Daily Topics - Monday April 26th 2010

Hour One - Is the Immigration issue in Arizona a smoke screen for Republican supression tactics? Greg Palast www.gregpalast.com

Plus....Kevin R. Johnson - What should immigration reform looks like? www.law.ucdavis.edu/faculty/Johnson

Hour Two - Who is Barack Obama really? David Remnick, editor of The New Yorker; author, "The Bridge: The Life and Rise of Barack Obama" www.randomhouse.com

Hour Three - Will Vermont and Texas actually secede from the Union and might that be a good thing for America
Chris Hedges www.truthdig.com/chris_hedges


harry ashburn 14 years 18 weeks ago

@Quark here's the CD number:

re: the traditional Mexican ballad "Cu Cu Cu Ru La Paloma" we were talking about Fri. I misspelled the name of the group.

@Quark here's the CD number: PCD 1123. I misspelled the name of the band, its Zazhil "Sones para un nuevo Sol" Tenochdisc Records.

rladlof's picture
rladlof 14 years 18 weeks ago

President Obama is a wishy-washy, just-right-of-the-center-of-the-road pro-corporatist. There is no information which points to anyting else.

okonkwo's picture
okonkwo 14 years 18 weeks ago

Maybe this will open up a discussion on how to seriously deal with 12 - 14 million undocumented

people and not just sound bites.

Meet John Doh's picture
Meet John Doh 14 years 18 weeks ago

I recently heard an interview with Thomas M. Kostigen author of "The Green Blue Book:The Simple Water-Savings Guide to Everything in Your Life". One of the most fascinating aspects of the book is that Kostigan has determined how much water goes into a wide variety of goods from food to manufactured products.

His website http://www.thegreenbluebook.com/ gives some of that information. I think listeners would find it interesting to know that there's 19.8 gallons of water in a glass of beer (so even if you're one of those people whose glass is always half empty you still have almost 10 gallons) and that it takes 1,581 gallons of water to produce a pound of beef.


harry ashburn 14 years 18 weeks ago

@Okonkwo, 1st step would be to stop digging deeper, i.e. stop our policies that cause or aggravate poverty south of the border.

harry ashburn 14 years 18 weeks ago

i.e. NAFTA

gerald's picture
gerald 14 years 18 weeks ago

Greg Palast was on Thom's show. I knew back in 2004 that the goose-stepping GOP wants to keep whitey in power forever. Whitey will be in the minority by 2020. The GOP's racist policies will come back to bite them in their behinds. Our rigged electronic voting machines is also a component of racism. Plus, the votes are counted in Tennessee and rigged to favor the GOP and Whitey. WE ARE A RACIST AND A CERTIFIABLY CRAZY NATION!!!

Meet John Doh's picture
Meet John Doh 14 years 18 weeks ago


Did you hear the whole version of "Una Rosa Espanola" from the link I gave. I found it the day before and it played the whole song, but I wanted to listen to it on the weekend and it only would play a 30 second preview which doesn't even get to the vocal. The full version is on YouTube


By the way, "Siente Mi Amor" is beautiful.

harry ashburn 14 years 18 weeks ago

@John DOH! Quark isnt here yet.

harry ashburn 14 years 18 weeks ago

re: Gulf of Mexico Oil rig spill: the local ABC affilliate just had an interview w/ the Navy's Mary landry saying the leak is "just" 1000 gallons per day. Elsewhere I heard 44,000 gallons per day.

harry ashburn 14 years 18 weeks ago

One good thing about China, they execute corporate criminals :D

gerald's picture
gerald 14 years 18 weeks ago

You must be crazy to succeed in the goose-stepping America.


Quark's picture
Quark 14 years 18 weeks ago

Hi all my dear friends! I just got here --- it's been a busy day already. Thanks for all the conversation --- I'll try to catch up. :-)

Foodfascist's picture
Foodfascist 14 years 18 weeks ago

ho ho! That last caller rejecting the notion that we can go after the employers was quite resistant to the shoe being on the other foot- good way to handle that caller. It would not have surprised me just from her tone that if we had dug deeper, she was actually an employer of illegals herself! lol Smithfields meat would be one of the first to go if we began such practices.

