Quote: Humans remain entirely atmosphere dependent, so there is no choice but to respond to extreme climatic behaviour and its many effects -- Peter Garrett
Hour One - Does Mr. Coleman wish to apologize to Arkansas's holocaust survivors? (stem cell) Curtis Coleman, GOP Candidate for U.S. Senate running against Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) www.curtiscoleman.com
Hour Two - Isn't using the DC snow storms to debunk global warming the real Snowmagedon? William Yeatman www.cei.org
Plus... Bill McKibben www.350.org - Blizzards and global climate change
Hour Three - Carrie Lukas www.iwf.org - Male domination has brought us 7 years of war, isn't it time to try something else? Norway is demanding 40% of all Corporate Boards be woman and Carrie disagrees.
Plus....Professor Herb Boyd calls in from Haiti where he just met with the President of Haiti Rene Preval www.freespeech.org