The Good. The Bad. And the Very Very Ugly.

the good bad and imagesThe Good. Al Franken for wielding the gavel on Liebermann. Finally someone told Joe Lieberman to SHUT UP! Thanks Al.

The Bad. The Financial Corporate Terrorists. Bankruptcy Judge James Peck is allowing Lehman Brothers's employees, held over to liquidate and settle derivatives contracts, to receive 50 million dollars in bonus money. Its collapse in October 2008 marked the lowpoint of the financial crisis. Wouldn't that money been better spent on all the extra homeless and folks show up at foodbanks - that this financial debacle caused?

The Very Very Ugly. First Premier Bank - It's no mistake. This credit card's interest rate is 79.9 percent. The bloated APR is how First Premier Bank, a subprime credit card issuer, is getting around new regulations intended to curb abusive practices in the industry. It's a strategy other subprime card issuers could start adopting to get around the new rules. The banksters will always, it seems, find a way to stick it to us...and that's why trying to regulate healthcare won't work. Has to Be Medicare Part E- Everyone.


Bob Whalen (not verified) 14 years 37 weeks ago

The republicans and conservative Democrats have shown no reluctance to salt the earth and poison the wells. In the meantime the moderate, and some liberal Democrats seem reluctant to piss on their campfire. It's time to get rid of the filibuster rule and go with a simple majority mechanisim in the Senate. Put up or shut up, Republicans and Democrats have been hiding behind this archacic rule for too long. Nothing happens until change is possible.

John Pricetown Pa. (not verified) 14 years 36 weeks ago

It's time for a 51 % majority in the Senate to take control .Even if the Republicans take over in the near future .. We're on a slippery slope and picking up speed . I for one ,want to get to the bottom in a hurry .So I can get off and get working to getting back to the top . May God Bless the World .

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"The powers that be are running roughshod over the powers that OUGHT to be. Hartmann tells us what went wrong — and what you and I can do to help set American right again."
Jim Hightower, National Radio Commentator, Writer, Public Speaker, and author of the bestselling Thieves in High Places
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