's not actionable. And each group needs to see it the way it makes them, moves them to action. And that's why we write the governor's report weekly to really ensure every governor understands what we're seeing and what we think needs to be done."

- Admiral Brett Giroir: "And, remember, if we can immunize for impact -- that is, immunize those groups that are at the highest risk, like long-term care facilities, the elderly, minorities, we can absolutely get 80 percent of the benefit of the vaccine by only immunizing a few percent of the population.

And that is what we really need to do this month, when we are going to have -- you know, we should have enough vaccine by the end of the year to immunize 20 million Americans. And we have to immunize for impact.

The rest of the America will get it in the second quarter, third quarter of 2021, but we could maximize our impact right now.
" (testing czar, HHS)
30-Nov-2020 - Covid vaccine: Moderna seeks approval in US and Europe

- Azar: "We're going to have maybe 40 million doses of vaccine by the end of this year and then keep producing -- all these different vaccines -- and keep producing over the course of months

So we want to make sure those first vaccines, the first weeks, go to those most vulnerable -- those with the biggest impact on saving lives and also protecting those who are most at risk like front-line health care workers taking care of COVID patients
" (HHS Secretary)

- Azar: "We could be seeing both of these vaccines out and getting into people's arms before Christmas"

- Moderna becomes second company to request emergency FDA authorization for COVID-19 vaccine candidate

- Scott Atlas resigns as Trump's pandemic adviser after controversial tenure (Dated 1 Dec.)

- Coronavirus likely in US as early as December 2019: Study
01-Dec-2020 - McConnell rebuffs bipartisan Covid proposal while circulating another partisan GOP bill

- CDC will shorten quarantine period from 14 days to 10 days or seven with a COVID-19 test for people who have been exposed to the virus

- First US Covid vaccines should go to health workers and nursing home residents, CDC panel says

- CDC advisers vote to recommend that health care staff and long-term care facility residents get vaccine first

- Bipartisan group of senators announces $908 billion Covid-19 relief framework

- Federal government will pay for dry ice for Pfizer's Covid-19 vaccine, source says

- ICL Report 39: 01 December 2020 - Characterising COVID-19 epidemic dynamics and mortality under-ascertainment in Khartoum, Sudan
02-Dec-2020 - Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine approved for use next week in UK

- WHO recommends masks indoors if ventilation poor

- Coronavirus vaccine: Pfizer given protection from legal action by UK government

- Redfield warns this winter may be ‘the most difficult time in the public health history’ of the U.S. (close to 450,000 deaths by February unless a large percentage of Americans take more precautions)

- True Pandemic Toll in the U.S. Reaches 345,000

- Redfield: "This nation was severely underprepared for this pandemic, I think we got to call it the way it is. When I became CDC director, I wasn't prepared to understand how little investment had been made in the core capabilities of public health, and what it is the premier public health institution in our nation"

- Rudy Giuliani (+ve) asked witness to remove Covid mask at Michigan hearing four days before positive test announced
03-Dec-2020 - CDC director accepts advisory committee's recommendations for who gets Covid-19 vaccine first

- Dr. Sanjay Gupta: "We’re three times the population that we were back then. But we also have better hospitalizations, ICUs, therapeutics, an ambulance system. And despite that, just if you look at the numbers, we are tracking just as badly as back then. Which speaks to the fact that no matter how good we get scientifically, in terms of these therapeutics and all of the wonderful things that medicine can do, despite all that, human behavior is still sabotaging us." (as 1918 flu pandemic)

- Global Virus Toll Passes 1.5 Million

- Rudy Julliani (+ve) attended a hearing at the Georgia Capitol, where he didn’t wear a mask

- Matt Gaetz and James O’Keefe attend a guideline-breaking party
04-Dec-2020 - CDC recommends people wear masks indoors when not at home

- Trump's lawyer Jenna Ellis (+ve) attends senior staff party at White House

- Remarks by Vice President Pence in a Roundtable Discussion on Vaccine Distribution | Atlanta, GA
05-Dec-2020 -
06-Dec-2020 - Trump tweet: ".@RudyGiuliani, by far the greatest mayor in the history of NYC, and who has been working tirelessly exposing the most corrupt election (by far!) in the history of the USA, has tested positive for the China Virus. Get better soon Rudy, we will carry on!!!"
07-Dec-2020 - President Trump to hold White House COVID-19 summit tomorrow without manufacturers Moderna and Pfizer

- Federal government will release facility-level coronavirus hospitalization details

- Trump to sign coronavirus vaccine executive order prioritizing Americans over foreign nations

- Trump administration officials passed when Pfizer offered months ago to sell the U.S. more vaccine doses

- Pfizer tells U.S. officials it cannot supply substantial additional vaccine until late June or July

- Trump officials deny turning down additional doses of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine

- Home of former Florida COVID-19 data scientist Rebekah Jones raided by authorities

- Azar: "This response, thanks to the aggressive efforts of this government, of the President, his leadership team across the whole of government, we've saved lives. We've saved hundreds of thousands, if not millions of lives."
08-Dec-2020 - ‘V Day’ is coming: The UK prepares to roll out Covid vaccine to the public on Tuesday

- Ex-FDA official Scott Gottlieb confirms Trump administration turned down additional COVID-19 vaccine doses from Pfizer

- Trump's lawyer Jenna Ellis positive

- FDA review confirms safety and efficacy of Pfizer coronavirus vaccine

- ‘I literally don’t know’: Operation Warp Speed scientist Moncef Slaoui can’t explain Trump’s vaccine order

- Executive Order on Ensuring Access to United States Government COVID-19 Vaccines. " It is the policy of the United States to ensure Americans have priority access to free, safe, and effective COVID-19 vaccines. After ensuring the ability to meet the vaccination needs of the American people, it is in the interest of the United States to facilitate international access to United States Government COVID-19 Vaccines."

