On the Program - Sep 18th 2008

Quote: "The only title in our Democracy superior to that of President is the title of citizen." --Justice Louis D. Brandeis

Hour One - Guest: William "Bill" Bamber former Sr. Managing Director at Bear Stearns & Co. (has remained anonymous til now) Topic: author of "The Bear Trap" gives inside info on financial crisis starting w/Bear Stearns

Hour Two - Mark Krikorian www.cis.org/NewCase Topic:The New Case Against Immigration: Both Legal and Illegal

Guest: "Taking our Country Back" Jeff Merkley www.jeffmerkley.com Topic: Jeff Merkley running for the U.S. Senate for Oregon against Senator Gordon Smith

Hour Three - Guest: Camille Conti (goes by"CC") Host of The Cutting Edge on www.kudo1080.com Topic: McCain/Palin have sent lawyers to Alaska to squash troopergate (one is a former fed. prosecutor from NY)…what are they trying to hide?

Guest: Bill Wielechowski Alaska State Senator www.aksenate.org/index Topic: Troopergate and Alaska's new "McCain Administration"

Guest: Christy Harvey www.americanprogress.org Topic: News under the Radar

Thom's Blog Is On the Move

Hello All

Thom's blog in this space and moving to a new home.

Please follow us across to hartmannreport.com - this will be the only place going forward to read Thom's blog posts and articles.

From Unequal Protection, 2nd Edition:
"Hartmann combines a remarkable piece of historical research with a brilliant literary style to tell the grand story of corporate corruption and its consequences for society with the force and readability of a great novel."
David C. Korten, author of When Corporations Rule the World and Agenda for A New Economy
From Cracking the Code:
"Thom Hartmann ought to be bronzed. His new book sets off from the same high plane as the last and offers explicit tools and how-to advice that will allow you to see, hear, and feel propaganda when it's directed at you and use the same techniques to refute it. His book would make a deaf-mute a better communicator. I want him on my reading table every day, and if you try one of his books, so will you."
Peter Coyote, actor and author of Sleeping Where I Fall
From The Thom Hartmann Reader:
"Through compelling personal stories, Hartmann presents a dramatic and deeply disturbing picture of humans as a profoundly troubled species. Hope lies in his inspiring vision of our enormous unrealized potential and his description of the path to its realization."
David Korten, author of Agenda for a New Economy, The Great Turning, and When Corporations Rule the World