It doesn't take $50 million to make a point.

Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives have made their point – they hate Obamacare. And, just in case anyone didn't get the message the first 36 times they made that point, they're about to waste even more taxpayer time and money on one more attempt to repeal the healthcare law.

According to the Think Progress Blog, since 2011, House Republicans have spent 15 percent of their time – about 90 hours and over $50 million dollars – on the 36 attempts to repeal Obamacare. All of which were doomed to failure because they'd never make it through the Senate, and they'd be subject to a presidential veto. And this latest attempt – which adds another $1.5 million to the tab – isn't any more likely to succeed.

While our nation is struggling to deal with massive Republican austerity, a sluggish economy, and numerous other pressing issues, GOP House members are wasting yet another day on a meaningless vote. This is not service to out country. This is not leadership. This is pure partisan nonsense will not do a damn thing to help the Americans they're supposed to represent.

Perhaps the first time House Republicans held this vote, they could claim they were fighting for the will of their small but loud base. And maybe even the second time, or the third. But this is the 37th time they're wasting our tax money on another meaningless vote. It's time for the House Republicans to knock it off, and get to work.


David Abbot's picture
David Abbot 11 years 15 weeks ago

The Twain Report
All The News That Mark Twain Says He Would Report If He Was Alive Today

Reverse Renditioning Program Started By Homeland Security

Last Friday, Barry Alan Swegle of Port Angeles, Washington settled a long-standing feud: he got himself a bulldozer and levelled the homes of four of his neighbors. After Mr. Swegle finished crushing the last vestige of the fourth house, and was standing on top of the bulldozer pumping his fist at the sky, he was arrested without incident.

But before Mr. Swegle could get his day in court- and in a strange twist on the concept of renditioning, a joint task force comprised of Homeland Security and the Mosad (Israel's version of the KGB), declared Mr. Swegle to be a national treasure of both America and Israel, and he was whisked out of the Port Angeles jail and put on an Air America gulfstream jet to be flown to Israel, where, after a hero's welcome and a short training session, he was slated to begin a new life and a new career, bulldozing the homes of Palestinians who have the unmitigated chutzpah to think that they are allowed to own property.

As he was boarding the plane, Mr. Swegle voiced a touching concern for the people whose houses he had bulldozed in Port Angeles, saying, "They was in the houses when I bulldozed 'em, wasn't they? Because if they wasn't, I'm going back there."

Mosad special agent Moishe Feinblatt, who was charged with the job of supervising Mr. Swegle's adjustment to Israeli ways, said, "Don't you worry about that, you mensche, you: we will send a few people over there to finish the job if need be. Right now, Yawyeh needs you on the Left Bank to do a little singing and dancing, and also to bulldoze some Palestinians."

Ever concerned with the practical elements of life, Mr. Swegle said, "What about beer? Because I ain't singing and dancing if you ain't got no beer. But I might bulldoze them houses for you even if you ain't got beer. But you'll have to get me some beer."

The Twain Report is encouraged to know that America is willing to share its genetically interesting with our very best friends in all the world, because after all, any enemy of theirs is an enemy of ours- no questions asked. And besides, if anyone needs killing, it's those Palestinians- they're not from around here.

A reporter allowed on the plane as it waited for clearance to taxi onto the runway said he saw Mr. Swegle being trained to say, "Kill them all and let Yahweh sort them out," but said that Mr. Swegle kept getting off task, saying, "Are you sure I'm going to get to bulldoze stuff? Because if I can't bulldoze stuff, I ain't going."

The Israeli hypnotist screamed, "Oy gevalt! After all I've done for you, you alter kaker, you, this is the way you treat me? I'm telling mom!"

Mr. Swegle responded, "I'm not going to ask you again: where is that beer you promised me? Because if you ain't got beer, I ain't going."

In an apparent accident, as the plane taxied onto the runway, the door opened and Mr. Swegle came flying out, landing on the tarmac.