- Operation Warp Speed Vaccine Summit

- US surpasses 15 million confirmed Covid-19 cases

- Peer-reveiwd study in the Lancet confirms AstraZeneca's Covid-19 vaccine 70% effective

- Administration official explains why US passed up a chance to buy more Pfizer vaccine
09-Dec-2020 - Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf tests positive for COVID-19

- Trump throws in-person White House Hanukkah party despite COVID concerns. Attendees include Tom Mountain (+ve)

- Whitestone Republican Club Christmas dance party (maskless conga)
10-Dec-2020 - FDA advisers recommend Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine, with agency action expected soon

- CDC director allegedly ordered deletion of email showing effort to interfere with coronavirus guidance, Rep. James E. Clyburn says

- More Americans have now died from COVID-19 than the number of US soldiers killed in battle during World War II

- ICL Report 40: 10 December 2020 - Optimal scheduling rules for elective care to minimize years of life lost during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: an application to England
11-Dec-2020 - UQ-CSL coronavirus vaccine trials scrapped over HIV false positives

- White House orders FDA chief to authorize Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine Friday or submit his resignation

- Devin Nunes said he has Covid-19 antibodies

- F.D.A. Clears Pfizer Vaccine, and Millions of Doses Will Be Shipped Right Away

- First case of coronavirus detected in wild mink
12-Dec-2020 - U.S. surpasses 16 million COVID-19 cases

- CDC vaccine advisers vote to recommend Pfizer/BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine in the United States

- FDA Commissioner Hahn denies reports he was threatened with firing
13-Dec-2020 - US starts huge Pfizer/BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine delivery operation

- White House staff members will be among the first to be vaccinated

- Trump: "If I wasn't president? According to almost everybody, even the enemy, if I wasn't president, you wouldn't have a vaccine for five years"
14-Dec-2020 - Trump tweet: "People working in the White House should receive the vaccine somewhat later in the program, unless specifically necessary. I have asked that this adjustment be made. I am not scheduled to take the vaccine, but look forward to doing so at the appropriate time. Thank you!"

- 'New variant' of coronavirus identified in UK, health secretary says (B.1.1.7 (aka VUI-202012-01))

- US Covid deaths pass 300,000 as first Americans receive coronavirus vaccine

- The first public Covid-19 vaccines reach all states as the US death toll tops 300,000

- WHO launch global mobilization to respond to disruptive impacts of COVID-19 on young people

- Only about half of England's population could be vaccinatied in England, as things stand.

- Household Transmission of SARS-CoV-2: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. the estimated overall household secondary attack rate was 16.6%, higher than observed secondary attack rates for SARS-CoV and MERS, higher in households from symptomatic index cases than asymptomatic index cases, to adult contacts than to child contacts, to spouses than to other family contacts, and in households with 1 contact than households with 3 or more contacts

- Covid PPE: Hospital gowns that cost £122m never used (UK)
15-Dec-2020 - Austerity and government neglect of public health have helped fuel UK’s Covid crisis, report finds

- HHS Announces that CDC will Award Nearly $227 million for COVID-19 Vaccine Preparedness and Response Activities

- COVID Vaccine Won't Reach All the World's People Until 2022: Study

- Moderna says its COVID-19 vaccine may prevent asymptomatic infection

- Just over half (51%) of vaccine doses on order will go to high income countries, which represent 14% of the world's population
16-Dec-2020 - Rep. Joe Wilson (R-S.C.) says he has COVID-19

- Interior Secretary David Bernhardt tests positive for coronavirus. As a result, the Washington Monument was closed

- Trump Has Sent 729 Tweets Since the Election. Not a Single One Was About the COVID Death Toll.

- States report confusion as government reduces vaccine shipments, while Pfizer says it has ‘millions’ of unclaimed doses

- Pompeo to quarantine after contact with COVID-positive person, cancels holiday party

- Covid-19: New coronavirus variant is identified in UK
17-Dec-2020 - France's Macron tests positive for COVID-19, self isolates. He'd had numerous meetings with EU heads of government in recent days

- Azar's wife is positive

- Rep. Cedric Richmond tested positive. He attended Biden's Georgia rally on 15 Dec.

- Unicef UK to feed disadvantaged children in the UK for the first time

- US case count exceeds 17 million
18-Dec-2020 - Ivanka Trump, Famed Public Health Expert, Screened CDC Guidance to Make Sure It Was Nice to Her Dad

- FDA tweet: "Today, FDA issued an emergency use authorization (EUA) for the second vaccine for the prevention of #COVID19 caused by SARS-CoV-2. The emergency use authorization allows the vaccine to be distributed in the U.S for use in individuals 18 years and older. [link]" (Moderna)

- New Covid variant identified in South Africa could be driving second wave of infections (501.V2)
19-Dec-2020 - PM announces 'tier 4' Covid curbs and curtails Christmas mixing in England (blaming a new, more contagious, variant)
20-Dec-2020 - Covid: Nations impose UK travel bans over new variant

- A new coronavirus variant is "out of control", says health secretary Matt Hancock
21-Dec-2020 - Trump officials attacked CDC virus reports, House panel says

- COVID-19: New strain found in Italy, Denmark, Netherlands, Australia and Gibraltar

- The U.K. Coronavirus Variant: What We Know

- Covid cases recorded in Antarctica for first time - the last continent to be infected

- Pfizer and Moderna are testing their vaccines against UK coronavirus variant

- The US has surpassed 18 million COVID-19 cases

- $900B COVID relief bill passed by Congress, sent to Trump

- US surpasses 18 million reported COVID-19 cases
22-Dec-2020 - Covid relief: Trump demands changes to sign $900bn bill

- ICL Report 41: 22 December 2020 - The 2020 SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in England: key epidemiological drivers and impact of interventions
23-Dec-2020 - Merck signs $356 million U.S. supply deal for its experimental COVID-19 treatment MK-7110

- Trump administration to purchase additional 100 million Pfizer vaccine doses. The HHS said it is using the Defense Production Act to "prioritize access to the critical materials and supplies necessary to expand vaccine production."

- AstraZeneca submits full vaccine data to UK regulator Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)

- England bans travel from South Africa after two cases of 'more transmissible' variant

- Dr. Francis Collins, director of NIH: "We don’t have the kind of really rigorous surveillance system that would help us right now to find out what are the new variants that are circulating in the united States"

- Study shows the British variant is more contagious (not peer reviewed)
24-Dec-2020 -
25-Dec-2020 -
26-Dec-2020 - UK scientists trial drug to prevent infection that leads to Covid

- 1 in 1,000 Americans Have Died From COVID-19
27-Dec-2020 - The coronavirus vaccine developed by Oxford University and Astra Zeneca is expected to win approval this week. 95% effective, 100% effective against severe illness, should be effective against the new variant, $1–2, & needs refrigeration only.

