In response to pressure from several progressive organizations – and an exodus of corporate members – the American Legislative Exchange Council announced on Tuesday it’s dismantling its non-economic taskforces responsible for writing radical legislation like “Shoot First” laws and “Voter ID” laws.
While this is a small progressive victory – ALEC promises to continue writing economic legislation that repeals environmental regulations, busts up unions, and gives massive tax breaks to the Romney-rich in America. Not only that – even though ALEC is ending its non-economic task forces – the damage has already been done. Seventeen-year-old Trayvon Martin is dead in Florida thanks to ALEC’s Shoot First law – and millions of Democratic voters will be disenfranchised this election because of ALEC’s Voter ID laws.
So let’s not celebrate ALEC’s decision yesterday – let’s take it as a sign that we need to work even harder to expose the American corporatocracy that’s been working in the shadows for the last 30 years.