Daily Topics - Friday April 2 2010

Anything Goes Friday - Townhall Friday

Hour One: "Brunch With Bernie" Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) spends the hour with Thom discussing the issues and answering listener questions www.sanders.senate.gov

Plus....Troy Winkelman - Citizen activist - What happens when a progressive goes to a tea party?


mstaggerlee's picture
mstaggerlee 14 years 17 weeks ago

What happens when a progressive goes to a tea party?

Hope it ain't like when matter goes to an anti-matter party. :-)

I do imagine that several heads might explode, though. :-D

Maxrot's picture
Maxrot 14 years 17 weeks ago

So we're rapidly coming up on April 15th. Anyone finish their taxes yet? I did, my return was much higher this year than last year, and I made less than the year before. I'm wondering if that's common for those amoung us making less the $240K/year, or did I just luck out?

If my case is normal, I'm wondering how well the grass root outrage will weather this issue. If its not the case, then I'm guessing that we'll be in for a vicious summer.

Any thoughts on this?

DDay's picture
DDay 14 years 17 weeks ago

Hello friends, As some of you know I have been posting here since last August, although less lately. No doubt some have been relieved with my absence, but I have been busy. Earlier this week a guest of Thom's said that progressive activists need to push away from their computer screens and get out and do things. I have said the same here before. I have been busy working on campaigns and getting elected to the Minnesota State Democratic Convention later this month as a delegate. I have also been working to create a new Political Action Committee, PAC. As some of you will remember, I live in "The Heart of Darkness", Michele Bachmann's Congressional District. We registered recently with the F.E.C. as an unconnected, multi-candidate, federal PAC. Our name is RATPAC, Residents for Accuracy and Truth. Our first project is Michele Bachmann. Yesterday, (April Fool's Day) we launched our media campaign debut. Please check out: www.dailykos.com/story/2010/4/1/853119/-Want-to-defeat-Michele-Bachmann  I hope you like what you see and consider support. Thom's exhortations to Get Out! Get Active! Tag! You're it! was our inspiration. Please spread the word if you like what you see. Thank you. We need your help.

Maxrot's picture
Maxrot 14 years 17 weeks ago

Pay 25% credit card fees, get .25%APY on your savings acount. Its outrageous how banking is allowed to get away with this.

Don't get me started on the ATM, overdrawn fees, etc... f'n low life thieves.

LeMoyne's picture
LeMoyne 14 years 17 weeks ago

@ Nels/Maxrot - Last year President Obama and the Dems passed a low->middle class tax cut and tried to pass most of it on thru reduced withholding as a stimulus. I'm glad they didnt reduce the withholding too much for you.

Maxrot's picture
Maxrot 14 years 17 weeks ago

@LeMoyne, I'm aware of the middle class tax cut, I was just wondering if anyone else has actually experienced the savings I have. I'm expecting that to be the case, but I didn't want to make the assumption.

Hopey/Changey thing working out for me.

mstaggerlee's picture
mstaggerlee 14 years 17 weeks ago

@Nels -

My brother is my accountant - I got my refund 3 weeks ago! :-)

I pretty much expect that everyone making <$250K will see more coming back this year. This, of course, is in direct conflict with what the folks at Faux News like to tell us about how Obama's tax increases are going to break our backs. I wonder how many among their viewership will actually notice this contradiction, and how many LESS will be willing to search for a little more in the way of truth.

Maxrot's picture
Maxrot 14 years 17 weeks ago

Well if the answer trend to my question continues in this way, the progressives really need to put this front and center.

Remember Obama's tax cut for the middle class? I got mine, I bet you did too.

Suck on that Tea Bagger!

(Maybe that's too much, but da hell wit it!)

Maxrot's picture
Maxrot 14 years 17 weeks ago

Just had an evil thought... we should "Brer Rabbit" the Tea Party. "Please don't form an alternative to the Republican party, you'll crush the Dem's in November."

Get the progressive talkers out there mentioning how they're happy that the Tea Party isn't forming their own party, saving the Democrats from heavy loss come midterm elections.

Not like it would be presenting false facts or anything, just putting an opinion out, that's all.