- World Health Organization designated today as the first International Day of Epidemic Preparedness.
28-Dec-2020 - Chinese Citizen Journalist Zhang Zhan Sentenced to 4 Years for Covid Reporting

- WHO warns Covid-19 pandemic is 'not necessarily the big one'
29-Dec-2020 - First UK Pfizer vaccine patient has her second jab

- Congressman-elect Luke Letlow dies

- First case of highly infectious coronavirus variant spreading in UK detected in Colorado

- Dr. Drew Pinsky tests positive for COVID-19 months after apologizing for downplaying the virus
30-Dec-2020 - Oxford University/AstraZeneca vaccine authorised by UK medicines regulator. Giving more people a first dose to take priority over second doses (Scientific reactions). Hundreds of thousands of doses are available from Monday 4 January

- Dr. Ashish Jha, the dean of Brown University's School of Public Health: "Now I think states are scrambling and trying to figure it out. I think they will, but it's going to cost us many, many weeks of unnecessary delays essentially because the federal government has made no real effort to get the vaccination infrastructure... They got the vaccines, but the infrastructure to get people vaccinated, they just decided that was not their responsibility... It strikes me as a level of incompetence I have to say I am stunned by"
31-Dec-2020 - China approves Sinopharm Covid-19 vaccine, promises free shots for all citizens

- Three quarters of England now in Tier 4, with nearly all the rest of the country in Tier 3, thanks to the new variant

- WHO clears Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine for emergency use

- ICL Report 42: 31 December 2020 - Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 Lineage B.1.1.7 in England: insights from linking epidemiological and genetic data
01-Jan-2021 - U.S. COVID-19 cases surpass 20 million as deaths mount

- US will not follow UK's decision to delay second doses of Covid-19 vaccines, Fauci says
02-Jan-2021 - 'Mixing coronavirus vaccines is not recommended,' Public Health England (PHE) warns
03-Jan-2021 - Trump tweet" The number of cases and deaths of the China Virus is far exaggerated in the United States because of @CDCgov’s ridiculous method of determination compared to other countries, many of whom report, purposely, very inaccurately and low. “When in doubt, call it Covid.” Fake News!"

- Fauci: "All you need to do ... is go into the trenches, go into the hospitals, go into the intensive care units and see what is happening. Those are real numbers, real people and real deaths"

- US Surgeon General Adams: "From a health perspective I have no reason to doubt those numbers and I think people need to be very aware it's not about the deaths as we talked about earlier but the hospitalizations and the capacity. These cases are having an impact in an array of ways and people need to understand there is a finish line in sight but we have to keep running towards it."

- US considering cutting Moderna vaccine doses in half to speed up roll out
04-Jan-2021 - US could be missing important coronavirus mutations due to "dismal" rate of genetic sequencing, experts say

- FDA says people should have both doses of vaccine

- UK Prime Minister imposes harsh lockdown as new Covid-19 variant spreads

- 35 French citizens selected at random to be representative of the public are to advise France's government on its vaccination strategy

- Rep. Kay Granger (R-TX) tests positive

- First person in the world receives the Oxford AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine
05-Jan-2021 - Model estimates an additional 23% to 29% of COVID-19 cases would be averted giving only one dose of vaccine compared with two

- Los Angeles orders that patients who suffered from a cardiac arrest and are unable to be revived in the field should not be transported to hospital

- Most of mainland Scotland on lockdown from midnight Tuesday

- One in FIFTY people now have coronavirus in England PM reveals - meaning 1.1 million people are infected

- Texas Republican Rep. Kevin Brady tests positive for Covid-19

- Trump signed into law, H.R. 6435, the “Combating Pandemic Scams Act of 2020,” which requires the Federal Trade Commission to develop and disseminate information to the public regarding scams related to the COVID-19 pandemic
06-Jan-2021 - Many refuse to wear masks during lock down in crowded room while Capitol is invaded. Those who tested positive soon after include: NJ Rep. Bonnie Watson Colema, Rep. Pramila Jayapal, Rep. Brad Schneider, D-Ill, Adriano Espaillat, Ayanna Pressley’s Husband.

- Kansas congressman Jake LaTurner tests positive for COVID-19 after House vote on Biden’s electors He was not in a secure lockdown room.
07-Jan-2021 - Los Angeles County mayor: "Yesterday we had 259 deaths, that's one more than all the homicides in 2019 in L.A. city combined," he said. "In a single day, equal to a year of homicides."
08-Jan-2021 - UK: Mandatory COVID-19 testing introduced to bolster border measures

- Moderna becomes third Covid vaccine approved in the UK

- False Reports of a New ‘U.S. Variant’ Came from White House Task Force, based on speculative statements made by Dr. Deborah Birx

- Los Angeles issues guidance for rationing of healthcare

- CDC's Redfield: "I do think you have to anticipate that this is another surge event. You had largely unmasked individuals in a non-distanced fashion, who were all through the Capitol" (about 6 Jan insurrection)
09-Jan-2021 - The United Kingdom surpassed 3 million COVID-19 cases, death toll exceeded 80,000
10-Jan-2021 - Physician for US Congress warns everyone who sheltered in the protective safe room for Members of Congress on 6 Jan should get tested
11-Jan-2021 - China's National Health Commission: WHO expert group will visit China on January 14 to conduct joint scientific research with Chinese scientists on virus tracing

- Much of US data to catch newest coronavirus variants is several months old

- Global coronavirus cases surpass 90 million in battle on new variant
12-Jan-2021 - Trump administration reverses stance, will no longer hold back second shots of coronavirus vaccine

- 2020 was deadliest year in a century in England and Wales, says ONS
13-Jan-2021 - UK death toll passes 100,000
14-Jan-2021 - WHO team probing origin of virus arrives in China

- Biden lays out vast federal expansion of pandemic response

- ‘A call for unity’: Biden lays out vast federal expansion of pandemic response
15-Jan-2021 - Alex Azar admits there isn’t a reserve coronavirus vaccine stockpile

- Alex Azar resigns

- The world marks 2 million coronavirus deaths
16-Jan-2021 -
17-Jan-2021 -
18-Jan-2021 - The United States of America surpasses 24 million COVID-19 cases
19-Jan-2021 - US passes 400,000 coronavirus deaths

