On the Program - Dec 18th 2008

Quote: Democracy is based upon the conviction that there are extraordinary possibilities in ordinary people. — Harry Emerson Fosdick

Hour One – Three Cups of Tea for Rick Warren?

Guest: Robert Greenwald www.bravenewfilms.org Topic: new film "Twas the Midnight Before Regulations"

Hour Two - Dr. Lewis Mehlmadrona www.healing-arts.org/mehl-madrona Topic: What can be done about the holiday blues?

Professor Peter Edelman www.law.georgetown.edu/faculty www.americanprogressaction.org/issues/2008/changeforamerica (for the book) Topic: Change for America: A Progressive Blueprint for the 44th Presiden (edited by Mark Green and Michele Jolin) Professor Edelman's chapter (co-authored by Angela Glover Blackwell) is on page 99 in the Economic Policy section, entitled "Economic Opportunity for All or A New Gilded Age?"

Hour Three - Gene Stone www.genestone.com Topic: The 12 Step Bush Recovery Program (A Lifesaving Guide to Shaking Off the Horrors of the Last Eight Years...)

Guest: Christy Harvey www.americanprogress.org Topic: News Under the Radar

Thom's Blog Is On the Move

Hello All

Thom's blog in this space and moving to a new home.

Please follow us across to hartmannreport.com - this will be the only place going forward to read Thom's blog posts and articles.

From The Thom Hartmann Reader:
"Thom Hartmann is a creative thinker and committed small-d democrat. He has dealt with a wide range of topics throughout his life, and this book provides an excellent cross section. The Thom Hartmann Reader will make people both angry and motivated to act."
Dean Baker, economist and author of Plunder and Blunder, False Profits, and Taking Economics Seriously
From Unequal Protection, 2nd Edition:
"If you wonder why and when giant corporations got the power to reign supreme over us, here’s the story."
Jim Hightower, national radio commentator and author of Swim Against the Current
From Cracking the Code:
"No one communicates more thoughtfully or effectively on the radio airwaves than Thom Hartmann. He gets inside the arguments and helps people to think them through—to understand how to respond when they’re talking about public issues with coworkers, neighbors, and friends. This book explores some of the key perspectives behind his approach, teaching us not just how to find the facts, but to talk about what they mean in a way that people will hear."
Paul Loeb, author of Soul of a Citizen