Monday November 9th 2009

no guns imagesHour One: Is it time for the European Dream?

Hour Two: "Fired...religious discrimination or blatant disregard for the rules?" Thom takes on Attorney/Pastor Alan Reinach

Hour Three: "Should military vets be denied easy access to guns if they're suffering from mental illness?" Thom confronts conservative John Lott


Quark (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago

V, Anyone?

'Just wondering if anyone used the link I posted last week to a discussion between William Henry and Whitley Streiber regarding the remake of "V". I was interested in the part of the discussion on the politics reflected in the remake vs. the original, along with Streiber's observations about the corporate agenda, Hollywood, Americans' disappointment with Obama and Streiber's own decision to more or less "drop out" of consumer society.

I hadn't thought about some of the ideas until I heard this.

I'll post the URL again if anyone is interested:

As you might expect, Strieber gets into other, more esoteric, shall I say, ideas that weren't my emphasis here. Please don't let them distract you from the initial ideas.

Mark (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago

I realize this isn’t a football forum, but I have to get this off my chest before I talk about something more serious. Blown calls by umpires during the MLB play-offs have led some observers to call for instituting instant replay, but officiating in college football is much worse, and even instant replay seems to have little impact on the mulishness of many officials. This past Saturday late in the game between Alabama and LSU, an apparent interception by LSU was ruled caught out-of-bounds; while the play was being reviewed, both CBS announcers looked at fifteen different angles, and were certain that the officials would over-rule their bad call, and give the ball to LSU for one last attempt for the winning score. But they didn’t take into account hardheaded “pride.” The ruling on the field “stood.” So there, you smarty-pants.

Whether or not the SEC would “prefer” to see two unbeaten teams (Alabama and Florida) in the SEC title game, we’ll leave to conspiracy theorists. But this must explain what happened in the Tennessee game two weeks earlier; in the final seconds, what would have been the game winning field goal was blocked by an Alabama player, who in jubilation ran off the field, throwing off his helmet. Problem was that this constituted an illegal celebration, subject to penalty, which would have given Tennessee another try at a game-winning field goal. Perhaps the officials could have been excused for overlooking this excitable display, save one small matter: the ball was still in play, bouncing around for another 5 to 10 seconds before the play was declared dead. But hey, officials don’t want to inject themselves into the game, like they did for the Steelers’ benefit in their last two Super Bowl wins.

Mark (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago

On that more serious note, in the past week a Seattle police officer was shot while sitting in his patrol car, and as typically occurs in events like this, it was given extensive front page treatment for days, as if the president of the United States was assassinated. Shortly after the memorial service, it was reported the alleged killer was himself critically wounded, shot in the head by police detectives. There was some mystification over what could account for this apparently clean-cut, “classically” featured black man with no felony record, and a student at the University of Washington, to carry out such an act. According to the Seattle Times, police were labeling this as an act of “domestic terrorism.” There was (or so the police said) weaponry in the man’s apartment, and written indications that he was motivated by outrage at police brutality and violence. Why this would motivate anyone to arbitrarily shoot a police officer was unfathomable.

Make no mistake: the killing of this police officer was a cowardly, unconscionable act. The officer was simply picked out at random and shot. The killer was not by all appearances the gang-type that police would automatically single-out for harassment. (unless, of course, you are a black professor at Harvard). But for police who are used to not being held accountable for their own questionable actions, who bristle at any complaint of their use of lethal force, this merely serves as a public relations gift (at least with whites) for further justifying excessive lethal force. And people wonder why someone might believe they are “avenging angels” against an ungoverned force that obeys no laws but its own?

This could be a “teaching” moment for police to understand that there is anger out there that police are not held accountable for excessive force, especially when viewed as unjustified or subject to racial attitudes. But they seem continuously befuddled why an otherwise law-abiding citizen might view police as little more than the instrument of oppression, in the service of the haves against the have-nots, and by extension in the service of whites against non-whites. I noted here a few weeks ago about a “program”—actually more of PR stunt of questionable taste—by Denver police. This so-called racial profiling avoidance tool was as cynical as it was disturbing; police were given “passing” grades if they reacted swiftly enough to a “potential” confrontation—that is killing a suspect if they made a furtive “move” that may (or may not) be “justified” by the possession of an object that might (or might not) be construed as a weapon that may (or may not) put the officer in immediate harm, with apparently considerable leeway on how that is defined.