Quark's picture
Quark 14 years 18 weeks ago

Harry Ashburn,

Thanks for the info. Is there any way to hear the music online?

Foodfascist's picture
Foodfascist 14 years 18 weeks ago

Stop Crush Videos

Please email your representative to urge him or her to support H.R. 5092. You can use the blue link above to see if your representative has already signed on as a co-sponsor. If he/she has already signed on, please be sure to extend your thanks.

Rep. Elton Gallegly (R-CA) a Republican! and 50 others have co-sponsored this bill.


Meet John Doh's picture
Meet John Doh 14 years 18 weeks ago


Good to see you're approaching this issue with your normal cool and aplomb, but I think you have the timing wrong. The projections I've heard/read indicate that whites will become a minority in 2040 or 2050. Don't be in such a hurry!

As for your use of the term "whitey", I hope you're aware that "whitey" is an ethnic slur. Since you're a very religious person, I have a question for you. Who would Jesus slur? By the way, remember that around 43% of white voters voted for Obama and that ICE raids have increased since he became the President of the "United States of Hell".

Quark's picture
Quark 14 years 18 weeks ago


We also need to renegotiate GATT and look at any other flawed trade agreements.

harry ashburn 14 years 18 weeks ago

@quark: do you know any youngsters? they can probably find it for you if its available. sorry, I can snail mail you the cd....

harry ashburn 14 years 18 weeks ago

@Quark, or pony express...I hear that'll be available soon.

Foodfascist's picture
Foodfascist 14 years 18 weeks ago


Regarding the oil spill. Jesus, it is one thing after the other. I have yet to even have the consciousness to include the oil spill into my awareness funnel. It seems there is so much happening, I numb on something for a week and then I awaken like a mighty monster.

Quark's picture
Quark 14 years 18 weeks ago

Meet John Doh!

Thanks for the link. I listened to the music at your previous link. It was lovely. I will listen to your new link during the next break. :-)

harry ashburn 14 years 18 weeks ago

@Foodfascist Yo tambien. Its like 911 conspiracy. Theres a lot of smoke but... maybe its just one too many conspiracies. I just cant handle any more after 8 years of GWB.

Quark's picture
Quark 14 years 18 weeks ago

Harry Ashburn,

Maybe you could upload it to your I.D. page on the Thom Hartmann Community site. ?

harry ashburn 14 years 18 weeks ago

@Quark: I have an I.D. page?

harry ashburn 14 years 18 weeks ago

@Quark, even if I could figure out how to do that, the CD is old and scratched and i have to nurse it thru the song, even after scrubbing it with toothpaste. besides, going thru all that...sorry, I just dont love you enough. : )

Quark's picture
Quark 14 years 18 weeks ago

It's always something! This finanacial mess has more tentacles (aspects) than an octopus. Paul Krugman talked about the enabling behavior of the ratings companies:

Berating the Raters



The bill now before the Senate tries to do something about the rating agencies, but all in all it’s pretty weak on the subject. The only provision that might have teeth is one that would make it easier to sue rating agencies if they engaged in “knowing or reckless failure” to do the right thing. But that surely isn’t enough, given the money at stake — and the fact that Wall Street can afford to hire very, very good lawyers.

What we really need is a fundamental change in the raters’ incentives. We can’t go back to the days when rating agencies made their money by selling big books of statistics; information flows too freely in the Internet age, so nobody would buy the books. Yet something must be done to end the fundamentally corrupt nature of the the issuer-pays system.

An example of what might work is a proposal by Matthew Richardson and Lawrence White of New York University. They suggest a system in which firms issuing bonds continue paying rating agencies to assess those bonds — but in which the Securities and Exchange Commission, not the issuing firm, determines which rating agency gets the business.