20-Jan-2021 - Joe Biden Sworn In As 46th President Of The United States

- Joe Biden halts US withdrawal from World Health Organization

- Testing wristbands, masks signs of a new boss at White House

- Biden's first executive order will require masks on federal property
21-Jan-2021 - Biden issues plan to improve vaccine distribution, expand testing and reopen schools

- Biden inheriting nonexistent coronavirus vaccine distribution plan and must start 'from scratch,' sources say

- AMA applauds Biden administration for swift action on COVID-19

- ‘It’s a Patriotic Act’: Biden Pleas That Everyone Wear a Mask For His First 100 Days in Office

- Biden unveils COVID strategy: 'Help is on the way' (transcript)

- National Strategy for the COVID-19 Response and Pandemic Preparedness (198 pages)
22-Jan-2021 - Boris Johnson says British coronavirus variant may be more deadly

- 19 Capitol Police officers test positive for Covid-19 after Jan. 6 riot

- CDC still working on goal to double coronavirus sequences to expand hunt for mutations

- Up to 200 National Guard members deployed to DC have tested positive for COVID-19 - sparking fears that protection after Capitol riot was a 'superspreader' event

- Covid: Delaying second dose of vaccine increases risk of new resistant strain, Sage papers reveal

- Denmark is sequencing all coronavirus samples and has an alarming view of the U.K. variant
23-Jan-2021 -
24-Jan-2021 - UK now has highest Covid death rate in the world

- U.S. surpasses 25 million cases of COVID-19

- 38 Capitol Police officers test positive for Covid-19 after Capitol riot
25-Jan-2021 - Joe Biden: "I feel confident that by summer we’re going to be well on our way to heading toward herd immunity and increasing the access for people aren’t on the first – on the list, all the way going down to children," he said. "I feel good about where we’re going and I think we can get it done.”"

- Joe Biden: "I think with the grace of God the goodwill of the neighbor and the creek not rising, as the old saying goes, I think we may be able to get that to 150 – 1.5 million a day, rather than 1 million a day" (vaccinations)

- Millions of Vaccine Doses Are M.I.A.—and Feds Aren’t Sure Why
26-Jan-2021 - UK to support rest of the world to find COVID-19 virus variants

- AstraZeneca CEO defends plans to supply vaccine to UK ahead of EU, amid frustration over delays

- Several hundred White House officials have been vaccinated for Covid-19

- Pfizer says it's "laying the groundwork" for vaccine booster against variants

- Biden reaches agreement to buy 200 million more COVID-19 vaccine doses by summer

- Biden to increase coronavirus vaccine doses to states from 8.6M to 10M per week

- Fact Sheet: President Biden Announces New Steps to Boost Vaccine Supply and Increase Transparency for States, Tribes, and Territories

- US working to get syringes for bonus coronavirus vaccine, official says

- Biden's Covid-19 coordinator informs governors that vaccines will increase by around 16% starting next week

- White House says Defense Production Act has been invoked to speed up vaccine production

- White House attempts to clarify Biden's 1.5 million vaccines per day comments

- UK passes 100,000 COVID deaths, with many more to come

- Because of extra dose in vial, Pfizer to deliver US' 200 million vaccine doses 2 months early, CEO says

- Biden raises the bar on vaccines and suggests US will get to 1.5 million a day

- Europe threatens to restrict vaccine exports after AstraZeneca and Pfizer hit production problems

- Biden announces purchase of 200M vaccine doses
27-Jan-2021 - Millions Meant for Public Health Threats Were Diverted Elsewhere, Watchdog Says

- Biden's COVID-19 Response Team: 'We want to be a step or two ahead'

- Biden's Covid task force says there is no vaccine stockpile

- UK imposes hotel quarantine for travelers from Covid hotspots

- Sanofi to help produce millions of rival Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccines in Europe

- EU and AstraZeneca fight over vaccine delays while death toll mounts

- Biden sets bold timeline for a return to normal life
28-Jan-2021 - COVID-19 : Critical Vaccine Distribution, Supply Chain, Program Integrity, and Other Challenges Require Focused Federal Attention - GAO

- Trump White House donated 8,700 ventilators to other nations. Officials now don’t know where many of them are, watchdog finds

- Watchdog: US officials handling of Wuhan evacuees increased coronavirus risks

- Europe has a vaccine shortage. So why is it fighting with AstraZeneca?

- EU could block millions of Covid vaccine doses from entering UK

- UK defends Oxford vaccine as Germany advises against use on over-65s

- UK Covid: No 10 not ruling out sending vaccines to EU; case rates fall further in England
29-Jan-2021 - Macron calls for Covid vaccine exports from EU to be controlled

- Now Emmanuel Macron claims AstraZeneca vaccine is ‘almost ineffective’ on over-65s despite EU giving jab green light

- EU invokes Article 16, introducing controls on vaccine exports to Northern Ireland

- Brexit: EU introduces controls on vaccines to NI

- The EU's plan to block vaccine exports will be 'devastating' for global vaccine supply, warn business leaders

- EU backtracks on restricting vaccines to Northern Ireland

- EU regulators recommend authorization of AstraZeneca's Covid-19 vaccine

- Vaccines: contract between European Commission and AstraZeneca now published
30-Jan-2021 - ‘It’s a mess’: Biden’s first 10 days dominated by vaccine mysteries

- Dangerous new coronavirus strains may incubate in COVID-19’s sickest

- Coronavirus mutations add urgency to vaccination effort as experts warn of long battle ahead

- Biden seeks to intensify public lobbying for Covid-19 relief bill amid the pandemic
31-Jan-2021 - Ursula von der Leyen tweet: @AstraZeneca will deliver 9 million additional doses in the first quarter (40 million in total) compared to last week’s offer & will start deliveries one week earlier than scheduled. The company will also expand its manufacturing capacity in Europe.