Maxrot's picture
Maxrot 14 years 17 weeks ago

What's the status on the push back on Citizens United?

Maxrot's picture
Maxrot 14 years 17 weeks ago

@DDay, please tell me you're going to keep us updated on how your RATPAC is fairing in its struggle.

BTW, any website for your RATPAC yet?

DDay's picture
DDay 14 years 17 weeks ago

Nels, mstaggerlee, food fascist, loretta, Quark, Mark K, harry ashburn, and so many other smart people whom I would like to consider friends...I await your critical reviews and comments. Did anyone follow the link I posted? If this is the reaction from those who I presumptuiously considered to be friends, I'm spinning my wheels! Did anyone see our U tube piece? http://tinyurl.com/yda4fry   Your collective judgements are important to me. I'm dying here!

Nels, if you view the utube video you'll see one of our websites. We have stopbachmann.com and blitzbachmann.com and others to come. They are in their infancy right now. Bless you for caring Nels. Anyone else? Reviews?

cmoore68's picture
cmoore68 14 years 17 weeks ago


"I'm wondering how well the grass root outrage will weather this issue."

I read a report on Yahoo exclaiming how the average tax refund was $250 more than last year. I could not beleive how many commenters were complaining about the interest-free loans they had made to the guv'mnt.

LeMoyne's picture
LeMoyne 14 years 17 weeks ago

I got a job as a collector at one of the big 4 banks in 1/09 - was glad to have it in the depth of the crash but didnt know if I could be a usurer. 15 months and MegaBank had not done one 'new' relief program, not done a single fee reduction or APR reduction - MegaBank did nothing that wasnt required by federal law. They proved to me the that the meme Too Big To Fail was spread to cover the well-known fact that organizations get Too Big To Succeed.

The people working there were by and large nice enough and well-motivated and this MegaBank treats its employees with respect. But the Mega Bank got a Mega Bailout and then did nothing similar for the customers and paid the bailout back on the backs of loyal or trapped customers paying at 25 to 30% APR. Their phone plan and equipment creates a pattern of harrassment (lots of hang up calls every day). I am not even pleased that I had the fortitude to make it over a year and I finally quit after our new lead denigrated the only positive internal cutomer-oriented initiative there (as did all the other leads and many mgrs). From penury to usury back to penury - I feel a whole lot better now. By God those TPers are way off the mark ...

Maxrot's picture
Maxrot 14 years 17 weeks ago

@DDay, I'll look at your link now. I hope you appreciate that I'm actually going to stop listening to Hartmann for this ;-)

Quark's picture
Quark 14 years 17 weeks ago

Two Types of Elected Officials --- 1) those who go into public office to serve others and 2) those who go into public office to serve themselves. Sarah Palin, Michael Steele and others like them are obvious poster children for the latter.

Quark's picture
Quark 14 years 17 weeks ago


'Just wanted to repost this since you're on the blog today. I just wanted to apologize for breaking off our "conversation" last Friday on the blog. My computer suddenly bombed out. ('Funny thing is that I had a computer geek look at it. More RAM and new virus software purchases later, it still didn't work. Ironically, I, a "low-information" computer user, figured out the problem...oh well...LOL)

LeMoyne's picture
LeMoyne 14 years 17 weeks ago

Nice vid DDay -- check Rachel Maddow - she paid a big fee to get a picture with Palin/Bachman... She gave them rabbit ears - lol - really roflmao She might make a donation to you to balance her prank donation...

Maxrot's picture
Maxrot 14 years 17 weeks ago

@Every progressive on this site

At the next commercial break go to DDay's RATPAC video link. The video is just over a minute long, and its hilarious. I pasted the link here in case you might have a hard time finding it.


constans's picture
constans 14 years 17 weeks ago

A poll published in USA Today yesterday claims that 2010 bears strong similarities to the mood in 1994 and 2006. Maybe in mood, but not for the same reasons. In 1994, it was too much Hillary and too much bad publicity from the gays in the military issue. In 2006, it seemed to be that people were waking up to the fact that they should have voted Bush out of office in 2004 after all. This year it’s the deliberate effort of Republicans to stir-up trouble by reminding those of a mind to do so that Barack Obama is a black man with an “anti-white” agenda.” The poll states as somehow “bad” that “only” 50 percent of the respondents say that Obama deserves re-election; what isn’t mentioned is that a month ago it probably was 40 percent or less. Now if CNN and the network news would start telling the truth about the Tea Party “movement,” maybe we’d have nothing to be overly concerned about.