The Mosad responded to The Twain Report's phone calls with what appears to be a photocopied form letter that read, "You're not the boss of us."

stonesphear's picture
stonesphear 11 years 15 weeks ago

JMHO< So called "Obama Care" That isn't what was sought for, what was sought for was obstructed day one. Eventually with mid term elections on the horizon , having failed, Obama elected to concede to Single payer, that failed, then Obama elected to concede to the Romney plan but even that couldn't pass as riders and complexities were added to the bill to the point of incomprehensible complexity. Eventually he forced it through (now spun as "Obama Care" ) in order to get rid of the stigma and move on. But again , that was not what was sought for, the reason it wound up being what we got stuck with was a result of concessions and complications (riders) from the left in addition to obstructions and complications (riders) from the right in order to prevent the Executive from succeeding at anything regardless of merit to a point bordering on insanity when Obama finally essentially attempted to wash his hands of the whole mess in an effort to put the controversy to rest with the mid term elections being the more imperative deciding factor which in turn proved out to be a lost cause on top of a lost cause.

Global's picture
Global 11 years 15 weeks ago

Yep, Obamacare is a total left wing liberal progressive cluster f##k. The republicans/conservatives had zero input and not one voted for it. It was all the liberal democrats 2700 pages of incomprehensible garbage but now we will all have to live with it and oh yes the Gestapo we call the IRS to inforce those pesky fines. Thanks again John Roberts.

Vegasman56 11 years 15 weeks ago

This is going down in history for being the most disruptive/racist Congress on record. This shows you that the Republican Party sure likes to cut taxes for the 1% and spend like the misleading information conservative that they are, for the benefit and profitability for the aristocracy we have in this country. The Republican Party is for the upper class of a hereditary nobility only, they want to put the working family, the common man and woman to the level of being peasants. The Republican have a hard time learning don’t they. Anything to stop the progress of America to regain our status in the world, just for the benefit of the few, sad isn’t it. Maybe the Republican Party should take a look at history, especially the French history.

ptg0's picture
ptg0 11 years 15 weeks ago

I think it has become quite obvious that the "government" is too incompetent to be trusted with our tax dollars.

They are simply too corrupt.

ptg0's picture
ptg0 11 years 15 weeks ago

What is most funny is that it was created by the republiCON god, raygun. That just proves how stupid republiuCONs and so called conservatives really are.

ptg0's picture
ptg0 11 years 15 weeks ago

And it just shows that you cant depend on "democRATs" to abide by their own principles. Dems led by that 1% er Obama are just as self serving as any republiCON so it sort of looks like they are both in on the scam to do nothing and blame it on each other.

Maybe they should both look at French history, that is if they can actually read.

By the way, our nation is quickly becoming a 3rd world country and as soon as this royal scam plays out, we will be.

ptg0's picture
ptg0 11 years 15 weeks ago

When I was growing up, I remember my mother telling me that just because Johnny jumps off the bridge, that doesnt meen you have to. So in other words, its everyone fault but the person who signed the bill. Sort of like clinton and Nafta which is why hillary has NO chance of winning an election.

George Reiter's picture
George Reiter 11 years 15 weeks ago

To be a Republican today, one must be Rich, Cruel, or Ignorant, and they are not mutually exclusive. Why would anyone vote Republican against their own self interest or my interest? Go figure...

2950-10K's picture
2950-10K 11 years 15 weeks ago

I laughed so hard that diet soda came out my nose! Thanks a lot David!

2950-10K's picture
2950-10K 11 years 15 weeks ago

The Republicans have made a mockery of the democratic process by using the People's Congress as a tool to express their hatred for representative government. They have clearly violated the social contract that, "We the People," both pay for and expect. The will of the billionaires is not the will of the people. We need to expel by force of law if necessary all of those public servants involved in the desecration of our democratic process. There has to be a way besides voting to remove those whose only mission it is to obstruct the will of the people.

I think we can recoup our 50 million by following the letter of the law and removing the tax-exempt status of all the Tea Party groups involved in the IRS Rovian like set-up. Randi Rhodes got it right today when she pointed out that these groups in fact didn't even need to apply for this status, they are only required to fill out a form each year at tax time. They set up the IRS for this fake scandal and Obama is buying right into it.

By the way, ABC radio news felt it necessary to broadcast Bachmann announcing the results of the 37th attempt today. Funny thing is they failed to mention the 50 million bucks these nut jobs have wasted.

fatfax's picture
fatfax 11 years 15 weeks ago

Blow Hard Nonsense, What about the 85 Billion in debt each month we are getting stuck with Thom ?

