June 30 2009 - Tuesday

botrowitz-imagesHour One: Should every politician have a budget for hookers? Do you really care if they have a hooker or a mistress - or is this all just a ruse to get us not to talk about healthcare?

Hour Two: Thom confronts conservative pundit Dick Morris about his new book www.dickmorris.com "Obama and Congress are turning a disaster into a 'Catastrophe'?!"

Hour Three: "Who Moved My Soap: The CEO's Guide to Surviving in Prison, Bernie Madoff Edition" Thom visits with comedian/satirist Andy Borowitz www.borowitzreport.com


brian a. hayes (not verified) 15 years 4 weeks ago

i so happy that dick morris will be on. morris is nothing but a sh-- thrower during the election he kept throwing things out threre on fox news on senater obama. he was wroung on everything . now he trying to throw more sh-- on president obama. how many cases of your new book will be bought by your cronnies. what a country where people can make a living talking and writing bull ---- being a tool for corparate america.

Mark (not verified) 15 years 4 weeks ago

It is frightening to think that people so devoid of any semblance of moral consciousness like Peter Ferrara of the fascist “American Civil Rights Union” actually exist in this world, but there you go. What kind of world would this be of such people were allowed to operate in a human rights vacuum, where nationalistic paranoia and xenophobia allows any outrage against some demonized “other” to be permissible?

In regard to the Supreme Court’s ruling on the New Haven fire department case, this despicable outcome flies directly in the face of Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which prohibits employment “tests” that have a disparate impact on minority applicants. And in no other public institution is racism and racial discrimination more prevalent than in a city or town’s fire department, in every part of the country. The reasons for this is simple enough; firefighters generally work in shifts as long as 24 hours, spending most of their time in firehouses where they eat and sleep together. Unless they operate in southern California, firefighters rarely have need to leave the firehouse and do something useful, and are “forced” to spend many hours living with people they must get along with. Obviously, white people would rather be with other whites, and the token black firefighter who might be the target of hazing and harassment might prefer to have other people like himself to talk to. If one looks too closely behind the reverse-discrimination claims by whites, one will discover that racial prejudice runs deep. In New Haven, for example, the animosity of the large Italian-American population toward the African-American population is obviously not without precedent, and it goes without saying this animosity carries over into the firehouse. The Supreme Court’s ruling, in effect, gives racism and discrimination its full backing. Chief Justice Roberts has referred to the notion of equal opportunity as a “sordid business”; he has now seen to it that his own sordid worldview has the force of law.

On a local note, Boeing announced an “indefinite” delay for the launching of the 787 on top of previous delays, due to structural issues with wing attachments to the fuselage. The Japanese end say it is Boeing’s engineers who are at fault. Boeing, not wishing to make an issue of the lack of standardized quality control over disparate parts of the plane being built over disparate regions of the globe, naturally defended the Japanese and took all of the blame. But the question remains why Boeing thought it could make the 787 cheaper and more efficiently in this way. It is already experiencing canceled orders over its bungling, and will doubtless lose future orders as well. It is one thing to outsource technical support to other parts of the world where English is barely spoken; but it is quite another to outsource major sections of a complex piece of machinery like a commercial aircraft to different parts of the world, each with different standards and having no idea how one part fits into another, and then ship the parts to a central location for assembly and expect everything to fit perfectly. This is one case where American jobs should have stayed in America.

growin (not verified) 15 years 4 weeks ago

I found this link in the comments section from a Matt Taibbi article about AIG from the March Rolling Stone:
It talks about a Bank for International Settlements in Switzerland, and according to the author, "The bank now controls the financial affairs of planet Earth." Surprise, surprise, some of the people involved were previously with Goldman Sachs.
There is a quote from Dick Morris in the article, so maybe during the discussion on Tuesday he could shed some light on this group.

DRichards (not verified) 15 years 4 weeks ago

Remind me...what was the 2008 election all about, again?

A tragic, must-read column from Bob Herbert of the New York Times tonight:

No one seems to know how old Mohammed Jawad was when he was seized by Afghan forces in Kabul six and a half years ago and turned over to American custody. Some reports say he was 14. Some say 16. The Afghan government believes he was 12.

What is not in dispute is that he was no older than an adolescent, and that since his capture he has been tortured and otherwise put through hell. The evidence against him has been discredited. He has tried to commit suicide. But the U.S. won’t let him go.

The decorated Army officer once assigned to prosecute Jawad is now working with the ACLU to seek his release. But at least Barack Obama was elected to fix problems like this. Right? Right? Mr. President?