Also, I missed Thom’s conversation with Charles Bowden yesterday, although I can imagine how it went. “Murder City” seems to have opened-up a garbage load of hypocrisy, on CNN especially. I will comment more on this next week.

brian a hayes's picture
brian a hayes 14 years 17 weeks ago

thom like to see if you can have pat buchanan on the show and discuss his thoughts and yours on free markets. buchanan brought up the point that free markets has weaken america. you have brought up buchanan name in regard to his stance on free markets. i feel that we must dialogue on this and bring it up in the public debate. was milton friedman wrong, was reagan wrong embracing the economics of friedman and starting the downfall of american production economy.

constans's picture
constans 14 years 17 weeks ago

Mark K: And for free-for-all-Friday, I want to talk about life (my life). That this past Saturday I found myself situated on the corner of 45th and Roosevelt in Seattle’s University District. Before me was a shop called “Ly’s Expresso Coffee and Donuts.” That was “espresso” with an “x.” I had a long walk in front of me, so I thought I’d get a donut and coffee to go. I walked into the place to the sound of door bells. Inside there were two shaggy-bearded men I took to be “regulars.” The proprietor was nowhere in sight. I took a look at the comestibles, and waited, and waited, and waited some more. I called out “Hello,” but no one appeared. I went to the door and opened it again; perhaps someone didn’t hear the bells chiming. I waited some more. And then some more. Finally, a man with Southeast Asian features and a put-upon look made an appearance from a backroom. He said, and I quote, “What do you need?” in a hostile tone. Taken aback by both the nature of the question and his tone, I retorted “What do you mean ‘What do I need?’ I don’t NEED anything here.” The proprietor replied “Good, Good” as if he thought it was “good” for business being rude to a customer he’d never seen before. I informed I wasn’t going to buy anything if I was going to be treated like subhuman garbage, and that I was going to tell everyone I knew about his joint. “Sure, Sure” he snarled as I walked out. I guess he didn’t believe me.

On Tuesday, I went as usual to the Kent Safeway at the corner of Meeker and Washington. Now, I had begun to note that every time I walked into the place, I heard someone, usually what sounded like a white female, announce over the intercom the number “201.” It never failed. It was never five or 10 minutes or any other random time while I was shopping. It was always the moment I walked in. I decided that I would test out a certain theory I had; as soon I walked in, without fail came the “201” announcement. After I selected my comestibles, I asked the kid at the cashier counter what “201” meant. He responded by saying that someone was calling the manager; pretty annoying, he said. I told him that I thought it was someone calling security. “Yeah, that too,” he said. And Thom wants to downplay the power of stereotyping.

rladlof's picture
rladlof 14 years 17 weeks ago

The issue is we need to send an 'old coot' in with the petition in hand . . . THEN they'll think it is coming from one of theirs . . .

LeMoyne's picture
LeMoyne 14 years 17 weeks ago

I am pretty sure that the TPers will sign a petition for an Amendment that

Says Constitutional rights are natural rights of people (not corporations)

Affirms our right to life

Affirms a right to personal choice in medical care

DDay's picture
DDay 14 years 17 weeks ago

Thank you Nels and Quark,

I personally prefer www.dailykos.com/story/2010/4/1/853119/-Want-to-defeat-Michele-Bachmann   It has our full press release and video with links. More importantly it refers to and quotes a certain blogger some of you know. Quark I hope you'll send your review. It matters to me and others. We will be back after the Palin visit here next week...probably April 15th. BTW, we have a team of very gifted professionals working on this. Why they keep me around is a happy conundrum. I;m guessing cuz I work cheap. Your approbations are my reward. We plan to raise eyebrows soon. Stay tuned. This is the most fun I've ever had with my clothes on or without a bong or bottle.

constans's picture
constans 14 years 17 weeks ago

I think that it should be pointed out that Pat Buchanan has a national chauvinistic, anti-multicultural agenda that explains everything about him. Whatever he has to say derives from personal bigotry.

