On the Program - Feb 17th 2009

Contest Today! Get a signed copy of Thom Hartmann's "We the People" for the most interesting comment on this blog answering...
How do you think the world could end in 2012?
Quote: "If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich." — John F. Kennedy
Hour One - Larry Klayman www.freedomwatchusa.org Topic: suing the Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve to reveal exactly how the first $350 billion of the financial services bailout was spent.
Hour Two - Dr. Paul Cameron www.familyresearchinst.org or www.ejssb.org Topic: Dems are wrong, we need more kids!!
Guest: Steven Kotler www.stevenkotler.com Topic: Do you want to save the planet, then stop having kids now!!
Hour Three "Everything You Know is Wrong" Daniel Pinchbeck Author of 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl www.2012thebook.comTopic: 2012...Is the World Coming to an End in 4 Years?
** Special Instrux: "Everything You Know" segment on Tuesday this week...author has event at Powells tonight
Guest: Arnold "Bud" Fultz www.budfultz.com Topic: is there such a thing as clean coal?? "Fixing the Ungodly Mess: A Pathway to Change"

Thom's Blog Is On the Move

Hello All

Thom's blog in this space and moving to a new home.

Please follow us across to hartmannreport.com - this will be the only place going forward to read Thom's blog posts and articles.

From The Thom Hartmann Reader:
"Through compelling personal stories, Hartmann presents a dramatic and deeply disturbing picture of humans as a profoundly troubled species. Hope lies in his inspiring vision of our enormous unrealized potential and his description of the path to its realization."
David Korten, author of Agenda for a New Economy, The Great Turning, and When Corporations Rule the World
From The Thom Hartmann Reader:
"Thom is a national treasure. Read him, embrace him, learn from him, and follow him as we all work for social change."
Robert Greenwald, political activist and founder and president of Brave New Films
From The Thom Hartmann Reader:
"Thom Hartmann is a literary descendent of Ben Franklin and Tom Paine. His unflinching observations and deep passion inspire us to explore contemporary culture, politics, and economics; challenge us to face the facts of the societies we are creating; and empower us to demand a better world for our children and grandchildren."
John Perkins, author of the New York Times bestselling book Confessions of an Economic Hit Man