Hour Three: "Is Capitalism going to save us all?!" Thom debates mega-corporate-capitalist-mogul Steve Forbes on his new book "How Capitalism Will Save Us" www.forbes.com
Hour One: What is the "Revolutionary Tea Party Plan to Save the U.S. Economy From Economic Disaster?!" Thom has a rumble with Libertarian Wayne Allyn Root www.root4america.com
Hour Three: Why are right-wingers afraid of gays serving in the military? Thom confronts Dr. Paul Cameron of the Family Research Institute www.familyresearchinst.com
Hour Two: "The Black-White Achievement Gap: Why Closing it is the Greatest Civil Rights Issue of Our Time" Thom challenges conservative Rod Paige, former Secretary of Education under George W. Bush, about his new book www.rodpaige.com
Hour Three: Economic crisis...who's recovering, who's not and why? Thom talks with global economists Eamonn Fingleton inJapan www.unsustainable.org and Steve Keen in Australia www.debtdeflation.com
Hour Three: "Economic vampires...who really sucked the life out of America's workforce?" Thom confronts conservative Andrew Langer of the Institute for Liberty www.instituteforliberty.org
Hour One: "Brunch With Bernie"Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) spends the hour with Thom discussing the issues and answering listener questions www.sanders.senate.gov
San Francisco, CA - Friday, February 5th from 7PM to 10:30PM - Green 960 Cruise with Thom Hartmann - Green960 hosts Thom & listeners aboard the California Hornblower Yacht for a 3 hour tour! www.green960.com for tickets & info.