- Homeland Security gives TSA workers authority to enforce Biden's mask mandate
01-Feb-2021 - DHS says ICE won’t make immigration-enforcement arrests at COVID-19 vaccine sites

- New US security directives require airlines, airports to report those who disobey mask rules

- Moderna says no data on how much protection a single Covid-19 vaccine dose provides

- COVID-19 vaccine: BioNTech/Pfizer pledge up to 75 million extra doses to EU
02-Feb-2021 - UK finds more coronavirus cases with 'concerning' mutations

- Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine could limit spread of coronavirus, researchers say

- Coronavirus antibodies last at least six months after infection in most people, study shows

- Oxford coronavirus vaccine shows sustained protection of 76% during the 3-month interval until the second dose

- White House says states will be "fully repaid" for PPE and National Guard response to Covid-19

- Biden administration announces direct vaccine shipments to pharmacies

- The pandemic is still dwarfing the size of Washington's efforts to fight it
03-Feb-2021 - Covid: New Oxford vaccine 'ready by the autumn' to tackle mutations

- WHO-led COVAX vaccine scheme agrees new supply deal with India's Serum

- Swissmedic says not enough data to authorize AstraZenica vaccine

- GSK and CureVac sign £132m deal to develop multi-variant Covid vaccine

- China to provide 10 million vaccine doses to COVAX initiative

- Covid-19: Study showing Oxford vaccine slows virus spread 'superb' - Hancock

- UK says new study vindicates delaying 2nd virus vaccine shot

- UK Test and Trace chief Dido Harding: "We have seen the new variant emerge, which was something that none of us were able to predict."

- Covid UK: Scientists rubbish Dido Harding's claims about variant

- GAO report slams Trump administration response to the coronavirus pandemic

- Danish scientists see tough times ahead as they watch more contagious COVID-19 virus surge

- U.S. COVID-19 Death Toll Passes 450,000

- Increasing data suggests UK variant may be deadlier, says CDC director

- Combined COVID mutations discovered in the UK
04-Feb-2021 - BMJ editor Kamran Abbasi: Covid-19: Social murder, they wrote—elected, unaccountable, and unrepentant

- Covid: Oxford trial to test efficacy of mix of vaccines for individuals

- White House hopes to revive Trump plan to mail masks to Americans, chief of staff says
05-Feb-2021 - Covid: Local elections to go ahead in England

- Covid: Virus cases show clear signs of fall in most of UK

- Covid vaccines extremely safe, finds UK regulator

- Oxford vaccine effective against major B.1.1.7 ‘Kent’ coronavirus strain circulating in the UK

- Latest monitoring data confirms safety of COVID-19 vaccines (UK, Pfizer/BioNTech, Oxford University/AstraZeneca)

- Minutes show Sage warned ‘complete’ border closure needed to stop new variants

- Biden to use Defense Production Act to increase supply of Covid-19 vaccines and tests
06-Feb-2021 - 1 year after the first known US coronavirus death, over 450,000 families will never see a loved one again

- At least 26,808,328 cases in US and at least 459,403 deaths
07-Feb-2021 - COVID-19: UK 'vindicated' over 'brave' decision to delay second vaccine dose, WHO official says

- Rep. Ron Wright Is 1st Member Of Congress To Die After Coronavirus Diagnosis

- US surpasses 27 million confirmed COVID-19 cases
08-Feb-2021 - House panel renews probe into Trump administration’s interference with covid-19 response

- Select Subcommittee Releases New Evidence Of Trump Administration’s Political Meddling In Coronavirus Guidance, Testing And Treatments
09-Feb-2021 - Lying on arrival could mean 10 years in prison in England

- Chinese health official says Huanan market might not be the first place of the Covid-19 outbreak
10-Feb-2021 - WHO recommends use of AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine as two-dose shot, 8 to 12 weeks apart

- Public policy and health in the Trump era (Lancet)
11-Feb-2021 - Biden declares there will be enough vaccines for 300 million Americans by end of July

- Biden administration is 'not where we want to be' on genetic sequencing of Covid-19 variants

- Trump's policies worsened decades of US health neglect, Lancet report says

- US could have averted 40% of Covid deaths, says panel examining Trump's policies

- Forty Percent of America’s Coronavirus Deaths Were Avoidable: Lancet Study

- Trump Was Sicker Than Acknowledged With Covid-19

- Britain's hotel quarantine booking system crashes after launch
12-Feb-2021 - UK Covid cases exceed 4 million

- Melbourne orders snap Covid lockdown, but Australian Open plays on, without fans
13-Feb-2021 -
14-Feb-2021 - COVID Vaccine Deployment minister Nadhim Zahawi tweet: "15,000,000! Amazing team Red heart We will not rest till we offer the vaccine to the whole of phase1 the 1-9 categories of the most vulnerable & all over 50s by end April and then all adults. @NikkiKF @Emily_JR_Lawson @Comd101LogBde" (UK)
15-Feb-2021 - WHO approves AstraZeneca/Oxford Covid-19 vaccine for emergency use

- WHO Wuhan mission finds possible signs of wider original outbreak in 2019
16-Feb-2021 - Covid: Extra 1.7m vulnerable added to shielding list (UK)

- UK foreign secretary Raab calls for coronavirus ‘vaccine ceasefires’ in conflict zones

- U.S. might be back to normal by ‘next Christmas,’ President Biden says

- Mexico surpasses 2 million coronavirus cases; more than 175,000 deaths

- Spain tops 3 million COVID-19 cases
17-Feb-2021 - World’s first coronavirus human challenge study gets green light in UK

- Feds to spend $1.6 billion on COVID-19 testing and sequencing

- Vaccine rollout is a much-needed win for UK after bungling its pandemic response
18-Feb-2021 - Brazil surpasses 10 million Covid-19 cases
19-Feb-2021 - White House announces $4 billion in funding for Covax, the global vaccine effort that Trump spurned

- EU doubles contribution to COVAX to €1 billion to ensure safe and effective vaccines for low and middle-income countries

- Covid: Matt Hancock acted unlawfully over pandemic contracts (UK)

Coronavirus: Has the NHS got enough of the right PPE? (UK)
20-Feb-2021 -
21-Feb-2021 - Coronavirus: Medical regulator investigates £30m Covid contract firm Hinpack (UK)
22-Feb-2021 - Step by step: how England's Covid lockdown will be lifted

- U.S. surpasses 500,000 Covid deaths after yearlong battle with pandemic

- Boris Johnson: "Contained within that question was possibly another suggestion that we could have done things differently with the procurement of PPE. All I will say is that the contracts are there on the record for everybody to see." (not true)
23-Feb-2021 - AstraZeneca to miss second-quarter EU vaccine supply target by half