Kend's picture
Kend 11 years 15 weeks ago

Although something needed to be done about the health care system there, does anyone know how you are going to pay for Obama care. You are 17 trillion in debt and you are going to add 30 million people to a health care system. In Canada 50 % of our budgets go to pay for health care. We are loaded with every kind of resource oil, gas, iron, copper, potash, diamonds, gold, silver, etc etc etc all on government land and we still can't afford to maintain our over burdened system. Start putting as much as you can in a savings account. Your taxes are going to double. You don't think the wealthy are going to pick up the tab do you?

Mored's picture
Mored 11 years 15 weeks ago

There are many topics here lately that I have been troubled by. Although I do think something needs to be done with the health care system, I'm not certain Obamacare was it. Unfortunately I don't have an answer. Kend is correct that 50% of Canada's taxes go to health care alone and they have 3-8 month waiting periods for MRI's, 3-18 month waiting periods to see a specialist and the average wait time in an ER is over 15 hours. That is because when the government pays for health care it has a limited amount of money and so the health care now needs to be rationed or the county will be bankrupt.

I don't think Obamacare will solve the problems it was designed to solve but I don't think the system in place now works either. Possibly a hybrid between Canada and US???

Kend's picture
Kend 11 years 15 weeks ago

Bang on Mored, what I think the biggest mistake is doing at a Federal level. We do it at a provincial (state) level at least you can compare different states that way and see what is working and what isn't. Also every state has a different make up of age etc. So they have different needs. We do have a National act that the provinces have to meet a certain level of care though. It just seems Obama care was pushed though without a lot of though.

MMmmNACHOS's picture
MMmmNACHOS 11 years 15 weeks ago

GLOBAL, it is so typical of a Neo-Nazi Tea Bagger - to be clear I am talking 'bout you - to forget...Romney was first to put pen to paper when he was Govenor and wrote a healthcare plan that Obama pratically coppied.
That being said you are correct; "Obamney Care" is not good for Americans...We want/need a Single-payer-medicare-FOR-ALL healthcare system.
Just because my wife and I, and 100 million other tax paying Americans, are not rich enough to afford Private Healthcare Insurance, should not mean that our health and wellbeing is any less valuable. NO AMERICAN should have to worry about going bankrupt or being denied medical treatment, just because they can't afford Healtcare Insurance.
Had a Universal Health Care System been in place 10 years ago my daughter would have received the treatment she needed and would be alive today.

MMmmNACHOS's picture
MMmmNACHOS 11 years 15 weeks ago

OFF TOPIC...Here in Florida a election propaganda bill has been put on Gov. Dick Scotts desk. What's it entail??? A $400.00 cost, to anyone who challenges a Photo Traffic Camera Violation. This would be in addition to the 186.00 ticket. Of course if you win you only pay court fee's...Key word being "IF".

Will he sign it??? Of course not; Dick is running for re-election. The bill is merely a campaign tactic to make the Crome Dome look good...Like he feels are pain and understands our frustration.
He was actually in my town yesterday...Well my town but not my neighborhood; which is made up of average working and out of work middle class Americans. No the Dick was - of course out of touch - rubbing elbows with rich elitist at the Lakewood Ranch country club.

I HOPE Floridian's don't get fooled again! Lets "Get To Work" and run this limp prick out of office.

MMmmNACHOS's picture
MMmmNACHOS 11 years 15 weeks ago

Has anyone heard of the military organization called F.E.A.R. (Forever Enduring Always Ready), which was started by a few soldiers in the U.S. Army.
Just yesterday (5/16/13) I was listening to a community radio show out of Tampa Fl. (88.5 wmnf) and they were interviewing two parents whos kids were assisnated by 5 members of this organization. One of the victims was in the Army and the other victim was his girlfriend. It has been reported that they were both killed to prevent them from reporting to authorities the organizations plans to assisnate President Obama.

2950-10K's picture
2950-10K 11 years 15 weeks ago

Just who do you think did the lion's share of this spending? I'll give you you a hint, it's the same group your Tea Party has been hoodwinked into supporting. Look up the facts, it's real easy.

jkh6148's picture
jkh6148 11 years 15 weeks ago

HOPEFULLY OBAMACARE IS a foot in the door to national health care - but for now it is an attempt to serve two masters at the same time - the public who need it - and health care CEOs, who each have a half dozen presidents, two dozen vice presidents, and the investors.

