Go! Barack...

healthcare imagesWhile Congressional Democrats look at a larger fix to the Senate health care bill, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) plans to take an axe to the industry's cherished exemption from antitrust laws. Pelosi said Tuesday on a conference call with bloggers that the House will vote on a stand-alone bill to end the anti-competitive exemption by the end of next week. Meanwhile President Obama is still saying Healthcare reform,  “is the right thing to do for America. You need to let your members of Congress know they shouldn’t give up, they should keep pushing to make it happen.” That sounds similar to F.D.R.’s famous line: “Now go out and make me do it.” Except Obama is saying, “Go out there and make them do it.”  Obama said today that he made the mistake last year of not getting out of Washington enough, and has now begun to really take on the Republicans.  Go, Barack!

In Strange news...Jenny Sanford, the estranged wife of South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford, told Barbara Walters in an ABC interview that her husband insisted they take the fidelity clause out of their marriage vows. Sanford, of course, is a member of the Washington DC Christian Cult "The Family," also known as "The Fellowship," whose secretive leader, Doug Coe, has famously compared their cult members to King Solomon.  Who, of course, had 700 wives.  Goes a long way to explain the sex scandals of other Family Cult members involved in sex scandals like John Ensign, and David Vitter.


DDay (not verified) 14 years 25 weeks ago

This morning President Obama attended the Annual Prayer Breakfast in Washington which is sponsored by "The Fellowship". His attendance lends credibility to this cult. The fact that so many previous Presidents have done the same is no excuse. I had hoped for something better from this president than business as usual. He will not be getting any profiles in courage nominations from me. I doubt he'll care much. I always grow leery when any elected official wraps themselves in the robes of religion, no matter the denomination or brand. It is dangerous and rude.

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to understand how to respond when they’re talking about public issues with coworkers, neighbors, and friends. This book explores some of the key perspectives behind his approach, teaching us not just how to find the facts, but to talk about what they mean in a way that people will hear."
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Leonardo DiCaprio, actor, producer, and environmental activist