Are Students To Blame For The Growing Debt Crisis?

John Olen is writing at and asking - are college grads really at fault for massive student loan debt?

He writes that it’s clear to almost all Americans, including our elected leaders, that the student loan debt issue is getting worse and worse.

More loans are going into default as graduating students have a difficult time paying off debts because they can’t find jobs.

Many Conservatives argue that if you took the loan, you have to pay it back, even if it’s hard to pay it back - because there aren’t any good paying jobs anymore.

Olen uses the example of Columbus, Ohio which once was a great city known for its amazing job opportunities.

Flash forward to present day and now the city’s poor and nearly poor population has risen 50 percent between 2000 and 2013.

So - Are our children responsible for student debt when conservatives have ruined the economy?

Maybe they should send an invoice for the their debt to every conservative congressperson….


pyrn10t's picture
pyrn10t 8 years 6 weeks ago

the elite/powerful and many in both parties want socalled free slaves. Encumbered with so much debt that they have to work 2 jobs to survive.

elinor roosevelt 8 years 6 weeks ago

The government is responsible for these debts and also Wall Street ! In just over 20 years our College's have had their tuitions go up over 2,000% !! My own Alma mater has gone up this much and it is called "Humboldt State University" in the area where I still live up in rural northern California. It is horrendous! My daughter went back to HSU to get her Masters Degree and had to take out almost $40,000 in loans in order to accomplish this. She, after receiving her Masters degree has a 3,000 hour committment to work at so she can become licensed for the state. While this is going on she is paying back her loan.

bigdan2005's picture
bigdan2005 8 years 6 weeks ago

They need to do something about this form of slavey, before it is to late. Millions and millions of anger student are going to reach a breaking point. Then it will be to late and the US will experience a second revolution. "When the goverment no longer repersents the people , it becomes the dutie of the people to throw down that goverment. "

radiator81's picture
radiator81 8 years 6 weeks ago

Everything in this country is about Greed and Money. Even in Mexico, students can get free education. I worked in a language school with 20 somethings that have no debt. The public institutions are Free. Yes, Free or almost free. There were a variety of professionals. Private schools costs a bit, but nothing compared to the U.S. And guess what, they have health care too. So what the hell is going on here?

I was fortunate to get most of my education paid for by employers. I had no debt. This situation is totally a class war. The haves and the have nots. I say bail. This country is toast. I encourage the young ones I meet to leave. There is nothing here for them anymore. Much less any of us, unless of course you are in the 1 per cent.

Adios America!

cccccttttt 8 years 6 weeks ago

There is an affordable middle ground between free college for all

and the crippling debt students now acquire.

US government posts a list of needed skills for next five years.

It then gives free quarter of tuition to students who enroll in such programs.

Each subsequent quarter that grades are maintained is also free.

Let the remainder of students pay dearly for life of sleeping late, attending a few

humanities classes by day, and serious socializing by night.


kilzok's picture
kilzok 8 years 6 weeks ago

Regarding the increase in the population of the countrys poor. I would like to hear Thom compare the Republican destruction of Detroit with what is happening to Chicago.

Kend's picture
Kend 8 years 6 weeks ago

The best way to get rid of debt is good jobs. Unfortunately the Leader those students picked isn't very good at producing them. He scares the heck out of those who produce them. A vote for Hillary will keep you in your basement for four more years and interest building up on your debt. What we really need is less arts students and more tech degrees. By the amount of Bernie supporters I don't see that happening any time soon.

Willie W's picture
Willie W 8 years 6 weeks ago

Students need more guidance in career choices and school choices. That Ivy League experience is not for everyone; nor is it necessary.

pleinaire3's picture
pleinaire3 8 years 6 weeks ago

A The cost of not providing free education through graduate school far exceeds the cost and benefits of keeping university tuition costs at the staggaring level they are today.

A more highly educated population:

  • will bring higher revenues and productivity a to our economy.
  • will make growth through technolgly and innovation.
  • invoke accelerating scientific advancements
  • will bring greater adaptation and flexibility for the changing nature of production and job required skills.

We can not afford not to provide free education and pay off student debt. Keep the promise of Horace Mann.

Ou812's picture
Ou812 8 years 6 weeks ago

"An excellent plumber is infinitely more admirable than an incompetent philosopher. The society which scorns excellence in plumbing because plumbing is a humble activity, and tolerates shoddiness in philosophy because it is an exalted activity, will have neither good plumbing nor good philosophy. Neither its pipes nor it's theories will hold water.".

John W. Gardner, Excellence: Can we be Equal and Excellent Too?

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