A shocking memo discovered by The Daily Beast shows that BP, in the Texas City explosion five years ago where 15 workers died and 170 were injured, put those workers who died into cheap portable trailers next door to highly explosive facilities purely to save money.
This internal document, referring to its own analysis as The Three Little Pigs, shows how BP took deadly risks by choosing to save money by building cheaper housing for workers after comparing the cost of housing people in blast-resistant buildings versus the cheaper trailers.
Did BP similarly cut corners in the Gulf explosion? Do they still consider their workers "little piggies" whose lives' are less valuable than corporate profits?
Increasingly it is looking like BP is a criminal organized operation that has killed numerous human beings, and should itself be put to death - dissolved - and its top executives put in jail.
Three executives from BP, Halliburton, and Transocean each blamed the other for the deaths of 11 men on the Deepwater Horizon in their testimony before congress, yet they all walked out of the room and off to their private jets to fly off to their private mansions - but if three people had robbed a gas station and 11 people had died because one of them accidentally exploded a gas pump, and each of the three blamed the other guy, do you really think three "average guy" criminals wouldn't be in prison right now?
Our corporate limitations on liability need to be rewritten, and the entire idea that corporations are people but the people who run them are immune from criminal prosecution for the corporation's crimes needs to be blown up.
Visit www.movetoamend.org now to help amend the Constitution and end corporate personhood!