Quark's picture
Quark 14 years 17 weeks ago


Great stuff on Bachmann! Will you have a website? I would like to send links to others.

One of my favorite Bachmann quotes was her assertion that she was going to go undercover to Washington. I wish I could remember the exact quote.

Have you seen this ---


Maxrot's picture
Maxrot 14 years 17 weeks ago

RE: Troy Winkelman Citizen Activist and his experience. I really think that the Tea Partiers are using Socialism and all that as an excuse. They know why they're really out there, they hate Obama, whether its because he's a Democratic President, Black President or both. If you start really questioning there hate for socialism, you'll find that they don't know enough about it other than Obama's a socialist, and therefore its bad.

Troy's experiment challenged them to think, and what did they do? They reacted with vulgarities and spittle or just walked away, anything to avoid having to justify their position with some sort of logic or reason. (Troy made their heads hurt... that wasn't nice)

harry ashburn 14 years 17 weeks ago

@DDay: good work! I watched the video during the break, and I've bookmarked the Daily Kos story; just can't multi=task well enought to listen to Thom, monitor the chat page and read the Daily Kos story at the same time. I pledge to read it.

"I wanted to be a philosopher, but i couldn't pass the metaphysical." -harry ashburn

bjdzyak's picture
bjdzyak 14 years 17 weeks ago

Please post Troy's Petition so that we can all send it to our Conservative friends. Thank you!

LeMoyne's picture
LeMoyne 14 years 17 weeks ago

President Johnson grew up in a shotgun shack with dirt floors and had black neighbors in the same boat and never forgot that reality - and so he did his best to create a Great Society.

ottomine's picture
ottomine 14 years 17 weeks ago

We attended what was to be a Town Hall Meeting for Sen. Mike Johanns yesterday. Twenty-five percent truth and 75% lies. It more like a Tea (bagger) Party event. The aide sent the time in the email as EDT and we are CDT so most of us were late. Of the 25 or 30 people there only about 8 were from St. Paul. There were four known progressives there, two of us were allowed to speak. The teepees spoke with no interuption as I was speaking, there were shouts of why don't you go back to Belgium, I'll pay your way to rid the county of liberals and they said shut up and go away. In my opinion the undocumented pose less of a threat to our country than the angry, insulting and bigoted tea partiers. When I told Johanns that my problem with him was his closed mind and his refusal to investigate the truth about ACORN, his aid stopped the meeting. The family farm we live on was purchased in 1902, I do feel we have the right to speak out.

harry ashburn 14 years 17 weeks ago

@LeMoyne: I grew up in LBJ country, and we knew him as Lyin' Lyndon and Shady Bird. Yes, he did care for the poor, but he sold his soul to the rich. I think he knew about the JFK assassination ahead of time, but couldnt do anything about it for fear of his own life.

brian a hayes's picture
brian a hayes 14 years 17 weeks ago

just wondering why tony perkins of the family reasearch council fights against the estate tax that they call the death tax.

mstaggerlee's picture
mstaggerlee 14 years 17 weeks ago

@DDay - I, for one, am proud that you would consider me a friend, and certainly don't think that you've been spinning your wheels.

$10K is somewhat rich for my blood, but keep your eyes open for a considerably smaller check from NY. :-)

pagean's picture
pagean 14 years 17 weeks ago

The comments about Wal Mart insuring their employees is referred to as "dead peasant" insurance. This has been around for a long time as my current (mis)representative Kenny Marchant (R-TX24) promoted a bill for this in the Texas State House while he was there. I ran against him on this (and many other issues), but it is just another mechanism for the wealthy to soak even more from the working class.

Yes, there is class warfare. And they are winning.

dixieluke 14 years 17 weeks ago

Thom, employees at the government agency where I worked were called "human capital."

Maxrot's picture
Maxrot 14 years 17 weeks ago

@pagen, re "Yes, there is class warfare. And they are winning."