I’m not wedded to that particular proposal. But doing nothing isn’t an option. It’s comforting to pretend that the financial crisis was caused by nothing more than honest errors. But it wasn’t; it was, in large part, the result of a corrupt system. And the rating agencies were a big part of that corruption.

Quark's picture
Quark 14 years 18 weeks ago

Harry Ashburn,

Click on your name.

Foodfascist's picture
Foodfascist 14 years 18 weeks ago

I just took some Gabba to calm my thoughts down- the dam broke for me learnign more about the crush films- that made it hard to sleep last evening. The blatant breaking out and legalization of a fiery hell on the planet.

You know what? I am going to call that Republican sponsor's office and tell him I love him for taking on the Supreme Courts Decsion.

harry ashburn 14 years 18 weeks ago

@Quark i did. what next?

gerald's picture
gerald 14 years 18 weeks ago

@Meet John Doh, 2040 is the more acceptable year for our minority status. I have also read that 2025 maybe our bencmark yeat for a minority status. With the MSM being controlled by goose-stepping conservatives we have a difficult time for having the correct information. I use "whitey" to emphasize a specific group and it is not met to be a slur. Jesus would not slur anyone. I am on a continuous journey to follow my Lord and Savior. The problem I have is that with the sins on my back I fall many times in trying to emulate Jesus. Many whites voted for Obama because Bush II had been a total disaster. With Obama in office we are coming to realize that many of his policies are similar to Bush II's policies. If I seem to be in a hurry, it is because my health issues is affecting more and I would love to leave America a better place. Candidly, I am too much of an idealist even though some of my posts may seem to be from a realist.

Quark's picture
Quark 14 years 18 weeks ago

Harry Ashburn,

I may be wrong about you being able to upload your CD to your I.D. page. Maybe someone with more technical knowledge could help...

Oh well, your thought was awfully nice!

Foodfascist's picture
Foodfascist 14 years 18 weeks ago

Told Elton I loved him.

Staffer was classic uptight righty and it was fun how we worked together to type how much a lefty like myself was going to shower the internet with praise for Congressman Elton Gallegly http://www.house.gov/gallegly/contact/contact.htm

harry ashburn 14 years 18 weeks ago

@quark well I clicked on my name, it lit up but as far as I can tell nothing happened. sorry.

Quark's picture
Quark 14 years 18 weeks ago

Harry Ashburn,

I guess it can't be done. Thanks for trying!

gerald's picture
gerald 14 years 18 weeks ago

Many of my typo-errors are surfacing from a person who picks and pecks on the keyboard and my thoughts do not keep pace with the printed word.

Quark's picture
Quark 14 years 18 weeks ago

Meet John Doh!

The music makes me want to dance!

Foodfascist's picture
Foodfascist 14 years 18 weeks ago

@Gerald Dragon Naturally Speaking is a program that will type for you as you speak into a head set. I am thinking about running to get the latest version myself. Had an old version on my old computer, but not enough ram to run it. Make sure you have far more ram than it says to have on the package.

Meet John Doh's picture
Meet John Doh 14 years 18 weeks ago


You're comment about how efficient this country has been in the war on drugs shows a lack of understanding of the several issues. So I'm going to have to suggest another book to you today and this one isn't so much fun.

"The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness" by Michelle Alexander. In it she shows that the war on drugs and other tough law and order policies have mainly targeted communities of color. This has led to this country having the largest prison population in the world, both in raw numbers and as a percentage of our population. Around half of those prisoners are African-Americans although they are only about 13-14% of the population. This despite the fact that African-Americans and Latinos are no more likely than whites to use or sell drugs.

Alexander has a wealth of facts and statistics that cast a light on the ugly truth about racism in this country. There's a two part interview with Professor Alexander on March 11 and 12 on Democracy Now. There's also a 68 minute YouTube video of her. Alexander has a very impressive resume.