But none of that really matters, does it? All-white inquests and juries have time and time again either found “justified” or acquitted trigger-happy, paranoid cops merely for the fear that the man they emptied their clips into might (or might not) pose a “threat.” Of course, concerns about the kill first and question the “suspect” later is nothing new; I remember it as the subject of an SNL skit during its first (and best) season that was not necessarily intended to be amusing (when Chevy Chase's sense of social justice infused the show's sensibility) ,and radical groups like the Weather Underground justified their actions in part by police acting like paid assassins against black activists. Whites in general seem to believe that “collateral damage” in police operations—that is, killing innocent, unarmed minorities--is the price that must be paid keep people “safe.” The problem is minorities are the ones who usually have to pay that price for white people’s paranoia—the “price” they pay for the effects of discrimination against other groups.

All too often, we hear of cases like the following: There was a local case a few years ago, where a woman called police one evening, claiming that a man had knocked on her door, and then she didn’t know where he went from there; perhaps he was trying to break-in. The police arrived, but they didn’t see anyone around the house. But there was a park nearby; they decided to see if anyone was there. While “investigating” they saw a man get into his car in the parking lot. Things get a little muddled after that; all we know for sure is that there was a man left dead by police gunfire. The story in the newspaper didn’t identify the man, nor was there a clear motive for the police killing him, other than he might have been a “suspect”—another unarmed one, at that.

Gerald Socha (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago

I am an amazing person. Yes, I am! Finally, my comments are starting to take notice. Fascist-Nazi America is an evil vile, and wicked nation. One of my favorite writers concurs with me. Please read his article for the true facts of how evil, vile, and wicked we are as a nation.

Gerald Socha (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago

Mark, thank you for your words on police! What concerns me is that I hear cases or stories of new police officers being recruited from our military. Many of these officers have PTSD. I try to avoid the police as much as can. In our fascist-Nazi America we will never receive the true reports of the killing of a human being. The words of hatred from Limbaugh and others are now part of the fascist-Nazi American lexicon.

Gerald Socha (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago

Thom, a better question to ask in hour three, "Should police officers be denied a gun who display mental disorders of the various kind?"

Gerald Socha (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago

Here are some of my words when W (warmonger) was president. These words may be applied to many persons in power, such as police officers, CEOs from health insurance companies, etc. The checklist is insightful.

I watched Television Ontario (TVO). The program title was “The Corporation – The Pathology of Commerce”. The program mentioned that the Supreme Court ruled that a corporation is a person than surely a person is a person. The program highlighted a checklist for mental disorders. Since a corporation can be considered a person, the mental disorder checklist can be applied to people as well.

Here is the checklist.
1. Callousness toward people
2. Impersonal relationships with people
3. Disregard for the safety of others
4. Deceitfulness
5. Incapacity to experience guilt
6. Failure to comply toward social norms to benefit people

From the checklist corporations displayed a psychopathic mental disorder. If we use the same checklist for our two highest leaders, then we would have to conclude that George W. Bush and Dick Cheney display a mental disorder. It would be my perception that the above two men are unfit to be president and vice-president, respectively. They hold too much power for men who have a possible mental disorder.

Others persons in power can display the same checklist and possess a mental disorder.

Thom, on various occasions, has suggested that sociopaths are running our institutions or as I prefer to call them our asylums.

Gerald Socha (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago

Kudos to Kucinch, Tikkun, and Network for Spiritual Progressives!!!

Gerald Socha (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago

Uri Avnery is another of my favorite writers.

Gerald Socha (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago

The above article solidifies again that fascist-Nazi America is an evil, vile, and wicked nation.

DDay (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago

@ Gerald

"A foolish consistency is the hob-gobblin of little minds, politicians, clerics and divines."

Throwing the baby out with the bath water is never justifiable.

The hysterical are of little use in leading anyone to safety.

louise (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago

Thanks Gerald - we have a call into Dahr to see if he's available today....

