• Guests:
  • Topics:
    • Our insane economic times.
    • Who are the 30 groups on a systematic risk list and why should we care?
    • Labor news update - what impact does immigration have on the labor movement?
    • Why would conservatives rather pay for war than health care?
    • Afghanistan, get out now.
  • Bumper Music:
  • Today's newsletter has details of today's guests and links to the major stories and alerts that Thom covered in the show, plus lots more. If you haven't signed up for the free newsletter yet, please do. If you missed today's newsletter, it is in the archive.
  • Quote: "...the 20th century has been characterized by three developments of great political importance: The growth of democracy, the growth of corporate power, and the growth of corporate propaganda as a means of protecting corporate power against democracy." -- Alex Carey, Australian social scientist.
  • Article: Thirty financial groups on systemic risk list by Patrick Jenkins and Paul J Davies.
    • Banks
      • US
        • Bank of America
        • Merrill Lynch
        • Citigroup
        • Goldman Sachs
        • JPMorgan Chase
        • Morgan Stanley
      • Canada
        • Royal Bank of Canada
      • UK groups
        • Barclays
        • HSBC
        • Royal Bank of Scotland
        • Standard Chartered
      • Switzerland
        • Credit Suisse
        • UBS
      • France
        • BNP Paribas
        • Société Générale
      • Spain
        • BBVA
        • Santander
      • Japan
        • Mitsubishi UFJ
        • Mizuho
        • Nomura
        • Sumitomo Mitsui
      • Italy
        • Banca Intesa
        • UniCredit
      • Germany
        • Deutsche Bank
      • Netherlands
        • ING
    • Insurance groups
      • Aegon
      • Allianz
      • Aviva
      • Axa
      • Swiss Re
      • Zurich
  • Article: China State Construction nets $100m US subway deal By Liu Yiyu.

    "China State Construction Engineering Corp, the largest contractor in China, has bagged a subway ventilation project worth about $100 million in New York's Manhattan area, marking the construction giant's third order in the United States' infrastructure space this year.

    The contract was given to China Construction American Co, a subsidiary, the Wall Street Journal quoted a source as saying.

    "The new project, along with the $410-million Hamilton Bridge project and a $1.7-billion entertainment project it won earlier this year, signals China State Construction's ambition to tap the American construction market," said Li Zhirui, an industry analyst at First Capital Securities."

  • Article: Tajik Grip on Afghan Army Signals New Ethnic War by Gareth Porter.

    "Contrary to the official portrayal of the Afghan National Army (ANA) as ethnically balanced, the latest data from U.S. sources reveal that the Tajik minority now accounts for far more of its troops than the Pashtuns, the country's largest ethnic group."


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