MMmmNACHOS's picture
MMmmNACHOS 11 years 15 weeks ago

Well MORED...I don't think the U.S. should use Canada as an absolute model; though I, and millions of other Americans, would rather see 50% of our taxes go towards a Universal Healthcare System, instead of the Pentagon and unnecessary/illegal wars.
A better model to study and draw from - and I am speaking from personal experience - would be Australia's Healthcare System. Some how they have figured out a way to provide quality medical service without having to wait for months, and emergency wait times are on average less than 8 hours.

Heck, I was in the ER - here in crapola U.S.A. - last year with a broken leg..I waited 8 hours before having an x-ray, and an addition 3 hours before getting a cast put on; by the time I was released...Put it this way; I went in just after breakfast and left well after dinner time. Then, since I do not have Insurance, I received 3 bills a months later totaling $14k. I am basically having to pay $10/month until it is either payed off or written off. I will say they did offer me a 60% discount...But only if I could pay the balance in full. Sorry but I don't have a whimsical $6 grand stowed away. I'm one of those average working shleps that is luck if after I get my morgage, utilities, and car insurance, paid can afford to put food on the table for my family of 3...And that's with two incomes!

If you want the inside truth about our corrupt DEATHcare system look up Wendle Potter, a former VP for Cigna Helathcare turned whistleblower...I have read his book, been to 2 of his lectures, and have heard many of his interviews...What he is revealing...I am surprised he hasn't been - as Eric Holder would say - Nutralized.

What baffles/frustrates me is that WE (you, me, those people down the street) are ALL living in the Information Age...We are ALL negatively affected by greed and corruption yet it continues to go on. Why, I ask, are We the People not rising up against Corporate America? Why do we (well majority of Americans) continue to ellect (Left and Right) less than par Leaders, and Representatives. Why do Americans "think" (I use the word loosely) that we need "Buisnessmen/Lawers" running the country. Haven't we seen the writing on the wall!?!? What we need in government are more teachers, scientist, doctors...true representatives of our communities that have a "family invested value", not just a profit intrest by any means necessary.

DAnneMarc's picture
DAnneMarc 11 years 15 weeks ago
Quote 2950-10K:I laughed so hard that diet soda came out my nose! Thanks a lot David!

You can say that again. Luckily, I wasn't drinking anything when I read David Abbot's post or I would have got a snoot full too. Kudos on the Twain Report Dave! You really should be writing for Colbert.

Quote 2950-10K:Randi Rhodes got it right today when she pointed out that these groups in fact didn't even need to apply for this status, they are only required to fill out a form each year at tax time. They set up the IRS for this fake scandal and Obama is buying right into it.

You can say that again, too. I sure am getting sick and tired of all these phony scams and scandals this ineffective "Soda Jerk" (as Ken Ware calls him) allows to happen. He's clearly playing all of us as a fool. I hope we have all learned a lesson about voting in a popular Dufus at a critical time in history. Right when we need another Theodore Roosevelt to go in and crack skulls together and take names we have a passive bipartisan Howdy Doody dancing on the end of strings to the tune of an unseen puppet master. I want my vote and my money back!

Quote 2950-10K:The will of the billionaires is not the will of the people. We need to expel by force of law if necessary all of those public servants involved in the desecration of our democratic process. There has to be a way besides voting to remove those whose only mission it is to obstruct the will of the people.

Sure, we might be able to find a legal way to do that. The only problem is that if we do the Billionaires will use it as well when it suits their needs. No, my friend, as much as I agree with you, I think it best to leave the Democratic process the way it is. At least that way we protect our Theodore Roosevelt the same way Howdy Doody gets protected. Chock it up to a very expensive lesson and vote more wisely next time. The vote is the best and only way to rock the houses of Government!

DAnneMarc's picture
DAnneMarc 11 years 15 weeks ago
Our friend Kend is worried about our economy again!

Quote Kend:Although something needed to be done about the health care system there, does anyone know how you are going to pay for Obama care. You are 17 trillion in debt and you are going to add 30 million people to a health care system.

He then concludes:

Quote Kend:Start putting as much as you can in a savings account. Your taxes are going to double. You don't think the wealthy are going to pick up the tab do you?

Actually Kend, no, I don't mind my taxes doubling one bit if it insures everyone has access to health care and preventative medicine. I also expect that no one will have to declare bankruptcy, sell their house, or plunge their children into debt for the rest of their lives just to pay for catastrophic medical expenses. Kend, do you ever think about anyone other than yourself? Aren't you willing to sacrifice a little for the betterment of other members of your society?