There is no credible evidence against Jawad, and his torture-induced confession has rightly been ruled inadmissible by a military judge. But the Obama administration does not feel that he has suffered enough. Not only have administration lawyers opposed defense efforts to secure Jawad’s freedom, but they are using, as the primary basis for their opposition, the fruits of the confession that was obtained through torture and has already been deemed inadmissible — without merit, of no value.

Changing the president was easy! Changing the system is a lot harder.


Quark (not verified) 15 years 4 weeks ago


I read that Herbert column, too. That, along with the continued prosecution of Don Siegelman for no good reason make me wonder what's going on.

Are there other unfair prosecutions and unaddressed injustices (other than the major ones concerning DOMA, single-payer health care, the wars in Iraq, Aftganistan, etc.) still occurring that Obama will not or cannot stop?

Quark (not verified) 15 years 4 weeks ago

Are there other unfair prosecutions and unaddressed injustices (other than the major ones concerning DOMA, single-payer health care, the wars in Iraq, Aftganistan, etc.) still occurring that Obama will not or cannot stop? or deal with?

DRichards (not verified) 15 years 4 weeks ago

Ex-Gov. Siegelman asks for new trial; Filing cites new
evidence, alleges jury, witness tampering: Developing...

lance peeples (not verified) 15 years 4 weeks ago

What is so compelling about Dick Morris to give him airtime? He wrote a whole book about how the presidential election was going to be between Condi and Hillary. That's some unique inside the Beltway insight that he's got there. More like mythical intelligence. Hehe.

DRichards (not verified) 15 years 4 weeks ago

Fein: Obama 'shuts his eyes' to 'open confessions' of Bush-era war crimes

Speaking at the National Press Club on Monday, former Reagan administration Associate Attorney General Bruce Fein lamented President Barack Obama's decision to shut his eyes to open confessions of war crimes by members of the prior administration.

"It's at the highest levels that the rule of law finds its greatest majesty," he told reporters. "That's why the United States was so idolized after Nixon left. We said that the most powerful man in the world is subject to the law. He cannot defy it."

Fein was making the historical argument with respect to the Obama administration's continued refusal to investigate the Bush administration's torture program, which was designed and specifically authorized by high-level officials.

"[Today] we have an instance where the President of the United States -- Harvard Law Review, a Constitutional Law professor who knows what the law is -- shuts his eyes to open confessions," he said. "We authorized torture, for which there is no exception."


Quark (not verified) 15 years 4 weeks ago

'Sorry, Thom. I just sent another irreverent email to the White House:


Is anyone in the White House listening to progressive talk radio around the country? You are so sheltered you apparently are not aware of the anger of progressive Dems. around the country over the sabotage of the "public option" (not to mention single payer) in the upcoming healthcare legislation.

People are talking about changing registration from Democratic to Independent or Green. Others are talking about not voting (giving the Republicans an edge.)

Caller after caller (often from ACTIVISTS) confirms these changes. I'm an activist and I'm getting disgusted.

It's up to you. Please keep your promises or Hell will indeed freeze over!

Yes we can?

Scott (not verified) 15 years 4 weeks ago

What is the name of the writer Thom mentioned yesterday who is researching Michael Jackson's life?

I listened to the clip posted on the subject but it's incomplete and I can't seem to find it anywhere else on the site.

It's listed as "the real cause of Michael Jackson’s death - It has not yet been discussed."


brian a. hayes (not verified) 15 years 4 weeks ago

thom show no mercy to morris.

Scott (not verified) 15 years 4 weeks ago

Ha! Brian, I was just thinking the same thing!

Still scary that someone that oily was so close to the Clintons. Oh, wait a minute . . . that's right . . . they hired him.

Quark (not verified) 15 years 4 weeks ago

Interesting discussion on the healthcare public option:


"Is Rahm Emanuel Really Undermining Obama’s Public Plan Proposal?"

brian a. hayes (not verified) 15 years 4 weeks ago

the solution for the wold ills is that corparations must understand that they have great respondsability to sociey not just to shareholders everything must be based on human dignity.

brian a. hayes (not verified) 15 years 4 weeks ago

i would rather be a poor man that lives with human dignity and compassion for others than a rich man that will do anything for profit.

brian a. hayes (not verified) 15 years 4 weeks ago

bring back thoose laws rigght on thom thank you

brian a. hayes (not verified) 15 years 4 weeks ago

government represent s the people of the nation. government must be stronger than corperations . bring back the laws that keep corporations in check. this must be done. corperation interest is in only for profit.