Quark's picture
Quark 14 years 18 weeks ago

Clarity First, Not Just Transparency

French Economy and Finance Minister Christine Lagarde said this morning that clarity is essential to financial reform, that transparency alone is only a partial answer. Interesting conversation from a European point of view (video):


Meet John Doh's picture
Meet John Doh 14 years 18 weeks ago

On Voter Suppression

I recently heard a local black activist say that a recent study shows that 1-in-8 African-Americans can't vote due to felony disenfranchisement.

There's an interesting twist to this felony disenfranchisement, as Michelle Alexander and others have noted. Many of the prisons, maybe most, are located in more rural and largely white communities. The prisoners are counted as residents of the communities where the prisons are rather than the communities that they had lived in previously. Therefore, the black communities get less representation because significant numbers of their residents are shipped away to prisons in rural white communities (where they aren't allowed to vote). But the rural white areas get greater representation (do to census counts) than they should have. As we know, the rural white areas tend to vote Republican.

Lore's picture
Lore 14 years 18 weeks ago

this is great - http://www.jeffersonhour.org/ - he had a great show on texas schoolbooks - show 814. this is a show where a man (scholar on Jefferson) speaks as though he is Jefferson and discusses various topics. informative, enjoyable and fun!

He mentioned how IRRESPONSIBLE Reagan was in his comments -- essentially fueling fires rather then being a leader too!

harry ashburn 14 years 18 weeks ago

@Lore:jim hightower with a powdered wig?

padlake's picture
padlake 14 years 18 weeks ago

In the News segment airing online, Thom is incorrect. South Park did, indeed, air the second controversial episode (#201 - airing April 21). South Park submitted the episode to Comedy Central and they severely censored it, bleeping out all mentions of Mohammed and putting a black box saying CENSORED over where Mohammed's image was supposed to air.

The anger was that the first episode (#200 - airing April 14) depicted all the celebrities South Park has made fun of (too numerous) trying to find a way to be immune from satire, hence how Mohammed is immune. At the end of the first episode the gingers and celebrities, trying to get their hands on the "goo" inside Mohammed so they, too, could be immune from being satirized, South Park showed a Bear suit, suggesting Mohammed was in the suit. Apparently, it was this depiction the extremists had a problem with.

rladlof's picture
rladlof 14 years 18 weeks ago

AND Santa was in the bear suit THUS Christmas Claus supplanted Mohammad . . .

harry ashburn 14 years 18 weeks ago

Does the bear suit in the woods? Is there really a Santa clause?

jiminnewhaven's picture
jiminnewhaven 14 years 18 weeks ago

"Jacksonville" caller was lying somehow...FL primaries are CLOSED and ALWAYS have been! Either he does not participate in the process, is not "independent", or is not really from there.

Thom's Blog Is On the Move

Hello All

Thom's blog in this space and moving to a new home.

Please follow us across to hartmannreport.com - this will be the only place going forward to read Thom's blog posts and articles.

From The Thom Hartmann Reader:
"In an age rife with media-inspired confusion and political cowardice, we yearn for a decent, caring, deeply human soul whose grasp of the problems confronting us provides a light by which we can make our way through the quagmire of lies, distortions, pandering, and hollow self-puffery that strips the American Dream of its promise. How lucky we are, then, to have access to the wit, wisdom, and willingness of Thom Hartmann, who shares with us here that very light, grown out of his own life experience."
Mike Farrell, actor, political activist, and author of Just Call Me Mike and Of Mule and Man
From The Thom Hartmann Reader:
"Thom Hartmann is a creative thinker and committed small-d democrat. He has dealt with a wide range of topics throughout his life, and this book provides an excellent cross section. The Thom Hartmann Reader will make people both angry and motivated to act."
Dean Baker, economist and author of Plunder and Blunder, False Profits, and Taking Economics Seriously
From The Thom Hartmann Reader:
"Through compelling personal stories, Hartmann presents a dramatic and deeply disturbing picture of humans as a profoundly troubled species. Hope lies in his inspiring vision of our enormous unrealized potential and his description of the path to its realization."
David Korten, author of Agenda for a New Economy, The Great Turning, and When Corporations Rule the World