MMmmNACHOS's picture
MMmmNACHOS 11 years 15 weeks ago

I "kind of agree" with you regarding voting...Yes everyone should get out and vote! BUT look at how the "Democratic Process" has been basically hijacked by Corporations that are working hard at dismantleing the U.S. Constitution and diminishing the Rights of We the People. Are you really going to sit there on you fat ass and think "voting" is our only saving grace? Where the fuck have you been for the last 40 years???Living the American Dream!?!? Well open your eyes and wipe your ass...We the People have a moral and ethical obligation to alter or abolish any government that "becomes destructive" of the principles set forth in the Declaration Of Independence; The EQUAL RIGHT to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
No we don't need to take up arms, though we do have that right, however as Gandhi once said; "an eye for an eye and soon the whole world is blind", but he also practiced Civil Disobedience, and Non Violent Resistence, and in doing so, prevented two wars and motivated an entire country to take back their Independence from the heavy oppressive hand of England. Was it as easy as voting???No Did it happen over night???No. But in the end it was England that had innocent blood on their hands.

DAnneMarc's picture
DAnneMarc 11 years 15 weeks ago
On Healthcare:

Quote MMmmNACHOS:Well MORED...I don't think the U.S. should use Canada as an absolute model; though I, and millions of other Americans, would rather see 50% of our taxes go towards a Universal Healthcare System, instead of the Pentagon and unnecessary/illegal wars.

You sure got that right, my friend. He then concludes:

Quote MMmmNACHOS:Why do Americans "think" (I use the word loosely) that we need "Buisnessmen/Lawers" running the country. Haven't we seen the writing on the wall!?!? What we need in government are more teachers, scientist, doctors...true representatives of our communities that have a "family invested value", not just a profit intrest by any means necessary.

You are definitely right about that my friend. Perhaps that is the one great National service the current Administration and Congress will serve--to permanently discredit both currently dominant political parties; and, open the floodgate of opportunity for all the other political parties and their candidates. They might avoid the need to match the vast money vested on the mainstream parties by waging their candidacy through the Internet; such as, posting speeches and debates on Youtube. Perhaps the greater mass of voting citizens will jump ship and rally around a new party candidate just like you suggest. Perhaps a similar mutiny can occur with all our representatives in Congress as well. Without a doubt, my friend, that is what I intend to do. It certainly is worth a shot.

I used to "think" (and I use that word loosely) it would be great to have a Constitutional Law Scholar in the White House; but now, I'm 100% in favor of a Doctor, Teacher, or Scientist taking that office instead--especially if he knows how to say, "No."

MMmmNACHOS's picture
MMmmNACHOS 11 years 15 weeks ago

Exactly...Sacrafice...My generation - I am 41 - as well as my parents generation (those reaching retirement...Baby Boomers) have no clue what it means to sacrafice. My Grand Parents knew first hand about sacrafice.
If we truely want to stop the evil and vicious cycle of kicking our problems down the road for future generations to suffer by, then...THE BUCK STOPS HERE!!! We need to take responsability for being selfish and greedy, and hold those accountability that are corrupt and commit fraud by buying off government, just so they can live a luxury life and pass the bill onto the middle class.
Don't get me wrong, though I am one of the 99%ers I am not so delusional to think that our countries economic and social issues is to be blammed entirely on the 1%. I believe WE ALL are to blame. 99% + 1% = 100% accountability...This is the "United" States of America. Now I will further say that "Joe the Plumber" didn't collapse the housing market, then again there were ALOT of people signing morgage loans that they themselves knew they could not affoard.
Should a Capitalist System have a certain amount of regulation???The last 30 years is your answer to that question.

DAnneMarc's picture
DAnneMarc 11 years 15 weeks ago
Quote MMmmNACHOS:Are you really going to sit there on you fat ass and think "voting" is our only saving grace? Where the fuck have you been for the last 40 years???Living the American Dream!?!? Well open your eyes and wipe your ass...We the People have a moral and ethical obligation to alter or abolish any government that "becomes destructive" of the principles set forth in the Declaration Of Independence; The EQUAL RIGHT to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

You are absolutely right! However, as a wise man once said, "You get what you pay for." We got stuck with this mess because we either participated in the voting process recklessly, or we didn't participate at all. The vote is as good as it gets, man. It is how we legally abolish our government that becomes destructive. It is the means in the Constitution that the founding fathers put there to ensure that no destructive regime will be able to remain in power indefinitely. It is all the power we need and can afford. Like I said before, if you expand it beyond that then you have an unstable government that can be attacked by anyone for any reason.

