Greetings friends, patriots, and believers in democracy! The staff here at the Thom Hartmann Program wants to start a "community-style" discussion with you about the show's bumper music! (The bumper music is the music we play when we come back from a commerical break, right before Thom starts talking.) We pick the songs to play every morning with relevence to current topics, news, etc... As you can guess we try to rotate the songs and keep things fresh as possible! We are always updating our bumper music library with more and more songs daily, which brings us to the "Tag You're It" part! If you have any suggestions of music we should play please post them on this blog! Here are a couple things to keep in mind when thinking bumper music: Up-beat (lots of energy), good lyrics, and no cuss words ever!!! We really appreicate your help and creativity. Now... TAG YOU'RE IT!!!