Hour Two: Ever wonder what dirt the textbooks missed on Abraham Lincoln & George Washington? Historian Kenneth Davis drops by www.dontknowmuch.com
Hour Three: Sex, Political Intrigue and Espionage...and we don't mean C Street! James Robenault will be here about his new book "The Harding Affair" thehardingaffair.com
Hour Two: "Everything You Know is Wrong - What's it really like to lose it all?" Thom talks to Alexandra Penney, author of The Bag Lady Papers www.amazon.com/The-Bag-Lady-Papers
Hour Three: Should an 11 year old who murders be tried as an adult? Thom mixes it up with prosecuting attorney Josh Marquis coastda.com
Hour Two: "Is rapid rail really just political pork?" Get ready to rumble when conservative Dan Gainor joins Thom about the "choo-choo's" www.businessandmedia.org
Hour Three: Have our laws made society as "unliveable as if it were lawless?" Thom mixes it up with Harvey Silverglate of the Cato Institute www.cato.org
Thursday & Friday Thom is live from radio row at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington DC...a lone liberal confronting a sea of conservatives! www.cpac.org
Plus on Friday, "Brunch With Bernie" Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) spends the hour with Thom discussing the issues and answering listener questions www.sanders.senate.gov
Upcoming Events with Thom Hartmann:
Friday, March 5th - 6 to 8pm, Denver, CO - AM 760 presents Thom and David Sirota taking opposite sides "Is it Time to Abandon the Democratic Party?" Tickets are $10 at AM760.net