Is Ebola Our Biggest Threat?

Last week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced that the first case of Ebola had been diagnosed in the United States. While the disease is spreading rapidly in several undeveloped African nations, it does not pose the same threat in our nation. In fact, there are much bigger threats to public health.

Despite all its faults, our healthcare system is strong enough to stop the spread of Ebola, and the scary disease doesn't pass from person to person as easily as many other illnesses. To put this health scare in perspective, we must remember that even in third world nations, only a few thousand people have become sick.

At the same time, every year in the United States, hundreds of thousands of Americans die of cancer, diabetes, and heart disease – yet, the public isn't in a panic over those conditions. A new article in the British Medical Journal says that climate change is actually a much larger threat to our species than Ebola, yet we can't even get lawmakers here in the states to agree that global warming is real.

The scare tactics over the Ebola case are nothing more than fear-mongering. We could use this discussion as an opportunity to strengthen our healthcare system, or to point how thousands more people die from shootings in our nation ever year. There may be more people diagnosed with Ebola in our nation, and we should be doing everything we can to stop the disease from spreading. However, let's not lose focus on the many other real threats that we face.

Ebola is scary, but it's not a reason to panic – it's a reason to remember that we've got much bigger threats when it comes to saving our species.


tom kauser 9 years 42 weeks ago

i would like to make a point about worsts and add Battelle or better yet the executive board of Battelle to be a much bigger evil. you are obviousily unaware about how the conduit between public and private funding for drug research is controlled by this non profit research institute. Battelle is that transfer agent. The board controls were the money goes and who gets it. Having The OHIO STATE UNVERSITY accross the street ensures a steady flow of young minds to tackle the worlds problems. Rand/Darpa/OSU/Lockheed/NWO/BATTELLE. This system is closed and all about PROFIT

stecoop01's picture
stecoop01 9 years 42 weeks ago

The biggest threat from Ebola is the paranoia and panic that is being generated; people will be discriminated against, injured, or even killed, just because they're suspected of having Ebola. In the United States, you're more likely to contract Typhoid or Cholerea (both potentially lethal diseases) than Ebola, but the fear mongers are fanning the flames of the current fear-du-jour. It's really sad what lengths these people will go to; and Rush Scumbaugh's statement is the worst.

These days, it seems, humanity pursues, and even embraces, the REAL Four Horsemen Of The Apocolypse: Arrogance, Greed, Paranoia, and Hatred.

When will it end?

Palindromedary's picture
Palindromedary 9 years 42 weeks ago

US Biowarfare companies set up shop in Western Africa and experiment on the local inhabitants?

Quote Liberian Observer:Ebola, AIDS Manufactured by Western Pharmaceuticals, US DoD?
Tue, 09/09/2014 - 09:59 admin
Scientists Allege
Dr. Cyril Broderick, Professor of Plant Pathology

DAnneMarc's picture
DAnneMarc 9 years 42 weeks ago

Palindromedary ~ If they really want to reduce the population in Africa, why don't they just voluntarily hand out birth control pills and condoms? It seems to me the cost would be about the same and there would be no suffering and loss. Although, it would make sense if they wanted to perfect a new weapon. Again, the military industrial complex demonstrates why it has to go.

Thanks for those links. Most provocative.

aphrodite's picture
aphrodite 9 years 42 weeks ago

You know what I think is a much bigger danger than ebola? And not just to the US but to the world? The thought of Republicans taking control of Congress in November. That scares me, ebola doesn't.

aphrodite's picture
aphrodite 9 years 42 weeks ago

Limbaugh's comment...actually more like a screamed pronouncement...that Obama is purposely bringing ebola to the US in order to kill white people is beyond the pale. I hope that the rest of his sponsors drop him over this. And I hope someone realizes that comments like that are designed to undermine our government and destroy our President...and that is tantamount to treason.

