Thom Hartmann - Mar 24-28 Weekly Highlights

The Thom Hartmann Program
Your Radio Support Group for "We the People"
Weekdays Noon-3p ET "live"

Mar 24 - Mar 28 2008 Radio Guest Highlights for the Week - Don't miss...Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer & Former Comptroller General of the United States - David M. Walker on the recent market and economic crisis

Guests: George Landrith & Rev. Richard Cizik Topic: Thom and Two evangelicals both pro & con global warming will have a lively debate about the new global warming legislation

Guest: Marjorie Cohn Topic: Recent article "Beware an Attack on Iran"Guest: Eric Alterman Topic: His new book "WHY WE’RE LIBERALS - A Political Handbook for Post-Bush America"


Guest: Sam Harris author, The End of Faith and Letter to a Christian Nation. Topic: Is there such a thing as...Evangelical atheism?

Guest: US Congressman (D-MA, 8th district Mike Capuano Topic: Ethics bill and his trip to Darfur as well as Thom's trip


Guest: Tara Ross Co-author "UNDER GOD: George Washington and the Question of Church and State." Topic: Thom will challenge Tara who claims the cross is above than the flag? The Naval Academy color guard has been attacked for "dipping" the American flag below a cross during worship services, reports the NY Times.

Guest: Terry Jeffrey Topic: Thom and Terry will be debating the healthcare plans of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama as a model for moving forward on healthcare.


Guest: Mark Mathis Topic: Thom is disagreeing with Mark's article - Florida Public Schools Forced to Embrace Darwinism and Silence Academic Freedom…Will This Set A Precedent For The Country?

Guest: David M. Walker, Former Comptroller General of the United States. Topic: Expert insight, analysis and commentary into the recent market and economic crisis. Is there a limit on what Bernanke can do? Guest: Christy Harvey Topic: News Under the Radar


Thom live from affiliate KMPT 930 Missoula, MT

Guest: Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer will be hereGuest: Senator Bernie Sanders "Brunch with Bernie" taking your calls

Thom's Travel & Events Coming Up…

March 28 - Missoula, MT - Thom live from affiliate KMPT 930 Missoula, MT & 2 p.m. on the 28th Hartmann will give a talk at the Holiday Inn Parkside at 200 S. Pattee St. in Missoula. The talk is free and open to the public and Hartmann will be available to sign copies of his books.

All our affiliates our welcome place any of Thom's videos at on your radio site. If you have trouble getting them - let me know.

New videos available: Check them out at <> Newest Video available! Thom and David Horowitz - Has the "political correctness right" turned into a "brown shirt" movement?

1. Evan Moore of <> wants to stop "Focus the Nation" holding a teach-in on more than 1,000 college campuses nationwide to discuss solutions for global warming - Thom is saying "Bring it on!"

2. Face Off: Thom vs. Blackwater USA -Thom Hartmann and V.P. Martin L. Strong of Blackwater USA debate - Should the military and our police departments be privatized?

3. Thom Hartmann challenges David Frum on his book "Comeback Conservatism that Could Win Again".

4. Thom challenges Senator Jim DeMint ( on his new book - Why We Whisper: Restoring Our Right to Say It's Wrong.

5. Thom Hartmann on the Economic Meltdown and how Reagan, Bush and Clinton brought us the next "Great Depression"

6. Thom Hartmann confronts National Review's Jonah Goldberg on his new book Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left from Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning

7. Thom Hartmann debates global climate skeptic Marc Morano's on the new report Claiming 400 scientist are on their side.

8. Thom Hartmann interviews former GOP operative Allen Raymond on his new book - How to Rig an Election: Confessions of a Republican Operative.

Thom's Blog Is On the Move

Hello All

Thom's blog in this space and moving to a new home.

Please follow us across to - this will be the only place going forward to read Thom's blog posts and articles.

From Screwed:
"I think many of us recognize that for all but the wealthiest, life in America is getting increasingly hard. Screwed explores why, showing how this is no accidental process, but rather the product of conscious political choices, choices we can change with enough courage and commitment. Like all of Thom’s great work, it helps show us the way forward."
Paul Loeb, author of Soul of a Citizen and The Impossible Will Take a Little While
From Screwed:
"Once again, Thom Hartmann hits the bull’s eye with a much needed exposé of the so-called ‘free market.’ Anyone concerned about the future of our nation needs to read Screwed now."
Michael Toms, Founding President, New Dimensions World Broadcasting Network and author of A Time For Choices: Deep Dialogues for Deep Democracy
From Unequal Protection, 2nd Edition:
"Hartmann combines a remarkable piece of historical research with a brilliant literary style to tell the grand story of corporate corruption and its consequences for society with the force and readability of a great novel."
David C. Korten, author of When Corporations Rule the World and Agenda for A New Economy