Scott (not verified) 15 years 4 weeks ago

Note to Thom: Keep your shoes on whilst "confronting" Morris.

'nuff said.

brian a. hayes (not verified) 15 years 4 weeks ago

whers dicky morris. thoms wisdom must of scared him. my day will not be the same. i was so looking to the debate with little dicky morris

Mark (not verified) 15 years 4 weeks ago

One other thing on the Supreme Court’s New Haven decision: the reason why Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act was felt to be necessary was because “tests,” particularly those given to determine “eligibility” to vote, were designed specifically to disenfranchise and discriminate against blacks and other minorities. It used to be that job performance determined promotions; now, tests that do not measure performance are being used to give whites advantages that adherence to equal opportunity would not give them. High tests scores may be impressive in school, but they in no way a reliable indicator of future success (I should know). In the firefighter line of work, live performance, not tests, should be the principle criteria for determining promotion and hiring.

In regard to Diane Feinstein, she is a great disappointment. But then again, one can interpret her self-appointment as a king (or queen) maker during the “summit” between Barack Obama and the still bitterly aggrieved Hillary Clinton as delusions of grandeur. Perhaps she has visions of opposing the “inadequate black male” in the 2012 primary. If she does, Democrats should remember her position on one of the most important issues facing this country, and how she failed most miserably by positioning herself as an opponent of meaningful healthcare reform, favoring the greed of insurance companies over the welfare of the people.

brian a. hayes (not verified) 15 years 4 weeks ago

hi scott peace to you my brother

brian a. hayes (not verified) 15 years 4 weeks ago

thom check out the soka school system the foundard is daisaku ikeda. google daisaku ikeda.

DRichards (not verified) 15 years 4 weeks ago


You talk about us taking control of the Democratic Party. Do you really think that we can wrestle control from the corporations?

Scott (not verified) 15 years 4 weeks ago

Hey Brian!

Peace to you too!

Scott (not verified) 15 years 4 weeks ago

Always good to get an update from Gov. Siegelman, but where's lil' Dicky?

DRichards (not verified) 15 years 4 weeks ago

I fear that we have already lost our Democracy, and it is unlikely that we will ever gain it back. Both parties have been bought and paid for by the corporations. It seems that what we are left with is an illusion of a Democracy.

AZAFVET (not verified) 15 years 4 weeks ago

My adopted Senator, Bernie Sanders has a great OP-ED in H. P. today.

We Must Stop the Rampant Fraud in the Health Care Industry


Gotta love that guy!

Bob from San Luis (not verified) 15 years 4 weeks ago

I am looking forward to Thom talking about California starting a state run bank. I like the idea, I think it can work, and have been debating locally a few people about this idea; I would like to hear Thom's response to some of the arguments I have heard, such as: The Bank Of North Dakota was established in 1919- it has a history of service, how can a new Bank Of California establish itself given the very shaky financial situation the state is in? Even if the bank can be started, is it possible that it will make a difference?

AZAFVET (not verified) 15 years 4 weeks ago

Minnesota Supreme Court affirms Franken won US Senate seat. It’s finally prime time for former SNL writer Al Franken. The Minnesota Supreme Court affirms that Franken won his Senate seat.

Governor Tim Pawlenty said on MSNBC Tuesday that he would sign the certificate if the court ordered him to.


Mahatma Kane Jeeves (not verified) 15 years 4 weeks ago

That Ft. Worth fracas sounds like it needs to be investigated as a hate crime by the police. Or are the police exempt from Federal hate crime laws?

Quark (not verified) 15 years 4 weeks ago

B Roll,

Re: Preconceived Filters

I want to try to respond to your very interesting comments in a timely way (though it's hard to focus on their richness while listening to Thom's show. Even tho I have ADD and enjoy "juggling," I still need to focus to absorb the info.)

I believe that the "filters" are either taught or acquired (I said "preconceived" meaning that filters are in place before a conversation or challenge.) When one has a stake in his world view, his filters keep out any new information that might shake that world view, and therefore, his perception of who he is. I also believe that it is extremely difficult to break through those filters (changing brain patterns or whatever.)

Here's just one example. My intelligent mother was as loyal a Republican as you'd ever find, fundraising for the party and holding nearly every office within that party in county and state politics. She had alot of clout in her time. She grew up learning her political point of view from her parents. Also, she fit John Dean's authoritarian description well.

From the time of Nixon on, I tried to talk with her about the problems with the party. She just didn't want to hear them. She remained loyal to the end of her life.