DAnneMarc's picture
DAnneMarc 9 years 42 weeks ago

Aphrodite ~ In my opinion 'treason' is allowed in this country because We The People voted to make it legal when we let Tricky Dick walk out of office with a presidential pardon from his own Vice President. That set a nasty precedent that 'some people' were above the law. Since then all manner of malfeasances has been committed in that high office with complete impunity. This sets up the vast stage we have today where anyone with "politically correct" blessing from the mainstream media establishment can get away literally with murder. We have dug ourselves a deep hole in this country and the only way out of it is to start holding our highest elected officials fully accountable for their actions. It's too late with Tricky Dick and Reagan; however, there is nothing stopping us from going after G W Bush, Dick Cheney, and Barack Obama. Until these war criminals stand trial for their horrific deeds there is no hope of ever dealing with the small fry; and, that is exactly what Limpballs is. For he, as well as the big fish, are all protected under the awnings of the same umbrella.

RichardofJeffersonCity's picture
RichardofJeffer... 9 years 42 weeks ago

Malnutrition is an epidemic in the US with 3 million children living in food deprived house holds. 2000 to 3000 elder die each year from malnutrition, according to a livestrong article.

Normally, when the government pushes the media to create a distraction for the public like Ebola; a citizenry should look, very close, at what legislation is being considered in congress at the same time.

Don't take you eye off the ball.

Aliceinwonderland's picture
Aliceinwonderland 9 years 42 weeks ago

Reply to aphrodite’s post #5: I’m with you. A Repli-con Congress scares me more than ebola. WAY more.

Reply to aphrodite’s post #6: Regarding Rush Limpballs, I’m amazed that nut case is still on the air. It intrigues me how one little expletive can get you banned from the public airwaves, yet these right-wing hate mongers can spout off their disgusting, paranoid racist rants unimpeded. How is that not a double standard? - AIW

Neutrino's picture
Neutrino 9 years 42 weeks ago

Absolutely! This isn't about being an alarmist, its about a virulent virus with the potential to be another epidemic similar to the Spanish flu of 1918. Any of you who do not understand virus' should read some academic material in microbiology. I was in the initial battle of the HIV epidemic in the early 80's. Saw many friends and people die. At the time, there wasn't enough information on how the virus was transmitted yet understood. When the nature of the virus was understood. transmission of bodily fluids by direct contact or blood. As time progressed, the HIV virus was far less virulent then the Ebola virus. Why? As a person involved in hospice care, I never worried if someone sneezed or coughed unless there was blood but even then it was by direct contact or transmission into my system. The HIV virus didn't live long outside the host like the Ebola virus. The chances of getting HIV from someone by kissing is probably less than 1% unlike the Ebola virus where you can get if the person is contagious by touching the fluids of a person and breathing in the potential virus. I believe the government, CDC, NH and those leading physicians are down playing how dangerous and lethal this virus is. In all my years of dealing with AIDS patients, never did I have to wear a HAZMAT suit and over my with face and head with the top of the line goggles and head gear. And even bleach all the clothing of those ill. Never.

I believe many of you are taking this all to lightly.

Neutrino's picture
Neutrino 9 years 42 weeks ago

Finally, the outbreak of Ebola, along with human enterovirus, west nile virus and a host of others, I strongly believe have much to do with climate change. As a native American, I realized early in my life that this nation was on a long and dangerous path to the imbalance of nature. But who would listened any of us any way? Initially the European brought us all your diseases to rid us of the America's only to proclaim the America's "were found". Maybe there is such a thing as karma. You are just beginning to see the result of your greed, hate and disrespect!

Lloyd Lutterman's picture
Lloyd Lutterman 9 years 42 weeks ago

Is elite globalist next attempt at race war in America, which media consumers are swallowing hook, line and sinker. Fearing fellow humans of a different shade of skin tone. These racist fascist around this town can't think without neo-con media telling them what to think, who to hate.

Palindromedary's picture
Palindromedary 9 years 42 weeks ago

DAnneMarc: I don't think it really has much to do with reducing the population of Africa but more about experimenting on poor blacks in Africa that not many people in the world is going to complain about much. Remember the Tuskegee syphilis experiments? And I don't think passing out free condoms would do any good anyway. The Africans (males anyway) would not put up with them. Some more enlighten ones might but the masses of relatively uneducated ones wouldn't. Although, the primary reason may not necessarily be to depopulate Africa...I don't think those who are doing the experiments would find it a bad side effect...kill two birds with one to speak. I think that such things as AIDS and Ebola are the results of biological warfare labs that have used recombinant DNA to create these diseases and they have failed to contain it. It is also very telling that AIDS had popped up, in the 80's only in those locations where Gays were getting inoculated for Hepatitus B by the World Health Organizations.