Richard L. Adlof (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago

Partial list of DEMs who voted against the flimsy, half-arsed House Health Insurance Reform Bill:

Rep. John Adler (NJ)
Rep. Brian Baird (WA)
Rep. John Barrow (GA)
Rep. Dan Boren (OK)
Rep. Rick Boucher (VA)
Rep. Allen Boyd (FL)
Rep. Bobby Bright (AL)
Rep. Travis Childers (MS)
Rep. Artur Davis (AL)
Rep. Lincoln Davis (TN)
Rep. Chet Edwards (TX)
Rep. Bart Gordon (TN)
Rep. Parker Griffith (AL)
Rep. Stephanie Herseth Sandlin (SD)
Rep. Tim Holden (PA)
Rep. Larry Kissell (NC)
Rep. Suzanne Kosmas (FL)
Rep. Frank Kratovil (MD)
Rep. Daniel Lipinski (IL)
Rep. Jim Marshall (GA)
Rep. Eric Massa (NY)
Rep. Jim Matheson(UT)
Rep. Mike McIntyre (NC)
Rep. Michael McMahon (NY)
Rep. Charlie Melancon (LA)
Rep. Walt Minnick (ID)
Rep. Glenn Nye (VA)
Rep. Collin Peterson (MN)
Rep. Mike Ross (AR)
Rep. Ike Skelton (MO)
Rep. John Tanner (TN)
Rep. Gene Taylor (MS)
Rep. Harry Teague (NM)

There are six more . . .


Richard L. Adlof (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago

But two Democrats, Reps. Brian Baird of Washington and Dennis Kucinich of Ohio, surprised House leaders with their “no” votes. Both lawmakers are widely viewed as being on the liberal side of the political spectrum and represent districts that are considered safely in their hands.

Baird said he opposed the legislation because Congress doesn’t yet know how the bill would affect health-care premiums for people who already have insurance. Baird, who has written his own health-care bill, also said he was upset that Democratic leaders didn’t allow lawmakers to offer more amendments on the House floor.

“For a matter of this importance, and on which reasonable people can and do disagree, there ought to be more opportunity granted for amendments on both sides,” he said in a statement.

Kucinich said he voted against the legislation because it wouldn’t go far enough to curtail the power of private health insurance companies. In a statement entitled, “Why I Voted NO,” Kucinich said: “Insurance companies are the problem, not the solution.”


Food Fascist (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago

November 7, 2009

Contacts: Mary Gutierrez, 213-276-3384

700,000 SEIU Workers Applaud Historic House Vote for
Health Insurance Reform that Works for California’s Families

SACRAMENTO, CA — Representing 700,000 working men and women, the Service Employees’ International Union (SEIU) California applauded tonight’s vote by the House of Representatives to pass the America’s Affordable Health Choices Act (H.R. 3962), calling the bill’s passage an historic step towards creating a high-quality healthcare system that working families in California can afford.

The following is a statement from SEIU California President Bill A. Lloyd:

“By voting yes on the Affordable Health Choices Act, members of Congress did the right thing by our families, putting their needs before insurance company profits.”

“California families have taken the brunt of the nation’s economic downturn and state budget cuts have compounded families’ economic concerns by stripping health care from 200,000 children and threatening to kick 800,000 more off Healthy Families coverage. We are thrilled that comprehensive health care reform is now within our reach and that 5.3 million of our state’s uninsured individuals would be covered.

“We’re counting on Senators Feinstein and Boxer to show the same type of leadership so we can pass meaningful healthcare reform this year because it’s time that families have access to affordable, high-quality healthcare options.”

The House bill provides quality health insurance that is affordable to 96 percent of the nation, with a strong public option that drives costs down and gives people the power to choose what is best for their family. It also requires individuals, businesses, and government to all share in the responsibility to expand affordable coverage. Employers will be expected to offer and contribute to meaningful coverage for their workers. As a result, 5.3 million Californians – a vast majority of the currently uninsured – will gain health care coverage over the next decade. Families will be protected from the insecurity and indignity of bankruptcy due to unaffordable healthcare costs—all without adding a dime to our nation’s deficit.


