April 3 2009

legacy-images1Call in “On Air” (866) 987-THOM
To listen to the show “Live” for free or to watch Thom “live” in video - you have to sign in as a member on this “home page”
"Brunch With Bernie" U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders www.sanders.senate.gov
Topic: "Legacy of Secrecy" Thom's co-author Lamar Waldron on the anniversary of Dr. King's assassination www.legacyofsecrecy.com


B Roll (not verified) 15 years 16 weeks ago


I've notice a change on your site that I hope you aren't aware of.

Since 'Tuesday of this week, I can't go to the message boards without signing in. When I click on the Community button, it takes me to a page that says I have to sign in and if I'm not a member, I have to register.

Why should someone have to give their email address to merely read the message board, even if they don't intend on participating in the discussion?

It seems to me that it's a restriction of free listening (as opposed to free speech) with the intended purpose of gathering email address for some future use, probably marketing. Or it may be a way to cut back bandwidth use by restricting access to the message boards to people who are willing to give out their email addresses.

For all I know, it's the people who operate this board rather than you who are gathering the information.

Please instruct the people operating this board to change things back to how they were before Tuesday. As you know, discussions on the message boards get far more views than comments, and the comments tend to be from a relatively small number of members.

Set the information free. Isn't spreading information what you're all about?


B Roll (not verified) 15 years 16 weeks ago

Regarding my post above.

The fact that access to Thom's Community has little effect on me since I'm a registered member. I'm speaking out for the vast unregistered masses who shouldn't be required to give out personal information just to read discussions.

Democracy relies on a well informed citizenry and you're supposed to be a champion of democracy and information.

Chad Lupkes (not verified) 15 years 16 weeks ago

Didn't George W. Bush reinstall the solar panels on the White House sometime over the last 8 years? I've read about it, but haven't heard anything about it on the radio. I don't want to give too much credit, but people who keep harping on it don't seem to know the current reality.

Maybe instead of focusing on the White House, we should require solar panels on all Federal Government buildings, across the country. The White House is a small rooftop. Putting solar panels on all Federal Buildings would probably supply a significant percentage of the power needs of our country...

Also, why are the form fields for name, email and website scattered among the previous few comments? That's just weird.

B Roll (not verified) 15 years 16 weeks ago


I can see the appeal of each state being able to design their health care system to fit the unique needs of their state, but I do have concerns about this approach.

1) If education is the model, we have to make sure that we don't end up with the disparate results that we get in our educational system.

2) Conservatives tend to try to undermine public services. I'm concerned that the legislatures in the more conservative (red states) might intentionally undermine the public health system to turn people away from it.

3) I wonder how different the health needs are between the states. There may be some environmental factors and some geographic factors, but those could be compensated for through consultation between the national system and the states. It seems that the major differences may actually be between urban and rural areas.

I'm not saying that the state based approach is wrong, but I think that there are many questions that have to be asked whatever direction we go.

B Roll (not verified) 15 years 16 weeks ago

Chad Lupkes wrote:

"Also, why are the form fields for name, email and website scattered among the previous few comments? That’s just weird."

I think you're referring to the instability I mentioned on this blog recently. Sometimes the homepage formats properly but other times it doesn't it doesn't.

It seems that there's some sort of bug in the code for this site. It's been going on for a while and I hope they get it fixed soon.

However, it seems that when the homepage formats properly, it never finishes loading. When it formats properly, the statusbar always reads "Transfering data from www.freepress.net...." It never reads :Done".

I've also found that when the homepage formats properly (but never finishes loading), I can't find the "Highlights" link that allows me to access past show topics and blogs. But when it doesn't format Properly, all the links are listed in a column on the left side of the page and the "Highlights" link is visible.

B Roll (not verified) 15 years 16 weeks ago


I heard Lori Wallach the director of Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch on The Ron Reagan Show yesterday. She describes herself as a "recovering trade attorney".

One thing she said really caught my ear. She said that she was reading the agreement that came out of one of the WTO rounds and found a "footnote" in it in that said that the Clinton Administration had agreed to get rid of Glass Steagall.

You might like to have her on as a guest. I hope you take my suggestion, since we're on such good terms and all. :)

Noah (not verified) 15 years 16 weeks ago

Does anyone know or have a link to the article that Thom was talking about today. It dealt with unemployment, welfare, food stamps and other things. I wanted to read it.


Thom's Blog Is On the Move

Hello All

Thom's blog in this space and moving to a new home.

Please follow us across to hartmannreport.com - this will be the only place going forward to read Thom's blog posts and articles.

From The Thom Hartmann Reader:
"Never one to shy away from the truth, Thom Hartmann’s collected works are inspiring, wise, and compelling. His work lights the way to a better America."
Van Jones, cofounder of RebuildTheDream.com and author of The Green Collar Economy
From The Thom Hartmann Reader:
"With the ever-growing influence of corporate CEOs and their right-wing allies in all aspects of American life, Hartmann’s work is more relevant than ever. Throughout his career, Hartmann has spoken compellingly about the value of people-centered democracy and the challenges that millions of ordinary Americans face today as a result of a dogma dedicated to putting profit above all else. This collection is a rousing call for Americans to work together and put people first again."
Richard Trumka, President, AFL-CIO
From The Thom Hartmann Reader:
"Through compelling personal stories, Hartmann presents a dramatic and deeply disturbing picture of humans as a profoundly troubled species. Hope lies in his inspiring vision of our enormous unrealized potential and his description of the path to its realization."
David Korten, author of Agenda for a New Economy, The Great Turning, and When Corporations Rule the World