Palindromedary's picture
Palindromedary 9 years 42 weeks ago

aphrodite: It scares me even more that the Democrats might gain the power. The Democrats are no better than the Republicans...perhaps worse...because they do the bidding of the ruling elite...just like the Republicans do...except they have so many people fooled into believing that they are going to change things for the betterment of the constituents that voted for them. There really is no difference between the Republicans and the Democrats....just different window dressing...they both work for the ruling elite...the corporations...Wall Street...and the Bankster...and especially the Military Industrial Complex. Look how these manipulators have once again steered people into being ok with spending all that money on killing people in their newest war in the Middle East. If it isn't false horror stories of Iraqi soldiers bayoneting babies from incubators or throwing them out the windows of the hospital (Bush 1) it's a Neocon created 9/11. Now, it's ISIS beheading a few westerners! Americans are such fraidy cat pushovers.

dollymajig's picture
dollymajig 9 years 42 weeks ago

No, Ebola is NOT our 'greatest' threat That's a tossup between the Military Inydustrial Complex, the Medical Industrial Complex, the Prison Industrial Complex, and , largely, billionaire inheritors in general. We have to find a way to neutralize these ?people.

Palindromedary's picture
Palindromedary 9 years 42 weeks ago

Think of it this way...Limpballs is part of the psi-wars against the American people that the ruling elite is conducting. The ruling elite wants us to vote for one of the two main parties that run this country...Republican or Democrat. They certainly don't want the people to massively riot against them like has happened in other countries. So Limpballs and his ilk creates the propaganda that many dummies may believe...and they'll most likely vote Republican. But it's really a two edge sword. The other edge is used to scare people into voting Democrat, because the Republican talk scares them, so they vote Democrat. But that's not going to help us, the 99%, out one bit. The ruling elite wants you to either vote Republican or Democrat. If we all voted Green or even better, Communist (if that party was allowed to even run for political office in the US). It would scare the bejesus out of the ruling elite and they might see fit to change their ways a little. If it doesn't happen that way, then I'm afraid that we will all eventually have to take more drastic they have done in other countries that have gone through revolutions. And that would get pretty messy. We have to show the Democrats, and their puppet masters, that we are no longer going to be fooled nor will we keep playing their game of bait and switch. They bait us with progressive and liberal sounding speeches and the specter of "what if the Republicans gained more control" then switch to their real different than the Republicans, after they get elected.

Palindromedary's picture
Palindromedary 9 years 42 weeks ago

Neutrino: I agree with you. If Ebola virus is so "hard to get" then how did those doctors become infected? They wore hazmat suits and face masks and gloves. How did they get infected even after taking all of the precautions that they knew they had to take...washing down with a disinfectant in their hazmat suits before they got out of them and then using disinfectant on their bodies after they got out of their hazmat suits. They even had to step into a container of disinfectant upon entering the contaminated area and before leaving.

It's not just kissing, sex, or other things that transfers bodily fluids...even shaking hands...the sweat from the palms can transfer the virus. Those viruses can be left on door knobs or faucet handles in public rest rooms. They are, arguably, not living organisms till they connect to a person or animal's cells. You can't kill them with antibiotics after they get into the body. Antibiotics only work to kill bacteria...not viruses. You can't kill them with RAID before they get into the body. ;-} All you can do is wash them off with soap and water before you transfer them into your body. I'm wondering if Ebola can get into the body through our largest organ...the skin. Then, perhaps into the blood stream. If Ebola can be found in the water vapor from
a carrier of Ebola's exhalations and a nearby person inhales that water vapor...then perhaps it can be transmitted "through the air".

We are being attacked all the time by various bacteria and viruses and the body can usually fight them off. It usually depends upon the level of exposure and how healthy a person is (the condition of the immune system) when exposed as well as the toxicity of the kind of contaminant. Bacteria exhibit characteristics of living things, even outside of the body, and can be "killed". Viruses can't be killed because they don't exhibit characteristics of living things outside of the body. When they attach to cells in the body, they start to exhibit living characteristics...replicating and often going through a metamorphosis into different strains . Some strains can be more lethal, others may not not be lethal. The Ebola Reston virus in the lab in Reston, Virginia accident turned out to be not as lethal as other strains that were occuring in Africa at the time. Those lab workers who were contaminated didn't die and they were able to quickly get it under control. I understand that they had to burn the whole lab and the Macaque monkeys, from the Philippines, that they were using to conduct the tests.