SEIU California is a coalition of over 700,000 janitors, social workers security officers, homecare workers, cafeteria workers, nurses and various classifications of city, county and state employees represented by SEIU local unions throughout California. They come together to build a better California by fighting to pass policies and elect candidates that fight for the issues working men and women care about such as affordable healthcare, good wages, a means to a good retirement, a healthy environment, education and stronger communities. They believe that by working together we can build a California that all working families can once again thrive in.

Mary L. Gutierrez

Communications Director

SEIU California

Food Fascist (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago


I read somewhere, from someone on my Facebook friends, that actually the Democrats engineered the vote such that those in conservative districts could go home and act as though they were against reform so as to appease their districts, however they were actually for it.

irishdave3 (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago

Does anyone really expect the Congress to enact any law that targets the extortion of the GANG BANKERS? Or any POTUS to stand up to them...

Quark (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago

Paul Krugman today:

"Paranoia Strikes Deep

The state of mind visible at recent right-wing demonstrations is nothing new. Back in 1964 the historian Richard Hofstadter published an essay titled, “The Paranoid Style in American Politics,” which reads as if it were based on today’s headlines: Americans on the far right, he wrote, feel that “America has been largely taken away from them and their kind, though they are determined to try to repossess it and to prevent the final destructive act of subversion.” Sound familiar?

But while the paranoid style isn’t new, its role within the G.O.P. is.

When Hofstadter wrote, the right wing felt dispossessed because it was rejected by both major parties. That changed with the rise of Ronald Reagan: Republican politicians began to win elections in part by catering to the passions of the angry right.

Until recently, however, that catering mostly took the form of empty symbolism. Once elections were won, the issues that fired up the base almost always took a back seat to the economic concerns of the elite. Thus in 2004 George W. Bush ran on antiterrorism and “values,” only to announce, as soon as the election was behind him, that his first priority was changing Social Security.

But something snapped last year. Conservatives had long believed that history was on their side, so the G.O.P. establishment could, in effect, urge hard-right activists to wait just a little longer: once the party consolidated its hold on power, they’d get what they wanted. After the Democratic sweep, however, extremists could no longer be fobbed off with promises of future glory.

Furthermore, the loss of both Congress and the White House left a power vacuum in a party accustomed to top-down management. At this point Newt Gingrich is what passes for a sober, reasonable elder statesman of the G.O.P. And he has no authority: Republican voters ignored his call to support a relatively moderate, electable candidate in New York’s special Congressional election.

...the party of Limbaugh and Beck could well make major gains in the midterm elections. The Obama administration’s job-creation efforts have fallen short, so that unemployment is likely to stay disastrously high through next year and beyond. The banker-friendly bailout of Wall Street has angered voters, and might even let Republicans claim the mantle of economic populism. Conservatives may not have better ideas, but voters might support them out of sheer frustration.

And if Tea Party Republicans do win big next year, what has already happened in California could happen at the national level. In California, the G.O.P. has essentially shrunk down to a rump party with no interest in actually governing — but that rump remains big enough to prevent anyone else from dealing with the state’s fiscal crisis. If this happens to America as a whole, as it all too easily could, the country could become effectively ungovernable in the midst of an ongoing economic disaster.

The point is that the takeover of the Republican Party by the irrational right is no laughing matter. Something unprecedented is happening here — and it’s very bad for America."

Food Fascist (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago

By the same logic Kucinich uses, we should have stayed a colony of Britain because not all people can have the American Dream- .

mstaggerlee (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago

@ Gerald Socha -

Well, you truly amaze me, anyway.

Do you REALLY think that the phrase you CONSTANTLY repeat (fascist-Nazi America is an evil, vile, and wicked nation) encourages calm, thoughtful discourse? Seems to me that your idea is that no "fix" of any kind exists for our nation today, outside of violent revolution.

I disagree - and if that makes me an evil, vile, wicked, fascist-Nazi in your eyes, so be it.

mstaggerlee (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago

@ Richard -

The list& link you posted re: House Dems who voted against the health care bill was on my personal "to do" list for today - Thanx much!

Richard L. Adlof (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago

I am tired of the stampede to appease the recessivist minded folk of America to the detriment of Americans and America. Three thoughts:

1. World-wide, the political party which installs a public healthcare system historically enjoys decades' long control of their nation.