- National Institutes of Health to study "long Covid"
24-Feb-2021 - One million high-grade NHS masks withdrawn over safety concerns (UK)

- Covid: 150,000 with learning disabilities to be prioritised for vaccine (UK)

- Biden administration to deliver 25M masks to health centers, food pantries

- More people with learning disabilities to receive Covid-19 vaccine priority (UK)

- Ghana becomes first country to receive Covid vaccine through COVAX program
25-Feb-2021 - Global Coronavirus Death Toll Tops 2.5 Million — Though New Fatalities Have Dropped
26-Feb-2021 -
27-Feb-2021 -
28-Feb-2021 - Concerns grow as UK Covid testing labs scaled back before even opening

- Johnson & Johnson Covid vaccine: FDA approves single-shot jab
01-Mar-2021 - Europe's unified vaccination strategy is splintering as countries turn to Israel, China and Russia for help

- Covax: Ivory Coast and Ghana begin mass Covid vaccination rollouts

- Covid-19: More than 20 million in UK have had first jab (UK)
02-Mar-2021 - UK budget to extend furlough until end of September

- Joe Biden announces plan to get educators vaccinated shots by March

- Biden promises enough coronavirus vaccine for ‘every adult in America’ by the end of May

- Texas governor lifts mask mandate and declares: 'It's time to open 100%'

- Twitter will label posts with misleading information about COVID-19 vaccines
03-Mar-2021 - 'Neanderthal thinking': Biden criticizes Texas, Mississippi for lifting mask mandates

- Budget 2021: Rishi Sunak to extend furlough scheme until September (UK)
04-Mar-2021 -
05-Mar-2021 - Court Order shows Boris Johnson misled Parliament over Covid contracts (UK)
06-Mar-2021 -
07-Mar2021 -
08-Mar-2021 - CDC releases highly anticipated guidance for people fully vaccinated against Covid-19

- The US pandemic at one year: Looking back at the week everything changed, and looking forward
09-Mar-2021 - Brazil reports deadliest Covid-19 day since pandemic began
10-Mar-2021 - Covid-19: NHS Test and Trace 'no clear impact' despite £37bn budget (UK)
11-Mar-2021 - President Joe Biden's speech on one-year anniversary of COVID-19

- Biden signs historic $1.9 trillion Covid-19 relief law

- Denmark suspends AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine over blood clotting cases
12-Mar-2021 - U.S. tops 100 million Covid vaccine doses administered, 13% of adults now fully vaccinated
13-Mar-2021 -
14-Mar2021 -
15-Mar-2021 - China to donate 300,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccines to UN peacekeepers

- CDC identifies public-health guidance from the Trump administration that downplayed pandemic severity
16-Mar-2021 - Suspension of AstraZeneca shots is 'political decision': Italy's medicines regulator head
17-Mar-2021 - More than 25 million people in the UK have received their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine - almost half of all UK adults

- WHO statement on AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine safety signals
18-Mar-2021 - Biden says U.S. will meet goal of 100 million COVID shots Friday — ‘weeks ahead of schedule’

- EU regulator: AstraZeneca vaccine is "safe" but blood clot link cannot be ruled out
19-Mar-2021 - Scientists Say They Found Cause of Rare Blood Clotting Linked to AstraZeneca Vaccine

- Parts of Mar-a-Lago closed due to Covid outbreak

- “More Deadly” COVID Invading America, Warns Dr. Fauci

- Biden administration surpasses goal of 100 million vaccine doses in 58 days

- U.S. to share 4 million doses of AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine with Mexico, Canada
20-Mar-2021 -
21-Mar2021 - Miami Beach Police made over 50 arrests over the weekend and and confiscated 8 firearms as peope celebrated the spring break despite an emergency curfew
22-Mar-2021 - £5,000 fines for holidays abroad proposed by UK government

- Fully vaccinated people can visit unvaccinated family and friends, but one household at a time, CDC official says
23-Mar-2021 - UK marks one year since the first lockdown
24-Mar-2021 - Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is worried by the latest Covid-19 data.
25-Mar-2021 - UK Government votes to extend coronavirus laws for six months

- US surpasses 30 million Covid-19 cases
26-Mar-2021 - Former CDC director claims that Covid-19 likely began in a China lab
27-Mar-2021 -
28-Mar2021 -
29-Mar-2021 - Biden pledges vaccines for most adults soon as CDC chief fears 'impending doom'

- CDC extends eviction moratorium until late June

- CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky gives emotional warning of 'impending doom'
30-Mar-2021 - German vaccine experts recommend AstraZeneca only be given to people over 60

- Coronavirus likely spread to people from an animal -- but needs more study, new WHO report says

- US and 13 other nations express "shared concerns" about WHO study on Covid-19 origins

- German medical regulator reports 31 cases of blood clots after AstraZeneca vaccinations

- World leaders call for international treaty on pandemics, but China and US are absent

- At least 550,000 people in US have now died from coronavirus
31-Mar-2021 - Italy makes coronavirus vaccines mandatory for health care workers

- White House pleads with governors and mayors to maintain or reinstate mask mandates to "save lives"

01-Apr-2021 -
02-Apr-2021 - CDC: Fully vaccinated people can travel in U.S. without tests or quarantines

- Florida governor bans vaccine passports

- Covid: 30 blood clot cases found in AstraZeneca recipients in the UK
03-Apr-2021 -
04-Apr-2021 -
05-Apr-2021 - India records more than 100,000 new Covid-19 cases – its most in a single day since the pandemic began
- Argentina records highest number of daily coronavirus cases since the pandemic started

- Brazil records its deadliest day of the pandemic so far
06-Apr-2021 - Joe Biden Speech on State of Vaccine Rollout - 150 million shots during his first 75 days in office
07-Apr-2021 - Turkey hits record number of Covid-19 deaths in one day

- Japanese doctors perform world's first living donor lung transplant to a Covid-19 patient

- Interim statement of the COVID-19 subcommittee of the WHO Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety on AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine
08-Apr-2021 - More than a quarter of all US adults are now fully vaccinated, CDC data shows
09-Apr-2021 - Nearly 40% of US Marines have declined Covid-19 vaccine
10-Apr-2021 -
11-Apr-2021 -
12-Apr-2021 - CDC director: Answer to Michigan COVID-19 surge is "to close things down"

- UK Covid lockdown eases: Celebrations as pub gardens and shops reopen
13-Apr-2021 - Brazil Senate pushes forward with probe of Bolsonaro's COVID-19 response

- Johnson & Johnson vaccine paused in US, South Africa and European Union over rare blood clots

- FDA tweet: Today FDA and @CDCgov issued a statement regarding the Johnson & Johnson #COVID19 vaccine. We are recommending a pause in the use of this vaccine out of an abundance of caution.