Quote to the newest taxonomy of The International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV), in the genus Ebolavirus there are five recognized species: Zaire ebolavirus, Sudan ebolavirus, Taï Forest ebolavirus (formerly Côte d’Ivoire ebolavirus), Bundibugyo ebolavirus and Reston ebolavirus. Reston ebolavirus is the only species apathogenic for humans.
The 2014 outbreak in West Africa is definitely the largest and most complex Ebola outbreak since the discovery of the virus in 1976. There have been more cases and deaths in this outbreak than all others combined. In September 2014 there were a total of 5347 confirmed Ebola cases, 3095 laboratory confirmed cases and 2630 deaths, and the outbreak was still ongoing.

richinfolsom 9 years 42 weeks ago

I appreciate Thim's comments! Indeed, the odds of wining lotto are better than contracting Ebola or being killed in the United States by an ISIS terrorist. It is far more likely that you or I might be killed by a drunk driver or gun fire randomly sprayed by a semi automatic weapon into a group of college kids partying near a beautiful Santa Barbara beach. 100 people (average) died in auto accidents today, half of which involved alcohol.

The unfolding of human events in West Africa, a bewildered continent of westn neglect and abuse. Overcome by civil war with untold, needless loss of death, starvation, cure able childhood disease of deadly poverty. For a brief moment the world will but a moment call our ADHD attention to the realty of their scant existence. No medicine. No sanitation. No education of society.

As the millionaire anchors read their scripts from highly secure, high rise studios, the reality hit hard! We are witnessing live the perpetual fulfillment of the dark ages - the days of the plague and the brutal, warring factions of the rich and the zealots continue on their path of eternal war.

Aliceinwonderland's picture
Aliceinwonderland 9 years 42 weeks ago

Richinfolsom, I concur. Well said. - AIW

Palindromedary's picture
Palindromedary 9 years 42 weeks ago

From the same "expert" doctors who have said that the Hospital that treated Thomas Eric Duncan was a "first class" hospital, who now says that they didn't think it would be a good idea to shut off passengers coming to the US from West African countries, just how right can they be if that "first class" hospital sent Duncan away the first time even after he had told them that he had just come from West Africa, had all the signs of Ebola? Sure doesn't look like a "first class" hospital to me. And if that hospital was considered a "first class" hospital...what about all of those other hospitals that may not be "first class" hospitals? Maybe those same people would have said that checking everyone coming into the country for signs of Ebola was going too far?

Now Spain has an Ebola case. I've heard reports even on main stream news...and not Fox news either...that this is a rapidly spreading disease that could wind up infecting millions of people. But, if you fancy yourself as rather level-headed and are being very "adult" about this maybe you should just go shopping....but I think I'll just try to stay away from the public for a while...physically anyway. You know, maybe that's why people keep voting for Democrats or Republicans even though they both keep screwing us...they think they are being "level-headed" and sensible. How did Obama work out for you the first time? The second time? So, they threw some people a carrot...ACA (originally a Republican plan that, in addition, wrote into law that Medicare cannot take advantage of bulk prices...they have to pay whatever price the pharmaceuticals want to charge). I guess it works for some people anyway. What about the costly wars that Obama continues to wage. And what about increase government secrecy and prosecution of whistleblowers and a government that favors rich people and screws the rest of us. What about massive spying on us? And I'd bet that no matter how badly Democrats may talk him down now...if it were possible for him to run a third time...I'd bet the same dummies would continue to vote for him because they'd be so scared of a Republican President. And it is not just Obama but all of Congress...the Congress has something like an 8% approval yet these crooks continue to be reelected. So it was the last time and so would it be again. Talk about continually repeating the same stupid things over and over again and expecting different results. Shear folly!

Now, there is another hemorrhagic disease making it's rounds...Marburg Hemorrhagic Disease....another big killer similar to Ebola. It comes from the same family as Ebola. It has about an 80% lethality. It does the same thing that Ebola does...causes the organs to turn to mush and bleeding out of every oriface ...including pores of the skin.

