Healthcare: everything half price?

healthcare is right imagesEver seen a local rug company with a huge sign out front that says, "Going out of business - everything half price"?  And they keep that sign out for a year or two?  And you visit the store and discover that all the so-called "half prices" are actually half of the prices that were doubled just before the sale began?  Well, Nancy Pelosi is concerned that health insurance companies may be doing a variation on that right now by jacking up rates before the new health insurance reform bill kicks in, and says that the new legislation has a "national rate review board" that will check out insurers to make sure they're not playing the rug-merchant game.  The only problem is that it relies heavily on reports from state insurance commissioners, many of whom are in the pocket of the insurance companies.  Is the glass half empty or half full?  Time will tell.


Lexington, KY (not verified) 14 years 24 weeks ago

Drug companies are already putting this method into practice! I recently was prescribed a drug which there only the brand name available (no generics, no other options). The drug is very expensive, and the drug company decided to double the quantity it puts into its "package" so that you have to pay even more for the drug even though the doctor agrees you only need half as much. The pharmacies nor the doctors can order a lesser amount nor can they split it up because of the cautionary information that must be delivered with the complete package by law. Talk about being greedy!!

Well, in my case, the drug company lost. They got $0.00 from me. I chose another solution and spent the money in doctor's pocket instead.

LeMoyne (not verified) 14 years 24 weeks ago

The sign on the health insurance industry reads:
The Greatest Health Care System in the World!
Only the healthy free-traders believe that old saw.
There are a few ways the US health insurance/care system is the greatest:
1) Cost - per capita more than 2x greater than the rest of developed world [TRDW]
2) People Without Health Care - again per capita >> TRDW
3) Emergency Care - in our longest war ever with a solid recent history of violent crime >> TRDW -- the upside is that the trauma care in US is likely best in the world
4) Profit. US wins this hands down because profiteering on sickness is illegal in ~ all of TRDW
5) Bankruptcy - unheard of in the rest of TRDW med expense is now leading cause in the US

LeMoyne (not verified) 14 years 24 weeks ago

Here's another wrinkle for your flattened earth Ron; a major health care fact about Venezuela...
An endemic parasitic water borne illness hits many people each year but it is treatable and survivable. As a consequence, this South American river blindness has left 100s of thousands of people functionally blind. By nationalizing its oil industry Venezuela has been able to trade oil to Cuba for the prevention and treatment of this disease. Instead of obscene profits for oligarchs and oil companies thousands of people can see again after a corneal transplant.

LeMoyne (not verified) 14 years 24 weeks ago

@Ron The more Pelosi tries to “manage” the economy the more it will look like Zimbabwe or Venezuela.
Very clever to choose a country that hasn't had a middle class in a hundred years. In Venezuela the split is 10% rich and 90% poor an oligarchy of European descent and a populace of Native/Slave descent. Hugo Chavez is the first non-white President of Venezuela. He allowed the oligarchy to blare anti-Chavista propaganda 24 - 7 through almost every TV station in Venezuela during and after the US backed coup attempt and yet there persists the myth that Chavez is a rabid totalitarian. Chavez get re-elected because he has brought sight to the blind ... literally!

Ron Rutherford (not verified) 14 years 23 weeks ago

I know you believe that American corporations are inflicted with short-termism, but if expected prices for doing business in the future is going up and they may be constrained in raising them then, then only fools will not raise them now. It is not the same as your furniture store analogy. If you raise uncertainty in the future then prices are bound to reflect in the current prices.

The more Pelosi tries to “manage” the economy the more it will look like Zimbabwe or Venezuela. How are the “middle class” in Zimbabwe doing, Thom????

Ron Rutherford (not verified) 14 years 23 weeks ago

Good for you!
Making decisions about what you value in the market…


Ron Rutherford (not verified) 14 years 23 weeks ago

@Ron The more Pelosi tries to “manage” the economy the more it will look like Zimbabwe or Venezuela.
Very clever to choose a country that hasn’t had a middle class in a hundred years. In Venezuela the split is 10% rich and 90% poor an oligarchy of European descent and a populace of Native/Slave descent. Hugo Chavez is the first non-white President of Venezuela. He allowed the oligarchy to blare anti-Chavista propaganda 24 – 7 through almost every TV station in Venezuela during and after the US backed coup attempt and yet there persists the myth that Chavez is a rabid totalitarian. Chavez get re-elected because he has brought sight to the blind … literally!
Unfortunately, he can not cure your eyesight. Again no definition of middle class. How many Europeans do you think there are in Zimbabwe now????

Not hardly on the blasting as he controls the major TV stations and has nationalized the country.


Ron Rutherford (not verified) 14 years 23 weeks ago

Here’s another wrinkle for your flattened earth Ron; a major health care fact about Venezuela…
An endemic parasitic water borne illness hits many people each year but it is treatable and survivable. As a consequence, this South American river blindness has left 100s of thousands of people functionally blind. By nationalizing its oil industry Venezuela has been able to trade oil to Cuba for the prevention and treatment of this disease. Instead of obscene profits for oligarchs and oil companies thousands of people can see again after a corneal transplant.</blcokquote? Another cheerleader for Hugo???
When it becomes another Zimbabwe then remember this conversation...


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