On the Program - Sep 23 2008

Hour One - Barbara Comstock www.savetheelection.comTopic: Thom and Barbara debate the Employee Free Choice Act.

Hour Two - John Berlau www.cei.org Topic: Thom is challenging John on his statement about the economic crisis: In capitalism, failure is not a dirty word

Guest: Brad Friedman www.BradBlog.com Topic: voter fraud

Hour Three - Robert Kuttner www.demos.org Topic: new book "Obama's Challenge"

Guest: Senator Bernie Sanders www.sanders.senate.govTopic: Economy...government is giving the store away this week...

Thom's Blog Is On the Move

Hello All

Thom's blog in this space and moving to a new home.

Please follow us across to hartmannreport.com - this will be the only place going forward to read Thom's blog posts and articles.

From The Thom Hartmann Reader:
"Through compelling personal stories, Hartmann presents a dramatic and deeply disturbing picture of humans as a profoundly troubled species. Hope lies in his inspiring vision of our enormous unrealized potential and his description of the path to its realization."
David Korten, author of Agenda for a New Economy, The Great Turning, and When Corporations Rule the World
From Screwed:
"Once again, Thom Hartmann hits the bull’s eye with a much needed exposé of the so-called ‘free market.’ Anyone concerned about the future of our nation needs to read Screwed now."
Michael Toms, Founding President, New Dimensions World Broadcasting Network and author of A Time For Choices: Deep Dialogues for Deep Democracy
From Screwed:
"The powers that be are running roughshod over the powers that OUGHT to be. Hartmann tells us what went wrong — and what you and I can do to help set American right again."
Jim Hightower, National Radio Commentator, Writer, Public Speaker, and author of the bestselling Thieves in High Places