As I said, she was only one example of someone with a filter that was almost impossible to break through.

Anyway, there is no one so blind as he who WILL not see.

Catsrule (not verified) 15 years 4 weeks ago

Maybe it's time to let these corporations know in no uncertain terms that we consumers will no longer tolerate all the bribes to congress. After all, where would they be without consumers?

brian a. hayes (not verified) 15 years 4 weeks ago

i can't belive that police would still be raidding gay bars. if there was a problem just talk to the bartender. if someone blew a kiss at a offerer, there is still no reason for violence. what are straight men affard of. i don't know. are some men always so horny that they feel unconfortable around gays

kim (not verified) 15 years 4 weeks ago

I propose we get congress to institute a law saying that any corporation that has lobbyists must make it's books and tax returns public.
I believe this might start a cascade of events that could end in finance reform.

On another subject, can we get someone to enforce that: IF corporations are "persons", THEN they cannot buy and sell other corporations, because that constitutes SLAVERY!!!!?

kim (not verified) 15 years 4 weeks ago

Brian -- If any man is that bothered that a gay man blew him a kiss, he isn't really straight. If a man is SURE he is straight, he isn't that paranoid about gay men.

brian a. hayes (not verified) 15 years 4 weeks ago

a nother great show thanks tom seee you on twitter i'm peacecompassion

Quark (not verified) 15 years 4 weeks ago


Good idea, but how can we get recipients of corporate largesse to vote for it?

Textynnn (not verified) 15 years 4 weeks ago

My letter from Sen Murry
Dear Ms. Novak:
Thank you very much for sharing your personal health care story. I know how important these stories are and I want you to know I appreciate the time you have taken to share them with me. We need to make sure that stories like yours are part of this debate, so the public and other Members of Congress know why health care reform is so desperately needed this year.

In fact, in my opening statement during the markup of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee work on the health care reform legislation, I shared the story of a young constituent, who lost his mother because our health care system is terribly broken. I have also been telling the story of small business owners who have contacted me urging me to continue fighting for health care reform so they can have a way to provide their employees with health care insurance.

As I continue my work on health care reform this year, I will remember stories like yours and know that this is why I am working so hard for health care reform.

My return letter
Dear Ms. Murray,
I am not interested in employer provided health care. What if I get too sick to work? Employer provided health care can evaporate quicker than you can say, "pink slip". What about "twenty-somethings" that are trying to get an education at an unobtainable cost and struggling for a decade or more trying to find an employer to make the health care "commitment to them". You are not fooling me. Nothing is being said or done to protect people who are not given health care from their employer, which happens all the time, by the way.

Any employer you can name does not qualify to have the authority to decide if I deserve health care. That is the position that supervisors are put in and it is a position plenty abused. As my boss told me when she told me she was reducing my hours under the required number needed for health care benefits, "It's not my job to take care of your family."

No it isn't. Teaching people to rely on employers is telling people that if you are not employed in a profession where employees are tendered health care packages you are replaceable and unworthy of medical health care intervention.

If you continue to vote in such a way as to perpetuate this fallacy concerning the unsubstantiated belief that employment is equal to medical health care access, I will vote against you. I will donate to your opponent. I will continue to ridicule your contribution as loyal to the elite and the republican party.

Single Payer is the only way.

Char (not verified) 15 years 4 weeks ago

response to textlynn's post:

today I received EXACTLY the same three paragraphs from Senator Murray. EXACTLY. I had written her a letter giving her my health nightmare story and received that. Thank you for posting this. I now know she, like Senator Cantwell are not reading one word I write. Time for stronger letters and some phone calls.

Quark (not verified) 15 years 4 weeks ago

'Just heard over local MN news report during the 3:00 hour (CDT):




He wished Al Franken well.

nora (not verified) 15 years 4 weeks ago


Is there somewhere to hear past shows? (I don't have an iPod, so that's out.)

We only get two hours of the show on the radio now, and sure would like to hear the hour I missed!

Any suggestions? Thanks.

Thom's Blog Is On the Move

Hello All

Thom's blog in this space and moving to a new home.

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John Perkins, author of the New York Times bestselling book Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
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"I think many of us recognize that for all but the wealthiest, life in America is getting increasingly hard. Screwed explores why, showing how this is no accidental process, but rather the product of conscious political choices, choices we can change with enough courage and commitment. Like all of Thom’s great work, it helps show us the way forward."
Paul Loeb, author of Soul of a Citizen and The Impossible Will Take a Little While
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