Since Ebola or Marburg, not to mention the other similar diseases, has the same symptoms as a common cold or influenza, if hospitals are swamped with people thinking they might have Ebola...I wonder how many who are actually infected with Ebola will fall through the cracks. The health care professional will ask "have you been to West Africa or been in contact with someone who has recently been there?" And most will probably say no. But, how do they know? The next case might be from people who never even knew someone who had been in West Africa..but who had touched the same things...perhaps sneezed on maybe even from behind in a crowded bus or theater or grocery store. Not many people are very fanatically diligent enough to wash their hands after they touch things. Sure, maybe after going to the bathroom...or before eating..they wash their hands but what about the faucet handles or the restroom door handles...what about anything and everything in public that people can touch? Lots of people get itchy noses and rub them or worse with their fingers. Children are not usually very conscious of washing their hands frequently. Is your nose, just now, starting to get itchy? Don't you feel like rubbing it to stop the itch?

So, the health care worker will undoubtedly dismiss patients just because they have not been in W. Africa nor have known, or knowingly come in contact with, someone who has been in W. Africa. Maybe someone has just flown in from some other Spain....or France...and think they are safe because it wasn't W. Africa. But someone from W. Africa can fly to Spain or France, contaminate someone else who flies to the US.

DAnneMarc's picture
DAnneMarc 9 years 42 weeks ago
Quote Palindromedary:The next case might be from people who never even knew someone who had been in West Africa..but who had touched the same things...perhaps sneezed on maybe even from behind in a crowded bus or theater or grocery store. Not many people are very fanatically diligent enough to wash their hands after they touch things. Sure, maybe after going to the bathroom...or before eating..they wash their hands but what about the faucet handles or the restroom door handles...what about anything and everything in public that people can touch? Lots of people get itchy noses and rub them or worse with their fingers. Children are not usually very conscious of washing their hands frequently. Is your nose, just now, starting to get itchy? Don't you feel like rubbing it to stop the itch?

Palindromedary ~ "Aaachoo!!" Calm down and relax! You are really getting a little too excited about this uber rare and isolated incident. I highly doubt that anything serious is going to come of it; and, if it does, it won't be any time soon. Even if something disastrous were to occur, simply staying home would be protection enough. Finally, if something were to occur that might affect you--as far away from Texas as you live--you would have plenty of time to see it coming.

Personally, I'm much more afraid of the overreaction that our government would have to contain such a pandemic outbreak. Remember the Boston marathon and the instant police state. I'm quite sure that hopeless little virus would be instantly surrounded, out manned and out gunned. So would all the people who might be affected. There would be overnight concentration/death triages/camps set up in a generously wide perimeter around any area suspect and everyone inside would instantly lose all their civil rights, property, and freedom regardless of their health or health risk. If I were you I'd be more concerned about what is going on in Washington DC, Syria, and Fukushima than what's happening in the Philippines, Africa, or Texas.

At times like this we need to remind ourselves that we have already met the enemy and know quite well who they are; and, they are US.

Of course, the choice is up to you. They are your precious paranoid prognostications to enjoy and you should enjoy them anyway you see fit. Here is to our sacred human rights of freedom and choice. Enjoy them while you can! Cheers!

DAnneMarc's picture
DAnneMarc 9 years 42 weeks ago

This might be a bit off topic, but this ebola story is sucking up too much attention that could be better spent elsewhere. I'd like to suggest some topics that bother me much more and are much more likely to affect all of our lives in the months and years ahead.

1) The first is "Civil Forfeiture Laws" and how out of hand they are. Here is an interesting piece by John Oliver and Forbes Magazine that sum up what is taking place right now all across the country right under our noses. I'd suggest everyone check this out because you might learn about it the hard way after you, or someone you care about, becomes another victim. At the rate this problem is getting out of hand, that event is only a matter of time.

2) The second is "Walmart". As you know, walmart is responsible for running many local businesses out of business. It is also responsible for overburdening our social safety net and influencing our politicians. Did you also know that it is destroying our high end businesses as well. Walmart is a serious contributor to our unemployment problem and in this article which interviews former managers from companies that did business with Walmart in the past, their technique of destroying their own supply base is exposed for all to see. Most provocative reading indeed. The gist of the article is that "we are shopping our way straight to the unemployment line." This is another issue that must be dealt with in a timely fashion to save what is left or our economy.

