Fox News Military Analyst Continues to Blame the Troops on the Thom Hartmann Program

fauxnewsYesterday on Fox News TV Lt. Col. Ralph Peters said, “I want to be clear, If when the facts are in, we find out that through some convoluted chain of events, he really was captured by the Taliban, I’m with him. But, if he walked away from his post and his buddies in wartime, I don’t care how hard is sounds, as far as I’m concerned, the Taliban can us a lot of legal hassles and legal bills.”

I gave him a chance to apologize to the listeners of this program. Our military is broken by corrupt contractors, repeated tours of duty and illegal, underfunded, and immoral wars, but a Fox News military analyst, Lt. Col. Ralph Peters, refuses to apologize for asking the Taliban to execute the 23 year old GI they are holding prisoner.

Shouldn’t we take this opportunity to have a national conversation on our broken military?



Lore (not verified) 15 years 7 weeks ago

Yesterday a man used your show to call President Obama 'your boy'. I consider that a reference to slavery. We won that battle. Please, in future, bleep out those references so it doesn't come on air if possible. Don't let the racists have air time. They can disagree with President Obama, criticize him, but no negative reference should be allowed on air that has a racist intent. Thanks for considering this.
P.S. I may be white and can trace my family to the Mayflower - but I will NEVER be that kind of 'white'! People that accept others have been fighting this battle for centuries (going Indian,etc) .

Joe Szynal (not verified) 15 years 7 weeks ago


'boy' these days is equivalent to 'friend' or 'buddy'. It's been used in pop culture for at least a decade. I use it all the time '.. check out my boy in this picture..' or '.. out with the boys tonight..'

you're really reaching here with the slavery bit. get outside among the people more often, get that fresh air.


Joe Szynal (not verified) 15 years 7 weeks ago

As for Lt. Col. Ralph Peters, I watched him on O'Reilly yesterday. Although he did not utter the line about hoping the Taliban offs the PFC (that might be from another interview), he is the only one out there who is calling this one straight. The military confirms the soldier as a deserter. The excuse from the Taliban's propaganda tape was a lie. Dude left his weapon and walked off outside the wire.

brian a. hayes (not verified) 15 years 7 weeks ago

Paul R iekoff who is a veteran of Iraq war and runs Iraq Afghanistan veterans of America said it best on the M addow show. he told col.peters to shut his mouth.

Joe Szynal (not verified) 15 years 7 weeks ago

Sounds like real helpful discourse over at the Maddow show.

As an Iraq vet twice over myself, I can tell you Brian nothing infuriates an infantryman more than having a fellow Marine desert. One volunteers during wartime, one takes an oath, one receives superb training, and one is expected to follow orders.

Although none of my Marines had ever deserted in theater, I did experience several Marines deserting or attempting to skate out of a deployment while stateside using techniques ranging staging elaborate psychotic 'meltdowns', police chaces, self-inflicted gunshot wounds, deliberate auto accidents as well as deliberate drug use. We even had a Marine die accidentally after botching what was supposed to look like a drive-by shooting.

I'm here saying you pull any of this BS and you are not a man. You have nothing. And I want nothing to do with you.

It can only be fully understood when you know what it feels like to have to put your life in a fellow Marine's hands.

sanmigmike (not verified) 15 years 7 weeks ago

Let me get this straight, Szynal and Peters want the Taliban to do justice on an American military man? Are they then thinking that the Taliban is suitable to come up with a list of war criminals and we should hand them over? I'd think that they would be arguing for him being returned and investigated and punished if convicted of desertion or another crime and not be willing to establish the precedence of the Taliban or another group handling an American's justice. Of course if indeed that is what Peters and Szynal are saying...let GI's and Marines be subject to foreign courts...I must admit that is a very progressive attitude.

While I do think that while we do have a volunteer military now and I also feel that while one takes the "Queen's shilling" one has to do what they signed up I also wonder that if someone breaks at the thought of going overseas to a war are they going to handle the stress of being there and I'd rather have someone holding my life in their hand's that can handle that load.

We all handle stress in different ways, the problems after WW II (a different time with different standards) are known, and a lot of the problems, kids being abused, wives being abused or just turning into a drunk were "men being men" or they were thought to be "losers". Now we read that the military suicide rate is much higher than the population as a whole and an amazingly high percentage of returning vets have mental or emotional problems and as time goes on and the military gets sent back and back and back those numbers will not drop. It is obvious that some cannot take it and by using them you are putting your life in hands that cannot bear the load

As far as deserting in Iraq or Afghanistan...kind of hard to do that...most of us stand out in those areas.

So many jobs claim..."you just can't understand it". If that is so I guess we can only comment on things we do or have done. I've heard cops say it (I've been one), I've heard firefighters say it, of course the military say it, pilots say it (been one), truckers say it, teachers say it, loggers say it, fishermen say it, farmers say it, I can't think of one group that has not said it. I put my life into hundreds of other people's hands everyday I drive into town and a few weeks ago a person behind me dropped it at it and I have another scar on my face and my back is even worse. Don't like the job and the people you do it with and they don't meet your standards...find another job.

I'd guess a lot of the females in the military might be upset at being expected to be "men"?

Joe Szynal (not verified) 15 years 7 weeks ago


I admit my point could have been clearer but still, you gotta watch that free-association. I could have saved you a paragraph or two if I had been more clear about how I listened to Lt. Col. Peters on O'Reilly and DID NOT hear him utter what this original Hartman story claims he uttered. If you could point me to a link to a transcript that would be helpful. What I did hear was Lt. Col. Peters say was that the captured soldier was a deserter, confirmed by the military. My line about him being one of few who are calling this straight meant that he was one of the few who was describing the soldier as what he was. If Lt. Col. Peters did in fact say those other things I would have denounced them. The US military has a justice system setup for these sort of things and that is the only organization who should deal with the deserter.

"As far as deserting in Iraq or Afghanistan…kind of hard to do that…most of us stand out in those areas."

Not sure what you are basing this on. To desert, you put your weapon down (or don't) and leave your post without authorization. You're post is anywhere you are ordered to be at any given time.

As far as stress between different professions, lets be more clear for purposes of this discussion and speak to those who's day to day tasks are hazardous and who's mission success (you made it out alive among other things) relies on the courage, professionalism and mettle of your fellow team members. Law enforcement, infantry military men and fire fighters could be grouped together in this regard. There are more but you get the point.

"I’d guess a lot of the females in the military might be upset at being expected to be “men”?"

On the contrary, all the women i've worked with (ie. female Marines dropped in to search female Iraqis at different positions/checkpoints) went out of their way to match the professionalism and fortitude of our light armored recon unit I served in. Not assuming they wanted to "be men" like you stated but they wanted to prove they could do a tough job under tough conditions and be a crucial part of the operation. That they were.

Gary Johnston (not verified) 15 years 7 weeks ago

I think Peters should be fired from Fox, be put back on active duty and be court-martialed for violating Article 133 of the UCMJ. To falsely accuse the young soldier of desertion with no evidence and then tell the Taliban to "go ahead and kill him" is conduct unbecoming of an officer. In addition, the Bergdahl family should sue him for slander.

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