Wyoming = Lord of the Flies Society?

republican imagesRepublican leaders in a South Carolina county have censured U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham for working with Democrats on a climate bill and other legislation.  Fratricide reigns in the Republican Party.  Maybe they should just split out a state somewhere - maybe Wyoming - and create their own little Libertarian Lord of the Flies society, so we can all watch it deteriorate into Somalia-like conditions without having it inflicted on the rest of us?


mstaggerlee (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago

Thom! WYOMING??!!

We CAN'T give Yellowstone National Park to those lunkheads!

Howzabout Montana? :)

Scott (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago

Montana is way too nice. Now Texas might be perfect. When the Lord of the Flies society finally starts to crumble we can let mexico take it over.

Scott (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago

Well, if it's got to be Texas then you have to leave Austin protected. This town is way to cool to believe that it's in the middle of this mess

Homar (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago

Wyoming's fine, as long as they don't get Teton county:

A . Jackson's the only "liberal" part of the state.
B. the Republitards don't deserve the some of the best snowboarding pow on the face of the earth.

...on second thought, maybe they can have Snow King.

Chris (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago

Wyoming certainly seems logical, since Lord Cheney hails from there, and he would not have to relocate again...like that pesky 8 years of being in Washington. Texas makes more sense to me, though. We could then build that border wall and surround the new country with military guard to their north. Lou Dobbs will go completely ballistic having to watch out for Liberals to the north and Mexicans to the south...AND have to pay for their own border protection. I am pretty sure we could come up with a program to relocate the cool of Austin...probably quicker than we will see Health Insurance Reform...

Jim (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago

I hate Bill Press

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