Palindromedary's picture
Palindromedary 9 years 42 weeks ago
Quote DAnneMarc:"Aaachoo!!"
Oh, no, man...I felt that on the back of my neck! Those little critters are crawling out of my computer monitor even as we speak!

Quote DAnneMarc:Personally, I'm much more afraid of the overreaction that our government would have to contain such a pandemic outbreak. Remember the Boston marathon and the instant police state. I'm quite sure that hopeless little virus would be instantly surrounded, out manned and out gunned. So would all the people who might be affected. There would be overnight concentration/death triages/camps set up in a generously wide perimeter around any area suspect and everyone inside would instantly lose all their civil rights, property, and freedom regardless of their health or health risk. If I were you I'd be more concerned about what is going on in Washington DC, Syria, and Fukushima than what's happening in the Philippines, Africa, or Texas.

Aw, man, you're scarin' me now!!! I think maybe I'll start diggin' my fall out shelter tomorrow! ;-}

I heard that this was starting to be a really big problem...dirty cops shaking motorists down for any cash they have in their wallets. Getting to be as bad as Mexico. Highway robbery is all the rage now in the U.S. And if you're a woman, you're lucky the cash is all they take. But, I suspect there are at least a few crooked Gay cops out look matter who your are! I watched the movie "We're the Millers" so now I know. Maybe it would be a good idea to have a couple of video cameras in the car to record police misconduct. Then put the videos on YouTube...but, they'd probably just turn around and sue you for violating their privacy rights. And with the crooked lawyers and crooked court system they would probably get away with it.

Running out of gas, running out of water (in some places), running out of money. Running out of everything. Think I'll run down to the local Walmart and see if they will hire me. ;-0 Just kidding!

Palindromedary's picture
Palindromedary 9 years 42 weeks ago

DAnneMarc: I read that article and watched the video...yee gads!! That is much worse than I I don't even want to drive my car anywhere. But, they can still steal my house while I'm sitting in it, couldn't they? Margarita machines? I guess if the cops don't get their quota of actual traffic violations...they stop people anyway and confiscate their cash.

They are obviously forcing people to not carry rely on credit cards. But then every time you use your credit card they have a record of every single thing you buy...and that is no bodies business....which is why I usually always pay cash for darn near everything. They are also forcing people to financing buying new cars instead of using cash. Forcing people to have to pay interest rates. Man, this country is really starting to suck...big time! Crooked cops, crooked government, crooked judges, crooked lawyers.

By the way, I hear there is yet another person with Ebola symptoms being quarantined in a hospital in of the 3 deputy sheriffs who first went to Duncan's home. They went unprotected and now one has the symptoms.

DAnneMarc's picture
DAnneMarc 9 years 42 weeks ago

Palindromedary ~ Unfortunately I have to agree with you--this place is really starting to stink. It almost seems like it's cursed, if you could believe that. Bad karma, probably from what happened to the Native Americans? What comes around goes around? Its just so bad that it is hard to rationalize that it is not by some kind of design. However, I have to believe there is a solution to every problem. The main problem though is that there are so many huge little problems that it is almost impossible to even get started fixing anything. I don't know about you buddy, but there comes a time when even the most loyal crew has no choice but to consider abandoning ship. At this stage of the game, beach front property in Costa Rica or Panama is looking mighty tempting. Civil forfeiture is definitely one of the last straws that could make that decision a reality for a lot of good people; and, this country can't afford to lose any more of its good people. Just look around you on the freeway at rush hour, or in line at Walmart, and you can see we are really running low on decent, educated, responsible citizens. Do you ever wonder how many Americans already made that move to other countries? You certainly aren't going to hear any news about that topic on the main stream media. That would make the establishment look bad. However, I've heard from some sources that there are budding communities of American refugees showing up en masse in many countries. What I would give to be a fly on the wall when those Americans get together and discuss their old home. I once ran into a gentlemen in Mexico who was a retired American living in Jalisco and we had a long talk. This was back when GW was in office. He mentioned "what was going on back there" and the fact that this was why he moved out of the country when he did just shortly after 9/11. However, he just said, "you know why, lets not spoil our conversation discussing it further." So I left it at that. Of course, things weren't quite that bad back then; and, at the time, I must confess that I though of him as a quitter. I'm having second thoughts now. I wonder how bad it will get before we all jump ship? Maybe the world community can fence off this nation and use it as a penal colony. If things continue the way they are going the idea of having to be caged here with all the corruption and criminals who run the place will surely serve as a crime deterrent for most rational people; and, for those who aren't discouraged, they will feel right at home here. A win win situation for everyone as long as we "cut and run" before they build the fence. Food for thought!