2. The bill the House passed was little more than health INSURANCE reform and has little to do with actual healthCARE reform.

3. Over the last seventy years in America, the ‘tweaks’ to progressive programs have been towards the recessivist and not towards the liberal/progressive.

This B.S. is going to haunt AND hunt us.

Quark (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago


Did the ex-Home Depot employee evangelize to other employees and customers? Over time, THAT would become untenable.

Quark (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago


I recently have been thinking that, in many ways, the U.S. has been a battleground between England (the royalists/conservatives/corporatists) and France (the revolutionaries/progressives/populists) since it was a colony. When people laugh at and ridicule anything French, they are actually sneering at the idea of democracy and power in "the people's" hands.

This is our eternal struggle, though it does look as if the corporatists have gained a lot of ground here and in the world.

lore (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago

Gerald- would you be my facebook friend? Please!

I heard the concern of one rep about the Insurance companies working out of Mariana's and I had not considered that as an option! Turns out it was specifically added into legislation!!!!! Found article at Still we have the scary legislation???? How come? Will write reps to object and try to keep out of final bill.

irishdave3 (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago

If this is One Nation Under God, why is Home Depot open for business on the Sabbath...and what does it say about any someone that sells their labor there?

Richard L. Adlof (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago


I say this as a gut that largely coined and champion the words ‘Recessivism’ and ‘Recessivist’. We must re-design our language to reflect reality. Inaccuracy will kill us

The term "Fascist” may be fairly appropriate, BUT the term “Nazi” refers to a specific political party which is actually relatively powerless in American politics and provides little to the conversation other than inflammatory emotionalism.

I advocate precision in languaging over inaccurately-applied, intentional emotionally-charged jingoism. The position you are speaking against are largely focused on forcing folk to revert to socio-economic systems based on a stylized idealistic construct of a more constrained, history-based fantasy. To play this game is the providence of those who advocate fascism over democracy. If we wallow into their happy horse hockey we will lose credibility and we will cease to be relevant.

I open this to the folk here . . . Am I correct in my assessment?

Richard L. Adlof (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago


Welcome to the club.

Quark (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago


If one rejects the loaded, jingoistic vocabulary used in today's political discussions, he needs a NEW way (a new vocabulary?) to express political ideas. How does one achieve that? Abandon any short-hand vocabulary?

Richard L. Adlof (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago

I believe that a big part of issues are that America has largely become a nation without history and rhetorical skills (Thank you, Ronald Reagan). The Labor history thingy is just a symptom. The largely interchangeable use of socialism/fascism/communism/democratic with zero regard for the actual definitions and concepts by the recessivists is a symptom. The rampant use of jingoism and circular and inverted logic steams is a symptom. This is why public education is continuously under assault here. Only in lack of facts can insane lie become truth . . . Where is our George Orwell?

Food Fascist (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago


mstaggerlee (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago

I still hold strongly to the belief that in any political arguement, the first one to characterize the other as a "Nazi" loses

Richard L. Adlof (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago


It is worth pimping George Lakoff’s “Moral Politics” at this juncture . . . as I so often do . . .

Richard L. Adlof (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago

@ mstaggerlee:


Quark (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago


I don't disagree with your arguments. I just wonder how this dialogue can change in a population as large (and largely undereducated) as ours.

Thanks for the Lakoff referall. I haven't read that particular book.

lore (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago

i love the discourse that this site provides! Getting real discussion should be in the mainstream media if we really were a democracy.

To pimp another --- Noam Chomsky - I was listening to audio of Class War The attack on Working People-- he talked about the political slogan of CHANGE and how it was reconstituted from Roosevelt. However, he also said it wasn't happening ---- this was in 1994 about Clinton. Are we still there??

Quark (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago


I agree with you. I think we must not be afraid of ideas. I think Noam Chomsky is a very important voice. It's too bad that he seems to have had to live almost "underground" all these years.

BTW, speaking of "loving" things, I love your avatar!