- Canada Overtakes U.S. in New Covid Cases for First Time
14-Apr-2021 -
15-Apr-2021 - Europe has surpassed one million Covid-19 related deaths according to the WHO
16-Apr-2021 - CDC says U.S. has administered more than 200 million COVID-19 vaccine doses
17-Apr-2021 -
18-Apr-2021 - Half of U.S. adults have received at least one Covid shot in milestone for vaccination campaign
19-Apr-2021 - CDC recommends seeking immediate care for symptoms following Johnson & Johnson vaccine

- U.S. CDC expands COVID-19 vaccine eligibility to 16 and older

- Australia opens travel bubble with New Zealand
20-Apr-2021 - Highest-ever number of new Covid-19 cases reported globally last week, WHO says
21-Apr-2021 - India's second Covid wave hits like a 'tsunami' as hospitals buckle under weight
22-Apr-2021 - WHO updated its interim guidance on the use of the AstraZeneca vaccines against COVID-19
23-Apr-2021 - FDA and CDC Lift Recommended Pause on Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) COVID-19 Vaccine Use Following Thorough Safety Review

- Covid-19: Infections fell by 65% after first dose of AstraZeneca or Pfizer vaccine, data show
24-Apr-2021 - U.S. administers 225.6 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines -CDC
25-Apr-2021 - US promises India Covid aid after fourth straight day of record cases
26-Apr-2021 - In 10 states, at least 60% of adults have received at least one dose of Covid-19 vaccine

- Covid Resilience Ranking - Singapore tops New Zealand
27-Apr-2021 -
28-Apr-2021 - UK orders 60m more doses of Pfizer Covid vaccine for booster jabs

- Study shows Pfizer and Moderna vaccines reduce risk for Covid-19 hospitalization by 94% among older adults
29-Apr-2021 - CDC: 30% of U.S. Population Fully Vaccinated Against Coronavirus

- About 2% of India's population is fully vaccinated, health ministry says
30-Apr-2021 - WHO lists Moderna vaccine for emergency use

- 100 million US adults are now fully vaccinated, White House says

- Worldwide COVID-19 cases pass 150 million

- WHO updates its guidance - COVID is airborne
01-May-2021 - The US will restrict travel from India starting 4 May and Fauci said that India should consider a temporary shutdown
02-May-2021 - India coronavirus: New record deaths as virus engulfs India
03-May-2021 - More than 40% of adults in the US are fully vaccinated against Covid-19, CDC data shows

- President Biden predicts some normalcy in the US "by the end of the summer"
04-May-2021 - US will send 60 million AstraZeneca stockpile doses to other nations by July 4, Biden says

- Biden announces new goal of administering at least one Covid-19 shot to 70% of US adults by July 4

- White House tells governors they will redistribute unordered vaccine doses

- Bolsonaro was 'warned' about the consequences of ignoring science, inquiry hears

- G7 leaders meet face-to-face in London for first time in more than two years
05-May-2021 - New Study Finds ‘Small’ Blood Clot Risk After One AstraZeneca Vaccine Dose, Rates Are Higher Than Expected For General Population
06-May-2021 - India reports highest-ever 24-hour surge in Covid-19 cases and a record-high daily death toll

- 3 states have already reached Biden's new vaccination goal, but vaccine hesitancy may make it challenging for others

- United States has administered 251,973,752 doses of COVID-19 vaccines, with 108,926,627 people fully vaccinated
07-May-2021 - Nearly a third of the U.S. population is fully vaccinated

- Pfizer/BioNTech seek full FDA approval for their Covid-19 vaccine
08-May-2021 - Angela Merkel said "I do not think that a patent waiver is the solution to make more vaccines available to more people"
09-May-2021 - One third of people in Britain were fully vaccinated, and two thirds have had at least one shot
10-May-2021 - FDA Authorizes Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine for Emergency Use in Adolescents (12-15)

- WHO classifies India variant as being of global concern

- UK downgrades Covid-19 alert threat level
11-May-2021 - Biden says a "more aggressive effort" to issue guidance for fully vaccinated is coming soon
12-May-2021 - CDC reports 28 cases of rare blood clotting among 8.7 million people given Johnson & Johnson vaccine

- WHO-commissioned report says the pandemic could have been prevented if the world had acted sooner
13-May-2021 - People vaccinated against Covid-19 can go without masks indoors and outdoors, CDC says
14-May-2021 - With less than 4% fully vaccinated population, Canada's mask mandates are here to stay
15-May-2021 - Bodies of COVID-19 victims among those dumped in India’s Ganges -govt document

- China cancels Everest spring climbing over coronavirus worries
16-May-2021 - UK Health secretary Matt Hancock defended the government’s delay of almost three weeks before putting India on its travel red list, a move only made after the cancellation of Boris Johnson’s planned visit to Delhi.