Palindromedary's picture
Palindromedary 9 years 42 weeks ago

Just don't get caught trying to take money out of the country. Some Central American had come to the US a number of years ago to earn enough money to ...I think it was to start a small restaurant back in his home country. He had slaved away for years and finally took the plunge. He tried to take his savings back over the border but was caught. It was something like $50,000 I think. The authorities confiscated the money and sent the guy back home without the money. Welcome to Amerika! Land of illusions of freedom and democracy and the illusion that if you work really hard and be very frugal you too can make it. Well, some might but many don't. Many just get it stolen from them by the people that are suppose to protect us from theft. I'm not very confident that even our saving accounts are safe from these criminals...if not the hackers...then the bankers or the cops.

Palindromedary's picture
Palindromedary 9 years 42 weeks ago

Here's Deputy Lee Dove in Nevada who stopped a guy doing 78 in a 75 mph limit. He searches the car without permission and finds $50,000 that the driver said he won in Las Vegas. The cop just stole his money and it is all on video.

Here's a NY man who loses $160,000 to a state trooper.

NJ man traveling thru Tennessee...$25,000 stolen by police.

DAnneMarc's picture
DAnneMarc 9 years 41 weeks ago

Palindromedary ~ Thanks for those links. This is a really eye opening story. If you ask me, the people who wrote this law need to be brought up on criminal charges. Not only did they legalize stealing, they also blatantly violated the Constitution when they did it. The law makers are the ones who should stand trial for this. Then, the state should be held responsible for paying back every dime taken where a crime wasn't charged and proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Anything less is nothing less than legalized crime; or, organized crime at the highest level.

Aliceinwonderland's picture
Aliceinwonderland 9 years 41 weeks ago

Marc, if everyone who has ever written bad laws was brought up on criminal charges, the courts would be flooded with such cases. Much as I'd love to see that happen, I am not holding my breath. There are laws giving police license to steal your house, your car, etc. with no evidence of any crime, no charge or trial. Even in the case of drugs being found, it does not justify cops stealing everything you have. This is but one example, but a good one. - AIW

stecoop01's picture
stecoop01 9 years 41 weeks ago

I learned today that, in Indianapolis, there have been 27 police vehicles stolen or broken into so far this year. Perhaps someone has figured out that turnabout is fair play.

Palindromedary's picture
Palindromedary 9 years 41 weeks ago

I suppose the police must think that no one would dare do such a thing and are careless. I've seen cop cars stopped at a residence in cities where they left their doors wide open with the motor running and the rifle still between the seats. My thought then was someone could easily jump in and steal the car or anything in the car. I guess, at least, in Indianapolis, that has happened...27 times. But, most late model cars now have a way to easily and immediately track down a stolen vehicle through gps. It costs for the service but I'm sure the police would have no problem tracking down their stolen vehicles.

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David C. Korten, author of When Corporations Rule the World and Agenda for A New Economy
From Unequal Protection, 2nd Edition:
"Beneath the success and rise of American enterprise is an untold history that is antithetical to every value Americans hold dear. This is a seminal work, a godsend really, a clear message to every citizen about the need to reform our country, laws, and companies."
Paul Hawken, coauthor of Natural Capitalism and author of The Ecology of Commerce
From Cracking the Code:
"Thom Hartmann ought to be bronzed. His new book sets off from the same high plane as the last and offers explicit tools and how-to advice that will allow you to see, hear, and feel propaganda when it's directed at you and use the same techniques to refute it. His book would make a deaf-mute a better communicator. I want him on my reading table every day, and if you try one of his books, so will you."
Peter Coyote, actor and author of Sleeping Where I Fall