Food Fascist (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago

• Eliminates the “doughnut hole”: The House legislation would immediately start closing the coverage gap known as the doughnut hole, which forces those in Medicare to pay 100 percent of their medications once they have purchased more than $2,700 worth of drugs. About 3.4 million Americans fell into the doughnut hole in 2007, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.

lore (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago

the nanny state --- protecting us from bad products, harmful chemicals,etc. is much deplored by Republicans but then they expect us to cower and cringe if muslims are mentioned! hmmmm what gives? are we supposed to be chicken-sh*t republicans? lol
i want the protections from those who can harm or kill me. Idon't expect that crimes are preventable to a large degree, but are subject to lawful prosecution.
Why is the difference not considered normal?

Food Fascist (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago

Because lore it is all disingenuous attempts to win votes to get into power. A well educated society would not allow this type of unchallenged thinking. And the fact this inconsistency in logic is actually taken seriously in our country is a measure of how well we are educating or simply empowering people who know better. I was ecstatic to hear labor radio report today and the passage of the law in Wisconsin to include labor history in the class room. (You had better believe we cover it in my own- )

rewinn (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago

Thom - let me recommend this amazing series of portraits of our military & veterans for peace - the "Warriors for Peace portrait series"

Richard L. Adlof (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago

OH MY!!!! John Ensign homeless! At least, he has his government run healthcare to see him through . . .


Food Fascist (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago

I love Dar Jamil. When my father and I were reconnecting strangely enough over the war - he told ME to be against it, I was able to send him a community newspaper that included Dar's breaking news about the mercenaries. My father said that Dar's article and reporting made sense and further bolstered by father's inside connections that the entire Iraqi War was a scam.

Richard L. Adlof (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago
lore (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago

i actually have heard Noam Chomsky a number of times on TV. But, it was on the Canadian station. He spoke out against the war in Iraq. Not recently though.

Will check on artist and let you know.

The donut hole shrinking is a good part in bill! Thanks for that update!

DDay (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago


It seems to me that your thinking and comments have an aspect of ivory tower utopianism at their root, and you employ ration and logic to reach your ideals. That is not in anyway meant to disparage. If that comes somewhere near to your truth, then you have my sympathy and support. Sympathy, because so many don't give a s@*! and are so blissfully unaware in any case...(At times it can seem as if you are constantly throwing pearls before swine), because I think you are spot on. Accuracy in communicating and cognitive linguistics are crucial to progress in moving people coherently.

lore (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago

thought it was him. Tom Canty - fantastic artist!

Richard L. Adlof (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago

@ THOM: Ned Lamount is looking at running for Connecticut's Governor.

Patrick Hunter (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago

Thom had a brief discussion with the woman that calls in with the current news. Obama is having a closed meeting with the Prime Minister of Israel, and settlements would very likely be on the agenda. It occurred to me that there could be a connection between this meeting and the Senator from Israel Joe Lieberman. I am having trouble explaining the good senator's threat to stop the health care reform process. Yes, he takes major health care money in campaign donations, but he is bucking not only the Democratic Party, the President and the majority of his constituents. Joe would have had plenty of notice on the meeting with the President. Chances are Obama has plans to take the situation up a level. Joe may have been called on to put some pressure back on Obama.

Thom's Blog Is On the Move

Hello All

Thom's blog in this space and moving to a new home.

Please follow us across to - this will be the only place going forward to read Thom's blog posts and articles.

From Cracking the Code:
"No one communicates more thoughtfully or effectively on the radio airwaves than Thom Hartmann. He gets inside the arguments and helps people to think them through—to understand how to respond when they’re talking about public issues with coworkers, neighbors, and friends. This book explores some of the key perspectives behind his approach, teaching us not just how to find the facts, but to talk about what they mean in a way that people will hear."
Paul Loeb, author of Soul of a Citizen
From Screwed:
"If we are going to live in a Democracy, we need to have a healthy middle class. Thom Hartmann shows us how the ‘cons’ have wronged this country, and tells us what needs to be done to reclaim what it is to be American."
Eric Utne, Founder, Utne magazine
From Unequal Protection, 2nd Edition:
"If you wonder why and when giant corporations got the power to reign supreme over us, here’s the story."
Jim Hightower, national radio commentator and author of Swim Against the Current