- U.S. Attorney General Announces Task Force to Combat COVID-19 Fraud

- U.S. Commits to Sharing 20 Million More Vaccine Doses With Countries in Need
17-May-2021 - Thousands evacuated as powerful Cyclone Tauktae threatens Indian region grappling with Covid

- COVAX vaccine delivery has been impacted by undersupply from India which is experiencing a second wave

- Biden announces US will share more vaccines globally: 'Our nation is going to be the arsenal of vaccines.' He said US and nearly 60% of US adults have received at least one dose

- A Palestinian Health Ministry building and the Al-Remal Martyrs Clinic next door were damaged in Israeli airstrikes
18-May-2021 - India surpasses 25 million COVID-19 cases as powerful cyclone slows response effort
19-May-2021 - Excess deaths associated with covid-19 pandemic in 2020: age and sex disaggregated time series analysis in 29 high income countries

- Taiwan tightens Covid-19 restrictions as it fights its biggest outbreak of the pandemic

- CDC chief: Pandemic would have been “extraordinarily different” if infrastructure was improved pre-pandemic
20-May-2021 - Unvaccinated US lawmakers a danger to Congress, Pelosi says

- EU Digital COVID Certificate: European Parliament and Council reach agreement on Commission proposal

- Biden signs bill aimed at addressing the rise in anti-Asian hate crimes during the coronavirus pandemic
21-May-2021 - Latin America crosses a bleak milestone
22-May-2021 - A new study by PHE shows for the first time that 2 doses of the COVID-19 vaccines are highly effective against the B.1.617.2 variant first identified in India.
23-May-2021 - Intelligence on Sick Staff at Wuhan Lab Fuels Debate on Covid-19 Origin
24-May-2021 - Wuhan lab director says US intelligence report is "a complete lie"
25-May-2021 - Half of the US adult population is fully vaccinated against Covid-19, according to CDC data
26-May-2021 - Facebook no longer treating 'man-made' Covid as a crackpot idea

- Statement by President Joe Biden on the Investigation into the Origins of COVID-19
27-May-2021 - Three-quarters of new UK Covid cases could be India variant, says UK health secretary Matt Hancock
28-May-2021 - The WHO Director-General said, "over 3.5 million recorded deaths from COVID-19, an estimated loss to the global economy of 22 trillion US dollars and new variants compounding explosive outbreaks, this pandemic is far from over".
29-May-2021 - UK expert who helped change No 10 Covid policy in first wave warns over risk of easing. "Things will get bad very quickly" after June if variant spread underestimated (he argued against a herd immunity strategy).
30-May-2021 - New cases in Italy, U.S., India & Texas fell.
31-May-2021 - WHO has a new naming system for coronavirus variants - Greek letters
01-Jun-2021 - Covid: Zero daily deaths announced in UK for first time
02-Jun-2021 - Online summit raises enough money to buy 1.8 billion vaccine doses for lower income countries

- WHO says epidemiological studies required to investigate origins of Covid-19
03-Jun-2021 - More than two billion Covid vaccines given worldwide

- US to give 80 mln vaccine doses to priority nations, 75% via Covax
04-Jun-2021 - UK approves Pfizer/BioNTech covid-19 vaccine in children aged 12 to 15
05-Jun-2021 - UK records 5,765 new Covid cases as fears grow about unlocking delay
06-Jun-2021 - US to donate 750,000 Covid vaccine doses to Taiwan
07-Jun-2021 - CDC study finds vaccinated people have milder disease in rare breakthrough infections
08-Jun-2021 - CDC issues new travel advice for more than 120 countries

- Study: Decreases in COVID-19 Cases, Emergency Department Visits, Hospital Admissions, and Deaths Among Older Adults Following the Introduction of COVID-19 Vaccine — United States, September 6, 2020–May 1, 2021

- Bipartisan bill would improve US stockpile of medical supplies
Some time after 19-Jan-2017 - U.S. slashed CDC staff inside China prior to coronavirus outbreak. Also NSF, USAID, USDA cuts

- Trump team failed to follow NSC’s pandemic playbook

- Wartime Production Law Has Been Used Routinely, but Not With Coronavirus

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It is not always clear if a date is that of an event, or when it was announced or reported (e.g. case, death). Dates may also vary because of time zones.

- The WHO reports tend to report events during the past 24 hours up to 10am.

- If you want to track human-to-human transmission, numbers, travel advice and global spread, look at the WHO situation reports.

- Links do not always use article headings - they may be shortened or refer only to one item in the article.

- FactBase is a useful source of clips

- All entries relate to COVID_19 unless otherwise stated or obvious

- (+ve) after a name means they tested positive later for coronavirus, but they were not necessarily already infected
- As Trump's Twitter account is now suspended, links to his tweets now go to screenshots from the good folks at Factbase

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Sources and other useful/interesting links

Article: "President Trump's Golf Outings" - Sophie Germain

Article: "The U.S. was beset by denial and dysfunction as the coronavirus raged" by Yasmeen Abutaleb, Josh Dawsey, Ellen Nakashima and Greg Miller

Article: "Before Virus Outbreak, a Cascade of Warnings Went Unheeded" by David E. Sanger, Eric Lipton, Eileen Sullivan and Michael Crowley

Article: "He Could Have Seen What Was Coming: Behind Trump’s Failure on the Virus" by Eric Lipton, David E. Sanger, Maggie Haberman, Michael D. Shear, Mark Mazzetti and Julian E. Barnes

Site: Tracking COVID-19 by Johns Hopkins University.

Article: "Cases in the U.S." by CDC.

Article: "U.S. sent millions of face masks to China early this year, ignoring pandemic warning signs" by Juliet Eilperin, Jeff Stein, Desmond Butler, Tom Hamburger

Article: "News" by White House

Article: "Inside Trump’s coronavirus meltdown" by Edward Luce

Article: "Map: Track this summer's coronavirus hot spots across the U.S." by Nigel Chiwaya and Jiachuan Wu

Article: "Timeline of the Coronavirus Pandemic and U.S. Response" by Ryan Goodman and Danielle Schulkin

Article: "How the Pandemic Defeated America" by Ed Yong

Article: "34 days of pandemic: Inside Trump’s desperate attempts to reopen America" by Philip Rucker, Josh Dawsey, Yasmeen Abutaleb, Robert Costa and Lena H. Sun

Article: "Invincibility punctured by infection: How the coronavirus spread in Trump’s White House" by Philip Rucker, Josh Dawsey, Ashley Parker and Robert Costa

- Here's everyone at the White House Rose Garden SCOTUS event now called a likely 'superspreader.' Help us ID them all.

Article: "Scientists have a powerful new tool for controlling the coronavirus: Its own genetic code." by Brady Dennis, Chris Mooney, Sarah Kaplan and Harry Stevens.

Site: Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis - Chairman Jim Clyburn.

Article: "Tracking Coronavirus Infections in the White House and Trump’s Inner Circle" by Amy Schoenfeld Walker and Matthew Conlen

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to understand how to respond when they’re talking about public issues with coworkers, neighbors, and friends. This book explores some of the key perspectives behind his approach, teaching us not just how to find the facts, but to talk about what they mean in a way that people will hear."