Fox so-called News personality John Huckabee is sending a message to Republicans in Congress. In an interview on GOP TV – Huckabee suggested that President Obama should be impeached over his handling on the attack on the Benghazi consulate in Libya.
Huckabee said, “Richard Nixon was forced out of office because he lied. And because he covered some stuff up. I will be blunt and tell you this. Nobody died in Watergate. We have people who are dead because of this.”
With these words – Huckabee is giving Republicans their agenda should President Obama win a second term – which is too weigh down his administration with yet another nonsensical investigation, just like they did in his first term with Fast and Furious.
Unlike President Bush who was willing to blame any and everything on terrorism to keep Americans afraid – this administration has been more cautious with how it throws that word around – as they should be.