That's because of the treasonous morons that think they're helping their class by supporting the elite. The equivalent of shooting the frontline soldier in the back as they charge. Idiots the lot of them.

DDay's picture
DDay 14 years 17 weeks ago

@ mstaggerlee

Sincere thanks and real admiration. I enjoy your posts and the heart & brains behind them. How to I get Thom to notice and give the effort a plug? It is like a snowball down a mountain. We need to reach a critical mass in order to have an impact. Any ideas are appreciated! mstaggerlee, five dollars from you are more valuable, personally, than those a thousand times bigger. (federal limits are set at 5k). Where is George Soros when you need him?

harry ashburn 14 years 17 weeks ago

"Walmart; Driving the pace car in the race to the bottom of the wage scale." -harry ashburn

cmoore68's picture
cmoore68 14 years 17 weeks ago

Why should I have to pay an additional 10% levy for terminating my 401k if I'm using MY money to support my family in this economy? I am completely fine paying the taxes, but being penalized is absurd.

Maxrot's picture
Maxrot 14 years 17 weeks ago

Re: Thom's rant on America not pushing Solar Power and asking "How dumb are we?"

I don't think its stupidity, its obstinacy. (Either way, foolish though). We're cutting off our noses to spite our faces.

Meet John Doh's picture
Meet John Doh 14 years 17 weeks ago

Postal Bank

A caller from Del Rey Beach, Florida, asked Bernie Sanders if he was familiar with the postal savings accounts of yesteryear. Coincidentally, I happened to hear someone (name escapes me at the moment) who has looked into issues in our banking industry and alternatives to the current big banks.

He mentioned the Postal Bank which he said was quite popular back in the day. I believe that he said that if it existed today, its deposits would be around 9 billion dollars when adjusted for inflation. He also said that the Postal Bank of Japan (that may not be the exact name) is the largest bank in the world today.

Something to think about.

(Parenthetically, I tend to use parentheses a lot.)

harry ashburn 14 years 17 weeks ago

@Maxrot: and you really need a nose to wear glasses.

Maxrot's picture
Maxrot 14 years 17 weeks ago

Re Thom's rant on gov't control of voting.


Get the damn corporate fingers out of my voting booth!!!!!!

brian a hayes's picture
brian a hayes 14 years 17 weeks ago

how many small businesses did walmart crush?

Maxrot's picture
Maxrot 14 years 17 weeks ago

@harry, in their case, its not glasses, its blinders they wish to wear.

harry ashburn 14 years 17 weeks ago

@Maxrot: nowdays its one-way contact lenses.

mstaggerlee's picture
mstaggerlee 14 years 17 weeks ago


@Meet John Doe - Huffington Post has been running a series of articles to encourage people to take their money out of the "Too-Big" banks and move it into community banks or credit unions. This is a FAR better alternative than attempting to ressurect the Postal Banks.


DrMike's picture
DrMike 14 years 17 weeks ago

The "old" death panel: Rush, Sean, Glen and Sarah railing against a health insurance reform.

The "new" death panel: Tea Partiers taking the pledge not to use any thing tainted by government socialistic programs.

Thom's Blog Is On the Move

Hello All

Thom's blog in this space and moving to a new home.

Please follow us across to hartmannreport.com - this will be the only place going forward to read Thom's blog posts and articles.

From The Thom Hartmann Reader:
"Thom Hartmann seeks out interesting subjects from such disparate outposts of curiosity that you have to wonder whether or not he uncovered them or they selected him."
Leonardo DiCaprio, actor, producer, and environmental activist
From Screwed:
"Hartmann speaks with the straight talking clarity and brilliance of a modern day Tom Paine as he exposes the intentional and systematic destruction of America’s middle class by an alliance of political con artists and outlines a program to restore it. This is Hartmann at his best. Essential reading for those interested in restoring the institution that made America the envy of the world."
David C. Korten, author of The Great Turning and When Corporations Rule the World
From Unequal Protection, 2nd Edition:
"Hartmann combines a remarkable piece of historical research with a brilliant literary style to tell the grand story of corporate corruption and its consequences for society with the force and readability of a great novel."
David C. Korten, author of When Corporations Rule the World and Agenda for A New Economy