
screwed t shirt imagesThe Boston Globe is reporting bank lobbyists, who demolished mortgage cramdown legislation, are throwing millions of dollars to Congress and hiring a a bunch of former congressional and White House staffers as lobbyists to defeat newly proposed regulations and a consumer protection agency. But wait there's more. Over half of the 2,737 lobbyists “hired to promote the interests of drug companies, insurers, hospitals, health professionals, industry groups and business organizations” used to “work for the government they’re trying to influence.” Teddy Roosevelt had it right - corporations should be forbidden from political activity!  Now if we could just get the Supreme Court to stop ruling that corporations are persons, we may be able to get this nation back on track.

Thom Hartmann


Gerald Socha (not verified) 14 years 43 weeks ago

It's easy to call for more surges when her fanny is not on the line of fire. Two Nazis make a formidable team.

Gerald Socha (not verified) 14 years 43 weeks ago

As I start the day, I reflect on BOHICA because every day is a BOHICA day in fascist-Nazi America. Bend Over Here It Comes Again!!!

brian a. hayes (not verified) 14 years 43 weeks ago

the problems of the world are all related to the greed anger and folly of corporations

Gerald Socha (not verified) 14 years 43 weeks ago

Doug Soderstrom's letter to his son regarding war and John Lennon's lyrics to this song will summarize me.'s+lyrics+to+Imagine&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=b1fCStz2JKbi8Aaww6yJBg&sa=X&oi=video_result_group&ct=title&resnum=4#

Gerald Socha (not verified) 14 years 43 weeks ago

Please read the lyrics to "Imagine!"

The above comment has several of John Lennon's lyrics.

Gerald Socha (not verified) 14 years 43 weeks ago

My dream is a world of peace and social justice.

As I observe the current fascist-Nazi America, I find it difficult to imagine such a world.

Gerald Socha (not verified) 14 years 43 weeks ago

Have you noticed that the spin has been on the TARP money and not the $13 trillion to bailout the corrupt banking and financial institutions?

Please believe me when I say that every day in fascist-Nazi America is a BOHICA day!


Gerald Socha (not verified) 14 years 43 weeks ago


Gerald Socha (not verified) 14 years 43 weeks ago

"I have never wished for human glory, contempt it was that had attraction for my heart; but having recognized that this again was too glorious for me, I ardently desire to be forgotten." Saint Thérèse

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