Don't get me wrong. I've been looking at what has been going on in the last 40 years just like you have. I have 10 more years than you watching this sad drama play out. In that time I witnessed the horrors of the Vietnam war--both here and over there. Be glad you missed that!

Democracy isn't a preferable Government because it is easy; but rather, because it is hard. It levels the playing field between the rich and the poor and gives the masses a deciding advantage. Dismantling Democracy is exactly what the rich folks want us to do. Don't fall for it. Pure Democracy is the domination of the wealthy few by the poor masses. It is the enemy of the rich. That is why they pour so much money into destroying it.

Stay calm and be clever and together we can easily wrestle back the reins of our Government. The wealthy know that and want you to act out. Then they have a reason to get you. They are overwhelmingly prepared for all sorts of nonsense. You're only hope is to reorganize and rock the vote when it comes up again.

DAnneMarc's picture
DAnneMarc 11 years 15 weeks ago
Quote MMmmNACHOS:This is the "United" States of America. Now I will further say that "Joe the Plumber" didn't collapse the housing market, then again there were ALOT of people signing morgage loans that they themselves knew they could not affoard.

That's for sure. I remember back then doing some work for a home mortgage company that was just starting out. I was approached by a loan officer and propositioned to accept a loan for a house. He asked what I could afford and I told him I pay $525.00/mo rent on a small apartment. I could never afford a house payment. He said, "I can put you in a house for $525.00/mo." I smiled and said, "Thanks, I'll think about it." Actually, I was quite pissed-off because I knew I was just lied to. I never considered pursuing the offer. Thank God. Not only would it have wrecked my credit; but, it would have cost me my sweet little apartment as well. Through responsible perseverance, I was able to save enough money living at the apartment to take advantage of the burst of the housing bubble and buy a house I could afford. Like I said before, you get what you pay for. Patients, resolve, perseverance always pays off in the long run.

Quote MMmmNACHOS:Should a Capitalist System have a certain amount of regulation???The last 30 years is your answer to that question.

In the famous words of Sarah Palin, "You betcha!" Any Capitalist System should be founded on strict regulation--if for no other reason, to protect the Capitalists from themselves.

MMmmNACHOS's picture
MMmmNACHOS 11 years 15 weeks ago

DANNEMARC...I agree with your passive aggrassive approach...And yes reckless voting...more like selfish voting. But and it is a BIG BUT, We the People also have a right to organize rally and take to the streets in protest of a corrupt and reckless Corporate Goverenment that is fully funded by Wall St. Waiting around in hopes of a profound leader to emerge that will truely represent the voice of the Average Jo Blow American is not going to cut it, especially when we have a two teared Justice System that allows Wall St. to get away with Fraud and Murder.

I agree that in a Democratic system voting is the most peaceful way to change what is not good. However that being said it isn't always the most effective. We the People may have to revolt and sacrafice ourselves against a Corporate Government that has become destructive of Rights and Liberties. We can does this by a means of Civil Disobedience and Non Violent Resistance.
One way I am showing my revolt is...I do not shop at Wal Mart; nor do I give my hard earned money to companies that do not pay their lowest paid full time employee a wage that at the least supports the basic cost of living. I do not buy products from companies that are working hard to undermind our quality of food, i.e. Monsantos, DuPont, ConAg. I do not fly the American Flag, I do not support our Military (remember I come from a military familey), and I do not pledge allegence.
True there are somethings, that I have a hard time avoiding, i.e. gasoline, I do own and opperate a landscape buisness, but I try not to purchase from companies whoes buisness practices are reckless and inhumain...Which these days is really hard but not impossable.

DAnneMarc's picture
DAnneMarc 11 years 15 weeks ago

MMmmNACHOS ~ All very good points--especially the ones about boycotting Big Corps. Excellent! I will endevour to follow suit. I have to go run some errands now; but, look forward to tonight's blog. Take care!

MMmmNACHOS's picture
MMmmNACHOS 11 years 15 weeks ago

Alllllright! My wife is on holiday for 2 weeks...She is quiting smoking...three times and hell is a charm! Catch up with you over the weekend.

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